Originally posted by Randedl
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Upset Week
1:Zerzera> aura shut up
1:Zerzera> you hate my recruits because I am muslim
jdigs3> jdigs offers u his protection
i haven't read that thread since i posted it up, so i forget what it says.
anyways, to respond here:
the people who think winter leagues are better are ignorant. they think that attendance problems during the summer are due to good weather. in truth, attendance problems are due to people not being committed.
the university i went to had horrible lag. i couldn't play any time aside from late nights and early weekends. i couldn't even enter the zone.
i don't keep up with alot of people in ss, but i know that a few squaddies i've been with (metalkid, mattey, pearl jam) all can't play due to this lag.
if you get great lag numbers on your campus, you are probably on a different type of connection.
just compare last twld to this twld. final is probably head and shoulders above this season.
last season it was a 4 or 5 horse race without stretching the truth. upsets are happening because people aren't showing, not because of great play.
it's too bad that the last few playoff spots in each league will be decided by who got lucky in playing an opponents horrible line.Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
Philos> there is something about you
Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work
PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"
Originally posted by kickerall of these were upsets and I hope to see more. As for your comment t-mac, cram it up ur ass. sk8/dragon match was a mistake...it's being appealed. router when down to the west coast from what I heard and same thing to pirates..was 4v5 for the first 5 mintues until we got a sub which was too late causing us to go down 25-5 in minutes, blowing the game.
i was gonna make a similar post regarding upsets this week, funny that in the juice game neither or our 3 captains turned up to the start, apt is away, i couldnt make it till 5 minutes before the end, and k-i only turned up 15 minutes in ... but no excuses, it was a hard fight and incuria did a good job!
i knew they had it in there somewhere, hopefully this will give them the needed boost they need to win a few in coming weeks.jerome> dude i love subspace so much, it's the best chat client ever, even comes with a free mini game with ships, irc doesnt have shit on us
MoG was bit pissed after match because k-i subbed him. Mog was talking something about axing ki. It's funny because you begun to play better after that sub.megaman89> tsunami taught me that 1 shouldnt have used it
L K> taught u what?
megaman89> how to suck
9:WiL> im gonna with my league \o/
9:Graner <ZH>> you mean win?
9:WiL> being on plade i forgot how to spell it
we had 3 pretty boring matches...none were close :/Originally Posted by HeavenSent
You won't have to wait another 4 years.
There wont be another election for president.
Obama is the Omega President.
Originally posted by Sleepy WeaselSame router crashed screwed us over in our twld vs simulate which is why we appealed that one as well. All the 1:00 games were messed up.(if u are speaking about sunday games)
Cuji> Mantra stop spamming ?cheater, running in twd game is legal
Pearl Jam> ewan, stop stealing goals you mongoloid
lol at kicker if u wanna appeal ur game vs Sk8.1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
1:Vitja> afk
1:Underground> haha vit
-Sk8 site and forums: www.sk8squad.org
If those appeals go through, I'm going to appeal whole last season because I didn't get to play because my isp had "problems". Oh, and our TWLB game against Pallies, because I couldn't play cos I had gprs connection.
Kicker, your appeal is ridiculous, you were the only one in sk8 or dragon who couldn't play, it's your own fault you used 3 lagouts and didn't use sub until we were 25-5.