This must be how successful businessmen handle their differences when they argue on a 2d spaceship game. I wouldn't know because I am not a successful businessman
Ends up with what Money doesn't do in real life actually. Hes not married, he doesn't work, he goes to high school and spends his spare time playing continuum. Typical friendless kid who tried to lie his way into having a better life than he actually does.
lol what about harper creek, went to high school there. im a 25 year old high school sophomore... you're really grasping for straws arent u ginger? not gonna take my offer? thought so, freckled ginger kid has no balls thought u were from texas? show those texas sized balls ur supposed to have kid
i'm assuming that i'm not the only one who didn't read any of kthx's or money's posts. man, you guys really know how to sidetrack a thread.
they shouldn't make this topic decided by a vote, money. when has that ever happened before with a ban? let me move in with you so i can cook for your family.
i'd let him play, but clearly pl has already closed the book on the topic which is too bad.
Originally posted by turmio
jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
Originally posted by grand
I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...
My opinion is that the ban rules should be consistent. If you get banned for 6 months, then it should not be more or less. The more the rules change, the less effective they become.
1. vys evaded his ban and mythril was still banned for 3 years. not 2, like vys
2. he missed one twl season (mythrils third from being banned), which is the same amount of time
3. why u taking the ban so personally? why not let people vote on it
If you're going to let him play Trench Wars, theres really no point in adding restrictions.. He did the dirt, he served his ban, his ban was lifted now he gets another chance to play Trench Wars, as in everything in TW.. You should just not let him play at all if you're just going to moderate what he plays and what he doesn't.. Kinda dumb really!
Reminds of this time when a guy was talking shit to my friend and my friend beat the living shit out of him. The next day the guy wanted to fight my friend again so he drove 45 minutes to his house and got fucked up once again. Second time he got messed up so bad someone had to drive his truck home because he couldn't see out of one eye. Money you are 25, not 18. You are calling wark out because you know he won't come down there and you know you wouldn't go up to his house. Just drop it.
A glass can only spill what it contains.
"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
"I do not really understand myself these days. I am supposed to be an average, reasonable, & intelligent young man. However, lately (I cannot recall when it started) I have been a victim of many unusual & irrational thoughts."-Charles Whitman
Ive never been a fan of cheaters. Everyone knows what happens if they cheat. So Its no surprise and shouldnt be treated as such. Mythril cheated and was banned. Apon returning (unbanned by pl) He agreed to forfeiting twl this year. (same punishment vys had last year) So i dont see why this is an issue now. Wait 1 year and play him next TWL.
Money- Clearly if your team only has 4 twl starters (not counting mythril) Maybe you shouldnt be in twl to begin with? Or just step up and be the 5th?
2:Lance> OMG
2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd