Hello Arobasplus!
Since you are such a good coder and volunteer, I have a simple idea for you that could make miracles to twd.
Let's make something out of Rating and the MVP criteria.
There are a few ideas i have on how the rating could be calculated.
1) We could annoy some people and do it the way the rating is calculated for squads in TWD, that this after win/loss. So let's say both players are at 1000 rating. The idea is that suppose player A with rating 1000 kills player B in a twdd, A gains +25 rat, while player B losses -25 rat. You could reward a killer with additional points if he knocks enemy down. So, if a 1100 rat player will die to 900 rat player, he will suffer a greater loss of points. It would work just the same as in squad vs. squad in TWD. This method would depict a real mvp, not the one that simply has more kills. This idea is simple to code, but surely is flawed because if a good player plays dies like 7 times to a low rat player, he would bounce from top to bottom.
2) 2nd idea, which is far more complex and is stolen from chaos/league 4v4 pracs. I will just quote it for you, because I am sure you are good with numbers. So, here's the link:
I would be grateful if you even considered working on a competitive rating system, which would open a completely new dimention to TWD gameplay in terms of climbing rating's top with consistent, strong play!
Cheers and have a good day, Arobasplus
Since you are such a good coder and volunteer, I have a simple idea for you that could make miracles to twd.

Let's make something out of Rating and the MVP criteria.
There are a few ideas i have on how the rating could be calculated.
1) We could annoy some people and do it the way the rating is calculated for squads in TWD, that this after win/loss. So let's say both players are at 1000 rating. The idea is that suppose player A with rating 1000 kills player B in a twdd, A gains +25 rat, while player B losses -25 rat. You could reward a killer with additional points if he knocks enemy down. So, if a 1100 rat player will die to 900 rat player, he will suffer a greater loss of points. It would work just the same as in squad vs. squad in TWD. This method would depict a real mvp, not the one that simply has more kills. This idea is simple to code, but surely is flawed because if a good player plays dies like 7 times to a low rat player, he would bounce from top to bottom.
2) 2nd idea, which is far more complex and is stolen from chaos/league 4v4 pracs. I will just quote it for you, because I am sure you are good with numbers. So, here's the link:
I would be grateful if you even considered working on a competitive rating system, which would open a completely new dimention to TWD gameplay in terms of climbing rating's top with consistent, strong play!
Cheers and have a good day, Arobasplus