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I am the best wb in the trenches...

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  • #61
    Originally posted by royCE View Post
    did i say i just broke up with my girl...dam im fuckin up...
    She r find out u post this thread n fly spaseships n woldnt assep u 4 nerd u arrr?

    1:Vermillion Flame> crap, why is it so hard to grab just one newbie lol

    1:Vermillion Flame> i've noticed that. a real lack of supply of players here

    1:Vermillion Flame> i never thought a single newbie could be so precious
    yo dog, I heard you like driving, so we put a car in your car so you can drive while you drive
    Originally posted by tone
    no you son of a bitch debunker


    • #62
      I can't tell if you're serious or not but when Michael Jordan is 70 years old, if he decides to play a game vs someone else and they beat them, it doesn't mean they were better than him in his prime, they beat him when he was uninterested or more likely not capable at that age to compete on the level he did before. Also, I'm pretty sure that all the people that I've regarded as one of the best warbirds in their time never came out and told me they're the best, you could just tell that for whatever season they played in and they tried, they dominated. I'm not saying you aren't the best bird this season either, I'm too inactive to really know who's good this season
      1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
      3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
      3:Best> see it coming
      3:Best> sad


      • #63
        cant compare best birds from diff seasons. imo until sumone shuts down vash in playoffs i'm gonna go with him being best in tw atm.

        edit: actually raspi maybe
        Last edited by Downfall; 03-08-2009, 04:05 PM.
        1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail

        menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
        JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending

        1:Cape> Why did u axe req
        1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.


        • #64
          Im Better I Just Won 300 On .25 Slots.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Reaver View Post
            I can't tell if you're serious or not but when Michael Jordan is 70 years old, if he decides to play a game vs someone else and they beat them, it doesn't mean they were better than him in his prime, they beat him when he was uninterested or more likely not capable at that age to compete on the level he did before. Also, I'm pretty sure that all the people that I've regarded as one of the best warbirds in their time never came out and told me they're the best, you could just tell that for whatever season they played in and they tried, they dominated. I'm not saying you aren't the best bird this season either, I'm too inactive to really know who's good this season
            you know he's the best when the better player on his squad calls him out

            money, when's ur stupid vacation over? had to promote oops. don't miss the finale tonight
            violence> dont talk 2 me until u got 900+fbook friends and can take 1 dribble from the 3 point line n dunk

            [Aug 23 03:03] Oops: 1:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life
            [Aug 23 03:20] money: LOL NOT QUITE VIO BUT 5:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life


            • #66
              Originally posted by Reaver View Post
              I can't tell if you're serious or not but when Michael Jordan is 70 years old, if he decides to play a game vs someone else and they beat them, it doesn't mean they were better than him in his prime, they beat him when he was uninterested or more likely not capable at that age to compete on the level he did before. Also, I'm pretty sure that all the people that I've regarded as one of the best warbirds in their time never came out and told me they're the best, you could just tell that for whatever season they played in and they tried, they dominated. I'm not saying you aren't the best bird this season either, I'm too inactive to really know who's good this season
              Not everyone is humble. It's true what you say to the overwhelming majority of great players, but look at Ali for instance. He was the one that copied me and said, "If you ever dream of beating me, you better wake up and apologize."


              • #67
                Originally posted by ignite ignite View Post
                Any vet will tell you if you play with better warbirds your records become less inflated.
                Good evening ignite. I'm a vet, and I'm here to tell you a few things.

                This is a false statement.

                You are out of your element.

                Please refrain from further comment on such issues.

                Thank you.
                1:pascone> bike u gonna fold like a shirt in twl?

                jack> (6")-o KIRBY punches you two sillys



                • #68
                  Originally posted by bicycle View Post
                  Good evening ignite. I'm a vet, and I'm here to tell you a few things.

                  This is a false statement.

                  You are out of your element.

                  Please refrain from further comment on such issues.

                  Thank you.
                  Hi bicycle,

                  Please allow me to issue a rebuttal.

                  You buy drugs from Vash.

                  You're a pothead loser.

                  Mommy and daddy didn't give you any hugs or lollipops as a child and so you need this gateway drug to alleviate the pain you feel from social ostracism.


                  A person a lot smarter than you.


                  • #69
                    bicycle you should stop buying from vash and come holla at me. I got those cali grapes.
                    2 time TWLD runner up.

                    If not a medal, cant I get a Ribbon??


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by ignite ignite View Post
                      Hi bicycle,

                      Please allow me to issue a rebuttal.

                      You buy drugs from Vash.

                      You're a pothead loser.

                      Mommy and daddy didn't give you any hugs or lollipops as a child and so you need this gateway drug to alleviate the pain you feel from social ostracism.


                      A person a lot smarter than you.

                      Dear ignite,

                      If you knew anything you would be aware that Vash does not have the means to provide me with drugs. It is indeed the reverse, and he has recently asked me several times for them. Either way, drugs are illegal and I obviously don't mess with them since I need to be a positive role model for the young Subspace stars of tomorrow that play this game, such as Diakka.

                      Also, thank you for not addressing the issues mentioned in my previous post. At least I can see that you have a learning curve.

                      Thank you.
                      1:pascone> bike u gonna fold like a shirt in twl?

                      jack> (6")-o KIRBY punches you two sillys



                      • #71
                        Originally posted by ignite ignite View Post
                        Hi bicycle,

                        Please allow me to issue a rebuttal.

                        You buy drugs from Vash.

                        You're a pothead loser.

                        Mommy and daddy didn't give you any hugs or lollipops as a child and so you need this gateway drug to alleviate the pain you feel from social ostracism.


                        A person a lot smarter than you.
                        Hi ignite,

                        Please allow me to issue a rebuttal.

                        Vash asked bike to come watch him play a street fighter tournament.

                        Hes just a loser.

                        Mommy and daddy didn't give him enough hugs or lollipops as a child and he needs other people seeing him play a meaningless game to alleviate the pain he feels from the social ostracism.


                        A person much better at spaceships than you.
                        I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                        I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                        • #72
                          im so important it seems :>
                          Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE


                          • #73
                            i was talking about how trolling about "being the best" used to be much more elaborate


                            • #74
                              I'll end this thread right now, you'll never be considered one of the greatest warbirds because the level of competition you play with now is in no way comparable to that of the past (in case you're confused, the present level of competition is garbage). Although it may be true that it would be difficult to compare people from different "eras", your tactics would never hold up against the best of the "vet" class.

                              And I could never understand why you talk so much shit about being the best, when I haven't been good for years, and I still beat you 1 v 1...might I add, I haven't been good at wbs since pre-2000.


                              It hurts, doesn't it? Anyway, I could name a list of wbs better than you, but there'd be no point because you wouldn't be able to recognize any of their names.


                              • #75
                                did u just brag about beating me in a duel?

                                / facepalm

                                mother fucker your not even fair, im dueling a scrub and your dueling a the hell is that fair to me?
                                please start naming the list of these warbirds you think are better then me and send them my way for a beating

                                most of the people are scared to even face me because they wonna hold on to the little respect they gained over years they played and wouldnt want to show people they are scrub.

                                its funny how people would fall back to saying they arent good anymore since they arnt in their prime...

                                tell me, how the hell can i quit and come back even better? that only adds to another reason as to why im better then any of you...i dont need that bullshit prime as much as i dont need to train to ride the bicycle again
                                Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE

