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Rating the trades

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  • Rating the trades

    1. Prime trades Jz and CZ530 to Cloud for Machine of God and Apt
    First trade of the season was sort of correction of mistakes for Racka, after failing to secure proper basing team in draft. So this looks like shopping for whatever shark/terrier he could get ahold, as first week showed Prime cannot fit proper team with overrated ph as shark and racka maybe overestimating his ability to terrier.
    So logically well compiled teams dont want to draft their starters, so any partner for this has to come from underperforming teams. Enter cloud, who indeed had dismantled the lopsided Prime, but then clearly was demolished by Thunder. What went on after those games is unknown, but in any case, starting MoG and Apt were both traded fast. MoG was pretty early draft, but maybe sharking with him made Myth realize this is not a winning formula and they also had some reserves in hellkite/aprix to take over roles.
    In return they got cz530, which makes sense, he may be one of they few really low stars (talking about 6.5 or lower), who can be theoretically played in game and Cloud did not have any. And JZ probably as the strongest player Racka was willing to let go.
    Overall i can see Prime being winner here, but it was not a robbery in any case, so 7 for Prime, 6 for Cloud for this trade.

    2. Ambush trades Whispus and Unlimited to Pure Luck for Tripin and Klean-X
    This is pretty low end trade for subs. Whispus probably was only ever going to play sub role for rylo as 8* in wb, but he did an appearance in base as under spider and unlimited with 7.5* probably didnt fit saiyans base lineup at the time. Ambush could use a strong 8.5* warbird and tripin fits that, but most probably, he is still a sub with hulk/azuline ahead in pecking order.
    Klean-x is i think a bit underrated 7.5, but his showup considering the meltdown is questionable, so i think he was sort of just added weight to the trade.
    For Tiny, Unlimited is not really needed as Rampage/PA are good 7.5* spiders that fit the line, but whispus could be nice alternative being 0.5* cheaper in base, he is also 7 in jav enabling tiny to field his 4 best players in same lineup, with FT being only 7* jav before and as 8* wb could be good sub for banks if needed. Tripin didnt really feature in PL games as well and would have only been sub for Tiny as 8.5* wb, so it was not hard to let him go.

    Overall i can see Pure Luck getting a bit more from this trade. Pure luck 7, Ambush 6, but we are mainly talking about subs here not starters.

    3. Dice trades Rough for Drose824 to Prime

    Seems like forced trade, as usually captains do not really get rid of their first picks, especially for 4th round pick with lower total VPs. Racka got himself theoretically a great partner for jav, meaning though that he needs to find quality low vp jav, who can survive as rough is 10*. Rough is also of value in wb/base, as i believe his ratings were reduced for this league. Only question is about his shape and attitude. Based on 1 week together, his attitude was totally fine, but he needs to of course get some more prac hours to get back to his level in all ships.
    For cape, drose was probably highest rated player he could get his hands on after deciding to get rid of Rough. I believe drose was excellent pick, he fits nicely into PL lineup in all leagues and besides 1 bad wb performance was prominent in PL 4 wins during 2nd week.

    Overall Cape took best he could from bad situation and Racka essentially got another 1st round pick into his lineup. So win-win 9 points for both.

    4. Prime trades Absurd to Legendary for Lockdown
    Now this is something i would probably list as somewhat a panic move from Racka after 2 bad weekends in a row. Of course just waiting for things to get better makes no sense as well. So essentially Racka has traded away 2 out of his first 3 picks in draft. Now lets see how LD would fit Prime team. Already with wb we see some issues, with racka being 10* himself. Unless Racka has realized he is no longer the player he used to be and benches himself for rest of season, LD does not really fit that team as it would otherwise require a capable 6.5*. (They had one in cz, but now only apt, who does not play other leagues besides base and machineofgod, who i wouldnt trust in wb). If racka does bench himself though, this would enable Prime to lineup with either 3*8.5 + 8* and LD or LD+bike, 8.5* and 2x8*. With jav, adding LD gives them opportunity to use Racka/rough/ld/paradise + 6 vp honcho or if racka benches himself again, on paper perhaps even strongest lineup with rough/ld/paradise/strong/bike. In base though, losing absurd makes them even more difficult to field a winning lineup.
    For Legendary LD was pretty clear starter, but maybe 2nd weekend performances gave bombed hint to get rid of him. In WB, bombed can now play himself as LD being 9.5 made those 2 hard to fit same line, without needing to bring in low vps. In jav though, incase temu does not showup, he has no possibility to get 43* lineup going on. For base, i see this also as a negative effect for legendary. They have already 3 10* spiders now + 9.5* autopilot. Legendary problem still is terrier and sharks all being 7.5, they did not really need another 10* spider.

    So i would feel like even though both teams could find some advantages, for base particulary, it seems more of a loss for both teams. 5 points for both.

    5. Prime trades Kim and Lee to Ambush for Geio and Pawner
    Last trade for now. As pawner did not feature at all in Ambush, i would assume he was added as deadweight and its in reality Geio for Kim and Lee, maybe saiyan has a thing for asian aliases, as Geio has been pretty prominent in Ambush lineups, also was his 3rd round pick, so getting rid of him is suspicious, maybe he said his showups will be poor from now on?
    In duel leagues of course ambush success has been largely on saiyan having to do 12* performances and there has not been enough support, especially in jav, where Kim will be useful and is perhaps better jav than Geio. Ambush can now field turban/saiyan/hulk/kim/ibex lineup and maybe turn around their fortunes in jav. In wb, geio has been decent, but ambush also has hulk/azuline/tripin as 8.5*, so losing Geio is not that bad. In base, Geio is rated same as myself, but he hasnt really featured there. With Tripin from earlier trades, ambush now has 8 and 7.5* spiders and option to field all their top players in azuline/hulk/joeses/turban/saiyan/tripin/lee/ibex lineup, ibex/tripin can be also subbed for 2 7* spiders they have plenty of.
    For Racka, this trade only makes sense if he really wants to bench himself in wb, as its difficult to fit another 8.5* wb into lineup with sarger/rough already being there and lockdown. If they decide to use pawner though, who could be useful in wb, they can field something like LD/bike/any 2 8.5* + pawner. In Jav 8* geio gives a bit more flexibility as before Prime only had dwopple as 8 and sarger, but i dont think sarger really plays as 8 in jav. In base racka just replaced 7.5 spider with another, so it should not give him much problems. I think Prime still has bigger issues with shark, as dwopple has currently rusty ph as one option or MoG, who they just didnt click with.

    So interesting trade, that is too early to evaluate, many things are unclear. Would give it 7 for both for now as on paper it should make both teams a bit better.
    Last edited by LeeRomeno; 02-19-2025, 11:01 AM.

  • #2
    How much they paying you Lee? Need to pay you more. Love the thoughts in this and the write ups, and it helps keep the season interesting. Thank you!
    1:waven> u challenge
    1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

    Originally posted by MHz
    Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Tiny View Post
      How much they paying you Lee? Need to pay you more. Love the thoughts in this and the write ups, and it helps keep the season interesting. Thank you!
      They are paying me by trading me

