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this year's all-star games

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  • this year's all-star games

    not even regular season and this fuckhead's talking about all-star game already?

    fuck yeah i am because for the past three years the all-star game has been absolutely TERRIBLE. like, seriously, just huge pieces of shit. much love to nickname but nickname played in them and he didn't even play any fuckin' games. i want this year to be organized beforehand so it doesn't turn into a clusterfuck and we throw some shitty ass fuck attempt at a blowjob using a deadfish because it isn't planned properly.

    enough of this after twl bullshit. fuck that. if you're going to do that again this year you might as well not even do it at all. the only point it serves is to make sure all the vets have enough of their own cum to gargle. place it between regular season and playoffs.

    the only negative i can think about putting it between playoffs is that this causes an even LONGER break for the top playoff squads, and i'm not sure what to say to that. i hope it's not too late to try to fix that but whatever, maybe there are enough fans of the all-star game to make it not matter how long everybody waits.

    these guys are doing a very good job at creating a new site and i'm hoping the voting will be fully functional. if so then maybe we can make up some new awards. i thought that was a decent idea by the bwc thing, even if it is a bit of a popularity contest. one idea in particular i had was that we'd have a 'best rookie' poll and there'd have to be a committee that decides the certain number of players up for each poll. then that best rookie would have to be involved in the all-star game if he hadn't already been voted in.

    then maybe before all the all-star games we could have a big twldm game. and maybe a couple games like conquer or some shit. i don't know.

    let's not let it suck dick this year, shall we?
    Originally posted by turmio
    jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
    Originally posted by grand
    I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...

  • #2
    You could do all that during replay week I suppose... Since replay week hardly ever has a lot of matches, atleast not for the same players...

    Another idea I have is that if a match gets postponed because it didn't get played for whatever reason, this match could possibly be played during a weekday. Only if the captains have mutually agreed on this ofcourse. This would not only make the replay week so full, but it would also bring some fun during weekdays. And I agree the allstar games have sucked serious dick the past seasons.
    TWLM-J Champion Season 8 :wub:
    TWLM-D Champion Season 9 <_<
    TWLM-B Champion Season 10 :pirate2:
    First person to win all different TWLM'ers :greedy:


    • #3
      Why is this fuckhead talking about all-star game already?
      Originally posted by Tyson
      There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
      Originally posted by HeavenSent
      Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
      Originally posted by Izor
      Women should never be working in the first place.


      • #4
        Better start talking about it now than one week before the all-star games. =)

        I do agree, the past few seasons have had terrible TWL All-Star matches. Waiting to see if this season will bring anything new to fix that.


        • #5
          trash the all-star game if people don't care. just name your all-stars and be done with it.

          instead, use the scheduled week to play one big deathmatch with all the participating squads. similar deal with javs. for basing... any map with multiple bases. or something with multiple flags like in warzone CTF.

          - might actually be fun
          - gives players who didn't get a chance to play during the season to play for their squad
          - events are fun

          - unabled and racka will bitch and moan for not being able to play in the all-star game
          Gripe> apok is good but he's completely wasted his youth playing this game


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jeenyuss View Post
            these guys are doing a very good job at creating a new site and i'm hoping the voting will be fully functional.
            The question is do we want to have it as Polls again?
            Or once we get round to starting on things like viewing individual player stats
            and on the move etc as more things are added the site could calculate
            based on player stats who the "All Stars" are?

            And even if we did that you could still include a poll for things like "best Rookie" etc to be added to the mix...

            Just ideas, i remember from previous seasons that ppl didn't like the polls much even when they were working correctly...

            PubBot8> Going to 69 :greedy:

            Jacklyn> I'll play with this clit thing later
            Dr.Coiff> i've played with it

            3:Mirror <ZH>> fly around and boom blow everyone up


            • #7
              i am the only true allstar, i shine even when i burn out
              Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE


              • #8
                Originally posted by tragiK View Post
                trash the all-star game if people don't care. just name your all-stars and be done with it.

                instead, use the scheduled week to play one big deathmatch with all the participating squads. similar deal with javs. for basing... any map with multiple bases. or something with multiple flags like in warzone CTF.

                - might actually be fun
                - gives players who didn't get a chance to play during the season to play for their squad
                - events are fun

                - unabled and racka will bitch and moan for not being able to play in the all-star game
                big game of warzone would be really fun.
                Originally posted by turmio
                jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                Originally posted by grand
                I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by RiiStar View Post
                  The question is do we want to have it as Polls again?
                  Or once we get round to starting on things like viewing individual player stats
                  and on the move etc as more things are added the site could calculate
                  based on player stats who the "All Stars" are?

                  And even if we did that you could still include a poll for things like "best Rookie" etc to be added to the mix...

                  Just ideas, i remember from previous seasons that ppl didn't like the polls much even when they were working correctly...

                  Basing all-star games on stats is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. We all know that the stats will not show everything.
                  2:Entertainer> Supreme Auth> we should all be like: Morh> EIN REICH EIN VOLK EIN FUHRER and then jones and logain would be "SIEG HEIL o/"


                  • #10
                    why are we talkin about All-star game before preseason has even started?
                    4:BigKing> xD
                    4:Best> i'm leaving chat
                    4:BigKing> what did i do???
                    4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
                    4:BigKing> ???? why though
                    4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
                    4:BigKing> xD


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by LoGGi! View Post
                      Basing all-star games on stats is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. We all know that the stats will not show everything.
                      It was a suggestion, nothing more...
                      It not like i said "TWL ALL STARS WILL BE AUTO DONE BY STATS ON SITE AND NO ONE
                      HAS ANY SAY IN HOW ELSE IT WILL BE DONE SO GTFO" now did i?

                      I never liked the "Popularity Contest" that the polls were, ppl that were genuinely good during TWL but
                      were rookies or not so popular were never considered for All Stars.

                      Options and debate on this is whats needed before the time rolls round which is why Jeen started the tread in the 1st place...
                      PubBot8> Going to 69 :greedy:

                      Jacklyn> I'll play with this clit thing later
                      Dr.Coiff> i've played with it

                      3:Mirror <ZH>> fly around and boom blow everyone up


                      • #12
                        I think it needs to be a combination. Both stats/voting. Obviously if you don't have at least decent stats, or any GP, sorry, you shouldn't be in the all star game. At the same time, I think the community needs to be able to step in and pick the ACTUAL top players out of the top stats.
                        7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
                        7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
                        7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*

                        1:vys> I EVEN TOLD MY MUM I WON A PIZZA

                        7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
                        7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

                        1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
                        1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jeenyuss View Post

                          one idea in particular i had was that we'd have a 'best rookie' poll and there'd have to be a committee that decides the certain number of players up for each poll. then that best rookie would have to be involved in the all-star game if he hadn't already been voted in.

                          let's not let it suck dick this year, shall we?
                          i am nominating confluence as rookie of the year before season even begins since we are talking about all star game before season even begins
                          TWLD CHAMP - STRAY (SORT OF)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by paradise! View Post
                            why are we talkin about All-star game before preseason has even started?
                            don't worry, you won't be in it
                            Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                            You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                            There wont be another election for president.
                            Obama is the Omega President.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Da1andonly View Post
                              don't worry, you won't be in it
                              stomping all over people's dreams! Shame on you da1! :P
                              7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
                              7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
                              7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*

                              1:vys> I EVEN TOLD MY MUM I WON A PIZZA

                              7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
                              7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

                              1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
                              1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now

