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biggest squadhopper competition :)

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Cyrus
    in my honest opinion, there's no real need to show loyalty in a game. i'd rather leave a squad knowing i had a good time in it but just wanting to join another, then to see it dissolve, while the first one would be seen as hopping and the second as normal. all these guys listed just don't know what to do with their online lives, and hopefully they're loyal irl.
    I guess I don't understand why some people would make a distinction between the game and ‘real life’. Isn’t that being two-faced and hypocritical? Of course there is temptation to take advantage of the anonymous nature of the medium, but this doesn’t make it right to do so. That’s like going to a costume party at Halloween and acting like a complete moron just because people can’t see who you really are.
    Frankly, if I knew that I was acting like a different person online than I am in real life, I think I would be asking myself some hard questions and doing some introspective work.


    • #77
      People get bored with the squad that they're on, or some other better squads comes along or the squad isn't what you thought it'd be. So what? People are free to move about those squads, it's up to the captains to recruit them or not.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Sleepy Weasel
        Although a bear factory would be funny.
        Yes that would.
        It's season 2, forgot the name


        • #79
          Well, I think this could even top being on 100 squads in one day...

          Let's see, what cig smoke did. Captain of tanked, makes up some bullshit story about being depressed in life and TW and moving to play DSB only right before TWL starts. Joining Shriek aliased only to have his cover blown by many of his squadmates, then crying and making up lies about people being retarded for accusing him of being that one person (snarl or something) when a few days later, he confused. That's the ultimate squadhopping story and should win this competition. Case closed.


          • #80
            I think ur confused on ur story there LK. Yes some of that story was "right" but it was a little one sided since u always like to think bad of myself.

            1St off b4 that even happend i was pretty much pure dsb for about 2 weeks prior. I rarely played TW. I thought i was hurting the squad by being a captain. Also i never said anything about real life. If i had problems IRL and this game i would quit the game not TW and go to dsb...use ur head some plz. Then yes after i left Tanked about 2 hrs later a2m saw me squadless and asked me to jion shriek. Although i did tell him i was gonna be in dsb alot of the time he said ok anyway. Pretty much the only tiem i came to TW was for twbd/twlb at that time sinc dsbl was going on. If u dont believe that u can ask annul bc i remember quite a few times him threatening to axe me bc iw ouldnt leave DSB for a twbd. But then again u'll just act childish and say im lying and make something up.

            I didnt leave Tanked for shriek. I left tanked bc i rarely played and when i did play i had ppl argueing 24/7. IT was like a non-stop arguement fest on our chat and it just wasnt that much fun after awhile.


            • #81
              but remember, i was considered a massive squadhopper with my 3-5 squads a year.

              (actually, probably less than that)
              The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

              Originally posted by Richard Creager
              All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Ephemeral
                I guess I don't understand why some people would make a distinction between the game and ‘real life’. Isn’t that being two-faced and hypocritical? Of course there is temptation to take advantage of the anonymous nature of the medium, but this doesn’t make it right to do so. That’s like going to a costume party at Halloween and acting like a complete moron just because people can’t see who you really are.
                Frankly, if I knew that I was acting like a different person online than I am in real life, I think I would be asking myself some hard questions and doing some introspective work.
                well said.
                top 100 basers list


                • #83
                  Edit: nevermind.


                  • #84
                    Sweeper !!! :wub:

                    Ancients (since Nov 28, 2002)


                    • #85
                      I don't know eph, I think loyalty in tw is overrated. It's not the same as hiding behind a mask and acting like a jackass. Not everyone on a squad has an actual relationship with the people they play with, and they're not signing a contract. I've tried to leave pallies a few times, but the people on pallies are real friends to me, so it doesn't work. So I'm not loyal to the squad pallies, I just stay because it woudln't be the same playing for anyone else. Other people don't have that. I think the only reason we ended up the way we did was because we were all new to the game and we had dreams of getting good and beating the "good" squads. People who jump on an already existing squad don't get that same experience.
             - Gallileo's racist thread

                      "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by bloodzombie
                        I think the only reason we ended up the way we did was because we were all new to the game and we had dreams of getting good and beating the "good" squads. People who jump on an already existing squad don't get that same experience.
                        WR was the same way, for a while.


                        • #87
                          wow... this is a funny thread... why didn't i notice this earlier... i was actually a MAD hopper before i started using swim/swimkid... anyways... this is a game... don't take it seriously... just have fun...

                          i finally left pirates cause i wasn't sure if im going to play in twl this season... plans might change... a lot of difficult rl situations going on right now... especially with my mom having a surgery tomorrow... and leaving me all alone to take care of her...

                          i left pallies after last twl cause of its inactivitiy... and the (C)s of pallies know that and agreed cause im always super active... off-season is usually a good time to try other squads... anyways... twl is here... but their roster looks pretty full...

                          if i do join a squad for twl... of course... im going to be loyal...
                          Last edited by swim; 01-27-2005, 10:48 PM.


                          • #88
                            Ancients Nov 29, 2002

                            Ancients Nov 28, 2002

                            Ancients Nov 29, 2002

                            I think we are really close to the top on the biggest squadhopper competition
                            Subspace is like sports.

                            1:cuji> ootteko koskaan pierassu suihkus
                            1:cuji> aika brutaali ääni
                            Rough translation:
                            1:cuji> have you ever farted in the shower
                            1:cuji> pretty brutal sound


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by bloodzombie
                              I don't know eph, I think loyalty in tw is overrated. It's not the same as hiding behind a mask and acting like a jackass. Not everyone on a squad has an actual relationship with the people they play with, and they're not signing a contract. I've tried to leave pallies a few times, but the people on pallies are real friends to me, so it doesn't work. So I'm not loyal to the squad pallies, I just stay because it woudln't be the same playing for anyone else. Other people don't have that. I think the only reason we ended up the way we did was because we were all new to the game and we had dreams of getting good and beating the "good" squads. People who jump on an already existing squad don't get that same experience.
                              Yeah, I agree totally, but conversely it's hard finding the right people for that kind of squad. Pallies has been around awhile and even though you have your good and bad years, you guys still stick around.

                              I sort of fell this way about Juice - yeah we dissolved, but simply because at the time we were new, and plagued by squadhoppers, and when apt left and alot of people left we were gutted. But the thing is, our core players came back to us - some leaving TWL-qual'd squads, some stopping their ravage squadhopping just for us, etc. Cutting off the giant Juice soliloquy, back to Pallies - That's why I have respect for you guys, because you're loyal. Loyalty's something I like alot, because hey, I suck at the ships, so I need some guys who like Jerome, and not Jerome's spider.

                              NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                              internet de la jerome

                              because the internet | hazardous


                              • #90
                                Jerome wanna join Diso? Doubt you'll get to play over Ezo etc, but join for the Fun, Fun, Fun!

