I would like to issue a request for some type fail safe where we still maintain a hardlock on squad rosters but have an open soft lock on twd squad rosters this season. Meaning that after soft lock is over if you are twd registered on the squad you can still be added each week to the TWL game list. The rosters are sooo tiny that if 2 or 3 can't make it squads will be forced to forfeit. That is bad all around. Keep a hardlock date for joining the TWL squad but please keep a softlock on that squads roster for each TWL game until the end of the season. This is REALLY hard to manage when I have 6 players in twlj and 2 or 3 don't show up. I think all squads should be allowed to ask their twd rosters who can make it each week and add depending who can. Hardlock the TWD rosters though at same date but give us some flexibility to submit lines within our rosters until every Friday at 11:59 pm please.
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Requesting for Squads to submit lines EVERY week