I will be announcing the teams that will be participating in TWL Season 6 in the next couple of days. Things will be a bit different than previously thought, we have room for 4 new basing, 6 new Jav, and 7 new Dueling squads.
On the note of Double Squadding. Before I announce the teams who will be participating in this TWL season, I am going to pore over every log imaginable to weed out and locate each person who is Double Squadding in TWD. Any person that I find to be Double Squadding in TWD, will not be allowed to participate in TWL. Some people have already been approached about this, and have righted their wrong. This is your chance to do the same. If you happen to share computers with someone, or use the same connection under one roof, you still need to notify us of this. Such notice can be mailed to trenchwarsleagues@yahoo.com so any future misunderstanding can be avoided.
On the note of Double Squadding. Before I announce the teams who will be participating in this TWL season, I am going to pore over every log imaginable to weed out and locate each person who is Double Squadding in TWD. Any person that I find to be Double Squadding in TWD, will not be allowed to participate in TWL. Some people have already been approached about this, and have righted their wrong. This is your chance to do the same. If you happen to share computers with someone, or use the same connection under one roof, you still need to notify us of this. Such notice can be mailed to trenchwarsleagues@yahoo.com so any future misunderstanding can be avoided.