genes here. I am single handedly bringing the line back to basing. Thats right. You may have seen me in .?go base saying LINE LINE LINE, well thats cuz i want u guys to line. Sharks need to get sum kills too. I cant be in twlb cuz of some evil mishaps with twl ops, but I urge you all in twlb to line. And even if you dont just wanna blatantly "line", think of this: When your cram is about to die, and you can ezily tell when that is gonna happen, someone yell "LINE LINE LINE" and a shark mine...then spiders fall to the lining position and terr distribute accordingly. Try it sons and daughters. Ill be in .?go base owning you up with it, so you all better learn it (younger squadz) and twlb squads (like palish or diso) try it in your next twlb. I dont wanna hear "line cant work, crams pwns it". Stop being pusses and try it and perfect it. It will win. LINE LINE LINE.
p.s. - Sharks 4 MVP gg gg gg
p.s. - Sharks 4 MVP gg gg gg