SeRtIfi> What's the point of going out with friends everyday just to hang out when I meet them in school and sometimes on weekends anyways, if I can play in SubSpace with them?
A great terr can only bring out the best in their team. He/She can't make them better than they are capable of being. A bad team will still be bad even behind a great terr. For my part, I've had maybe one or two games where I felt like I was completely doing my part.
There aren't any great terrs playing now. TW is filled with decent terrs that think they are great.
Tony B
A few seasons ago ur team wasnt strong and u guys still did very well, mainly bc of ur terring. Im not saying it was all you, or that a terr can completly carry a team, but a great terr like urself, or like u use to be can help a bad team do well.
I also agree that there really isnt any more great terrs. All the great terrs of the past rarly play like WP, Utopia, Mitch, myth and so on. Your 1 of the only ones left actualy.
I'm one of the people you mean with the ones hating on Pure_Luck, I dont hate him, I'm judging by his skill, he might have been good , but he's over confident and plays too agressive which makes him die all the time which makes him a useless terr imo.
I've played with PL for years now. I agree that sometimes he plays too aggressive, but it works a lot of the time. Everybody makes mistakes sometimes. He is still one of the best terrs in the game. He's great at getting into the flagroom when it is still packed with spiders; sure it doesn't work every time, but it works more times than not.
When a game goes bad, everyone blames it on either the terrier or the sharks. When a terr makes a mistake, it's pretty obvious. Same with sharks. When a spider dies prematurely or misses killing an enemy, it's almost just as bad but it's not nearly as obvious.
Luck is the first terr I've had the pleasure to play with that can PLAY an agressive game. Playing agressive leaves a lot more room for mistakes, and I'd say between the better terrs this season, he makes the most. But, as I've learned, Spastic has formed a great team around his terring, and has most of the same play style they had years ago. Sure, Jamal does a good job terring, but at the heart of Spastic is Luck. Pure_Luck makes the moves when it counts, and I'd say he's probably the best cram attacking terr I've played with, (and I've played with them all, except on a consistant basis with warportal).
A lot of pressure is put on him during the games, and I'll be the first one to tell you I do let out a lot of, grunts, but that's what comes naturaly when you play terr, which is as high profile as a quarterback or a goalie (I didn't compare it to the job of a goalie, so don't go there). If things go wrong, like stabwound said, the next down the line are the sharks... and rarely, RARELY, like the offense on a soccer team, are the spiders blamed. Okay, I'm not bitching nor whining here, I'm just sticking my neck out for an agressive terr such as Pure_Luck, who ALREADY has a high profile because he's a terr, as well as a terr for an older and accomplished team.
^haha, didn't even realise crem already left syndicate. it's good to be right.
you were so lured.
EDIT: You should watch Jack before you even talk about crem btw
1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
1:Vitja> afk
1:Underground> haha vit