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  • Predictions

    Nickname has no pred's for us this week. Oh well, It's 10:40 PM on a Saturday night. Do I have anything better to do? I wish. I will be doing predictions... enjoy.


    -FINAL vs. Pallies - Let's try a realistic lineup. Vihta in spider, please. Pallies win.

    Mambo vs. whiterabbits - WR doesn't have it this season

    Anti-Scrub vs. Incuria - Anti-Scrub is they have their best lineup. If not, it'll be closer. Anyways, A-S will win nonetheless. They almost be Spastic with a pretty mediocre lineup.

    Disoblige vs. sk8 - sk8 because I beat Fit 3-1

    Melee vs. Rejected Basers - Melee for the upset, if Server terrs

    BasingCrew vs. Spastic - I'd love to pick BasingCrew, but I'll be realistic and say Spastic

    Defiancy vs. Syndicate - Send 4 win


    Mambo vs. whiterabbits - Mambo if Dyers plays. Otherwise, whiterabbits.

    Pirates vs. Syndicate - Awesome is retarded, I would never bet on a squad he was on, much less a captain on :eek:

    Melee vs. sk8 - sk8 because they have a number in their squad name

    Ancients vs. Spastic - Revolt and megaman win.. along with like... Jamal and Necro I guess.

    -FINAL- vs. Disoblige - Fit goes 29-3, Disoblige with the upset

    Sexed vs. Pallies - Sexed has schope. Therefore, they lose by
    default. :down:


    Disoblige vs. Pirates - See above in TWLJ, same reasons, Disoblige wins because they're the better team too, btw.

    -FINAL- vs. Verone - -FINAL- wins cause.. well, yeah

    British Squad vs. Melee - An even match. BS wins.

    Ancients vs. Asevoimat - Assvomit 4 win

    Grapevine vs. Syndicate - Match of the week. I think Syndicate will win though.

    Avalonian vs. Rapid - Avalonian because Rapid are all bitchez and suck at everything.. and Kings is on Ava <3

    DragonGuard vs. Pallies - Pallies 4 Triple Crown, they win.

    Yeah, done. I'm SO much better than Nickname.
    7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

    Duel Pasta> great
    Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face


    TWLB Champion Season 12
    TWLJ Champion Season 11
    TWLB All-Star Season 10
    Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history

  • #2


    • #3
      Originally posted by Voth
      Disoblige vs. sk8 - sk8 because I beat Fit 3-1
      Like hell. It was Fit 3 Voth 1 and you left.
      5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
      5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
      5:royst> i wish it was calculus

      1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

      1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


      • #4
        Originally posted by Fit of Rage
        Like hell. It was Fit 3 Voth 1 and you left.

        Shh, they don't need to know that.
        7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

        Duel Pasta> great
        Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face


        TWLB Champion Season 12
        TWLJ Champion Season 11
        TWLB All-Star Season 10
        Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


        • #5
          So let's get this straight, in TWLB you predict Melee, Sk8 and Defiancy to all upset? terrible predictions. i dont even know about basing but still.. u pick sk8 to upset diso? defiancy to beat syndicate? melee to be rb? now that's retarded. If you even get one of those 3 right i'll just be amazed that you stumbled onto such dumb luck.

          PS: Melee vs. BS - TWLD.. u picked BS, just a note, BS cant seem to show 5 people anymore, melee should be able to beat them with numbers


          • #6
            Originally posted by Awesome
            So let's get this straight, in TWLB you predict Melee, Sk8 and Defiancy to all upset? terrible predictions. i dont even know about basing but still.. u pick sk8 to upset diso? defiancy to beat syndicate? melee to be rb? now that's retarded. If you even get one of those 3 right i'll just be amazed that you stumbled onto such dumb luck.

            PS: Melee vs. BS - TWLD.. u picked BS, just a note, BS cant seem to show 5 people anymore, melee should be able to beat them with numbers

            I didn't predict Defiancy. They don't have enough to show a game. It was a joke. RB lost Lunch3, and Melee could actually beat them. Not only cause they lost Lunch3, but I think RB moral is down. Diso isn't doing great in basing, nor is sk8, but I'm going with sk8 cause Ease is a sexy terr and pwns warportal. (haha.. j/k wp <3)
            7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

            Duel Pasta> great
            Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face


            TWLB Champion Season 12
            TWLJ Champion Season 11
            TWLB All-Star Season 10
            Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


            • #7
              Your predictions are biased and they arent as fun to read as Nickname's.
              Last edited by Torn Wing; 07-25-2004, 12:59 AM.


              • #8
                RB definitely doesn't need me, hero also left and im still predicting RB will have no problem with Melee.


                • #9
                  zzz where is nn =( i miss that fruit now :'(


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Voth
                    Mambo vs. whiterabbits - Mambo if Dyers plays. Otherwise, whiterabbits.
                    I wouldnt count on it
                    Jason> God said, "Heh, I'm gonna give Eve some nice titties."
                    Dyers eve> God wanted me to have nice titties?
                    Superstar> Yes eve, he does want you to have nice titties. To bad he placed them on the wrong spot. Cup C size balls.


                    Greetz Dyers eve


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Voth


                      Melee vs. Rejected Basers - Melee for the upset, if Server terrs
                      that touched me.. i'm crying here
                      Mirror <ZH> omg it shark
                      Mirror <ZH> this sucks
                      Server> dont worry mirror
                      Server> shark fits your tits
                      Peace <ZH>> shut up
                      Peace <ZH>> i do not apperciate you talking to my girlfriend in that manner

                      i.d.> Teach me how to not choke
                      Witness> well first you put it in your mouth ... but not to long

                      1:Hercules> ghoul
                      1:Hercules> im level 90
                      1:Hercules> in 9d
                      1:Hercules> bought a char off ebay
                      1:Hercules> cost me $50 but was worth it


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Voth
                        Nickname has no pred's for us this week. Oh well, It's 10:40 PM on a Saturday night. Do I have anything better to do? I wish. I will be doing predictions... enjoy.
                        u can go out with friend, clubbing
                        1:Pred_FNM <ER>> guys, yellow + green is really shitty for forumcolours :p
                        1:lnx> what's wrong with that combination
                        1:lnx> I wear yellow-green clothes :(
                        1:Pred_FNM <ER>> i dont mean in clothes, in forums..
                        1:lnx> kk
                        1:lnx> buy a black-white computer monitor if you don't like the colors foo


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by lunch3
                          RB definitely doesn't need me, hero also left and im still predicting RB will have no problem with Melee.
                          I left? :eek: not yet at least penguin whore ehhe
                          the price is right, bitch.


                          • #14
                            Ok, so I'm not as good as Nickname. :down:
                            7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

                            Duel Pasta> great
                            Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face

                            Tower> NATIONAL WEED YOUR GARDEN DAY

                            TWLB Champion Season 12
                            TWLJ Champion Season 11
                            TWLB All-Star Season 10
                            Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


                            • #15
                              I thank you for the effort tho Voth :up:
                              Jason> God said, "Heh, I'm gonna give Eve some nice titties."
                              Dyers eve> God wanted me to have nice titties?
                              Superstar> Yes eve, he does want you to have nice titties. To bad he placed them on the wrong spot. Cup C size balls.


                              Greetz Dyers eve

