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TWL Update

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Kim
    I guess trench wars players love change, and a change of squad name or alias seems to be a common occurance every couple of months. So our current system works fine as it is, because it keeps in mind that no matter what new squads come up, only the squads who have the most activity and skill will regain TWL status.
    Ya thast what i meant. There are current "elite" squads constantly poping up every few months, remain for 1 TWL then dissolve after it, resulting in another squad being created w/ the basic same ppl. Our current system works very well bc of it likeu said kim. We dont have enuff squads who stay around for multiple (2+ leagues) and stay competative. We got a few like pallies/diso/Sk8 most recently but then for eveyr 1 of them squads u got about 2 dying or becoming non-competative.


    • #92
      Yes, most people have no fucking loyalty whatsoever.

      I just have to ask these so called elite players that change squads all the time. What's the difference if you're in Rampage for let's say 2 months (kinda long time for you guys) and then it dissolves, and then you go to say Light, AND THE SAME MOTHERFUCKING PEOPLE ARE THERE...what's the point?

      Loyalty, for the love of god.
      Originally Posted by HeavenSent
      You won't have to wait another 4 years.
      There wont be another election for president.
      Obama is the Omega President.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Da1andonly
        Yes, most people have no fucking loyalty whatsoever.

        I just have to ask these so called elite players that change squads all the time. What's the difference if you're in Rampage for let's say 2 months (kinda long time for you guys) and then it dissolves, and then you go to say Light, AND THE SAME MOTHERFUCKING PEOPLE ARE THERE...what's the point?

        Loyalty, for the love of god.
        Im not realy sure if its the ppl or atleast ALL of the players. I think its the captains sometimes. Grant The Light captins were good captains, and rampage was made only for 1 season, but u had treachery,victory (2 times), Dynasty (2 times) all in this off season already. Im sure there were alot more that i aint thinking of. And im with Da1, whast the difference if ur on a squad called Victory together or a squad called Noobies101. Have a meeting, apoint the guys u think will be the best captain for u guys and then start a squad under there lead. It'll be alot ezier then constantly creating squads.


        • #94
          There's too many bad leaders nowadays.
          Originally Posted by HeavenSent
          You won't have to wait another 4 years.
          There wont be another election for president.
          Obama is the Omega President.


          • #95
            i think loyalty is overrated, people are here to have fun, this isnt real life, it isnt a sport. And people obviously change squads when they are not having fun. This is a hobby and should be treated like one, stop caring so much. Let people go to where they feel best at.
            There is no point in singing while shitting cause shit wont come out dancing.....


            • #96
              This da1 is why ppl arent loyal. I'd have to agree, when im not having fun in a squad i'll leave to, but the thing that confuses me is those certain group of ppl who are basicaly the same few who hop jump from 1 squad who has the smae ppl, then it dies, to a NEW squad with the same ppl (maybe new leaders). I dont get it, if ur not having fun in the 1st squad why would u join a 2nd who has the same ppl? Another thing, why would u join some of these ppl's squads? i mean Ravage's squads always end up dying, sure they are good for when they are around, but htey die. Annul dissolved shriek atleast 2 times when clear TWLJ champs. Or Squadless/dele's squads (<3 u dele) There are many others to. I dont see why someone would even go back to these guys' squad. It basicaly the same thing over and over that happens.


              • #97
                cause they are people who like to play with each other but are also temperamental thus prone to alot of discussions with each others thus leaving only to come back later.

                i dunno, but from wat ive seen, that has been it so far
                There is no point in singing while shitting cause shit wont come out dancing.....


                • #98
                  Ya it makes sence, just seems stupid to keep doin it, especialy since most are pretty good and could get on a good solid squad.


                  • #99
                    If you have to keep changing squads because of the people on all the different squads, maybe something is wrong with you, and not everyone else.(generalization, no specific squadhoppers being referred to). I just think it's stupid when ppl say "we're here to have fun" yet they ruin everyone else's fun in the game by trashtalking or squadhopping. Being here to have fun doesn't entitle you to crash everyone elses party.

                    Asia Minor> see you sunday fuckers
                    Asia Minor> maybe not
                    Asia Minor> i hope you guys lose
                    bloodzombie> I hope your mom fucks you while you sleep
                    bloodzombie> every time you have a wet dream, it's really your mom fucking you
                    bloodzombie> remmeber that next time
                    bloodzombie> seriously


                    • Originally posted by HellzNo!
                      I just think it's stupid when ppl say "we're here to have fun" yet they ruin everyone else's fun in the game by trashtalking or squadhopping. Being here to have fun doesn't entitle you to crash everyone elses party.
                      I completely disagree. Trashtalking made Elusive beating light in the TWLJ playoffs in Season 5, and Elusive beating Rampage in TWLD playoffs in Season 6 all that much sweeter

                      Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                      My anime blog:


                      • Hafta remember hellz the definition of "having fun" to u mite be totatly different then my definition of it. So when 1 person does something he thinks is funny, but someone else dislikes it and gets made that isnt his fault. But i agree i hate hoppers to even tho im considerd one and i did hop recently alot. Just gotta find the rite place i guess. Once u find something u enjoy and luv ur almost garenteed to stay atleast for awhile.


                        • i think we should twd for 2 months, then take the top 16 and shove them into twl

                          then do the playoff thing posted above ^

                          that way we can get more TWLs in a year, did we even have a TWL this year ?


                          • well twd reset was supposed to be last week.. didnt happen. sigh!
                            1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
                            1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
                            1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
                            1:Vitja> afk
                            1:Underground> haha vit
                            1:Kian> LOL VITJA

                            -Sk8 site and forums:


                            • lol, if you are affected by trashtalking u need to go outside.

                              and if people trashtalk they obviously have fun doing it, who gives a fuck about other peoples enjoyment of this game, i never met a single one of u personally and i dont want to either.

                              No1 gives a fuck about uor fun, go jack off, its the only thing no1 else can ruin for u.

                              And LOL to all this hype about how things were getting on track, the reset was supposed to be last week the latest. haha
                              There is no point in singing while shitting cause shit wont come out dancing.....


                              • Originally posted by Luckily Yours
                                i never met a single one of u personally and i dont want to either.

                                That's such a lie and both you and I know it. No cookies for you.
                                Originally posted by Disliked
                                However, I have a bigger problem, being an atheist for 9 years, most of it during my teenage years I've become a little addicted to masterbation. I've tried to stop and even asked God to help but I'm unable to resist the temptation and it's driving me insane with grief.

                                Originally posted by concealed
                                when i was on incuria i took 40 mgs of adderol like an hour before every match. didnt help me that much :X

