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hot or not
Originally posted by Claushousestill mad over me pointing out you suck at this game i see.
Originally posted by genocidalNo, as I said before I don't care what you think and most people don't as well - I think that that was pretty much the concensus reached after you left that thread with your tail between your legs. What I mean is that when a squad like Spastic with no teaming and few duelers beats Heavy's near if not top line then I question the knowledge of skill and teaming those people have as well as their ability to transcribe their ideas about teaming, talent, and all the other wonderful things that make a good wb squad and their players good.
you never beat our top line, and if you did, its twdd, who cares. your lack of talent obviously gives you a drive to try to prove yourself at every turn, and if beating us in a game of twd gives you that sense of accomplishment - more power to you.
although, i must say, i fight it slightly odd that you're on a basing squad, when you're not really a baser. you know, static burn was in the same situation, except wb squads were actually trying to recruit him. hmmm...
Originally posted by Claushouselol, ?go
you never beat our top line, and if you did, its twdd, who cares. your lack of talent obviously gives you a drive to try to prove yourself at every turn, and if beating us in a game of twd gives you that sense of accomplishment - more power to you.
although, i must say, i fight it slightly odd that you're on a basing squad, when you're not really a baser. you know, static burn was in the same situation, except wb squads were actually trying to recruit him. hmmm...And if you really want to know why I'm on Spastic it's because I don't care about leagues nor do I plan on playing any. I enjoy the people on Spastic and after being on many squads I have found that that is worth more than most other things I've found on squads.
Last edited by genocidal; 02-19-2005, 03:39 AM.
I can assure you that i'll try to fucking make fun of kings every time I'll do the Section.1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
1:Vitja> afk
1:Underground> haha vit
-Sk8 site and forums: www.sk8squad.org
Originally posted by UndergroundI can assure you that i'll try to fucking make fun of kings every time I'll do the Section.
Originally posted by WaxAnd you too point me out why?
if not, further down the crapper she goes. hooray.jasonofabitch loves!!!!
please, it will be all rigged. hate the rapidashes please, let that loser flamethrow everyone's ass.
if claushouse can be in it, i suggest violence should be in there too LOLOOLL
haviolence> dont talk 2 me until u got 900+fbook friends and can take 1 dribble from the 3 point line n dunk
[Aug 23 03:03] Oops: 1:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life
[Aug 23 03:20] money: LOL NOT QUITE VIO BUT 5:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life
please, it will be all rigged. hate the rapidashes please, let that loser flamethrow everyone's ass.
if claushouse can be in it, i suggest violence should be in there too LOLOOLL
the fact you're dumb enough to think i'd waste time using hot or not as a personal outlet to vent on your squad just further adds to the growing list of idiots on rapid ive compiled on my ignore list.
Originally posted by Claushouselol don't get mad at me because you came to canada and have a small penis here
the fact you're dumb enough to think i'd waste time using hot or not as a personal outlet to vent on your squad just further adds to the growing list of idiots on rapid ive compiled on my ignore list.. i dont find yours any bigger than a triple A battery too then!
and the fact that im dumb, yes, i might be dumb but the way u act and talk makes me think your even more stupid
eidt: please ignore us all then =)
Originally posted by genocidalAnd if you really want to know why I'm on Spastic it's because I don't care about leagues nor do I plan on playing any. I enjoy the people on Spastic and after being on many squads I have found that that is worth more than most other things I've found on squads.Currently listening to:
Valient Thorr - Immortalizer
Dead to Me - Little Brother
Tim Barry - Manchester
Lemuria - Get Better
Alkaline Trio - Agony and Irony