'luck' plays a role in all three leagues. it seems, however, that a person is more likely to be affected by it in lj and lb, simply becasue the action is taking place in a much smaller, contained area. Also, imo, an lb match is much more likely to have its outcome drastically changed by a freak play. ex; terr warps and sid detatches into a bomb. td, and other freq crams it out for the win. there are so many more variables that makes lb more unpredictable. its just part of every league; a terr shouldnt warp into a mine, a spid shouldnt detatch into it, and a wb should be able to dodge a stray.
although..if you're debating about which league is the best, the amount of luck involved in each shouldnt be the deciding factor in my opinion.
although..if you're debating about which league is the best, the amount of luck involved in each shouldnt be the deciding factor in my opinion.