i dont really care about any of this, but cig...seriously dude...dont try to say you did this because you give a shit about twd rules or the spaceship community's well being.
no one likes a tattle tale, didnt your mommy teach you that? if you really cared about doing the right thing for everyone inolved you would have just told cape that his doublesquadding was wrong and that you would report him if he didnt stop immediately. when you bring down the whole squad by ratting him out right after you get in an argument with him, no one is going to believe that you were motivated by the angel on your shoulder.
no hard feelings, just what i think about the situation.
There exists a fine line between hard partying and destitution.
I'm smelling a big dramaqueen reunion at the break of new TWL season.
On the bad side.. I wasn't on mikes' hate list =(
- Disqualifier
Domi> I'll take right one, you take left..truce
USS Banana> ok
Domi> on a sidenote Samurai and Strike are hunted
Get ready. Game will start in 10 seconds
USS Banana> you arent playing
Domi> made too many plans and forgot to play
Nowyoudie> Sika once talked to me
Nowyoudie> He said !ready
There are two levels of 'right' here. One is about the rules that we all play under. The other is called morals.
Some people in life believe that since consequences dictate our course of action, it doesn't matter what's 'right'. It's only 'wrong' if you get caught. I don't believe that. I believe that there is a right and wrong to our actions regardless of the consequences.
To this situation, I would say that Cig could have reacted the way he did for one of two reasons. Either he was trying to take the high road and made a correct moral decision, or he did it he selfish reasons (like he was pissed and wanted to get back at Cape).
This isn’t like ratting out a friend who is growing dope in his back yard (which is basically a victimless crime). When you are in a squad leadership you have a responsibility to everyone else in the squad. The crap you do reflects on everyone in the squad. You are endangering the work, time, and effort that others have put into the squad. There are potential victims. IF Cig recognized this, communicated to Cape and asked him to stop b/c he was potentially harming the squad, and Cape ignored it all, then Cig did the right thing.
That is a big IF, I know. But even though Cig and I have crossed swords many times, I always try to give people a chance to make things right.
And Mikes, I like you. You remind me of when I was young and had a flag of piracy flying from my mast. But one day you will realize, like I did, that Pink Floyd is right, "all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be".
i won't tell you who the dicer was, but Cape was supposidly a great captain in season 8, then he got powergreedy and so this dicer powered him cus he was sick of him i think.
Cape was banned for 2 weeks for aliasing on kiss 0f death, then recruited by me cus he was a leet spider <_< then reported and pwned.
beybey dice
No wonder that dude kept killing me -.- I was like "who the f is he?"
i dont really care about any of this, but cig...seriously dude...dont try to say you did this because you give a shit about twd rules or the spaceship community's well being.
no one likes a tattle tale, didnt your mommy teach you that? if you really cared about doing the right thing for everyone inolved you would have just told cape that his doublesquadding was wrong and that you would report him if he didnt stop immediately. when you bring down the whole squad by ratting him out right after you get in an argument with him, no one is going to believe that you were motivated by the angel on your shoulder.
no hard feelings, just what i think about the situation.
Not to be a dickhead or nething butg u wernet online for what went down. U didnt see what was said. IF u were u would of known that i did tell cape to stop or i would of reported him. U also would of known that i did tell him it was wrong and i also reminded him of TWL season when merce did the same thing as (C), but none of those types of things faze cape, he thinks he is immune to those things.
Awesome, this isnt the 1st person i reported for DSin. U can ask P_L. I usualy always pm him and tell him the name and squads if i have a suspition or a clue that its someone doublesquading. So its not the 1st time and wont be the last. Im not tryint o play the victom card, its just when u got faggots like urself who always try to add there 2 cents and bash me when they can it gets frustrating. If i wouldnt of did this and staff would of caught him on there own then you'd be saying its bc of cheating players like "CIG SMOKE" who wouldnt step up and report it. So either way its a lose-lose with u. SO im not gonna argue with u anymore on this situation. I dont htink its ur buisness of why i did it.
Fission: U can say what u want to, I wasnt even argueing with him. He was argueing w/ me while i played pub and sat quietly.Im not gonna go into detail of why i reported him, or what made me do it. I did it and its over.
Not to be a dickhead or nething butg u wernet online for what went down. U didnt see what was said. IF u were u would of known that i did tell cape to stop or i would of reported him. U also would of known that i did tell him it was wrong and i also reminded him of TWL season when merce did the same thing as (C), but none of those types of things faze cape, he thinks he is immune to those things.
thats not the story i heard, but whatever, like you said its done and over.
There exists a fine line between hard partying and destitution.
If i wouldnt of did this and staff would of caught him on there own then you'd be saying its bc of cheating players like "CIG SMOKE" who wouldnt step up and report it. So either way its a lose-lose with u.
Yes, clearly if Pure_Luck or another smod had checked to see if Cape was double squadding without any influence from anyone at all, the first thought that would have come to mind when this was made public was "Wow, i can't believe Cig Smoke may have known about this and didn't come forward with it."
Yes, clearly if Pure_Luck or another smod had checked to see if Cape was double squadding without any influence from anyone at all, the first thought that would have come to mind when this was made public was "Wow, i can't believe Cig Smoke may have known about this and didn't come forward with it."
Sadly awesome it probably would be seing how u somehow involve my name in every post u make.
Esc:ya i know there are a ton of different stories going around now. Thats why i have random ppl pming me with a different thing each day or random dice ppl being mad bc of 1 thing that didnt even happen.
violence> dont talk 2 me until u got 900+fbook friends and can take 1 dribble from the 3 point line n dunk
[Aug 23 03:03] Oops: 1:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life
[Aug 23 03:20] money: LOL NOT QUITE VIO BUT 5:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life