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Host MMR during TWDT

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  • Ardour
    Thanks for the support you guys. Il take it as signed off and we can trial hosting MMR at my proposed times above this weekend.

    Your idea of more matches sounds great for inclusivity. Maybe something that we could trial during this season.

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  • Spartan
    As long as it won't interfere with the TWDT bots, I don't have an issue with this. The decision to go down to 6 teams as previously stated was to prevent the no-shows we've been seeing in basing with 8 teams. I knew that players would end up having to sit, but I couldn't find an appropriate solution in time to fix this. At the end of the day, the league is for the players that signed up and everyone should have a fair chance of enjoying it.

    I did have an idea floating of running two WB/Jav games at the same time for teams, so for example the "A" teams would face off in TWDTD/TWDTJ and the "B" teams would face off in TWDTD4/TWDTJ4. With the B team games having a different star restriction rules (something like 8.5 rated or below only are eligible to play) and counting for half a point towards the standings or something like that. Just wasn't sure of what would be possible with the bots and with the 1 month turnaround and having no idea how to run TWDT, I didn't get to explore this further.

    I know it sucks to sit and would rather see more players involved, but the reality of having 8 teams will lead to either some no-shows or lines that can barely fill the star cap in base. No-shows in base always feel bad because that is 16 players that don't get to play, so I wanted to prevent that at the expense of having two more teams. Splitting rosters for duel and base was suggested, but splitting rosters for duel/base in TWDT doesn't really make sense since the point of the draft is finding players that can be valuable in all 3 leagues.

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  • Turban
    sure, why not?

    It's ultimately up to captains to make sure that they have substitutes, and am sure most players would prefer to do something other than spec matches for 3 hours straight while twiddling their thumbs.

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  • Dreamwin
    This makes a lot of sense. I think it should be done 100%, assuming there is a host available.

    It's been awhile since there was such hype. Many teams had 6-10 additional players in !myfreq during dueling leagues. That amount of people benching will definitely bring the hype down very quick.

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  • Ardour
    You already the bad guy for not drafting me... the last cap that gave me playtime :/

    It's upto the player. They could return to twdt and be subbed. On that basis the mmr punishment would be waived. I personally don't care to play on a side where some of my team have left. I don't care I'm out numbered, I never give up so I don't plan to kill the game either.

    Good captains tell the subs who they are so they stick around. I have even seen capts private message several players that they were the sub just so they stuck around. And then laugh about it with the core twdt team. I've seen it all.

    If the fear is that people might prefer to just do mmr then that really highlights the state of twdt as a not very inclusive league. Being 16th round pick then getting to play 1 round in week 1 highlighted it for me. I'm not needed for any team so Im just trying to make the one evening I can spend playing this game fun and I believe fun for quite a few others in the same position. Il happily host mmr.

    If this can't be signed off before round 2 then I am out.

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  • Tiny
    Not trying to be the bad guy, but what happens when you need a sub?

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  • Ardour
    started a topic Host MMR during TWDT

    Host MMR during TWDT

    2023 fall - 8 teams - 131 signups
    2023 winter - 8 teams - 136 signups
    Current: 2024 summer - 6 teams - 129 signups

    As we have done goof and started TWDT with 2 less teams than we could of had and will now see loads of people have to bench, can we host MMR at the same time?

    So the srarting zone message isn't disruptive we could do
    mmr-d 2:05 EST
    mmr-d 2:35 EST
    ​​​​mmr-j 3:05 EST
    mmr-j 3:35 EST

    This would mean everyone who was benched could still have a match.

    I did ask last night on staff chat but was ignored. I privately asked a few senior staff who said they'd rather it wasn't hosted as it's league night. Surprise surprise they didn't suffer with play time though.