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TWL Preseason Week 2 : HOT or NOT

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  • TWL Preseason Week 2 : HOT or NOT

    TWLB Preseason Week 2 : HOT or NOT (by voth)

    Interesting week in TWL-B to say the least. Thunder managed to overcome my oh so accurate predictions and notched a win over the three time TWLB champions, Dice. Spastic continued their disappointing results, becoming a squad that is known to accomplish nothing with a lot of talent. Seriously, TWLB season 6 was a long time ago; it’s cool that you’re still around and everything, I love old squads, but really, you guys are Mambo-like disappointments right now. Pirates was impressive once again, while Penetrate decided that an 0-2 would be a nice record to end the preseason with.

    Voth’s HOT pick of the week: THE JAVELINS (Blasphemy, Da1andonly, M_M God, Domi)

    The Javelins? Yes! The javelins are indeed the hot players of this week. Three out of the four winning squads this weekend used a javelin, and each of those javelins had a significant impact on the match! Could this be a sign of the end of the five spider domination lineup? Probably not, but it was still pretty god damn sweet to see some awesome javelins in the mix today. Blasphemy was one of the two more impressive javelins of the day, racking up 6 TeKs to go along with his impressive 89-29 record against Dice, of all squads (ps: how are the Brainwave sharks treating you?). Da1andonly was right there with Blasphemy, notching 7 TeKs to supplement his 70-47 record against Penetrate’s usually solid shark core. Finally, we have that always stellar M_M God who switched to javelin mid-game and managed to take out Pure_Luck three times in Pirates’ win over Spastic. Those three javelins played huge roles in their squad’s victories today. However, there was one last javelin, who was the only bright spot in an ugly loss for Spastic. Domi managed to rack up 5 TeKs while playing javelin versus Pirates, but who knows how many of those were just scoop being a failure? Either way, 5 TeKs is impressive for a game you lost, it’s too bad your supporting cast was rather stinky today.

    Honorable mention: Vys decided that warbird was getting a little old and played spider today for Pirates, mustering an impressive record of 101-54 with 6 TeKs and was MVP of the game. Mainliner for showing how solid they are with a 2-0 preseason.

    Voth’s NOT pick of the week: Dice

    Yikes! Thunder rather handily defeated the defending champs today, against most people’s predictions, including my own. I couldn’t resist giving Dice the not this week when I saw their lineup. You guys had megaman89, cripple, Jrahen, Ri$e Again$t, and Grandmastahs in spider, all who I’d consider starters on your squad (except Rise probably out for Stayon). You had your starting terrier, Chief Utsav. What you didn’t have was what has made Dice the squad they have been for the past couple years; a2m and Cig Smoke! Like I said in my predictions, without proper sharking, your spiders are quickly brought down to a beatable level, and that was proven today. Hellkite, Fludd, Dald, and Cremation outspidered Dice’s starting spiders? Eh, something seems wrong here. It wasn’t Dice’s spiders fault, it was the fact that they had ffe and Downfall as their sharks. That really made Dice look weak today. I hope a2m and Cig show to pretty much all of your games, otherwise you guys will have some problems this season, especially with squads that have formidable base javs like thunder, disoblige, pirates (last week??), and spastic. Now, before you guys come on here whining about how it’s preseason and you didn’t try, just shut up, you guys got outplayed and it’s time to face the fact that you’re not invincible. On a quick sidenote, I'm happy to report that Thunder apparently took my advice and added Phizey in terrier over dreamwin. Phizey is Trench Wars' best up and coming terrier. I love you phizey.

    Honorable mention: Penetrate and Spastic both secured their spots at the bottom of the totem pole by finishing the preseason 0-2. Time to step it up, fellas. Pure_Luck died a laughable 21 times in terrier against Pirates, even with Stabwound and ph sharking for him. Cops, Ri$e Again$t, cool koen, circlepusher, Leitz, and turmio were all negative in their losses while spidering.


    Since the text limit is 10,000 characters, you can find TWL-D Hot or Not below this.
    Last edited by Voth; 12-07-2008, 10:38 PM.
    7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

    Duel Pasta> great
    Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face


    TWLB Champion Season 12
    TWLJ Champion Season 11
    TWLB All-Star Season 10
    Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history

  • #2
    Week 2 TWL-D Pre Season Hot or Not (by kthx)

    So in this week of matches that were fairly bad, there was only one once again that I got wrong, the Heavy vs Quake match turned out to be a pretty decent game though, and we had 121 people show up to watch Quake win it. But still I am 8/10 this season, with two perfect predictions (got the final scores right) so who can complain right? Still even though the matches weren't as good it was nice to see that alot of squads starting lineups were here this week, the playing was better even if the matches were not.

    Quake vs Heavy -

    As I guessed this was the match of the week and even though I was wrong it turned out to be pretty entertaining until the very end. Heavy started out the match fairly well, a bit slow on kills but the match was staying around +5 for Quake nearly the entire round. Unfortunately for Heavy Desai wasn't playing up to par and ended up 5-10.. way too early in the match. After Quake had the 4v5 Heavy still held their own for awhile, but after it became obvious that Annoyance wasn't going to do anything no matter how long he stayed in things fell apart. Izor had another lackluster game, getting only 8 kills for the second week running which makes me wonder if he is actually going to try to unrust this week or just let this be the norm. On the Quake side of the match Deez Nuts and Reaver showed their rust when Deez wasn't hitting anything mid range, and Reaver couldn't hit a rush to save his life, literally. Still Raspi did a great job of taking the point over Reaver, Deez, and Vash who stayed in on 9 deaths for far too long. But besides all that Skepsis was the real reason Quake clenched the match, if not for his 16 kills, I don't know what would have been the outcome of this game.

    Disoblige vs Thunder

    This game was chock full of hilarity. The match stayed very close until nearly the half way mark when Spikey thought it would be a good idea to sub out Aquino, and I would normally agree if it wasn't Spikey going in for him.They ended up 4-10, and died out about 7 minutes into the match. After this happened the fluice gates opened and Thunder started rampaging on them, Ease took control of the game himself by changing his 6-9 to a 12-9 by playing smart, and taking good shots. Yakuza and Burnt also played a big part in this match. But the high point of the match was the complete lack of respect Baserman showed Disoblige when he subbed himself out for Draft while going 12-7 because the match was pretty much over and he wasn't needed anymore. It was a classic gem.

    Dynasty vs Sweet

    First off I would like to thank Ardour for watching this game and taking notes and making commentary on the match for me it was on during the same time as my match so I didn't get a chance to watch it unfortuantely. It seems like the common theme of this match Weak, and Geza, and Unabled who put up 39 of Dynasty's 50 kills this week. Regen and TNT killer both tossed up 3 and some guy named Eager tossed up 5. I can hope this isn't going to be Dynasty's plan every game, alot of their players won't be able to carry like that against squads that are a little better than Sweet, so basically none of them besides Rape and Syne. Ricko and Aerin get second place this week in my "worst sub combo" game with a total of 3 kills together, pretty much handing the round over to Dynasty. Caos and Jones are really the only contributing members of Sweet, which I think like Dynasty needing someone to carry them will be another common thing this year.

    Pirates vs Syne

    Oh snap this match started out too close to call until Vys pulled his head out of his ass and chuckle tried and failed to pull his head out of Vys's ass as well. There was terrible teaming on the part of Pirates for nearly half the game, because of the two aforementioned but finally after flewbag got subbed out 0-4, everything came together for them as Vys got more kills, and Attacks kept dominating as he had at the start to end up with an impressive (well it was Syne so not that impressive) k:d. Anyways Syne's terrible playing is the reason why I will only be picking them to win one or two games this season, and the way they are playing right now, especially with Rasaq being the only one to break 10, im leaning closer to one.

    Sake vs Rape

    And the winner for most terrible player/sub combo of the week is


    Congratulations for making a complete embarassment of your squad, TW, TWL in general, and you honestly owe an apology to Sake for even showing up to this match if you two are going to be that terrible. You are just lucky all of Sake's starters weren't on or this would have been even more unforgiveable. Now before I completely rip all of Rape, Valholy and Wage both played decent games, they teamed well and got some kills, Peru.. 8-10 that is a dissapointing record for you but still why try if two random newbies are going to be that bad. As for Sake they decided to be charitable and let special kids play this match, psuedo warbirds like "Sunny D - the bad player newbs go for" and "Rust King Janitor" but I guess that is all you need to beat Rape. Ripper once again played a great round this week, could he be this years Colonel? No.. No he can't but he will probably go + most games anyways, especially with the teaming he is going to have with Sake's Starting Lineup.


    I almost renamed this weeks article to Not or Not so I could write about Safia and Kristy but finally I decided against it because it would be unfair to the players who aren't trash to not get mentioned because they are so bad.

    Hot Player of the Week - Skepsis - going 16-9 was really the final straw for Heavy this week, I think this match would have turned out much differently without him in, despite his kills Apok found it kinda hard to kill this guy, and was killed by him several times. If Apok had 3 or so more deaths he probably could have done alot more than the already nice 14 kills he got this game. So my choice this week is Skep, really no denying that he played well in probably the best match of the week, congratulations.

    Not Player(S) of the Week - Kristy and Safia - How the fuck do you go 2-10.. You two are like.. Metalkid +2 combined do you realize how terrible that is, just quit.. im not even gonna write anymore, seriously uninstall continuum.
    7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

    Duel Pasta> great
    Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face


    TWLB Champion Season 12
    TWLJ Champion Season 11
    TWLB All-Star Season 10
    Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


    • #3
      Just noticed we have more input on the TWL-B Hot or Not. This article is done by Cops!

      Pirates vs Spastic TWLB [HON]


      Spastic started this game with a strong lead over Pirates. Pirates decided Scoop needed to be switched out of Terr, that smart switch got them back on track. Pirates with a new terr came back at Spastic full force, they were able to turn the tide and get back in the fight. For awhile it was anyone's game, Spastic was defending and Pirates was pushing. Pure_Luck went afk IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MATCH, allowing Turban to slip past Spastic's line to take him out. Anidalife constantly lagged out forcing Jamal to sub him for Solace. Solace took over as Anidalife's job as under-spider. Unfortunately Solace was in for less than two minutes when he realized his lag was no better than Anidalifes. Jamal decided to put Cops in the place of an under spider, a decision that wasn't fully thought out. From that point Spastic gave up, no one was pushing and people were hanging back to maintain records. Sadly a game that started out as a tight-show turned into a shit-show.

      It wasn't just Spastics individual players that cost them this game, it was their inability to work as a team. We're expecting better from a team who the majority of players said would finish third or fourth.

      Hot Player:

      Turban - Was the spider that did the majority of damage towards Spastic. Slipping past Spastic's line and killing an AFK terr in the middle of an LB was ridiculous.

      Not Players:

      Cops - Obviously needs to play more between weekends if he ever plans on playing another LB with Spastic. Better decision making when putting a player in as in regards to what they can do (under, over) needs to be taken into account.

      Pure_Luck - Needs to step up his game and not go AFK in the middle of an LB. Quite a disappointment from the veteran terrier.

      Jamal - is Clearly a strong leader and the overall best player on Spastic, yet he didn't play as well as he could have. Letting emotion get in his way stopped him from focusing on playing.

      Anidalife - Supposedly Spastic's "beast" under player, really needs to become the beast while not lagging out ten times in the process.

      - Cops

      Dice vs Thunder TWLB [HON]

      In the World of TWLB one of the most anticipated games this week was Dice vs Thunder. Two giants who by many are expected to compete against each other in the finals of TWLB. The started badly for Dice as Stayon got pulled forcing an early sub. Thunder would capitalize on Dice's lack of solid spiders making this game look like it was going to be a blowout. With 8 minutes already on the clock for thunder, compared to Dice's 1, there was a noticeable shift in the game. Dice was finally able to take control of base and setup their cram. Dice went on to hold their game to make the game 08:00-04:57 for Thunder, but eventually Thunder walked in and pushed Dice right-the-fuck-out. After losing base at the five minute mark Dice just didn't seem to have it in them to pull it back together. Last minute changes put FFE in spider and Cripple in Shark. The change was a little too late as Thunder went on to win this one.

      Game ended 15:00 - 04:57 for Thunder.

      My after game thoughts were Where the hell were Dice's sharks? Downfall looked alright, but FFE seemed like he was basing with guys he's never based with. As much as people are going to shift the blame onto Dice's sharks, especially Dice's spiders. It's necessary to remember that not one of Dice's spiders did particularly well. Megaman89 was the closest spider on Dice to doing semi-decent.

      hot -

      Blasphemy did some serious damage in jav, he was able to land himself MVP. Overall very effective in suppressing Dice's sharks and spiders.

      Draft looked solid in terr, however his spiders and jav did the brute of his work for him. He still did a good job not getting himself cornered by Dice's spiders.

      not -

      FFE - clearly not a starting shark for dice, but under the circumstances he didn't do all that bad. Out cries of "axe ffe" after the game were widely inappropriate as Dice overall looked like shit. Putting a pair of Brainwave sharks in for a Dice line was just overall a bad idea.

      Ri$e Again$t - ending with a record of 43 - 49. An unimpressive performance from a starting dice spider. To be fair neither cripple, granmastahs, or jrahen looked remotely impressive. Hopefully Ri$e Again$t and FFE don't carry all the weight of losing this game. In this case, blame really needs to be passed around.

      7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

      Duel Pasta> great
      Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face


      TWLB Champion Season 12
      TWLJ Champion Season 11
      TWLB All-Star Season 10
      Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


      • #4
        Babay Babayyy...sad thing is, I died to Kristy 7 times one round, and Safia 7 times one round in a DD lastnight...I knew it was a complete fluke, but still made me laugh.
        Raazi> this is the only place men chase jessup


        • #5
          Seem's like Weak and I getting the fucking job done. B) good read thanks ardour and kthx.


          • #6
            i'm going to go ahead and take responsibility for 13 of pure_luck's 21 deaths. i sucked cock.

            also, i gotta say it makes me giddy seeing downfuck stumble and fall on his face.
            Originally posted by Tone
            It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
            Originally posted by the_paul
            Gargle battery acid fuckface
            Originally posted by Material Girl
            I tried downloading a soundcard


            • #7
              Hehe, I wasn't able to show today but I appreciate the recaps, Voth. Thanks for taking time and giving us the entertaining info. : )
              RaCka> how can i get you here
              death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
              RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
              death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN


              • #8
                Dynasty vs Sweet

                First off I would like to thank Ardour for watching this game and taking notes and making commentary on the match for me it was on during the same time as my match so I didn't get a chance to watch it unfortuantely. It seems like the common theme of this match Weak, and Geza, and Unabled who put up 39 of Dynasty's 50 kills this week. Regen and TNT killer both tossed up 3 and some guy named Eager tossed up 5. I can hope this isn't going to be Dynasty's plan every game, alot of their players won't be able to carry like that against squads that are a little better than Sweet, so basically none of them besides Rape and Syne. Ricko and Aerin get second place this week in my "worst sub combo" game with a total of 3 kills together, pretty much handing the round over to Dynasty. Caos and Jones are really the only contributing members of Sweet, which I think like Dynasty needing someone to carry them will be another common thing this year.

                Eager was a late sub, he was subbed in at 35 kills for us. So 5 kills was good for the time he got to play.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Voth View Post

                  My after game thoughts were Where the hell were Dice's sharks? Downfall looked alright, but FFE seemed like he was basing with guys he's never based with. As much as people are going to shift the blame onto Dice's sharks, especially Dice's spiders. It's necessary to remember that not one of Dice's spiders did particularly well. Megaman89 was the closest spider on Dice to doing semi-decent.

                  I could taste the lack of experience in the opposing sharks. With necro javing, I didn't feel the need to save a second to charge for a possible bomb because I knew he was right behind me. Had he not been there and/or a 5th spider in place, I feel like menel and I would have had a significantly larger amount of kills (we only had 10 kills between the two of us). Necro read the sharks like a book, I guess it helps when he's had a season of sharking himself.

                  They just weren't pacing themselves, weren't dodging bullets (thus repping useless ones) and weren't on the same page with one another. I know they're both capable of more than what they showed - I've seen it - but I think the big reason Dice's spiders struggled was because of these sharks. Everyone has an off game, luckily it was against us this week... I'm not sure everyone will be as fortunate down the line, too bad it doesn't really count for us.

                  Obviously it doesn't fall on just the sharks' shoulders, but it's hard to tell when it wasn't the line in that Cig Smoke has promised will be there this season. Yes, it's pre-season, but hey, we played an "inferior" lineup as well (a javelin, albeit one of the best we've seen). Can't wait to see them in a couple of weeks!


                  • #10
                    Yo geio i think i helped a little in you and weak gettin the job done haha
                    [Aug 18 01:02] Creature: embarrassed u lsot to riverside, jsut wanted to come online for first time in many months to express my opniion. mad embarrassed 4 u


                    • #11
                      Your right unabled. I didn't take notice to stats I left right after match ended. I just saw you dropped 15. Nicely done pal! glad to see you bring your "A" game for a good victory. :P


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by PH View Post
                        i'm going to go ahead and take responsibility for 13 of pure_luck's 21 deaths. i sucked cock.

                        also, i gotta say it makes me giddy seeing downfuck stumble and fall on his face.

                        1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail

                        menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
                        JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending

                        1:Cape> Why did u axe req
                        1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.


                        • #13
                          TWL-J Preseason Week 2 Hot or Not (by requiem)

                          Seeing as how Voth and Kthx are taking it among themselves to start writing a novel each weak about the hot or not culumn and seem to enjoy making me look like a half assed writer of the TWLJ i will keep this short and sweet. his week is the last of the preseason so I am looking forward to writing my ast uselss hot or not and moving onto the real stuff. This week my favourite ame to watch was the disoblige vs thunder, yes ofcourse I was hosting it so I am a bit bias but it seemed to be back and forth and both teams were ighting hard to get that 'preseason' victory. Both of you teams put up an entertaining battle and we all thank you.

                          HOT ::::: Spawnisen :::::

                          This weeks Hot player of the week in my opinion would have to be my man pawnisen with his carry of dice over dynasty with the most kills claimed with 18. Well Done buddy, I would also like to mention that for some reason I hink that Zidane turned on his monitory because he finally went positive in a twlj . Huge shout outs to Lagua who made deleria look they didnt know what hey were doing by pulling a 14-3 and devilmeat(steak666) for tearing quake a new ass with his 16-6.

                          NOT ::::: ignite :::::

                          I mean I give this guy props for taking the amount of crap that he takes from the population of trench wars, but you dont play any ship well... leave this game to the big boys and play some of your payed players so that someone will make you look good. Shout out to Deleria squad, hey guys if you had as many kills as you had aliases maybe you might actually win a game. i would also like to add that you are not getting off this week plate, man i think the perfect way to express this is last years habs playoff choke.. cough 9-2 to 9-10 cough..
                          Subnova Owner


                          • #14
                            Yay I got mentioned.

                            TWL Week 1 comin' -- are you ready?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Geio View Post
                              Your right unabled. I didn't take notice to stats I left right after match ended. I just saw you dropped 15. Nicely done pal! glad to see you bring your "A" game for a good victory. :P
                              yeh lets try to keep it up every week, gonna be hard, but off to a good start so far :P
                              help: (Violence) (twjd): dice hacking the serve every1 on thundir lag out and noone on dice lagout @ same junctire
                              help: (Violence) (twjd): main suspicts in this act of terrorism is mr weak cuz shis the only pikistini online 4 dice @ this instint

