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TWL Week 2 : HOT or NOT

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  • TWL Week 2 : HOT or NOT

    TWLD Hot or Not Week 2 ::::: By Big King Kthx the Legendary Predictor

    Jesus, it seems like once a week I randomly get newbed by some squad not showing their starters and this week doesn't fail on that end with Sake losing to Sweet. Most of these games were a rape this week besides the Match of the Week Dynasty vs Thunder, and it actually turned out to be a good game as I will explain later on in the article. There was some chokes but QS remains a dominating factor in this TWL with 7 players starting, 6 of them going positive, and a 69-50 record this week. (Geza/Regen/Exalt/Izor/Racka/Weak/Kid Kaos)

    Dynasty vs Thunder ::::: (Match of the Week from Features)

    This game started out fairly evenly with Ease leading the charge for Thunder while Geza was getting it done with a 7-1 fairly early in the match. Unfortunately for Dynasty... Cloth was in the game and now that his modem isn't being constantly struck by lightning he is having some trouble getting a positive record in TWL. So after Cloth got out and Kid Kaos came in the match became a bit more one sided. The match continued with Exalt (0-5) getting subbed out for Ravage for some reason I can't comprehend. Still Geza really carried this match the entire game, and him killing out Burnt was really the winning point here. The game ended with a 2v2 match between Ease and Yakuza vs Geza and Regen after Geza knocked out Burnt, and after Ease made a dumb move and Geza got the kill, Regen then did a sac fly and rushed a fully charged Yakuza to end his game, but Geza was all over it and rushed in for the final kill of the game. Still this was a fun game to watch and if not for Geza could have gone either way.

    Final Score ::::: Dynasty 50 - Thunder 46 (perfectly predicted)

    Syne vs Quake :::::

    Well what do you expect me to write about this game.. I mean Flew was terrible and got subbed, so was the rest of Syne with Paky Dude and Rasaq being the only ones who did anything at all. The only redeeming factor of this match was the hilarious battle of the Last Word that happened all throughout the match. Apparently Syne didn't know how to use !blueout, so one of the Quake captains kept turn blueout off and on throughout the game and the 80 people in spec all made macro's so they could have the last word. If this had been a game that mattered I might have been offended, but it was just Syne so it was funny.

    Final Score ::::: Quake 50 - Syne 31 (one off, said 50-30 super sad)

    Sake vs Sweet :::::

    War what is it good foor.. absolutely nothing, never before have these words been so true as they were today with his 4-10 poor-formance. Now before I rag on War alone the fact that Deluge wasn't here played a big role in the fact that Sweet led by Jones was able to suicide rush Sake into submission fairly early into the game. Jones led the charge for sweet starting out 6-1, and on the opposite end of the spectrum was Azreal who started 1-6. Still this was the only game I predicted incorrectly this week and it really pissed me off because I lost quite a bit of money on them in TWLM also. Still I have to give props to Jones and his crew for carrying off his upset vs a much stronger Sake squad with more depth, and big names.

    Final Score ::::: Sweet 50 - Sake 40

    Pirates vs Disoblige :::::

    Extra Extra Read all about it Vys finally does what he says he is going to do all year in TWL too bad its vs Disoblige!.. So he gets his MVP today and Pirates just absolutely rapes Disoblige. According to PH and Exalt and Geza who all helped me watch the games since there was three LD matches in the same time slot (good job twl staff). So they all said basically "Displaced put on a Metalkid impression, and Bram suicided out" either way not too much to write about this match.

    Final Score ::::: Pirates 50 - Disoblige 29

    Heavy vs Rape :::::

    Or what I like to call the Adventures of Big King Racka, this game was another rape to add to this weeks list of pretty boring games to watch. The game started out close but around the middle Racka, Izor, and Annoyance just kicked up the playing to the next level and dominated heavily. Bike looked like he should have been playing for Disoblige this week with the 3-7 he scrounged up. Pure Ownage was the only real star on Rape this week with a decent 11-10. This is really the kind of week that makes writing some of these match up pretty useless.

    Not Player of the Week ::::: War :::::

    I don't know how you go 4-10 vs Sweet because honestly I have never done that before. Watching the team fall apart around you basically showed me you aren't the real team leader when it comes to matches, that Deluge is. So not only are you a bad warbird but you are also a pretty bad captain also.

    Dishonorable Mention: Bram, wow you are terrible, 2-10..

    Hot Player of the Week ::::: Geza :::::

    So after week one happens and I lose a bunch of TWLM Money, it appears Geza decided to take week 2 seriously with a 13-6 record that doesn't even begin to describe how well he played. Besides getting out Burnt and Ardour to help turn the game into a 2v2 at the end, from what I saw he must have saved teammates of his atleast 5 times with some well placed shots, or some quick rushes. Needless to say when people say that a record doesn't really show you how a player played this is the type of game they are talking about.

    Honorable Mentions:
    Racka 15-5 (if that had been vs a better squad that would have been you)

    TWL-B Week 2 : HOT or NOT (by voth)

    Interesting week in TWLB; Thunder and Disoblige continued their domination of the league, Mainliner showed their depth in a very hard fought game against Spastic, and Dice continued to be in la-la-land as they dropped yet another expected win to Penetrate. Before I go on, let me say that I only got to watch one TWLB match this week, which was Spastic vs. Mainliner, because all the other matches were at the same time I played in my own match. So some of this is going to be based off statistics and just prior knowledge, bear with me.

    Voth's HOT pick of the week: Disoblige
    I was thinking about who to make my hot pick for this week, and then I decided that I couldn't limit this week's choice to a single player, so I had to envelope them all around their common title, Disoblige. Disoblige is 2-0 against Mainliner and Pirates, arguably two of the leagues favorites to win the title. Disoblige's lineup is working -- it's not the normal 5 spider lineup, but it works for them. Everyone on Disoblige is clicking and playing well together, from their consistently excellent terrier Kawrae, to their veteran sharks led by Mantra-slider, to their explosive special ship players like Da1andonly, Bram, Pjotter, and BrokenFist. They are making this unorthodox lineup work, and despite disappointing showings in the past few seasons, have exploded into this season establishing themselves as one of the teams to beat. Today against Pirates, Kawrae finished a steady and impressive 43-7, protected by Mantra-slider and Rednaz. Da1, Spikey, and Bram finished with 5, 4, and 3 TeKs, respectively, giving everyone a glimpse of how much of an impact these players have on the game when they play. Good job all around Disoblige, you guys have surely impressed me, keep it up, I like to see a respectable and long lasting squad like yours be successful.

    Honorable Mention
    : Penetrate for getting a chance to step into to the winners circle for the first time this TWL (0-2 in preseason and a loss in week 1), after beating down the defenseless old man, Dice. Thunder (LED BY THE GREAT PHIZEY) continued to roll and establish their presence at the top of TWLB along with Disoblige by making fools out of BasingCrew. Shayde perhaps singlehandedly turned the game in Mainliner's favor with his 139-75 with 3 TeKs vs Spastic.

    Voth's NOT pick of the week: Dice

    Man, it seems like every week I *have* to put you guys somewhere in the NOT list because you either suck horribly or underperform and still win. More often than not, though, it's been you guys losing games and showing your weakness. I know Dice still is a great basing squad with a lot of talent that could easily still take this league, but it will take, well, quite simply, your players showing up, to accomplish that. I'm not sure what you guys are trying to prove by not showing up, but if you're just taking weeks off until you need to win to get into playoffs, it might be time to re-think those plans, because any squad in this league can insert their foot into your ass and you will miss playoffs. Now then, onto your 15-1:58 loss against Penetrate. Firstly, Aimbot in terr? LOL, I haven't ever even seen the guy play a base game in any ship. I guess Dice wanted an excuse for when they lost badly, like they did. Cig Smoke was perhaps the only bright spot of Dice, as I know from playing in this game that he was tough when he was alive. Still though, Downfail can't seem to do anything right, and Dice saw that and switched him mid-game (oh and then he went negative in spider). Not even one TeK Dice? You almost made Sauro look good (:wub: ). Pretty much what this game consisted of was a chain of idiotic decisions and idiotic play by Dice which led to them dropping one to Penetrate. Time to pick it up a notch, or you guys will be starting your off-season inactiveness a few weeks early when you miss the playoffs.

    Dishonorable Mention: PL, if you played like you did for the last 75% of that game in the first fourth of it, you guys would of won easily. You let Mainliner get an awful cozy lead with your kamikazing before you decided that wasn't really working. Good play in the rest of the game, but that deficit would of been a lot to overcome. JeBu, I gotta admitt, I was pretty impressed with your performances this season, but I guess that was all a phase and you're back to your old failure self. Also, fp I love you man, but 18-44 in warbird with 0 TeKs? That's abysmal my friend, no wonder you guys got plowed. Ahh, Pirates Pirates Pirates.. 2 losses in a row (albeit hard fought losses), to the two teams I consider on top of TWLB. You have it a lot easier from now on, but I was hoping to see you guys pull an upset in one of the past 2. Boo!

    TWL-J Week 2 : HOT or NOT (by flared)

    Hot: Requio/Scarce (Deliria)
    Of all the TWLJ games this week, it is fair to say that Pirates vs. Deliria was looking to be the most boring game based on the assumption that Pirates would tear Deliria a new asshole. When I see “1:geza> deliria and pirates tied 40-40 ROFL “ I immediately rushed to the arena to see this nonsense. Turns out he was right. Even more to my surprise, Deliria beat Pirates. Biggest upset of the season. I don’t know what was going on with Pirates, but I feel bad that they have to deal with this embarrassment. Even with Deliria’s most experienced jav (as far as I know) Freeze being subbed out at 4-8, Requio and Scarce were there to save his ass. D4, Chelsie, and euforia (considering they were playing a very talented javelin squad) also did their part. Between Requio’s 13-7 and Scarce’s 12-8, this squad was able to pull off a huge season. Turns out these guys might not be as bad as everyone predicted.

    Honorable Mentions: Rhinn (Laser) for going 17-10 against noob squad Quake.

    Not: This one is a tie between Dynasty and Pirates.

    Both of these squads played terribly against their opponents. Dynasty faced dicE and got their asses handed to them. While Pirates played an underrated Deliria and were embarrassingly defeated. The reason that this one is a tie between two whole squads rather than individual players as that every player on Dynasty and Pirates played like shit. For Dynasty, only reVered was able to manage more than 6 kills. Though dicE was likely to beat Dynasty, this game was predicted to be close. On Pirates, not a single player went positive. Both these squads need to practice for next week.

    Dishonable Mentions: 24/Fallen Haven/guerriLa (Laser). These players weren’t able to get 20 kills in a game that could have gone either way while the other two players (Rhinn/Lagua) were able to get 30.
    Last edited by Voth; 01-05-2009, 12:32 AM.
    7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

    Duel Pasta> great
    Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face


    TWLB Champion Season 12
    TWLJ Champion Season 11
    TWLB All-Star Season 10
    Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history

  • #2
    haha oops, gimme a bit
    Gun remembers.


    • #3
      lol voth :grin: you must have a lotta fun bashin me eh. 1. i switched myself out of shark with wbm because he wasnt doing so hot and to see if anything would change, it didnt. 2. The person who trashed me most all this time, no its not you voth but Cig smoke gave me a compliment after match. But ya.. we had 7 people show for the most of it after we got the 2 min extension is when we had tj hazuki come in so we had 8. Not a good show
      1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail

      menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
      JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending

      1:Cape> Why did u axe req
      1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Voth View Post
        Honorable Mention: Penetrate for getting a chance to step into to the winners circle for the first time this TWL (0-2 in preseason and a loss in week 1), after beating down the defenseless old man, Dice. Thunder (LED BY THE GREAT PHIZEY) continued to roll and establish their presence at the top of TWLB along with Disoblige by making fools out of BasingCrew. Shayde perhaps singlehandedly turned the game in Mainliner's favor with his 139-75 with 3 TeKs vs Spastic.
        Originally posted by Voth View Post
        Dishonorable Mention: JeBu, I gotta admitt, I was pretty impressed with your performances this season, but I guess that was all a phase and you're back to your old failure self. Also, fp I love you man, but 18-44 in warbird with 0 TeKs? That's abysmal my friend, no wonder you guys got plowed.
        don't want to brag but dam i do a pretty good job of leading thunder


        do agree with you about fp, juked him up good
        Last edited by Draft; 01-05-2009, 12:41 AM.
        (Steadman)>they went out drinking... ogron siaxis and siaxis gf
        (Steadman)>apparently ogron is EXTREMELY morbidly obese and ridiculously sweaty
        (Steadman)>and he spend the entire night being awkward and staring at siaxis gf
        (Steadman)>and after that they did not meet up again...

        Iron Survivor> you missed something in your sig. he also smells like cheese


        • #5
          Originally posted by Voth View Post
          The match continued with Exalt (0-5) getting subbed out for Ravage for some reason I can't comprehend.
          Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Exalt supposed to be ineligible this week since he played for Rape last round? And this would also cause Dynasty to forfeit for playing him?


          • #6
            Very good reads. Yes wark I had to step it up a notch. I think dynasty is coming together quite nicely. Each and every week we get better at teaming. Im glad it turned out in a win with cloth's 3 lag outs. That could have hurt us but instead our troops rallied and hunted the high death players just like I have been telling them to do. Looking forward to a qs v qs battle royal next week. It will be a showdown of the gods. :P


            • #7
              Originally posted by Burnt View Post
              Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Exalt supposed to be ineligible this week since he played for Rape last round? And this would also cause Dynasty to forfeit for playing him?
              :blink: :exclamati :excl:
              1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail

              menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
              JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending

              1:Cape> Why did u axe req
              1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Burnt View Post
                Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Exalt supposed to be ineligible this week since he played for Rape last round? And this would also cause Dynasty to forfeit for playing him?
                i think your right

                2:Lance> OMG
                2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
                2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

                Creator/Co-Creator of:

                ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

                New Maps are in production...


                • #9
                  Geza didnt kill out Ease...Regen landed a clutch shot which actually took some balls to make, seeing as how he was on 9 and if he missed he was going to die out

                  Exalt told me going into the week that they talked to TWL staff and he was cleared to play. Dunno how true that is, but I questioned it as well. Either way he went 0-5...who cares

                  1:geza> I asked our ref
                  1:geza> he said exalts ok

                  If you want to call them out about the roster before the game is the best time seeing as how after you lose it kinda just looks like youre fishing for an excuse.
                  I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                  I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                  • #10
                    Burnt trying to get free wins. Like you would have won anyways. How about step up your game if you want some W's.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Burnt View Post
                      Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Exalt supposed to be ineligible this week since he played for Rape last round? And this would also cause Dynasty to forfeit for playing him?
                      ahem let me explain Mr. "IM SO SAD WE LOST BECAUSE I SUCK" Burnt

                      I waited 3 weeks actually

                      week 1 we had the hacker

                      the other 2 we had holidays

                      Also, the website allowed me to join on roster

                      Also, the TWL Ref said I was OK to play

                      I'm sorry that you think you need a free win somehow when you don't deserve it, but do yourself a favor and eat shit and die.


                      RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                      RaCka> mad impressive


                      • #12
                        3.05c Waiting Period

                        The Standard Waiting Period for roster eligibility goes as follows: Any player joining a squad for participation in Trench Wars League (this includes changing names), will be subject to a 1 Round Waiting Period after being accepted by the squad Captain. Players will not be eligible to participate in Trench Wars League matches until a round occurs in which the player cannot play (Example: Players joining the Tuesday after round 3 will not be allowed to play in any games until round 5). Saturday 1PM EST is the start of the next round.

                        says 1 round, not 1 week, idiot
                        he played rd 1 and rd 2, 2 diff squads, how does that make any sense?
                        1:Blasphemy> if ur gonna put a jav in line
                        1:Blasphemy> we gotta have people like eelam and kian in
                        1:Blasphemy> from the beginning

                        1:exquisite> u know whats wierd
                        1:exquisite> having ur dad talk to u on AIM
                        1:exquisite> like zzzzz
                        1:Ease> you think thats wierd?
                        1:exquisite> ya
                        1:Ease> try skipping school
                        1:Ease> and having ur mom IM you
                        1:Kian> LOL EASE
                        1:Collusion> LOOL
                        1:exquisite> LOL


                        • #13

                          its one ROUND OF TWL u dumbass, so dont matter how many WEEKS U WAITED its about you MISSING TWL ROUND 2
                          Last edited by eelam <tw>; 01-05-2009, 01:28 AM.
                          TWLJ SEASON 12 CHAMPION
                          TWLD SEASON 12 CHAMPION
                          KISS MY RINGS

                          1:Eelam> 3:TagMor> meh, i get girls regardless
                          1:Eelam> ROFLMAO


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                            Mr. "IM SO SAD WE LOST BECAUSE I SUCK" Burnt
                            Haha, what? When did he say that?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by KiAN View Post
                              says 1 round, not 1 week, idiot
                              he played rd 1 and rd 2, 2 diff squads, how does that make any sense?
                              1.) The Ref told us it was okay before the match, ask him

                              2.) The rosters don't lie, i was added to TWL roster after waiting a week

                              3.) The TWL Ref told us it was ok before the match, ask him

                              4.) The TWL Ref told us it was ok before the match, ask him
                              Last edited by Exalt; 01-05-2009, 02:01 AM.
                              RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                              RaCka> mad impressive

