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Lance For Twlb

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  • #16
    Originally posted by FarScape View Post
    Everything you say is terrible.
    Originally posted by Ward
    OK.. ur retarded case closed


    • #17
      Holy fuck I hate it when people called it a "Lance."


      • #18
        Originally posted by Vykromond View Post
        Everything you say is terrible.

        All the replies you write are awful.

        Its not even stickin to the simple. Vs some teams a special ship just puts u 7v8. Whether its a jav, wb, or lanc. They just dont have the natural fire power a spider has in cram or in the FR. Sure a good lanc player can dominator scorewise, but he also only gets 1-2 quick shots. if he misses once it pushes ur whole team back till he recharges. It has its advantages and its disadvantages, but in the end its disadvantages usualy are worst then a spiders, and usualy outweigh the advantages.
        First of all, unlike the guy i quoted above, thank you for the reply.
        I disagree with your approach. Take an example of disoblidge use of jav and warbird. you could say almost the same thing about warbird when you say that if it miss, the whole team pushed backward. warbird can take sharks and terriers at one shot, but 1 shot that can be repelled too. Lance got 2-3 chances to fire a very strong L2 bullets.
        I do agree tho that its heavily depend on how the whole game is been played.
        If a warbird fail to do any good for the team, it wont be bad idea at all to put him as lancer instead.
        Last edited by FarScape; 11-10-2007, 01:00 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Cig Smoke View Post
          Tru except that lil mofo Domi didnt come

          And cops Why change whats working? Mayb if ur 1 of them losing squads like juice u can venture new lineups to try to get somthing to win, but when ur a winning squad with 5 spiders, why change it?


          • #20
            The wb is more mobile, especially in the flagroom. That alone kills the lanc.
            6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

            Originally posted by Dreamwin
            3 league vet


            • #21
              Originally posted by Tsumetai View Post
              The Lance will be used when someone actually gets good in it. If you want to see it used, get real good in it, practice it in BDs (which will convince captains of the squad that it's a plausible option for an LB match), and then own it up in an LB. Until then you're not gonna convince anyone who isn't already leaning towards it already.
              I am a Captain and I could get a lot better in it and have played several games in it, the problem is Juice isn't Dice or Pandora, we need to play a safe startegy because we can't afford loses, if I was in a position to convince Apt or Deverse to let me use it I would but I understand that they want to be as safe as possible.
              it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did

