I regret to inform those unaware that today Wolf suffered back to back forfeits due to lack of players online and thus, according to TWL rules, we have been removed from TWLD and our run is over. It pains me because I worked really hard, a lot of us worked really hard and it was all for nothing.
Which reminds me, I'd like to take a moment of your time and thank Dwopple, BIET, Wirah, Qan, Steadman, Turban, LF and the many other wonderful people who made this TWL happen and all the work that went into it.
I am very sad and sorry this happened as I know it was a waste of your time. That goes for Lululemon and Silence, I am very sorry this happened to you guys and wish we were able to play games today. Please forgive us for not having enough to field the matches and being unable to play.
With that said, feel free to poach the remaining members of Wolf @Violence bike and @booker. JB Inc, Chrissygirl and Lens, especially Lens have improved over the course of the TWD season.
As for myself, I am opening to joining another squad for LD if you'd have me. If not that's fine, at that point I think it's time I step away and focus on myself, my health and my other interest.
I am appreciative and SUPER grateful to all of those who stood by me during this daunting process. I won't forget the sacrifices my friends made for my sake and the tremendous efforts made to get us here, even if it fell apart in the end.
I am proud of you, of us and Wolf with the only regret being how we went out--by disqualifications. It's a squad with history though and I only hope this is just one of many chapters in her history and not the last. We'll have to see..