TWLD Playoff Preview presented by Creature
Welcum to Season 20 somethin idk wat number we are on and m shocked dis TWL still even exists upon my return to TW. 1st off, to quote perennial SS lover n #1 playir dat causes complaints vs stacking (wats dis new term?):
Ease> creature loves ss
Today I haf retrief 20 min effort for entertainment 4 all my bist friends in subspace n build MASSIVE HYPE during dis sad world 2020 vs COVID. Wud like to take dis moment 2 rep 4 ripidish and viop's creation of violish linguige deminstratin gr8 culture of fun on dis squadrin. TY 4 dis oppty to blow up frnds around dis world. also hi 2 my lizird strikirs n wingmin bacin as well.

Stray vs. Monster

Wat a great matchip between dis "washed up" old veterans of Stray vs most recent victirs Monster. m very excited. 1st off I wud like 2 note dat dis might be the laggiest matchip in space. Fully expect 2 see many complaints n wud like ppl 2 stfu as it only 9999th time we haf heard of lig for entire enternity of dis game
Stray lineup: Meganewb, warrior, zapata, delectable, bike - mayb halls sub
Monster lineup: Iron survivor, skepsis, okyo, dak, tripin - mayb attacks/star fox sub
I haf review many statements frm our #1 statlover Ogron n other playirs that cud b construed as massive disripict 4 legendary laggots n veterins delectable n MegaNewb. I expect dis 2 b a great hard-fought game between our favorite brazilian laggots n every1's #1 complaint abut getting rekt by Iron surfivoror.
i belief dat we see close matichp wif iron laggot carrying first rd wif stray flashin glimpses of twld final contendir status then hafing dele or warrior prolly choke late then caus loss. in terms of gameplay i expect 2 see bike jukin so fkin hard (she fkin god lurir and nobody know wat OM even stand 4 in front of her name) every1 then flying past them wif his fake rush 2 rekt havoc wif laggits zapata comin in 2 fk up ppl.
Haf noted MegaNewb praccing n putting heavy reps in days leading 2 playoffs n belief in her #1 ability 2 hold grnd and run gr8. Meganewb is def going 2 flex his skills wif unshakeable 0 fear vs dis suicide rush of skepsis. m predicting bad game from skepsis as she going 2 fk up her suicide rushes n the pressure of twld playoff n get rekt by bullets dat appear 5 inches from ship zapata. Expect legendiry playir MegaNewb i haf nightmares about from season 9 loss in TWL finals 2 carry n retrief 12+ kill per game wif sum crowd-pleasing running in at least 1.
on da Monstir side, prolly #1 twd nerds n practice 100x a day wif gr8 teaming they haf dis on their side. expect 2 a heavy dose of R1 n R2 blind rushes dat catch every1 off guard. dark horse playir is okyo so quiet, so strg, i haf confidence in her perofrmance. m expectin gr8 consistency from her and a +/- of 2-3 per game. iron laggit is going 2 carry a game here prolly 14+ one game n choke another. mastir strayer Dak is going 2 do her bist in playoff n pick off n00ps (prob bike rush her she get free kill dis way).
Also I haf noticed lack of crowd confidence in delectable, so much disprict 4 most clutch playoff playir all time. while in pm she haf noted how she going to b rekt, i suspect dis secret hustle n she come out shots firing in dis matchip. fully expect her 2 choke 1 game at least, but will b carried by zapata who i expect 2 b the rock n model of gr8 performance across all 3 games 4 stray.
CREATURES PREDICTIN (dun vs me 4 dis):
STRAY wins in upset - 2-1, prob 45-50, 50-38, 50-43
Ripidish vs. Gun
m tired writing dis last matchup preview n dun want 2 comment 2 much on my own game. all i haf 2 say here is no creatire no victiry n dat dicko cost us twl season 9 finals vs stray wif 3-10 choke m 15 years later m still upset. also hi 2 my gr8 og cobramin kentaro n turpan haf much luv 4 u gl playirs.
RIPIDISH 2-0 victiry n rekt Gunmin, prob 50-1, 50-2
p.s. does any1 haf Caos phone number? she mit still b tilted from her loss vs Plade n haf not log in, txt her 2 show up 4 twl ty4dis
About our #1 and #2 seeds
Fire #1 favorite n stackr
playirs: Racka, Ease, Beam, Ro, Vys, sub lockdown
Racka n Ease lead dis team favorited 2 win twld. haf 2 say they haf more medals then like literally every1 combined n therefore we haf 2 consider them favorites. racka ego n confidence carry over 2 HZ (welcum 2 creasers happy 2 haf u) n u cud see her bleedin wif competitive edge 4 victiry dis prolly her downfall when she choke 1 game after a mvp type performance in 1st one. ease prolly nvr go negative as he is god at cleaning up lures (creatire prolly only reason she ascend 2 glory wif sk8, ty 4 recruiting me from paladen, btw r.i.p. oldest squad of TW fk u jessup) then then typing gg when ppl get strayed. hard to rlly find weak spot in roster as i wud typically pick on #1 troll bim but she haf demonstrate she cud b carryin all dis time in recent maitchps. prolly ro haf a chance 2 choke comparatifely she haf the least amount of twl experience and mayb vys going 2 vs her lag one game
playirs: Mythril, Bist, Lasenza, Flew, Hackysack wif Trisha/Bacin sub
They haf gr8 top playirs in Myth (she mite b sum TW legend at dis point haf vs so many seasons) in tryhard Bist. Also prolly #1 duelist n patient playir LaSenza wif gr8 mental strength 2 vs any situation wud not want to duel it wud take forever. dis biggest weakest in team prolly Flew n Hackysack. Flew prolly not as gud as she is in HZ in TW n will try 2 replicate bike playstyle in some ways 2 vs. many blind rushes n then tryin 2 escape when it poor decision 2 go in. if exectued well cud see her teammates cleanin up behind her. myth is gr8, vry nice, n i r big fan of her playing expect 2 see consistent performance n carry big game. bist wif her tryhard attitude nobody like but she seems 2 haf done gud while creatire been AFK. i expect 2 see a choke when her ego too big from 1 mvp. lasenza will proof impossible 2 kill but cost her teammate big plays at times by being 2 passif. finally, hacksack seems 2 haf improof much but m not confident n her ability 2 vs tip playirs in playoff settin. she seems prime 2 choke 2 some laggard blind rushes n miss suicide shots.
On a more serious note, it's great to be back and seeing so many old faces. The nostalgia is priceless especially for a game that I've literally played for half my life. It's been real fun playing with friends over the last month or so. I know there's alot going on all over the world and I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
Let's all enjoy the exciting finale of this TWL season, and special thanks to our league operators Zidane and Tiny, staff, as well as everyone who puts in the hours to make the league fun with writeups (Pressure) and stats (RageRitual, Joe, Markmrw, and Ogron), and website (Wirah?). I know this stuff takes time and it's your efforts that keeps the community alive, kicking, and making it fun to blow up friends in space.
- Creature
Welcum to Season 20 somethin idk wat number we are on and m shocked dis TWL still even exists upon my return to TW. 1st off, to quote perennial SS lover n #1 playir dat causes complaints vs stacking (wats dis new term?):
Ease> creature loves ss
Today I haf retrief 20 min effort for entertainment 4 all my bist friends in subspace n build MASSIVE HYPE during dis sad world 2020 vs COVID. Wud like to take dis moment 2 rep 4 ripidish and viop's creation of violish linguige deminstratin gr8 culture of fun on dis squadrin. TY 4 dis oppty to blow up frnds around dis world. also hi 2 my lizird strikirs n wingmin bacin as well.
Stray vs. Monster
Wat a great matchip between dis "washed up" old veterans of Stray vs most recent victirs Monster. m very excited. 1st off I wud like 2 note dat dis might be the laggiest matchip in space. Fully expect 2 see many complaints n wud like ppl 2 stfu as it only 9999th time we haf heard of lig for entire enternity of dis game
Stray lineup: Meganewb, warrior, zapata, delectable, bike - mayb halls sub
Monster lineup: Iron survivor, skepsis, okyo, dak, tripin - mayb attacks/star fox sub
I haf review many statements frm our #1 statlover Ogron n other playirs that cud b construed as massive disripict 4 legendary laggots n veterins delectable n MegaNewb. I expect dis 2 b a great hard-fought game between our favorite brazilian laggots n every1's #1 complaint abut getting rekt by Iron surfivoror.
i belief dat we see close matichp wif iron laggot carrying first rd wif stray flashin glimpses of twld final contendir status then hafing dele or warrior prolly choke late then caus loss. in terms of gameplay i expect 2 see bike jukin so fkin hard (she fkin god lurir and nobody know wat OM even stand 4 in front of her name) every1 then flying past them wif his fake rush 2 rekt havoc wif laggits zapata comin in 2 fk up ppl.
Haf noted MegaNewb praccing n putting heavy reps in days leading 2 playoffs n belief in her #1 ability 2 hold grnd and run gr8. Meganewb is def going 2 flex his skills wif unshakeable 0 fear vs dis suicide rush of skepsis. m predicting bad game from skepsis as she going 2 fk up her suicide rushes n the pressure of twld playoff n get rekt by bullets dat appear 5 inches from ship zapata. Expect legendiry playir MegaNewb i haf nightmares about from season 9 loss in TWL finals 2 carry n retrief 12+ kill per game wif sum crowd-pleasing running in at least 1.
on da Monstir side, prolly #1 twd nerds n practice 100x a day wif gr8 teaming they haf dis on their side. expect 2 a heavy dose of R1 n R2 blind rushes dat catch every1 off guard. dark horse playir is okyo so quiet, so strg, i haf confidence in her perofrmance. m expectin gr8 consistency from her and a +/- of 2-3 per game. iron laggit is going 2 carry a game here prolly 14+ one game n choke another. mastir strayer Dak is going 2 do her bist in playoff n pick off n00ps (prob bike rush her she get free kill dis way).
Also I haf noticed lack of crowd confidence in delectable, so much disprict 4 most clutch playoff playir all time. while in pm she haf noted how she going to b rekt, i suspect dis secret hustle n she come out shots firing in dis matchip. fully expect her 2 choke 1 game at least, but will b carried by zapata who i expect 2 b the rock n model of gr8 performance across all 3 games 4 stray.
CREATURES PREDICTIN (dun vs me 4 dis):
STRAY wins in upset - 2-1, prob 45-50, 50-38, 50-43
Ripidish vs. Gun
m tired writing dis last matchup preview n dun want 2 comment 2 much on my own game. all i haf 2 say here is no creatire no victiry n dat dicko cost us twl season 9 finals vs stray wif 3-10 choke m 15 years later m still upset. also hi 2 my gr8 og cobramin kentaro n turpan haf much luv 4 u gl playirs.
RIPIDISH 2-0 victiry n rekt Gunmin, prob 50-1, 50-2
p.s. does any1 haf Caos phone number? she mit still b tilted from her loss vs Plade n haf not log in, txt her 2 show up 4 twl ty4dis
About our #1 and #2 seeds
Fire #1 favorite n stackr
playirs: Racka, Ease, Beam, Ro, Vys, sub lockdown
Racka n Ease lead dis team favorited 2 win twld. haf 2 say they haf more medals then like literally every1 combined n therefore we haf 2 consider them favorites. racka ego n confidence carry over 2 HZ (welcum 2 creasers happy 2 haf u) n u cud see her bleedin wif competitive edge 4 victiry dis prolly her downfall when she choke 1 game after a mvp type performance in 1st one. ease prolly nvr go negative as he is god at cleaning up lures (creatire prolly only reason she ascend 2 glory wif sk8, ty 4 recruiting me from paladen, btw r.i.p. oldest squad of TW fk u jessup) then then typing gg when ppl get strayed. hard to rlly find weak spot in roster as i wud typically pick on #1 troll bim but she haf demonstrate she cud b carryin all dis time in recent maitchps. prolly ro haf a chance 2 choke comparatifely she haf the least amount of twl experience and mayb vys going 2 vs her lag one game
playirs: Mythril, Bist, Lasenza, Flew, Hackysack wif Trisha/Bacin sub
They haf gr8 top playirs in Myth (she mite b sum TW legend at dis point haf vs so many seasons) in tryhard Bist. Also prolly #1 duelist n patient playir LaSenza wif gr8 mental strength 2 vs any situation wud not want to duel it wud take forever. dis biggest weakest in team prolly Flew n Hackysack. Flew prolly not as gud as she is in HZ in TW n will try 2 replicate bike playstyle in some ways 2 vs. many blind rushes n then tryin 2 escape when it poor decision 2 go in. if exectued well cud see her teammates cleanin up behind her. myth is gr8, vry nice, n i r big fan of her playing expect 2 see consistent performance n carry big game. bist wif her tryhard attitude nobody like but she seems 2 haf done gud while creatire been AFK. i expect 2 see a choke when her ego too big from 1 mvp. lasenza will proof impossible 2 kill but cost her teammate big plays at times by being 2 passif. finally, hacksack seems 2 haf improof much but m not confident n her ability 2 vs tip playirs in playoff settin. she seems prime 2 choke 2 some laggard blind rushes n miss suicide shots.
On a more serious note, it's great to be back and seeing so many old faces. The nostalgia is priceless especially for a game that I've literally played for half my life. It's been real fun playing with friends over the last month or so. I know there's alot going on all over the world and I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
Let's all enjoy the exciting finale of this TWL season, and special thanks to our league operators Zidane and Tiny, staff, as well as everyone who puts in the hours to make the league fun with writeups (Pressure) and stats (RageRitual, Joe, Markmrw, and Ogron), and website (Wirah?). I know this stuff takes time and it's your efforts that keeps the community alive, kicking, and making it fun to blow up friends in space.
- Creature