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TWL-J Week 3 : Hot or Not

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  • TWL-J Week 3 : Hot or Not

    Hot or Not: TWLJ Week 3
    Written by flared

    Hot: Aimbot (dicE)
    This week’s featured TWLJ match was between dicE and Thunder. There’s a good chance that we’ll see these two teams in the finals. For a player who isn’t even always predicted as one of dicE’s starters, he really pulled through in this game. Aimbot (with the help of megaman89) completely destroyed Thunder, finishing with a 14-6 record. Last week Aimbot raped Dynasty and this week he raped Thunder. I think this guy has a good season ahead of him.

    Honorable Mentions:
    megaman89 (dicE) for going 13-6 against Thunder. Wax (Disoblige) for going 15-7 against Laser. Hercules (Pirates) for going 12-6 against Quake.

    Another Honorable Mention: Deliria.

    What’s going on here Deliria? At the start of the season nobody predicted you guys would get a single win. Now you’re 2 for 3 in TWLJ with a great win versus both Pirates and Dynasty. I have to hand it to you guys, you’re really proving yourselves and you play great together. With the exception of Scarce, all of you put up a solid game against Dynasty, especially Quesh and euforia. Hopefully you guys can keep it up J

    Not: Ease (Thunder)
    I really hate saying this but wtf is that Ease? Even though you’re playing dicE, I didn’t expect you to 4-10 against them. I didn’t see the game, but with a record like that I’m guessing you were on low deaths when the rest of you’re team died out, and I’m sure dazzal and Marge’s combined 3-10 didn’t help Thunder’s chance of winning this one either. Step it up Thunder, you guys are better than that.

    Dishonorable Mentions:
    Lagua (Laser) for going 4-10 against Disoblige. Shan and genes (Quake) for a combined 3-10 against Pirates.

    The Most Dishonorable Mention: Dynasty.
    Wow. The only reason that Ease got Not for this week rather than Dynasty is because the Thunder vs. dicE game was much more important. Seriously guys, you fucking suck. Or…is Deliria getting really good? Who knows, but Dynasty definitely should’ve had this one, even if it wasn’t their top line. Connection 0-3, Weak 0-2, Dreamfly 6-10, and azada 4-8. Great job team! The only one who was able to hold his own was geza. Seems like you’re best warbird is also you’re best jav. Step it up you guys suck dick. J
    7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

    Duel Pasta> great
    Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face


    TWLB Champion Season 12
    TWLJ Champion Season 11
    TWLB All-Star Season 10
    Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history

  • #2
    What can I good at any ship xoxo flared :x


    • #3
      Originally posted by Voth View Post
      I really hate saying this but wtf is that Ease? Even though you’re playing dicE, I didn’t expect you to 4-10 against them. I didn’t see the game, but with a record like that I’m guessing you were on low deaths when the rest of you’re team died out
      Nah I actually died out early. I played a pathetic game and cost my team the game completely. Worst I've ever done in TWLJ. Nothing was working for me and I played like complete and utter garbage. I don't think I ever used my up arrow key either. Well written, definitely deserved the not. My positioning was horrible all game and I was probably worse than Underground today. -_-
      Phiz> I probably am gay
      Phiz> I just haven't realized it yet


      • #4
        I think daz bein at like 5 in like 2 mins hurt u more xD


        • #5

          so my signature is true! i am HOT! haha <3
          aimbot aka hlk
          admit it

          I'm hot

          twlj champ season 8
          twlb champ season 8 10 11
          twdtj champ season 3


          • #6
            I know who quesh is!:groovy: *runs away*
            1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail

            menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
            JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending

            1:Cape> Why did u axe req
            1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.


            • #7

