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Pre-Season Week 1 TWLD Predictions

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  • #16
    Originally posted by CrvenBan View Post
    bram> lol someone go tell that newb Ries that LS chocked nearly every game
    bram> why does he even talk
    bram> wow now I died to some newb named Veloce
    bram> sigh
    does this bram come with a mute button?


    • #17

      Warpath has gotten way better this year, we have a lto more quality players and the closest mathcup with us will not be us vs Hydra. We'll beat hydra, tough, and sage easily. The competition will be with warpath and build. As for warpath's twl line, i dont know , but i do know who will be most likely to play in twl - Iron survivor, retaliate, Spider web, Sweet Child O Mine, nemiseph, Barnes. maybe Papa Diop, MEEep.
      5:Melanoma> so I kinda cheated on my gf yesterday
      5:Melanoma> but I was drunk so it doesnt count right
      5:Oops> doesnt count if ur sober just so long as u dont get caught
      5:Melanoma> aight cool
      5:Melanoma> + it was with a dude
      5:Oops> what?
      5:Melanoma> ye
      5:Oops> you serious?
      5:Melanoma> innocent kissing
      5:Melanoma> fu
      5:Melanoma> I WAS DRUNK
      5:squallFF8> this is akward


      • #18
        WP has come a long way, but they dont deserve to be in TWLD. Not enough experienced players to do good enough. =/ best of luck tho


        • #19
          Originally posted by Izor View Post
          well.....picking up me racka and kk as 3 starters surely helps out the wb line

          and exalt, newbie
          RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
          RaCka> mad impressive


          • #20
            Originally posted by Squadless View Post
            does this bram come with a mute button?
            Please give that same mute button to scoop. He's already maxed out this season on senseless chatter on the forums, someone please mute him out.
            TWLJ Season 5 Champion
            TWLJ Season 9 Champion - Syndicate
            TWLD Season 10 Champion - Syndicate


            • #21
              Originally posted by Confluence View Post
              Please give that same mute button to scoop. He's already maxed out this season on senseless chatter on the forums, someone please mute him out.
              I wish someone would mute your crying.
              4:DEEZ NUTS> geio hopefully u smoke ur last cig right now
              4:Geio> yo wont ever happen again
              4:Geio> DEEZ?
              4:Geio> LOLOL
              4:DEEZ NUTS> LOL
              4:scoop> cant tell if deez was trying to be a good influence or telling him to die LOL
              4:spirit> LOL
              4:Geio> LOLOL THINK HE TOLD ME TO DIE
              4:Geio> FUCKING DICKHEAD


              • #22
                Yo Reis too bad you could not predict getting axed from Lifeban. lololololol
                2 time TWLD runner up.

                If not a medal, cant I get a Ribbon??


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Kid Kaos View Post
                  Yo Reis too bad you could not predict getting axed from Lifeban. lololololol
                  seems like he got on a better squad though ^-^
                  4:DEEZ NUTS> geio hopefully u smoke ur last cig right now
                  4:Geio> yo wont ever happen again
                  4:Geio> DEEZ?
                  4:Geio> LOLOL
                  4:DEEZ NUTS> LOL
                  4:scoop> cant tell if deez was trying to be a good influence or telling him to die LOL
                  4:spirit> LOL
                  4:Geio> LOLOL THINK HE TOLD ME TO DIE
                  4:Geio> FUCKING DICKHEAD


                  • #24
                    Style vs lifeban :O


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                      and exalt, newbie
                      and Weak, tools, everyone always forgettin about me!
                      help: (Violence) (twjd): dice hacking the serve every1 on thundir lag out and noone on dice lagout @ same junctire
                      help: (Violence) (twjd): main suspicts in this act of terrorism is mr weak cuz shis the only pikistini online 4 dice @ this instint


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Kid Kaos View Post
                        Yo Reis too bad you could not predict getting axed from Lifeban. lololololol
                        owned, ez
                        RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                        RaCka> mad impressive


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Scoop View Post
                          seems like he got on a better squad though ^-^

                          ROFL good joke scoop.
                          2 time TWLD runner up.

                          If not a medal, cant I get a Ribbon??


                          • #28
                            reis on stray....gettin desperate I see
                            and scoop , :> gonna have to beat u down in ld, jus for that comment
                            help: (Violence) (twjd): dice hacking the serve every1 on thundir lag out and noone on dice lagout @ same junctire
                            help: (Violence) (twjd): main suspicts in this act of terrorism is mr weak cuz shis the only pikistini online 4 dice @ this instint


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Reis View Post
                              Thought i'd start it since noone else has already....

                              Thunder vs. Style
                              The two supposed powerhouses of LD...well Thunder not so much :P. Style/Doom/Syndicate w/e has impressed as usual during off-season and can back it up during season, while Thunder has seemingly fallen short into the category of "people that used to be good but now...meh". While Thunder may put a good fight, it's obvious that Style will walk away with the win. Inactivity is a bish eh Thunder? :turned:
                              My Prediction: Style
                              Thunder's Line: Collusion, Vitja, Creature, Baserman_X, Ricko
                              Style's Line: Reaver, Death Row, Skepsis, Last Standing, Grouch

                              Hydra vs. Warpath
                              Ummm...where to begin. Warpath always seems to sneak into TWL but never really has any impact except for the un-occasional win vs a lower tier squad...not calling you guys bad but you've been around for a pretty long time but never seem to improve...just kidding. Hydra on the other guys have some TWL veterans but they are nothing special; yet winning will be no problem for you.
                              My Prediction: Hydra
                              Warpath's Line: Your guess is as good as mine...Iron survivor, Kapuchin, (insert 3 others here)
                              Hydra's Line: Nikolai, Ripper, Untie, Accord?, Steak666?

                              Tough vs. Sage
                              Battle of the higher lower-tier squads, who will win? who will walk away with their head high? why do i not use proper capitilazation? because i can. I look over Tough's roster and they should seriously change their squad name because it doesn't match. But then again, Sage should stick to javs or w/e it is that they do, hate you guys because you sneaked into twld and knocked quicksand out forcing them to somehow all come to lifeban. Even though both of you will not make it very far in twl, maybe even at best? Wow, I'm off topic
                              My Prediction: Sage better win or I vote for twl removal for them
                              Sage's Line: Seriously not a clue since you guys merged with BoZ maybe...Kawrae, Elbryan, Zizu(if hes not lagging which i doubt he wont be),Spikey, and Refund?
                              Tough's Line: Cata, Caster, Ups, Neocount, Stray

                              Build vs Fistula
                              Fistula has its on and off days but in the end, if they have their top line in, they are a solid team and will it make it far; this is one thing that Build lacks, no matter how you look at it. Build is ok individually, yet when you put them together they = disorganization, however...under rare instances they do team and when they do...well nevermind its pretty much still the same.
                              My Prediction: Fistula
                              Build's Line: Paky Dude, Empion, Unabled, Saetep, (?)
                              Fistula's Line: Janitor, Jones, Metalkid, Bike, Fstemplar/Confluence

                              Stray vs Disoblige
                              In the beginning, Jack created Stray, a couple of months later he left and went to disoblige to bench for them I suppose. Stray was looking good when they were first created as most of these make-shift glory squads do when they are made after twl to "go all the way", yet lately they seem to have dropped off a little bit in skill but not much, they are still good. But then you have Disoblige, I don't know if people are joking around when they say that they can win twld this season or if they a serious and if they are then I laugh in their face. Disoblige has fallen short, in my opinion, this twl season, they will still make it to playoffs but their incohesiveness and unreliability will detain them from winning matches vs the upper squads such as stray and style.
                              My Prediction: Stray
                              Stray's Line: O PUTAO, PUTAO/Sention, Deez Nutz, Delectable, Halls/Pascone
                              Disoblige's Line: Scoop, Displaced, Mattey, Hercules, Bram/Phren/Da1/Jack/Shiran

                              Dice vs Lifeban
                              I won't say much here since I'm not going to comment much on my own squad seeing as I don't even know what our line will be with our recent recruits of seemingly the whole quicksand squadron. The match should be pretty even though.

                              These predictions our just my own personal opinion so don't get mad especially you warpath you know I luv you :wub:
                              Haha, Style's line you wrote is wrong , also Kawrae is in the army and won't be playing TWL unless his free time just happens to be on Sunday afternoons when it's on. ALSO: O PUTAO = Mega Newbie and PUTAO = Elven not Sention!@!@!#!#

                              EDIT: Oh you said PUTAO/Sention meaning 1 or the other not them equalling. my bad !!
                              Last edited by Daldur; 10-12-2007, 06:38 AM.
                              1:Underground> WHO THE FUK ARE THE WITH, EASE, WITH EASE, EASE JR.

                              Yojo?> And I keep arguing that when everyone else sees his stuff 3/10 of a second ahead of him, factoring in the 3/8 of a second it takes your brain to tell your hand to move, it's nothing to do with skill =/

                              1:zidane> they dont wanna play vs. u dald
                              1:B4sERmaN75_X> dald youve been blacklisted by pirates gg

                              1:Ease> fucking stupid newbie sitting out of base for half an hour, then you finally come in and fire shots at 1000 mphl


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Weak View Post
                                and Weak, tools, everyone always forgettin about me!
                                not a suprise that everyon forgets you.... it simply becaus because you like men

