New rule not effective immediately. This is a heads up to any and all squads --If you continually recruit the same TWD banned player, or multiple TWD banned players, then your squad captain(s) will be punished. If after punishment it continues, then the squad may be dissolved.
This rule will be put into place in a few days, so boot your evading players now. The rule won't effect 95% of people that play TWD so most people need not worry. If you have suspicions about a player on your squad, or a player requesting to join your squad, contact a TWD op via help prior to them joining if possible. The rule is mostly designed around the 2-3 players that don't realize we'll make every effort to keep catching them and hinder those that are helping them do so.
This rule will be put into place in a few days, so boot your evading players now. The rule won't effect 95% of people that play TWD so most people need not worry. If you have suspicions about a player on your squad, or a player requesting to join your squad, contact a TWD op via help prior to them joining if possible. The rule is mostly designed around the 2-3 players that don't realize we'll make every effort to keep catching them and hinder those that are helping them do so.