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biggest squadhopper competition :)

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  • #91
    Originally posted by swim
    i left pallies after last twl cause of its inactivitiy... and the (C)s of pallies know that and agreed cause im always super active.
    Wrong. Didn't you read cig smoke's post? he said you were only loyal because it was after the roster lock, and he's got a big dumb fat opinion about everything, so I'm sure he's right. - Gallileo's racist thread

    "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


    • #92
      Originally posted by Soppakauha
      Ancients Nov 29, 2002

      Ancients Nov 28, 2002

      Ancients Nov 29, 2002

      I think we are really close to the top on the biggest squadhopper competition
      Sweeper should kick you two out so he's the reigning champ yay
      Failure teaches success.


      • #93
        Originally posted by bloodzombie
        I don't know eph, I think loyalty in tw is overrated. It's not the same as hiding behind a mask and acting like a jackass. Not everyone on a squad has an actual relationship with the people they play with, and they're not signing a contract. I've tried to leave pallies a few times, but the people on pallies are real friends to me, so it doesn't work. So I'm not loyal to the squad pallies, I just stay because it woudln't be the same playing for anyone else. Other people don't have that. I think the only reason we ended up the way we did was because we were all new to the game and we had dreams of getting good and beating the "good" squads. People who jump on an already existing squad don't get that same experience.
        i hope i can post something like this in a few years about Heavy, most of both squads core's that merged to make this (xerotek and chibbs) have been playing together or friends since '03, and it's fair to say that almost all of them became good together (or still working on it hehe) :P
        Last edited by ogron; 01-28-2005, 03:43 PM.
        top 100 basers list


        • #94
          Originally posted by bloodzombie
          Wrong. Didn't you read cig smoke's post? he said you were only loyal because it was after the roster lock, and he's got a big dumb fat opinion about everything, so I'm sure he's right.
          In my opinion yes i think he only stayed on pallies for the rest of that season bc the rosters were locked. He couldnt go somewhere else and still play TWL. As soon as the season was over he was out of pallies. If it was just bc of inactivity then why isnt he back on pallies now when they are active?


          • #95
            Originally posted by Cig Smoke
            In my opinion yes i think he only stayed on pallies for the rest of that season bc the rosters were locked. He couldnt go somewhere else and still play TWL. As soon as the season was over he was out of pallies. If it was just bc of inactivity then why isnt he back on pallies now when they are active?
            It's not an opinion. He either did or he didn't. And for you to assume and say that he did that. Is you being an ass and telling other people what he thinks and what he does. That's a very arrogant thing to do. So stop doing it. Or I'll eat your face
            7:Randedl> afk, putting on makeup
            1:Rough> is radiation an element?
            8:Rasta> i see fro as bein one of those guys on campus singing to girls tryin to get in their pants $ ez
            Broly> your voice is like a instant orgasm froe
            Piston> I own in belim
            6: P H> i fucked a dude in the ass once


            • #96
              why am i not back in pallies? cig, am i on a TWL squad right now? dude, for your info, my mom had an ultra sound scan done yesterday and she might have a cancer... we r waiting for the results... so i suggest u stfu... it's not my fault ur a failure in life... dropping out of high school... can't even get a worthy job... just play this game 24/7... maybe u'll get something out of it...
              also, u r not the one to talk about squad hopping, look at your list within past year.. since jan 2004... sk8, pirates, abstract, rb, melee, tanked, shriek, sk8, dutch, whipe, dynasty, paladen, rapid, wf, dice, -kaos-, dice, dg, dice

              clause, you know why you never get on good squads? cause u suck and ur attitude sucks even more
              Last edited by swim; 01-29-2005, 01:14 PM.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Jerome
                Loyalty's something I like alot, because hey, I suck at the ships, so I need some guys who like Jerome, and not Jerome's spider.


                I really like that last line.
                The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                Originally posted by Richard Creager
                All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                • #98

                  I am an ultrasound technologist. What's up with your mom?
                  TWLJ Season 5 Champion
                  TWLJ Season 9 Champion - Syndicate
                  TWLD Season 10 Champion - Syndicate


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by swim
                    why am i not back in pallies? cig, am i on a TWL squad right now? dude, for your info, my mom had an ultra sound scan done yesterday and she might have a cancer... we r waiting for the results... so i suggest u stfu... it's not my fault ur a failure in life... dropping out of high school... can't even get a worthy job... just play this game 24/7... maybe u'll get something out of it...
                    also, u r not the one to talk about squad hopping, look at your list within past year.. since jan 2004... sk8, pirates, abstract, rb, melee, tanked, shriek, sk8, dutch, whipe, dynasty, paladen, rapid, wf, dice, -kaos-, dice, dg, dice

                    clause, you know why you never get on good squads? cause u suck and ur attitude sucks even more

                    I dont realy care what happend to ur mom or whats going on with her. That has nothing to do with this post. If u want a pitty party post it on useless crap. And i do have a job, just bc i can still find time to log on to SS every day doesnt mean i dont have a job. Maybe you should get some facts b4 u post something stupid. U dont need a high school diploma to get a good job. U need a GED which is what i have. And you can get that quicker then a diploma.

                    Abnout those squads. 9 of them are now dead. Ur forgetting that. Plus a few i only joined to play 1 game with as u can see the history. -kaos- was for 1 DD, Dragonguard 1 Jd, abstract 1 jd, dutch 1 bd 1 jd. Plus i thought everyone already considered me a squadhopper. As far as i knew no one considered you one. This post was for squadhoppers, i saw u changing squads alot lately and so i posted you nothing more nothing less.

                    Froe: I can still have my opinion of why someone did something even if he says its for the opposite reason. Just like when i left tanked. Ppl's oppinions are i left for shriek when the real reason isnt that. Every topic can have opinions about them froe.

                    Like i said above when i started to see how this was happening. This wasnt suppose to be a swimkid bashign thread or anything like that. This is a thread to list ppl u think are squadhoppers so i listed him. Just like ppl listed me.


                    • im seeking pity? im talking about what u said to BZ about why im not back in pallies. that's my explanation for why im not back in pallies. as a matter of fact, im not on any twl squad. i simply explained myself, i dont need ur silly pity.

                      i never said u didn't have a job, i said u didn't have a worthy job... WORTHY is ur keyword. WOO-PI-DI-DOOOOOOO, u have a GED.

                      ok, so here we go, even if everyone considered u as a squaddie-hoppidie-hopper , no one mentoined it on this thread, so i guess im pointing u out as a squad hopper.


                      • Originally posted by swim
                        im seeking pity? im talking about what u said to BZ about why im not back in pallies. that's my explanation for why im not back in pallies. as a matter of fact, im not on any twl squad. i simply explained myself, i dont need ur silly pity.

                        i never said u didn't have a job, i said u didn't have a worthy job... WORTHY is ur keyword. WOO-PI-DI-DOOOOOOO, u have a GED.

                        ok, so here we go, even if everyone considered u as a squaddie-hoppidie-hopper , no one mentoined it on this thread, so i guess im pointing u out as a squad hopper.
                        wow whats a worthy job in your eyes? Most jobs are necessary for the world to go around. Some jobs get lower salary yes but still important.
                        1:Omnigod> when i look at that pic its more like SADMAN


                        • ok, here r 2 choices... which one would u prefer?

                          1) drop out of high school and get GED... and get a job that pays... no matter what ur salary is...
                          2) finish high school... get a high school diploma.... maybe excel and go a step further or two... such as go to college and etc... and graduate.... and get a better job?

                          im not saying all the low-paying jobs r bad or degrading... im saying, why would u want to be a drop-out and be a failure when u can do so much more in the world...? a lot better opportunities r laid out for u... so why...?


                          • yeah, i dont really think that you should judge someone solely on their education/earning potential or lack thereof, but certainly, if what they do with their free time is play subspace 8 hours a day, it seems fair to judge them overall
                            5:gen> man
                            5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


                            • I don't really consider Cig Smoke a hopper. He may have hopped a few times (between good solid squads like Diso, Crips, Pallies) but for the most part I haven't seen him do much hopping.

                              You said yourself Swim that before you were swim/swimkid you did lots of hopping, so how can you degrade him any? Because of his education? Anyways, lately I would say you've tasted the many fruits of the subspace garden so to speak.

                              These sort of threads are pretty boring if you ask my opinion. I wish your mom good health and hope you get thru that.


                              • Originally posted by swim
                                im not saying all the low-paying jobs r bad or degrading... im saying, why would u want to be a drop-out and be a failure when u can do so much more in the world...? a lot better opportunities r laid out for u... so why...?
                                why would you consider anyone who has a bad job a failure? the only failures are those who dont have any jobs and live from the governement. There are no better jobs than what you like the most. Some people just enjoy those low class jobs, so they don`t need to go any further to find a job they will like. You still have old women working at mcdonalds or old guys working as janitors. Some of them enjoy it. You need everything to make a world. you just dont make sense swim.
                                and yeah, sad to hear for your mom dude. good luck.
                                Last edited by Kings; 01-30-2005, 12:30 AM.

