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Free agency pool

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  • Free agency pool

    Implement a free agency system where new players can signup to be a free agent (f/a). A f/a can play for any TWD team, in any match, and at any time. This can be used as a recruiting system (i.e. a player can "try out" by playing a match with the squad), and can also act a means of increasing overall TWD activity without damaging the integrity of squad dynamics. In addition, new players can be more easily exposed to TWD (which bridges the gap between pub and TWD), and veterans can come and go without feeling obligation towards a squad until they are ready to join one. That way, a mostly retired player can still play relatively actively as long as a squad wants them to play as a f/a.

    Depending on game size, 1+ f/a can play per team. For example, for dueling I think 0 f/a's should be allowed to play 3v3, but they can be the 4th for 4v4, and 2 f/a's can play for 5v5. For basing, 1 f/a for 6v6, 2 f/a for 7v7 and for 8v8. This can be modified as needed.

    Side note: cash prizes for TWL would be a great use of donation money.
    Last edited by Pressure; 03-31-2016, 04:56 PM.