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TWDC Finals : Featured Matches

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  • TWDC Finals : Featured Matches

    Featured Match ::::: TWDC-D Cup Finals ::::: Fate vs Sweet (by Kthx)

    With the semi-finals done in this years dueling cup for a spot in TWLD, it comes down to Fate vs Sweet in a battle of epic proportions that could possibly determine this years TWLD championship. Ok so I am lying, but I am not lying when I say that sweet really shouldn't have a problem winning this game and getting into TWL. With dice bowing out at the last minute Sweet got a bye week into the finals to go against Fate who had to defeat a weak paladen team led by emo pokemaster Metalkid. So here is the run down.

    Sweet captain Jones told me that they will be missing two of their starters this week with Spaceship and Tohn who both are apparently going camping in the forest together as all great leaders of squads do when they meet in real life. However he assured me that Sweet would be the victor this week -- jones> seeing as fate never beat wingmasters, the game will be a zzz-fest -- and I personally agree with him.

    I tried talking to several members of fate about the upcoming battle but unfortunately....

    Wark <ER>> ?find cloth
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    Wark <ER>> ?find warlord
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    Wark <ER>> ?find creek
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    Wark <ER>> ?find randle
    Not online, last seen 14 hours ago
    Wark <ER>> ?find deed
    Not online, last seen 22 hours ago
    Wark <ER>> ?find validity
    Not online, last seen 33 hours ago
    Wark <ER>> ?find faces
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    Wark <ER>> ?find hectic
    Not online, last seen 3 hours ago
    Wark <ER>> ?find puzzles
    Not online, last seen 33 hours ago


    In the end I am almost 100% certain that Sweet is going to win this match by atleast +10, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was a bit closer to +15. If you are looking to spectate the MVP of this match, I would go ahead and center in on Aerin right off the bot, I expect him to not only be the leader of his team when it comes to getting his team vulches, and hitting rushes, but also to get a solid 13-15 kills against a rusted and inactive fate lineup.

    Prediction ::::: Final Score ::::: Fate - 37 Sweet - 50.
    Prediction ::::: MVP ::::: Aerin 15-7.

    TWDC-J Finals : Sage vs. Laser(by azada)

    Why is this the Featured Match of the week? Because this is the only match this week. Despite the bad media, this game might be slightly entertaining. Both of these squads face elimination and lose a TWL wild-card spot if they do not win. Sage has a strong Euro based jav line, but when they log off for the day, their US counterparts are a laughing stock. Laser on the other hand is just a mixture of skill, from beginner to veteran player, you never know which line you will play against. Both teams boast a lot of new talent, that will indubitably be stolen by more seasoned squads next season.

    Here are the probable lines from both squads :


    Horndog (Dutch_)

    Subs - B.Rabbit, Ed

    Now of course, this is permitting that staff is still not watching lag and lets Spikey and company rush through walls.



    Subs - Dawk, Badjob

    Might be adjusted slighty, compared to who shows up. Paradise will likely be played, and be the first one in the match to go out.

    This will be a very close game -(+) 10 point spread at most. Game will be based mainly on how bad Sage players are lagging and if 24 shows up for Laser.
    My expert opinion predicts Sage winning this game 50-45. Hopefully Laser will stay together long enough to take Deliria's spot when they drop out.

    TWDC-B Finals: Sage vs. BasingCrew (by voth)

    This match is the finals of TWDC-B, and therefore will determine who earns the final spot in TWLB. Some would argue both of these squads are definite TWL material, but only one squad can make it in. Of course, since this is the only match this week, it is automatically the featured basing match of the week.

    Voth's prediction: BasingCrew over Sage, 15:00 to 11:00.

    Reasoning: Sage has a few great basers, but I don't see how Spikey, Kawrae, Wheen(is a major camper now anyway), and Zizu (assuming they show up) will be able to carry another four mediocre (at best) basers to victory. Now the outcome of the game is really dependent on BasingCrew's show. If they show their aces, I have no doubt they will fairly handily defeat Sage. Trouper, leitz, Rauta, cyrus, and Invincible would be an ideal spider lineup for BasingCrew. Protecting them could be any of their assortment of mediocre sharks, though NL>Trigger and gmail did an OK job against Brainwave. BasingCrew has never had an above average terrier, so it seems they will have to settle for JeBu or Sumpson, both very inconsistent, to lead them to victory. Luckily for BasingCrew, I do feel their spider line can carry them through this one. For Sage, Kawrae will have his hands full in terrier, and will probably be one of the few reasons this is even close. Spikey, Wheen, and Gazo will do an OK job spidering but their sharks (rofl, squallff8 and beaster?!) and the other two spiders in their line will definitely let them down.

    Oh yeah, one thing I forgot to mention: CampingCrew winning is also contingent upon their spiders using their up arrow key.

    EDIT: I was just informed that one of Sage's many aliased players is actually Zizu, so I guess for whatever it's worth, he will be spidering for Sage probably. I still pick BasingCrew to win, though.
    Last edited by Voth; 11-18-2008, 08:48 PM.
    7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

    Duel Pasta> great
    Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face


    TWLB Champion Season 12
    TWLJ Champion Season 11
    TWLB All-Star Season 10
    Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history

  • #2
    Very nice work all. These are so much fun to read, especially when real TWL starts. Can't wait till week 1.
    Season 12 champion TWLD / TWLJ
    Season 18 champion TWLJ / TWLB
    Season 19 champion TWLB (C)

    Season 6 champion TWDT-J TWDT-B (C)
    Season 10 champion TWDT-J (C)
    Season 11 champion TWDT-B (C)
    Season 13 champion TWDT-B (C)
    Season 17 TRIPLE CROWN TWDT (C)

    The winningest TWDT captain of all time


    • #3
      I actually agree with your comments though I do wonder why people pick say Delos over me for lineups.
      dim> if you want to go and suggest that black people are rapists, more so than white people. go and do it in real life, but you won't....because you'll get beaten up and you can only cope on a 2d spaceship game

      Alinea> And let me apologize in advance if it comes across harsher than I would like because I definitely mean it in a let's-make-the-game-better-and-get-this-thing-released-cuz-I'm-getting-very-pregnant kind of way

      3:Mattey> there is more to america than capitalism


      • #4
        Is it true that people who got recruited this week can't play this sunday? It's not that cloth can go on a recruiting spree! Woehahaha


        • #5
          I think all of these games should be entertaining and have the potential to be close.

          Sweet vs Fate
          I feel this game could be a lot more interesting then people will expect. Sweet has been a solid preformer in TWD for months now and this is the moment everybody has been training and waiting for. I'm sure Jones and Aerin will deliver as expected and we should have enough depht to overcome the loss of Tohn and Spaceship. Our lineup will vary greatly depending on who is able to show up and has been active lately but overall we should have a solid team no matter who we field.
          Fate has one thing going for them and that is that they should carry some momentum from beating paladen. (Sure it is a bit like when Kevin Federline would beat up Britney and use that momentum to go into a UFC match against Rampage Jackson)
          Various Fate members also have a small personal vendetta against Sweet for reasons that shouldn't be made public (Hf with the herpes I gave you Deed lolol)
          I'm expecting Cloth and Deed to exceed expectations, Riverside to collapse under pressure (if he's starting), Vt to whine there is blueout in TW and myself to sit on my bench like usual.

          Sage vs Laser should be a good game. Where Sage seems to have quite a bit of depth Laser seems to depend on a few key players to carry the rest. If 24 and Festival show up and play to their full potential I could see a really close game coming up. I feel that the safe bet would be Sage (especialy if B.rabbit can stay within lag limits so a lineup of Spikey, Kawrae, B.rabbit, Lagua, Cuji is possible. With Horndog/Sir Chrono/Rhin/Negrita as subs) however I can see an upset happening with 24 carrying his team to victory.

          Basingcrew vs Sage

          I don't really care for basing anymore. Only thing that will be interesting about this match is wether or not Flion will start and if playing his old squad will somehow give him the power to reach his full potential and MVP with a 165-50 rec in shark.
          2:Cig Smoke> why u challengin me to a duel
          2:Cig Smoke> When i clearly am better
          2:Miksel> becouse you think you great
          2:Cig Smoke> how many titles have u won
          2:Cig Smoke> im guessin 0
          2:Cig Smoke> thdx
          2:Miksel> elim 3
          2:Cig Smoke> lol elim
          2:Morgane> LOL
          2:Enflame> haha
          2:Cig Smoke> IM TALKIN ABOUT TWL


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dreamwin View Post
            Very nice work all. These are so much fun to read, especially when real TWL starts. Can't wait till week 1.
            Your a fucking queer.
            SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2022
            SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2021
            SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2020

            TWLB CHAMP x4 dicE


            • #7
              for the first time in my illustrious spaceship career i am rooting for basingcrew.

              i can't believe i just said that.
              Originally posted by Tone
              It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
              Originally posted by the_paul
              Gargle battery acid fuckface
              Originally posted by Material Girl
              I tried downloading a soundcard


              • #8
                why not sage?!
                7:RoDNeY> u dont know what afk means u think it means the arab way of saying KFC


                • #9
                  Sweet - since no spaceship/tohn lineup will be Jones Aerin Dak vt and deductable?
                  Fate - cloth and deed

                  Sweet gonna dominate them. Cloth/deed only 2 that will be able to go even/pos Score Sweet 50 --- Fate 40 mvp: Dak 12-7

                  Laser - Paradise Expecto Patronum 24 Freeze Daruler
                  Sage - zizu b.rabbit kawrae spikey havu

                  gonna be a close game mvp: Paradise 14-10 Score Laser 45 - Sage 50

                  Sage - terr zizu sharks: zyclon / circlepusher spiders: Spikey Gazo Havu Kawrae Melanoma subs: Sirchrono/Kess

                  Basingcrew - terr: jebu sharks: nltrigger/pressure drop spiders: zizzo trouper rauta leitz dsin

                  Going to be close sage has the upperhand on terr while bc's sharks are an advantage. Spiders are near equal. Game could go either way
                  Score - Sage vs Basingcrew 15:00 - 14:00 mvp: zizu 40-5
                  1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail

                  menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
                  JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending

                  1:Cape> Why did u axe req
                  1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.


                  • #10
                    whoever said tht sage has mediocre spiders, forgot to list me and kess


                    • #11
                      Can't believe Sage still gets underestimated so much. If our top line shows, we must be able to beat BasingCrew. And since we got Zizu (a.k.a. Riki Vodka) we can't lose this one!

                      P.S.: Practice BD this week (although it was 7's): 15:00 - 1:00 to Sage!
                      1:Vergilius> ive been wondering something
                      1:Gazo> tell me!
                      1:Vergilius> suppose that i would clone myself
                      1:Vergilius> but i change the y chromosome into an x chromosome, thus making a female version of myself
                      1:Vergilius> and then fuck that clone
                      1:Vergilius> would that be masturbation or incest?

                      1:Jason> i think soupero is slightly underdeveloped or something


                      • #12

                        I think BC has a shit ton more depth but if Sage shows a top line they'll win easily. LOL they have Gabraham on their roster. And LOL BC has Maize and Invi.

                        I'd have to say I'm rooting for Sage, in the same sort of 'lesser of two evils' John Kerry-ish way. BC dissolves like every season.
                        Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
                        Message has been sent to online moderators
                        2:BLeeN> veh yes
                        2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
                        2:BLeeN> ok then no
                        :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
                        (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


                        • #13
                          Wii! Sunday is going to be cool. I think we're able to win both games.

                          Our spiders are actually pretty powerful. I'd put Spikey, Havu, Gazo, Zizu/Kaw (depends on who terrs), and probably Wheen (5/6 finns ^^). We got great spiders for sub also. Beaster and Squall is definately a shark duo i'd pick from our roster!

                          BC has a good line, but i'd put my money on us.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Downfall View Post
                            Laser - Paradise Expecto Patronum 24 Freeze Daruler
                            Sage - zizu b.rabbit kawrae spikey havu

                            gonna be a close game mvp: Paradise 14-10 Score Laser 45 - Sage 50
                            MVP: THATS WHATS UP

                            SCORE: NOT COOL
                            4:BigKing> xD
                            4:Best> i'm leaving chat
                            4:BigKing> what did i do???
                            4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
                            4:BigKing> ???? why though
                            4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
                            4:BigKing> xD


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Dreamwin View Post
                              Very nice work all. These are so much fun to read, especially when real TWL starts. Can't wait till week 1.
                              4:BigKing> xD
                              4:Best> i'm leaving chat
                              4:BigKing> what did i do???
                              4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
                              4:BigKing> ???? why though
                              4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
                              4:BigKing> xD

