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TWLJ Week 2 Hot or Not

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  • TWLJ Week 2 Hot or Not

    In a week with an average score of 50-23, there is much to talk about. Given that my game was the only one played at the time period, I managed to catch a glimpse of every game this week. I summarize what I saw in every game below:

    Boss vs Mad

    What a performance…I am about to retract all the positive things I’ve ever said about Boss. I mean cmon, I know experience is an issue with you guys, but when your three worst performances come from players with TWL experience, it’s just pathetic. I expected good things from Kid Cudi (5-10), Lorko (3-10), and Scarce (2-10). Having played with a lot of these guys, I am confident that they are capable of much more. I guess the pressure is getting to them. In their defense however, they were playing against what is proving to be one of the top three squads this season. Mad had an aggressive game where all five players contributed to the victory, but my Hot of the match goes to Blood. He made a good rebound from last week’s poor performance and if he keeps this up against the better squads, hell have a strong case in being one of Mad’s starting five this season.

    Respect vs Fatal

    Well, this one caught me by surprise. What’s most surprising is how Respect seems to have just given up in this league. Few of their starters seem to care to the extent to even show up. Oh well, enough about those players who didn’t show, lets focus on those who did. What cost Respect the match is without a doubt the quick deaths and elimination of the Culex (3-7)/Paradise (1-3) combo. Cuji (4-10) also let me down, leading me to believe I gave him too much credit after his 14-10 Thunder performance. At the start of the season, Respect was a legitimate playoff candidate, but with a show like this I honestly can’t see them winning another game this season. On to Fatal, I give out my congratulations to Fatal for a well played match. Undeniably, Jones (15-7) was the leader of this match and, in my opinion, the overall Hot player of the week. Fatal has always been regarded as an underdog among TWLJ squads. This weekend Jones, and his followers, made the case that they rightfully belong in this league.

    Sage vs Rapid

    Yet another shocker. I thought this was going to be the best matchup of the week. However, Sage just dominated from beginning to end. So far this season, Zizu (13-2) has made the case for being Sage’s most valuable player. He’s had two very impressive performances in as many games and isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. Spikey (10-5) similarly played very well for his first showing of the season. I expect Sage to jump on the backs of these two and ride them into the playoffs. No idea what happened to Rapid on the other hand. Golden_Aim (1-10), arguably one of Rapid’s best javs, appeared to be unaware that the round had started. Taking awful shots and floating into just about every bomb fired at him, summarizes his round pretty accurately. Moreover, Avatar’s performance (4-10) makes me question who this guy really is. These two are supposed to lead Rapid, not rely on Creature’s (3-7) 3 kills a round average to win them games.

    Dice vs Hydra

    And I thought Hydra’s week 1 performance was embarrassing. I realize you guys are facing a lot of issues regarding the activity of your javs, but honestly I think I speak for everyone when I say if that is the case just forfeit your position and let another willing squad take your spot in LJ. Showing only 4 players not only prevents the opportunity of other willing squads, but it also wastes the time of your opponents who have to show up to a useless cat and mouse game. I don’t blame you guys for having a life and not being able to play, but I blame you for holding on to an LJ position that you no longer deserve.

    Thunder vs Shinobi

    Of all shockers this week, this was by far the biggest. It’s true that Thunder played very well all around, led by Exquisite (12-3) and Ease (12-4), but Shinobi’s play was just unbelievable. First of all, I don’t know what Shinobi is doing. They have a line, which if willing, can potentially challenge the dominance of the two big players, Thunder and Dice. They don’t seem to care however. Not only do their starting players refuse to show up, but those who do just play like they don’t give a shit. I mean, I know Singer’s rec (0-9) is bad in itself, but half way into the game he just started feeding people kills (only reason Fludd broke the 10 kills mark I should point out). Sure Cross (3-10) and Lag Killer (4-10) didn’t help Shinobi any more, but these guys are players that given Shinobi’s potential, shouldn’t even be starting. I honestly hope this was an isolated incident because otherwise TWLJ just lost one of its few high tier squads.

    In summary:

    Hot Player of the Week: Jones
    Honourable Mention: Zizu, Spikey

    Not Player of the Week: God damn, too many to mention.

  • #2
    Nice to read these. Thx!
    (Paradise)>dj sage
    (HELLZNO!)>is he good, ive never heard his music
    1: Dynasty> LOL
    1:vue> LOL
    1:Cap> LOOL


    • #3
      Singer 0-9 and Golden_Aim 1-10? OUCH.
      When I stab you, you stay stabbed.

      T0MA> play like a man


      • #4
        good read homer's wife. keep these up and coming
        Season 12 champion TWLD / TWLJ
        Season 18 champion TWLJ / TWLB
        Season 19 champion TWLB (C)

        Season 6 champion TWDT-J TWDT-B (C)
        Season 10 champion TWDT-J (C)
        Season 11 champion TWDT-B (C)
        Season 13 champion TWDT-B (C)
        Season 17 TRIPLE CROWN TWDT (C)

        The winningest TWDT captain of all time


        • #5
          was my first full lj game ever btw
          lemar> im seriously gonna get someone to hack your name and disolve that shit sqd of yours


          • #6
            Originally posted by Zizzo View Post
            was my first full lj game ever btw
            congrats ps marge is fat l2aim owait u cant ur spaceship is 2 fat also

            thanks pz
            1:Cape> is infrared the thing that microwave does?
            Cape> i thought it was like u inferred
            1:Cape> yo when u look up at the night sky and see billions of night stars
            1:Cape> im like fuk it let this shit end

            Tsunami> LOl
            beam> stfu tsunami
            Tsunami> yo this girl is dead up snoring
            beam> ur blacker than tarcoal
            Tsunami> should end her life while she sleeps


            • #7
              zomgg Im bleeding from the wrists!!!

              I pity you for caring so much and I aint showing up on sundays ever again just for you <3

