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Heavy being replaced?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Wrapper (22)
    WTF morh do you even know what your saying!!!

    don't let some noob squad take twl... So wima won't be able to do much we won't win twjl but, don't let a noob squad like paladen or water try to get into twl. it would look very sad in the end for us and the squad that accepted.

    amazing how newbie some guys really are lol.....

    paladen been around since before your daddy bought u your first atari u stupid little weiner...

    show em some respect...
    Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.


    • #32
      morh has no logical reason once so ever on this decision as what is covered in the wima forum. Who cares if we suck through twl. We just prove that we are capable of getting in and we could showup. With declining, we are proving that we are a noob squad too worried of showing 4 people which even during 5:00est I can easily get. This is the time for wima to shine and by declining it just puts shame to our name.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Wrapper (22)
        WTF morh do you even know what your saying!!!

        don't let some noob squad take twl... you know we could kill twlj squads if we have a lineup that is actually good. read the page i had to say about rule regulations and how this could affect your decission. this could be located at the wima forum. than you will see why you are making a mistake on this decision. I don't like to see wima members say wtf why havn't we accepted the invite to twl. It's like going from the ahl to the nhl and saying no way will i accept a $100000 increase on a salery when i'm sitting on the bench just watching players play... That's just crazy. So wima won't be able to do much we won't win twjl but, don't let a noob squad like paladen or water try to get into twl. it would look very sad in the end for us and the squad that accepted. Ether way we would loose so just for practice we should accept however i do not know if we will or will not accept. still give the last cap erska and the assistants to make a final answer on this decision. I'm pissed on having to explain why we will not take this wonderful opportunity to go into twlj. But i do not know if it is to late to accept but it would be the best thing to do for wima as rule 2.01 explains which is explained on the post on wima forum as well as several rules on the struture of twlj. Morh don't decline because the result would be a squad like water (no offense to those water members) to be embarrased in twl. Wima has and can beat twlj teams as had been proven in several games vs final (they were playing a little to ez on first round but 3rd we killed them)(no offense) and mambo

        anyways I say wima should indeed accept the invite

        TWL will kill wima.. you dont want that do you? i mean look at gantz there dying cause of TWL... and they been here almost 4 1 year.. lol
        TWLD Champion 2014
        TWDTB Champion 2013
        TWDTB Champion 2016
        TWDTB Champion 2017
        TWDTB Champion 2019.. my last one.
        -tj hazuki/hazuki :wub:


        • #34
          regardless, i would not like to see Water in twl.

          because it's just PUMA.

          and i hate PUMA.

          that is all.
          thread killer

          Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game


          • #35
            Originally posted by Wrapper (22)
            WTF morh do you even know what your saying!!!

            don't let some noob squad take twl... you know we could kill twlj squads if we have a lineup that is actually good. read the page i had to say about rule regulations and how this could affect your decission. this could be located at the wima forum. than you will see why you are making a mistake on this decision. I don't like to see wima members say wtf why havn't we accepted the invite to twl. It's like going from the ahl to the nhl and saying no way will i accept a $100000 increase on a salery when i'm sitting on the bench just watching players play... That's just crazy. So wima won't be able to do much we won't win twjl but, don't let a noob squad like paladen or water try to get into twl. it would look very sad in the end for us and the squad that accepted. Ether way we would loose so just for practice we should accept however i do not know if we will or will not accept. still give the last cap erska and the assistants to make a final answer on this decision. I'm pissed on having to explain why we will not take this wonderful opportunity to go into twlj. But i do not know if it is to late to accept but it would be the best thing to do for wima as rule 2.01 explains which is explained on the post on wima forum as well as several rules on the struture of twlj. Morh don't decline because the result would be a squad like water (no offense to those water members) to be embarrased in twl. Wima has and can beat twlj teams as had been proven in several games vs final (they were playing a little to ez on first round but 3rd we killed them)(no offense) and mambo

            anyways I say wima should indeed accept the invite

            ffs wrap, you don't know what you are talking about... I said no and I mean it.

            Originally posted by PrOnEsSim
            TWL will kill wima.. you dont want that do you? i mean look at gantz there dying cause of TWL... and they been here almost 4 1 year.. lol
            We have been here for 3 years. :P


            • #36
              i see this wrapper 22 guy wants to get into twl badly, just for the heck of it!


              • #37
                So much talk about this... and we haven't even got a invite. :grin:


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Wrapper (22)
                  WTF morh do you even know what your saying!!!

                  don't let some noob squad take twl... you know we could kill twlj squads if we have a lineup that is actually good. read the page i had to say about rule regulations and how this could affect your decission. this could be located at the wima forum. than you will see why you are making a mistake on this decision. I don't like to see wima members say wtf why havn't we accepted the invite to twl. It's like going from the ahl to the nhl and saying no way will i accept a $100000 increase on a salery when i'm sitting on the bench just watching players play... That's just crazy. So wima won't be able to do much we won't win twjl but, don't let a noob squad like paladen or water try to get into twl. it would look very sad in the end for us and the squad that accepted. Ether way we would loose so just for practice we should accept however i do not know if we will or will not accept. still give the last cap erska and the assistants to make a final answer on this decision. I'm pissed on having to explain why we will not take this wonderful opportunity to go into twlj. But i do not know if it is to late to accept but it would be the best thing to do for wima as rule 2.01 explains which is explained on the post on wima forum as well as several rules on the struture of twlj. Morh don't decline because the result would be a squad like water (no offense to those water members) to be embarrased in twl. Wima has and can beat twlj teams as had been proven in several games vs final (they were playing a little to ez on first round but 3rd we killed them)(no offense) and mambo

                  anyways I say wima should indeed accept the invite

                  TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Wrapper (22)
                    morh has no logical reason once so ever on this decision as what is covered in the wima forum. Who cares if we suck through twl. We just prove that we are capable of getting in and we could showup. With declining, we are proving that we are a noob squad too worried of showing 4 people which even during 5:00est I can easily get. This is the time for wima to shine and by declining it just puts shame to our name.

                    no really, wtf...
                    Reinstate Sarien

                    Hal Wilker> Need I look recall the statement? And Suh.. control ya ho

                    "no, it's Monday, which of course means it's ethnic day, so ill be going with Rosalita"


                    • #40
                      Nah im not double squading with wingmasters bossy I just like alot of there members and talk to them They are mostly nice guys.

                      I dont think it matters if Wing is in or not, they'll start with an 0-8 record and only have 2 games to go. They wont make playoffs no matter what so the way i see it is let a team like wingmasters in who will show 5 up to the last 2 games instead of someone who wont.


                      • #41
                        Heavy Has been replaced by Melee..props to them no way they will make it to TWLJ playoffs tho :/
                        TWLD Champion 2014
                        TWDTB Champion 2013
                        TWDTB Champion 2016
                        TWDTB Champion 2017
                        TWDTB Champion 2019.. my last one.
                        -tj hazuki/hazuki :wub:

