This is just an example, using the finnish times. Playing subspace on a saturday evening, sucks. Most of us in diso are alcoholics or something close to that, so we go out on friday and saturday. On sunday nothing happens. So play us on sunday.
look now, most of the people in disoblige are nerds (let's exclude ara) who have never gone out on the town on a weekend night because it's scary.
Da1, We also have lives. Us americans and canadians have thigns to do sunday during the day.
That's horseshit. There's no way someone's Sunday afternoon should take precedent over someone's Saturday night. Although I really can't imagine Da1 ever actually going out.
5:gen> man
5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady
Well moron, mind if I call you moron? But anyways, it wasnt because of the lack of people it was because of us suposedly lagging and Pred telling me I lagged even after reconnecting 3 times and my lag was 140ms .1 .0 .
Personally something should be done about this because if this applys to all squads, anyone on a 56k will not be able to play.
I think it is safe to say now that Egyptian is dead. Alf should get to twld and RB to twlj.
Nasir thanks for making TWL look newb again. I wonder why u create squads.
1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
1:Vitja> afk
1:Underground> haha vit
Ya i believe they can. Immolate did that last year when CC killed it or something. I think that would be st upid tho since they arent really any good in any league :x
Ya but half bad isnt really TWL material. Somoene like WR who has nice pilots like bleen, raidar, NN, arro and stuff would probably be more competative then you guys. Same with Spastic prolly. But if u guys do change names then so be it GL Just think it'd probabaly be better if u guys just died. I mean im sure if u arent too bad in javs u can find another squad in TWLJ.