w h i t e r a b b i t s vs. A n t i - S c r u b
TWD - TWD Basing
Match Info
Winner: whiterabbits Date: 2003-01-22
Score: 150892 - 39456 Start Time: 4:12 PM
Level: Trench Wars Divisions
Type: TWD Basing
A n t i - S c r u b
Name Ship Wins Losses Points Lagouts
Bluedandy spider 23989
Chewy! spider 5031
Hawkes shark 1658
Holydude javelin 6083
Lt. Mick spider 3782
MadWorld spider 7038
Mootland Farmer 1077
Nosey terrier 1781
Totals 50439
What's up really with these scores?
I know for a fact she didn't get 23989 points in that game.
w h i t e r a b b i t s vs. A n t i - S c r u b
TWD - TWD Basing
Match Info
Winner: whiterabbits Date: 2003-01-22
Score: 150892 - 39456 Start Time: 4:12 PM
Level: Trench Wars Divisions
Type: TWD Basing
A n t i - S c r u b
Name Ship Wins Losses Points Lagouts
Bluedandy spider 23989
Chewy! spider 5031
Hawkes shark 1658
Holydude javelin 6083
Lt. Mick spider 3782
MadWorld spider 7038
Mootland Farmer 1077
Nosey terrier 1781
Totals 50439
What's up really with these scores?
I know for a fact she didn't get 23989 points in that game.