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Axe Pascone and the Delectable issue.

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  • #16
    Another example of why upperstaff in this game are a joke.


    • #17
      Just unban Delectable and let him play


      • #18
        time and time again the immaturity and intellectual inferiority of some of you inevitably surfaces. deluge, this thread is about pascone, not ignite.

        and time and time again, we see the alarming apathy and hesitation for swift and harsh action by the staff. not surprisingly, most of these recent infractions find their source somewhere with pascone, who has TIME AND TIME AGAIN shown where his priorities lie - his own personal benefit.

        this is not the proper attitude and conduct of someone in a position of power, whether it be twl captain or tw staff.

        the events of last season's twl finals can be considered controversial as pascone was not the one who unbanned delectable. that said, the attempt to sneak delectable in through an alias of an established player is cheap, dishonorable, and downright criminal.

        pascone asked the staff to alias check his roster before he accepted the invitation? well no shit, he made sure that dele couldn't be tracked. considering that dele was banned last twl season, and how easy it is to change computers and ISPs (or even just play from behind a proxy), there's little anybody in tw could have done had dele just started an entirely different name and changed his online persona. alas, there's no fun in having no friends in a 10 year old 2d game, so he comes back to the one guy he can count on to cover for him, pascone. this is where the crime is. couple that with the use of "vigi" rather than some random alias, and we know there is some deliberate evasion going on.

        quite simply, i don't see how the staff could not realize this - their inaction likely comes as a result of nobody wanting to use the brain power to think of a proper punishment, and unwillingness take the heat for whatever decision is made. staff became staff because they are liked, and the prospect that a few internet personas could develop a hatred for them may be a frightening one. old habits die hard, after all.

        the solution is simple - remove pascone from staff and captain of sake. his offenses are not a result of his status as a tw player, so he can stay on twl roster as a member or assistant of sake. sake will be subject to strict roster checks throughout twl to make sure that nobody added is visiting their grandma in texas for the weekend.

        say what you will about "it's just a game", but without real people getting real work done, this "game" would not even exist, and twl certainly would not be around for you to inflate your e-peens and use as your default trash talk argument. events have recurred to the point that such offenses can not be overlooked and left on the to do list until people forget about it, and for the future prestige and legitimacy of twl to remain intact, integrity must be maintained.

        such a blatant violation of the rules must not be allowed to slide and harsh action must be taken as an example for would-be offenders. immediately.
        Gripe> apok is good but he's completely wasted his youth playing this game


        • #19

          is tryin to start shit cuz he scared dele wil come back from ban and win us a twl. but besides that. dele isnt vigi. enough said.
          5:Melanoma> so I kinda cheated on my gf yesterday
          5:Melanoma> but I was drunk so it doesnt count right
          5:Oops> doesnt count if ur sober just so long as u dont get caught
          5:Melanoma> aight cool
          5:Melanoma> + it was with a dude
          5:Oops> what?
          5:Melanoma> ye
          5:Oops> you serious?
          5:Melanoma> innocent kissing
          5:Melanoma> fu
          5:Melanoma> I WAS DRUNK
          5:squallFF8> this is akward


          • #20
            Originally posted by Oops View Post
            is tryin to start shit cuz he scared dele wil come back from ban and win us a twl. but besides that. dele isnt vigi. enough said.
            Yes, I wouldn't want to face delectable in TWL, he's the best warbird in the game. Not the point though. Anyways, I'm going to take high ranking staff members ban and testimonial in tracing delectable is vigi rather than the accounts of those that are biased by the fact that they are on the same squad as said cheater.


            • #21
              Vigi isn't vigilanty either.

              The word is spelled vigilante for Christ's sake. Stupid on all accounts.


              • #22
                free del : (

                one of the best wb's to play this game should be given another chance!
                RaCka> how can i get you here
                death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
                RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
                death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN


                • #23
                  Why don't you guys just check with his brother? If I'm not mistaken vigilanty's brother was 'A.D.D' aka 'Add' who still plays. I don't think he'd have any reason to lie to protect delectable.

                  EDIT: I'm pretty sure 'Add' knows 'Bright' in real life, which is of relevance because both live in Texas. I don't like delectable any more than the rest of you but I'm pretty sure vigilanty lives in Texas as well.
                  Phiz> I probably am gay
                  Phiz> I just haven't realized it yet


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by With Ease View Post
                    Why don't you guys just check with his brother? If I'm not mistaken vigilanty's brother was 'A.D.D' aka 'Add' who still plays. I don't think he'd have any reason to lie to protect delectable.
                    haha yes, and delectable's 'life partner' vigilanty will be right there at his 'brother's' computer to say 'i don't know what you're talking about'

                    do you not think these things through?

                    4v5 motherfukcre!


                    • #25
                      ROFL AT THIS NERD

                      you need to worry about your own squad and get off pascone and delectables dicks, im pretty sure you've rode them raw


                      why dont you hire a lawyer and a private investigator as well , cuz 2d spaceship leagues are SERIOUS business
                      Last edited by Kolar; 01-08-2009, 01:58 AM.


                      • #26
                        Shut the fuck up money kid, the asteroids r serious businesses.

                        1:Vermillion Flame> crap, why is it so hard to grab just one newbie lol

                        1:Vermillion Flame> i've noticed that. a real lack of supply of players here

                        1:Vermillion Flame> i never thought a single newbie could be so precious
                        yo dog, I heard you like driving, so we put a car in your car so you can drive while you drive
                        Originally posted by tone
                        no you son of a bitch debunker


                        • #27
                          banned B)


                          • #28
                            wonder what pascone's gonna say. take pascone off staff, unban dele and put his real name on roster so this mystery can end.

                            ps. deluge getting lil angry for something thats bullshit eh?
                            1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail

                            menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
                            JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending

                            1:Cape> Why did u axe req
                            1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Money View Post
                              ROFL AT THIS NERD

                              you need to worry about your own squad and get off pascone and delectables dicks, im pretty sure you've rode them raw


                              why dont you hire a lawyer and a private investigator as well , cuz 2d spaceship leagues are SERIOUS business
                              1:ignite> well that satisfies our 1 person banned a night quota

                              1:Vermillion Flame> crap, why is it so hard to grab just one newbie lol

                              1:Vermillion Flame> i've noticed that. a real lack of supply of players here

                              1:Vermillion Flame> i never thought a single newbie could be so precious
                              yo dog, I heard you like driving, so we put a car in your car so you can drive while you drive
                              Originally posted by tone
                              no you son of a bitch debunker


                              • #30

                                Okay, I just got done talking to violence who is too lazy and I don't blame him, to have a forum account. Anyways, they captained Creasers in HZ together for years. He knows it's not vigilanty on the vigi name and says it's dumb for delectable to be posing on it, ruining his good name. Vigilanty has been using the name "the window".

                                ANYWAYS, THE MAIN ISSUE IS PASCONE ABUSE.

