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TWD Player Stats

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  • TWD Player Stats

    Updating needs some work:

    Games are recorded on players profile - Kills, Deaths etc are not updated.

    Players recent games are not updated.



  • #2
    it is not updating to players who stayed on roster b4 the TWD break down

    if u re-roster yourself after that break down your scores actually updates
    9 TWL Titles - 5 TWLJ 3 TWLD 1 TWLB

    4:Akuun> Did Neth tell u about his Sims game?
    4:Nimrook> No?
    4:Nethila> omfg.. i have babies with your girl in Sims!
    4:Nimrook> ooo.. well i understand Neth, it's not your fault that u cannot make real ones.. cause u were born like that.. i guess u will have to make babies in your Sims game
    4:Akuun> ROFL
    4:Akuun> Hahahahahaha
    4:Thundermare> Neth = owned
    4:Nimrook> lol

    3:Zell> popped boners a couple of times, couldnt aim at the cue ball


    • #3
      Uhm... Your scores do update... Just because it doesn't include the time of the game... and instead puts 0000-000-000--00-00-0-0- as date/time... they do not see that as the last game...
      So if you still have games with dates attached to them, he keps showing those scores as to the site it is the most recent game since it is close to today then the 0000-0-0-0-0-0-0 games...

      So please include the time again. :P
      TWLM-J Champion Season 8 :wub:
      TWLM-D Champion Season 9 <_<
      TWLM-B Champion Season 10 :pirate2:
      First person to win all different TWLM'ers :greedy:


      • #4
        My main focus along with Milosh was to get the main parts/ladders on the site going so that twd actually ran and squads got their ratings etc...

        Currently im being hounded to help finish a new TWL site by the end of next month, i promise after that (or if i need a break while trying to finish the TWL site for a little while) that i will work again on these parts of the profile...

        PubBot8> Going to 69 :greedy:

        Jacklyn> I'll play with this clit thing later
        Dr.Coiff> i've played with it

        3:Mirror <ZH>> fly around and boom blow everyone up


        • #5
          Let's get an "On the move"- section for TWD as well.
          Originally Posted by HeavenSent
          You won't have to wait another 4 years.
          There wont be another election for president.
          Obama is the Omega President.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Da1andonly View Post
            Let's get an "On the move"- section for TWD as well.
            Yes please!
            (Paradise)>dj sage
            (HELLZNO!)>is he good, ive never heard his music
            1: Dynasty> LOL
            1:vue> LOL
            1:Cap> LOOL


            • #7
              that would be total spam when you have squads like serenity, savanger, gianttiger, nc17 global etc dissolving, recruiting everyday and having ppl leave everyday

              real talk, just do 'on the move' for top 5 squads or something if you plan to have it
              1:Ease> i probably am gay
              1:Ease> i just haven't realized it yet


              • #8
                crazy idea

                Was thinking maybe a update to the overall standings???
                or a top 10 of each ship would be killer . instead of just a-z =/
                like use the old elim ratio for wb,jav,spider,lancaster, etc,
                shark and terr, maybe a different kind of ratio. maybe incorporate # of wins
                or something, the overall just sucks, never liked it pointless.

                food for thought.


