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Terr Stats (S23 Regular Season)

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  • Terr Stats (S23 Regular Season)

    Mikkiz and Ogron once again easily finished #1 and #2, with Mikkiz narrowly edging out Ogron with a GameScore Rating of 87.8 to 87.5, well ahead of the pack.

    Ogron led the league in kills with 48.1, the 2nd most KPG in TWLB history, while Mikkiz led the league with the least amount of deaths per game, with a superb 3.1 DPG -- the best ever recorded in a season (although prior seasons include the playoffs, so these may change.)

    Most Kills:

    1. Cintra S18 (52.6 KPG)
    2. Ogron S23 (48.1 KPG)
    3. Cintra S19 (46.9 KPG)
    4. Zizu S18 (46.7 KPG)
    5. Zizu S15 (46.1 KPG)

    Least Deaths:

    1. Mikkiz S23 (3.1 DPG)
    2. Chief Utsav S15 (3.3 DPG)
    3. Zizu S12 (3.5 DPG)
    4. Cintra S14 (3.6 DPG)
    5. Ogron S20 (3.7 DPG)

    6 games played minimum

    Zizu finished third, managing to perform well despite his spiders going -600 on the season (kills adjusted to 30 minutes), while tim finished fourth and led the league in Teks (shocking that all the Finnish laggots whose bursts show up halfway on screen finished 1/2/3 in the category.)

    Trailing in fifth was Thix, who, despite his spiders going an insane +700 in front of him, still somehow finished third in KDA. His Narcissistic Personality Disorder flares up every time he's on a stacked team in TWLB, and thinks he hit a home run while being born on third base. These adjusted stats factoring in the shark and spider play in front of terrs shows the reality of the situation -- that Mikkiz, armed with similar strong performances in front of him, can easily knock out a 14 KDA. Keep writing that Hot or Not fan fiction to soften the blow, though.

    Oder finished sixth, and was the only other player to put in a strong terr performance in a game. Pure_Luck did not seem up to the task of terring this competitive of a TWLB season, whilst diakka has the chops in terr but is probably needed in spider (he's a better terr than tim, IMO.) Aprix, Morph, and Creature were forced to terr a dismal Rapid line, and shouldn't be judged (the Rapid line Zizu terred was much more respectable and competitive to start the season before he jumped ship.)

    For reference, here you can see the Basing Cup 2020 stats, where Mikkiz and Ogron once again finished #1 and #2 (after becoming the only two 10* terrs to win TWDT-B), and how the GameScores add up:

    Thanks for reading, and good luck to everyone in the playoffs!
    Last edited by ogron; 05-31-2020, 08:38 PM.
    top 100 basers list

  • #2
    A bit confusing seeing how you have Cintra and Zizu on there for S18. You're not going for the highest KPG for the season, but the highest KPG in TWLB history. Wouldn't that mean that Zizu's 47.5 this year would place him 3rd overall?
    Raazi> this is the only place men chase jessup


    • #3
      I don’t really care to argue who is the best/worst terr and don’t really have a strong opinion about the ship. I know you and thix have your thing but I just want to point out that your stats are nearly identical to his on your chart but somehow he’s way lower than you. I’m assuming it’s heavily weighted for KPM. Also, Tim is a solid terr but there’s no way he’s better than thix just because he got a shit ton of TeKs. Tim doesn’t kill nearly as much as the others and dies more. Not meant to be a bash on Tim but just pointing out a flaw in stats being the end-all be-all. Thanks for posting this though.
      In game alias: mvp

      twdt-b 2017 finalist
      twlb 2020 and 2023 champ cheerleader
      twdt-b 2020 and 2021 champ


      • #4
        Originally posted by afghan View Post
        I don’t really care to argue who is the best/worst terr and don’t really have a strong opinion about the ship. I know you and thix have your thing but I just want to point out that your stats are nearly identical to his on your chart but somehow he’s way lower than you. I’m assuming it’s heavily weighted for KPM. Also, Tim is a solid terr but there’s no way he’s better than thix just because he got a shit ton of TeKs. Tim doesn’t kill nearly as much as the others and dies more. Not meant to be a bash on Tim but just pointing out a flaw in stats being the end-all be-all. Thanks for posting this though.
        Couple notes.

        I'm sure anyone with a brain can see that these aren’t official statistics, but manipulated statistics, which claushouse uses season after season in an attempt to try to rewrite TWL history. For reference, the real, unbiased, unaltered statistics can be found here (thanks RageRitual!). What we are seeing in this post is just claushouse's psychology unraveling, likely in response to me giving him Not player of the game for week 4. However, and it goes without saying, the difference between his analyses and mine (as many of his current co-starters/squadmates on Fire have privately mentioned multiple times to me this season in thanking me for doing HoN), is that claushouse just "plays with the numbers until he sees what he wants to see" (direct quote by one of his current co-starters/squadmates), whereas I actually watch the games and give timepoints as examples to support my objective analyses.

        Where are you even getting my KPG - DPG of 43.4 - 5.2? Solid rec, but my average kills:deaths per game on the season, according to simple descriptive statistics in Microsoft Excel, is 33.4 - 4.0. Not sure about you, but that doesn't look too bad for an otherwise below average regular season from me. Even your own 48.1 - 5.7 is wrong, and is actually supposed to be 38.8 - 4.7. I'm assuming that the stats you posted are not wrong, but imaginary statistics that you extrapolated from the original stats to make fake "per 30 minute game" statistics. Why use imaginary numbers extrapolated from real statistics when you can just analyze and interpret the original statistics?

        Come to think of it, it makes sense why you have to put so many hours into making these imaginary stats. If you just posted the real terr stats like a normal human being, I'd be ranked higher than you with the slightly better kill:death ratio (Pressure's 8.35 versus claushouse's 8.26). Realistically, this is the only terr stat besides TeK that "matters" (though the notion that stats hold any weight for terrs has been completely abnegated by Tim this season). This post is just a testament to the fact that you literally cannot handle being worse than me, both in skill and in stats.

        Also, me going 55-2 in a 15-6 loss yields a gamescore of 80 (my G1), but Mikkiz going 41-1 in the same 15-6 win with mostly similar spid performances yields a gamescore of 100? Don't bother explaining where these numbers come from. After a couple grammatical edits, I seriously doubt I'll reopen this thread and I honestly do not care to know where these biased/fake numbers came from, at all.

        And why aren't you taking sharks into account? Oh wait, you can't, because this is literally just stat masturbation, for you to make yourself feel better.

        You can't seriously post these imaginary statistics and then call my Hot or Not fan fiction, when I literally take the time to watch the games and support my conclusions with examples. And to say I have NPD in the same post where you present these fake statistics that were only created to make yourself look better just screams lack of self-awareness.

        Finally, and I appreciate the effort one puts into something like this for the league, so thanks a bunch for trying, but this is just laughable content with a nice colorful presentation at best, claushouse. Be happy you got a response from me at all, judging by this post and your 10 recent forum signatures, I can tell you desperately wanted one. Just don't expect me to respond again to this joke of a thread. I'll let others interpret these "stats" and come to their own conclusions.
        Last edited by Pressure; 06-01-2020, 10:15 AM.


        • #5
          Everyone knows it's like this anyway..
          1. Mikkiz
          2. Ogron / Pressure
          3. Tim / Zizu


          • #6
            Originally posted by Rab View Post
            Everyone knows it's like this anyway..
            1. Mikkiz
            2. Ogron / Pressure
            3. Tim / Zizu
            the real stats we need
            Author of the clutchest and most tilting TEK of the century.

            1:cripple> i luv lbj cock
            1:cripple> if he paid me 50k for every time i gave him a bj i'd do it


            • #7
              Stats are obviously wrong, Creature was definitely the best terr this season


              • #8
                There’s no need to drag Chief Utsav through the mud. His style of terring was the perfect for those old dice teams and fit even better than Cape did during certain seasons, even though Cape was obviously the higher skilled player.
                TWLB Champions Season 8
                TWLJ Champions Season 8
                TWLB Champions Season 10
                TWLB Champions Season 11


                • #9
                  Let’s not let this dick measuring contest distract us from the fact that Jessup had Paladen dissolved after 15+ years and being a staple of TW.
                  J-B-Inc> i ddi that duel while doing coke of pawner moms ass

                  8:Riverside> UPDATE FOR WEEK 1:
                  8:Riverside> I go 4-60 and we lose 0-6

                  2:saiyan> [Dec 22 21:22] Rough: yo just came on to tell you, can you go on a real date with a girl (need to be specific here lol) instead of talking to claus on forums about calcs and formulas for a league? Happy holidays btw


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by renzi View Post
                    Let’s not let this dick measuring contest distract us from the fact that Jessup had Paladen dissolved after 15+ years and being a staple of TW.
                    paladen only lasted in his/her's hands for how long? 1 month? :\

                    And like a2m said, Chief while not being the most skilled player, he was really good at staying alive and positioning the team, giving dice a lot of security. Never worried about him failing at hero plays or going for a couple more kills with useless bullets.
                    Author of the clutchest and most tilting TEK of the century.

                    1:cripple> i luv lbj cock
                    1:cripple> if he paid me 50k for every time i gave him a bj i'd do it


                    • #11
                      You have these fancy colours, which makes your sheets look prettier than mine and people do appreciate the work put into them. But your numbers look so different from mine, why is that?

                      Pressure has 2 more teks, Tim has played 10 games not 9. your kda, I assume is Kills/Deaths? Is wrong for several players. You have 388 kills in 10 games, that is 38.8 kills per game, there is no way I am off by almost 100 kills in my stats area for a terr. Mikkiz has had 24 deaths in 10 games, how is that 3.1 deaths per game? Manipulating stats to 30 minute matches I assume? If so, teks should be manipulated the same way not just kills and deaths. It would be more accurate to show per minute instead of adding fake stats that never happened.

                      One thing we can probably agree on though, Mikkiz stat-wise terr of the season.
                      Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd

                      rylo> 1.5 mil for whoever kills renzi
                      (10 seconds later)
                      rEnZi is out. 17 kills 10 deaths. 2 players remain.
                      P TW-Pub> rylo sent you $1,500,000, you now have $4,047,199.

                      If you're going to do a thing you should to it to the best of your ability or don't do it at all.


                      • #12
                        it's probably just minor input differences since it is done manually, a mistake or two on your side or mine plugging in the data into a sheet.

                        i excluded tim's game where he was in for like 2 minutes and lagged out or got subbed, or it would ruin his stats, he played 9 real games. you listing him as playing 10 games is misleading if your intent is stats providing any meaningful conclusions.

                        388 kills in 10 games is 38.8 kills per game, but game-time lengths vary? that would be a very silly and inaccurate way to calculate KPG.

                        every stat i've ever done the last 10 years is pro-rated to a 30 minute game. i don't understand how you still can't figure that out.

                        I have 388 kills in 242 minutes. That's 1.6 kills per minute, multiplied by 30 minutes = 48.1 KPG.

                        top 100 basers list


                        • #13
                          Pressure lol i knew you'd cry about your 55-2. i don't manipulate the stats or formula, it is what it is. the formula didn't love what you did.

                          you got 0 teks, you only managed to get 6 minutes of time which means your rec didn't help your team win, and you terred in a +44 spider environment, so +88 better situation than Mikkiz (and spidering is a function of sharking, you fucking idiot, so it does indirectly count them.)

                          the formula values winning time heavily as a catch-all representing doing whatever it takes to help your team win, even if it hurts your KDA or "normal" stats, which is why it likes tim despite his horrendous KDA.

                          if you'd terred in a -44 environment and gotten 10 minutes instead of 6, it would look like this:

                          and you'd have 100 gamescore rating. but you didn't. you didn't help your team win time.

                          Originally posted by Pressure View Post

                          You can't seriously post these imaginary statistics and then call my Hot or Not fan fiction
                          You cherrypick plays, and even then you don't even pick the right ones. You give me NOTs then timestamp me saying I'm "shaky" and "hesistant" trashing me for not going in on a break, when I have no shark and Mikkiz is waiting to burst me, so I delay 1.5 seconds until I get a shark to safely go in.

                          You're so spiteful and biased that is a NOT worthy play for you. You've lost your mind, I'm sorry adjusting for spiders/sharks in front of you casts you in a poor light statswise.

                          But you're right, let's ignore the stats and the fan-fiction you write, and focus on something objective, like winning:

                          You had a 7 year head start in basing and 10 year head start in terr, and you've won 1 title. looool. yet you still shit talk and talk down to me in-game, you have actual brain damage.

                          and that 1 title, we beat you in a bo3 semi-final 2 weeks earlier. congrats on going 1-1 in bo3s against us. i can safely say i've never lost a playoff series then gotten another chance against the same team. you can't perform under anything but the absolute most pristine circumstances (stacked TWLB line), and that's why you'll never ever be in the same tier as me or Mikkiz. who wins this TWLB won't change that; you can't win TWDT-B or Basing Cup, you're a 1-dimensional bozo.
                          top 100 basers list


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by afghan View Post
                            Also, Tim is a solid terr but there’s no way he’s better than thix just because he got a shit ton of TeKs. Tim doesn’t kill nearly as much as the others and dies more. Not meant to be a bash on Tim but just pointing out a flaw in stats being the end-all be-all. Thanks for posting this though.
                            I'm not a tim fan at all, but I think you're just plain wrong.

                            His spids are negative on the season, and he's put up a lot of time. To just rank-order terrs by KDA or least deaths would be inaccurate.

                            SpookedOne could easily lead a league in least deaths and have a good KDA, while being an awful terr. Warping into the spawn, repeatedly warping out of base and forced to re-break cram, hiding all game, not trying to make plays when you need to... you can end up with good KDA and low deaths doing this.

                            tim has awful KPG, KDA, and DPG and dies a lot, but he intentionally plays aggressively and takes risks and holds his ground. When he's wrong he looks awful, and when he's right he looks good. Again, I personally don't like his terring, but it would be disingenuous to ignore the fact that he sacrifices some stats to get his team more time and in better positions, so you have to factor in Time Won 100%, and against the backdrop of negging spiders he's put up a lot of time in a difficult environment.

                            tim put up 12.2 minutes per game (with his spiders going -26).
                            thix put up 12.5 minutes per game (with his spiders going +671).

                            the point of the game is winning time.

                            the formula factors this in heavily. they basically put up the same amount of time, except tim had more Teks and his spiders were -700 worse. if we're going to use stats, we may as well use some formulas that contextualize them better, which is what i've done.

                            if you asked me who i personally thought is a better terr, i think Thix is a better terr than tim. But Thix has played badly this season. The GameScore formula rated Thix very highly in the regular season of Basing Cup and he finished #2 in the rankings. He had no problem about the same stats/formulas then. But suddenly when he's #5 the numbers are imaginary and made up.

                            advanced stats are still not the be-all, end-all, but they're better than just relying on just deaths per game or w/e.
                            Last edited by ogron; 06-01-2020, 07:48 PM.
                            top 100 basers list


                            • #15
                              This thread is a great example of the never ending cycle :juggle2:

