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Poll: Should we get rid of Soft Lock?

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  • #31
    Lock the rosters permanently on November 14th at 12 AM EST time. The TWD players will either have to step up their game on their current squads or join a TWL squad if they wish to play in TWL. Also, if a player leaves their TWL squad after November 14th, he or she cannot join another TWL squad. This will prevent TWL squad hopping and encourage loyalty. Do it.


    • #32
      I like that you guys presented us with this option, it's not a bad idea.

      I still think that the soft lock should be in place. Squad hoppers can ruin a squad that has been working hard to get to TWL after a loss in the first game. Replacement squads doesn't really improve the competitiveness of the leagues, so we should do what we can to prevent squads falling apart during TWL.
      Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

      5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


      • #33
        $10 says dreamwin leaves Thunder and then complains about not being able to join another TWL squad.

        My personal opinion, we should hard lock before TWL even starts. We've had how many months to get ready for TWL? Seriously, have your shit together.
        5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
        5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
        5:royst> i wish it was calculus

        1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

        1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead

