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  • Twlb

    Who do you guys think is going to do well in twlb? I think my squad anti-scrub will do good like last year, I think we will win it agian!

  • #2
    a-s will do good if they get everyone going on the same page as last season.

    Spastic are robots.

    Dice will get banned for something stupid

    Incuria will do well

    pallies will do as good as always, 2nd place.

    That's all for now
    There once was a man from Nantucket.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Adman

      Dice will get banned for something stupid
      lol! You honestly, truthfully, really read my mind.
      audit> and btw, im your fan!

      DeeZ NuTs> time to own
      DeeZ NuTs> got my fedex hat on
      Azreal> LOloL
      cook> ROFL

      R.I.P VENOM


      • #4
        Rofl adman.

        As i see it there are a few Tiers in TWLB and there is alot of differnce between them. I mean thd 2nd tier anyone there can beat each other on any given day but no one is close to spastic.

        TOp Tier:
        Spastic- no one is even close at the moment.

        Diso-same story every season, go inactive till about a week b4 TWL starts and they pay for it every year but being a rusty old machine. Maybe they need to not qualify for TWL one season so they stay active...

        dice-I wont comment on my squad

        incuria-Strong as ever, got the great sharking pair back (paulo/pan) and got a good terr in ajaxee now. Should do very well.

        mambo-sorta inactive also this off-season. Cant really comment on where they are or arent, but one thing is still holding them back. They have no real top notch terr yet!

        pallies- Got diso syndrom this off-season. I think last season was thers and they lost it and i think it sorta took the gas rite out of them. I hope to see them get active and into shape b4 TWL comes arond or we'll see a season from pallies much like diso last season.

        a-s- U Cant tell. They never play w/ a serious lineup. They lost a few guyz, but picked some up. Will spybreak be around again for another season? Who will shark now that Gopher, jr, wind are gone? One thing is certain, they still have brookus!

        Venom- they got a2m and azurus (if he ever even shows) u dont konw what to expect from the rest

        Rb-1 game they look great, the next they look horrible. Who knows

        Sage-the Kaw/Spikey tandum is what keeps them goin. If 1 was to leave they'd both leave, if 1 was to quit i thik both would quit. They'll need both of themto stay top notch to do well.

        the rest who cares


        • #5
          How a bout bc?

          We are ready for fight and will do our best to get far as possible.
          Keep the cram alive


          • #6
            Originally posted by Fused
            How a bout bc?

            We are ready for fight and will do our best to get far as possible.

            you guys should play more... TW isint all about TWL, there's a TWD league too... and you guys rarely play it. How do you expect to get better in just ?go base ?
            audit> and btw, im your fan!

            DeeZ NuTs> time to own
            DeeZ NuTs> got my fedex hat on
            Azreal> LOloL
            cook> ROFL

            R.I.P VENOM


            • #7
              The question was about twlb and we are a basing squad and not interested in td and jd.

              Keep the cram alive!
              Keep the cram alive


              • #8
                I have deicided that whatever squad has me on will win TWLB-8 title.
                Originally posted by Disliked
                However, I have a bigger problem, being an atheist for 9 years, most of it during my teenage years I've become a little addicted to masterbation. I've tried to stop and even asked God to help but I'm unable to resist the temptation and it's driving me insane with grief.

                Originally posted by concealed
                when i was on incuria i took 40 mgs of adderol like an hour before every match. didnt help me that much :X


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mr. Innis
                  Who do you guys think is going to do well in twlb? I think my squad anti-scrub will do good like last year, I think we will win it agian!
                  who are you?
                  1 + 1 = 1


                  • #10
                    Anti-Scrub is going down.

                    SPASTIC 4 TWLD
                    1:Necromotic> i didnt call you newbie
                    1:Machine of God> necro just did
                    1:Necromotic> i called you a piece of shit


                    • #11
                      i am still on a-s.. i dont know if my lag will permit me to play though now that i am on campus. it got better for a bit, then it got really shitty again.
                      Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                      apt>yes u can wtf
                      apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                      apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                      apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                      Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                      apt>ill show you pictures
                      apt>next time I masturbate


                      • #12
                        megaman89> tsunami taught me that 1 shouldnt have used it
                        L K> taught u what?
                        megaman89> how to suck

                        9:WiL> im gonna with my league \o/
                        9:Graner <ZH>> you mean win?
                        9:WiL> being on plade i forgot how to spell it


                        • #13
                          Now these are obeservations from a not-so-active baser... so if you disagree, it's probably for good reason (though I'm not totaly serious about some of the things I say).

                          Spastic - They had another awesome TWD as they did last year, but watching last season, I learned that an awesome TWD season doesn't always mean much. Though, I think they have a much stronger lineup this year. Looking through their roster this season, they have several awesome players, and all too many powerful lineups, but just looking at it quickly... I see that the Caps/Assistants would make one of the better lineups they have.... which works out for them.

                          Disoblige - They have Windy and Cumulo now... perhaps we could see Nockm and K2grey double jav once or twice (if not... two great spiders as well). They also have Ezo and Bram, two spiders that have proved themselves awesome Spiders every season they've played. According to Ajaxee, who was trying to be recruited by Diso, Warportal won't be around this season. Whether this is true or not, or just a ploy to get Ajaxee, I don't know, but if it is... Diso might be hurting this seaon... FIT OF RAGE FOR RED SHIP!

                          Dice - Hmmm... it's the Shriek of last year for basing. I say that only because I know they're good basers, but at the same time, they don't have any basing stars. Whatever they do together in games, seems to be working. People that stick out to me as leading this group: CrvenBan, Megaman123124124, Adman

                          Rejected Basers - Yikes, lost a LOT of people on the off season. They have the British Brothers, but neither are incredibly active to do them any good. Lunch is always a very strong spider (no matter what people say), but their terring and sharking situation is looking bleak to say the most.

                          BasingCrew - Very small and versatile roster. No individual star spiders or sharks, but as seen last season, they work incredibly well together attacking the cram and in FR battles. A couple of roster changes I've noticed, but with Everest back as a terr, I don't expect much will change with BC. Should be another 50/50 year for them, though I think they have a good chance of making the playoffs this season.

                          Venom - The power squad of this season in all leagues. The same group of people that are great javs/wbs, but are also close to top-notch basers. No outstanding looking spiders, but veterans have one distinct advantage over newer-basers (that may or may not be better basers), they choke much much less.

                          Anti-Scrub - Always suprising... I must admit, though I didn't count them out totaly last season, I generally underestimated them. Looking at their roster last season, I didn't expect them to win TWLB, and looking at it this season, I don't expect them to win TWLB. They still have Brookus, Spybreak, Neth and Holydude. Now if they could only get some sharks they'd be all set.

                          Mambo - Yikes... a once powerful Base squad has gone down the shitter this past TWD season (and last season). Again, can't count them out, but I haven't seen much from them this off-season. Probably will remain a quiet squad going into these leagues, but we'll have to see.

                          Pallies - Last season might have been their last great run. They haven't shown much activity (for whatever reason) and that's going to hurt them. Relying on Castro and RyanG might not have been the smartest idea last season (though, I must say they hardly even got to play together... so maybe you didn't rely on them) and I don't think they should this season. THey still have some powerful spiders, however as seen last season, they couldn't always rely on them being there (until the post-season really). Correct me if I'm wrong, but Hellzno! is their only standout amazing spider they have.

                          -Final- - No idea, they've been over-inactive... and though they were for years before last season, they did take the effort to play in the TWD season... this year they haven't yet.

                          Incuria - Did we lose any of our core? Meh, we'll probably choke again in quarter-finals.


                          • #14
                            This is all just my opinion and TWL is a 3+ month affair so any of this could change.

                            Well starting with last year's first and second place finishers:

                            Anti-Scrub has lost some players and gained a few but the new guys don't really make up for the losses. Holydude/Spybreak and Brookus really help their team, and I guess if Vatican Assassin and za gophar shark they could do well together. Last year they had a pretty lackluster TWD season but mowed their opponents down in TWLB. We'll see what happens.

                            Pallies are a very inactive squad in TWBD and probably would not even qualify if they didn't get in automatically. I think they might pull a Disoblige and probably not even get into the playoffs. Unlike some of the other inactive squads, most of Pallies players don't even play the game at all, let alone play ?go base or TWBD.

                            The rest:

                            Rejected Basers are looking weaker than they were last year and they don't even have a standout terr or sharks. Of course Lunch3 always performs well but he missed half the games last season due to lag or whatever. I think they need to make some lineup changes to be able to make an impact this TWLB.

                            Mambo is another squad suffering from Pallies syndrome. They are extremely inactive and have lost most of their infrequent TWBD games. They do have a good lineup of players but it won't do them much good if they never get any practice to clean the rust off.

                            Well I got pretty bored writing this post so that's about it for now. :grin:


                            • #15
                              I think paul was pretty accurate on most of the squads he talked about. If wp isnt there diso will be in big trouble.

                              Gopha: i just typed .?squad za gophar in game b4 i posted that and it said Squad: juice thats why i said it

