Just wanna give pallies some props u guys fucking destroyed us, u guys team really well and have alot of skill and shit so ya, gj i hope u win twlj.
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Pallies vs Rapid
pallies need to start lining. fuckin cock smokers do it plz thx. sup vio - ur mad ugly man. l0llol GA trying to make a joke:
1:Golden_Aim> sle
1:sleuth> sup
1:Golden_Aim> you wanted the bd for saturday?
1:Golden_Aim> is your dada gay
1:sleuth> ?
1:revolt> rofl
1:revolt> ur so bad
1:Golden_Aim> LOL
1:Golden_Aim> DAMN
1:sleuth> i dont get it
1:Golden_Aim> im laffin irl im so bad
Sweeper> .?ignore is for weaklings
Ya, a lose is always a lose... We got schooled very well.. I think it was important.. I was so full of myself.. now Im going to be very humble against DG. I was on clouds thanks for gettin me back to the ground, gg anyways.:up:
revolt> my girl
Golden_Aim> nice lips, i bet she gives u awesome blowjobs
Metal Headz> she looks good for bjs
Golden_Aim> LOL MHZ
Metal Headz> ROFL
1:kesser> MENTION ME
1:kesser> MOST KILLS
kess is homo
and when you're out of those, there's no buying back in dog, it's like that toothpaste back in the toostepes;... ahem toothpaste tube, you can't do it. I would like to brush my teeth right now, i'd settle for a quick listerine flush, as it is, i'm gonna just go lay my head on one pillow and cover my eyes with another. chowder
Originally posted by stuckupMayo why are you holding up 20's? Blinga Blanga Blingies hold up 100's biatch.http://www.trenchwars.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15100 - Gallileo's racist thread
"Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo