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TWLJ Week 8 predictions

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  • TWLJ Week 8 predictions

    Impala vs Fatal

    Both of these squads seem to be falling apart, infrared left impala and not in game left Fatal. Both have no chance of making it to playoffs. This may be a close match but the majority of impalas members are inactive or have left for another squad. Take this to be the most boring match of the week with jones carying fatal to the win.

    Final score: Fatal 50 - Impala 38
    MVP: Jones

    Shinobi vs Sage

    Shinobi is looking strong once again with a dominating win over impala this past week, while sage's javs refuse to show leaving them helpless against squads they would have a chance against with the proper line. This match all depends if sage's javs show or not. If so i will predict this to be a close match if not look for it to be a blowout. Because of the circumstances ill give two final scores

    Final score (with a full sage line): Shinobi 50 - Sage 45
    Final score (without): Shinobi 50 - Sage 33

    MVP: Shan

    Dice vs Thunder MATCH OF THE WEEK

    This is the big match of the season with the top two ranked squads fight for first place. Look for this to be a good match to watch with each squads putting their top lines in. All players will have to show and play well in order to take the win in this tough match. This week will really show if maketso made a difference to Dice's top 5 line. Can dice win against a top squad without him? Look for the carrying to be on ease marge and fludd for thunder and mess and megaman89 for dice.

    Final score: Thunder 50 - Dice 45

    MVP : Fludd

    Rapid Vs Mad

    This is a match of a one of the near top squads vs one of the near bottom squads. Not much is needed to be said about this as i doubt it will be close with rapids ever disapointing javs such as avatar broken fist and golden_aim will be starting once again. Look for turban to carry mad once again. Nice try this year rapid.

    Final score: Mad 50 - Rapid 34

    Mvp: Turban

    Boss vs Respect

    Boss had a somewhat easy win last week against rapid, while respect had a tough but close loss against dice. If the thunder vs dice match wasnt happening this week i would have to give this the match of the week. This is because its a crucial match for both squads. A loss for either may potentially put them out of the playoff contentions. If boss loses they are forced to have to win next week against thunder (which is somewhat unlikely but who knows) , if respect loses they are 2 games behind boss and boss secures themselves playoff status. Look for both squads to show top lines this week or suffer the consequences. Boss will look to scarce kid cudi locket and toxie this week while respect will be hoping for big games from paradise eelam and shock trooper. Look for this to be a another good match to watch.

    Mvp - Kid Cudi

    Final Score: Boss 50 - Respect 45

  • #2
    Seriously, chill with your "predictions." If you have a problem with someone on rapid or the squad itself don't try to hide behind a fake prediction, come out with it, say your shit, then write a real prediction. Avatar played two games in twlj before deciding to go inactive. Baron Munchausen has played one, and it was only the last game. So how can "javs such as avatar broken fist and golden_aim will be starting once again" be true? If you're going to hate on a squad every thread you make at least try to not be asinine.

    --|-- Question: What is the average male penis size in humans? (erect in inches)

    --|-- Ease got the correct answer, '5.3 inches', in 6.379 sec. and is tied for the lead with 2 pts.


    • #3
      The only squad i hated on was rapid and i think rightly so. You havent played well enough for me to think you can beat mad, or any other squad other than impala for that matter. I could of listed off any of your players and all would have made sense for that statement. Dont cry because your squad isnt doing well. If you had won some games than the prediction would have been a bit different. Dont blame me blame your squad , oh and if you dont like it you dont have to read it. Post your own.
      Last edited by bone thug; 11-11-2009, 10:09 AM.


      • #4
        Be glad he gave rapid 34 kills. I bet their avg is like 25.
        Major Crisis


        • #5
          HOPEFULLY an opposite game vs dice from paradise, <3 u paradise.


          • #6
            Originally posted by bone thug View Post
            The only squad i hated on was rapid and i think rightly so. You havent played well enough for me to think you can beat mad, or any other squad other than impala for that matter. I could of listed off any of your players and all would have made sense for that statement. Dont cry because your squad isnt doing well. If you had won some games than the prediction would have been a bit different. Dont blame me blame your squad , oh and if you dont like it you dont have to read it. Post your own.
            If you read my post correctly then you would realize that it has nothing to do about the score you predicted or whether or not I agree/disagree about who will win. I was commenting on how you're incapable of writing a prediction without hating on rapid. Your prediction should've just been "This is a match of a one of the near top squads vs one of the near bottom squads. Not much is needed to be said about this as i doubt it will be close." 50-34 and stop there. The rest is unnecessary.

            Edit: This is from your week 5 prediction "Also look for more bad games from avatar and golden_aim. Do us all a favor rapid and remove your selves from LJ." Not necessary for predictions.

            --|-- Question: What is the average male penis size in humans? (erect in inches)

            --|-- Ease got the correct answer, '5.3 inches', in 6.379 sec. and is tied for the lead with 2 pts.


            • #7
              this saetep is relentlessly trying to prove his squad is good at some shitty league. pretty amusing. whats up
              TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


              • #8
                predictions of the 4 matches that actually matter + one that doesn't

                Thunder vs. Dice

                This is definitely the most anticipated match of the season. Both squads only have one loss this season and the winner will get No. 1 seed for Playoffs, which could be crucial as the No. 2 seed will be facing Mad. I personally hope that Thunder is going to completely destroy Dice tomorrow, thus giving Mad a slightly easier opponent for Semi-Finals.

                Thunder is looking strong (once again) this season with a team lead by Ease, Fludd and Ceyve. They have a strong roster filled with great players such as Marge, Exquisite, Amputate and Necromotic that could easily start in most squads this season. It is going to be interesting to see what kind of a lineup Thunder is going to use this week against the "weakened" Dice.

                Dice was (actually, they still are) one of the favourites to win this season in LJ, even though they did do a stupid move by axing Maketso after their loss against Boss. Nonetheless they still have a strong roster, one you could be proud of, with excellent players such as Megaman89, Stayon and Mess. I don't think that Dice is as strong as Thunder, but we'll see if I am right about that after this match. I wonder if Maketso is going to play on his older brothers' name?

                Lineup of Thunder: Ease, Ceyve, Fludd, Marge, Amputate
                Substitutes: Exquisite, Necromotic, Steak666

                Lineup of Dice: Megaman89, Stayon, Evasive, HLK, Mess
                Substitutes: FieryFire, Cape, Plob#f

                Score: 50 - 44; Thunder wins.
                MVP: Ceyve

                Mad vs. Rapid

                One could say that Mad is the clear favourite to win this match, but in my opinion it isn't all that clear. One should never underestimate their opponent, and to tell the truth Rapid can be a dangerous squad if they can manage to get their top players to play and get their game going.

                Mad has had a pretty good season with only two losses (Dice & Respect) where they showed a weaker lineup, one that you could not consider as our top lineup. Unfortunately our top player and squad captain, Spawnisen, is having some serious latency issues. I do not have a clue which players are our starters, although I would probably list myself and Spawnisen as certain starters for bigger games. Then there's Requiem, Rule, Vys, Scoop and EvilDeed that should do well enough when it matters.

                Rapid had a pretty disastrous season, though it could have been worse. Their chances making it to Top 6 are extremely slim, as both Sage and Respect have to lose both of their matches and Rapid has to win both of their matches (next week against Respect) to get No. 6 seed. But as I have said before, one should not underestimate their opponent. Rapid can be dangerous, so anything could happen if they catch us off guard and get a great start. I am not too sure what kind of a lineup they'll show, but it's going to be interesting in my opinion, no matter what others say!

                Lineup of Mad: Spawnisen, Vys, Requiem, EvilDeed, Turban
                Substitutes: Scoop, Rule, Blood

                Lineup of Rapid: Golden_Aim, Creature, Qyll, MHz, Violence
                Substitutes: Baron Munchausen, Herbalist Yangyun, Locomotive

                Score: 50 - 41; Mad wins.
                MVP: Vys (?!)

                For those that did not know, the only reason why I joined Mad and am playing LJ & LB is because Spawnisen asked me to do that. My original plan was only to play LB this season (probably in Respect, they have great guys that I loved to play with) instead of Mad. Without him I wouldn't have even considered playing javelins, and to tell the truth, I hate over half of our squad roster. Thank God our feelings are mutual about that, though..

                No worries, Might, I still love you. Even though you did broke our promise yesterday! :wub:

                Sage vs. Shinobi

                Definitely one of the most interesting games this week. Sage pretty much has to win this game and Shinobi really can't afford losing matches either, unless they want to face a tougher opponent in the Single Elimination. I expect Sage to be slightly stronger if they can manage to show their top players this time, however they are facing peasant Tom (MINERAL MAN) so literally anything could happen!

                Sage hasn't had that great of a season with only three wins and are currently holding the No. 7 seed, which is not enough for qualifying. They have to win this match, or at least their match next week against Fatal to qualify. I expect the finnish trio Spikey, Zizu and Kawrae to do well with Marnix and Reab following their lead. Anything could happen if they can show their best players, so it will be interesting to see what happens..

                Shinobi has had a rather good season with only two losses (Mad & Thunder) mainly lead by Hercules, Shan and Wax. They can't afford to lose this match as they are facing Dice next week, thus losing both of the matches could make them drop a couple of positions down and get a tougher opponent in the Single Elimination. I expect great things from Hercules, don't let me down, Mineral Man!

                Lineup of Sage: Zizu, Spikey, Kawrae, Reab, Marnix
                Substitutes: Dutch_, Kess, Major Crisis

                Lineup of Shinobi: Hercules, Wax, Shan, Pjotter, Cross
                Substitutes: TiduZ, Dawk

                Score: 50 - 45; Sage wins.
                MVP: Hercules or Zizu

                Respect vs. Boss

                Another great match to see; the winner is going to have a chokehold on the No. 6 seed to qualify. Boss is going to have a tougher schedule ahead, as if they can win this they'll have to beat Thunder next week to qualify. Respect on the other hand can lose this match if they are confident to win against Rapid next week.

                Boss haven't had that great of a season, but they are currently holding No. 5 seed with a record of 4-3. Basically the only good players in their squad roster is Kid Cudi, Scarce, Lorko and Toxie. Others are mediocre at best, but good enough to be "fillers" to their starting lineup. I believe I listed them as one of the dark horses earlier this season, and looks like they just might make it to Top 6. All they have to do is win this match and they have qualified to the Single Elimination.

                Respect had a big win against an unprepared (and weak) Mad which probably boosted up their team spirit. They also have a must win ahead, as if they can win this match it'll be pretty certain that they'll get No. 6 or 5 seed for Playoffs. They got Eelam to join before the locks which strengthened their team quite a bit and completed their lineup. Cuji and Dreamwin have had a decent season and both will be starting tomorrow. Shock Therapy is without a doubt one of the best duelers in javelin, but when it comes to LJ and teaming, he simply is not that type of a player that cares about TWL and titles, kind of like me (which makes me wonder WHY AM I ADDED TO EVERY GAME?!), heh.

                Lineup of Boss: Kid Cudi, Scarce, Lorco, Toxie, Locket
                Substitutes: Territory, Huxley, Jint

                Lineup of Respect: Eelam, Cuji, Dreamwin, Hypocrit, Paradise
                Substitutes: Shock Therapy,

                Score: 50 - 43; Respect wins.
                MVP: Kid Cudi

                Fatal vs. Impala

                This match is boring. If I were to describe the match with one word it would be "pointless". Both squads have pretty much given up with the league as they don't stand a chance to make it to Top 6 anymore. However it's good experience for the newer players so maybe this might be a good match after all, who knows? Nonetheless this match could end up to be a great one, especially if both teams show their top lineups (unlikely), but at the same time this match could be catastrophic, so I have no high expectations.

                I expected far greater from Fatal this season, definitely not a 1-6 to admit. On paper their lineup is not all that bad with RednaZ, Jones and Lordy. I wonder what went wrong, maybe they just didn't have the team chemistry between their players and went soloing thus getting owned every single game? None of my concern either way. Unfortunately Kicker, Chance and Not In Game left a while ago, leaving them a bit short on better players.

                Impala replaced Hydra in midseason and have lost all their four matches so far. They aren't that bad of a squad and I expect some of the new generation players to do fairly well in this match. This match might seem pointless to most players (including myself), but for them it might be a chance to show how they've improved during the season. Unfortunately some of their players left the squad as well (such as Infrared and Rebirth).

                Lineup of Fatal: RednaZ, Jones, Lordy, Deck, Riksa
                Substitutes: Riverside.

                Lineup of Impala: Lavu, Diversity, Sodly, Risk, Versa
                Substitutes: Sexotic, Deathdemon

                Score: 50 - 39; Fatal wins.
                MVP: RednaZ

                That's all there is to say. I really wish Thunder/Dice had scheduled the game at 2 PM or 4 PM EST so I could see the game, meh!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jones View Post
                  this saetep is relentlessly trying to prove his squad is good at some shitty league. pretty amusing. whats up
                  You're pretty bad at trolling jones.

                  --|-- Question: What is the average male penis size in humans? (erect in inches)

                  --|-- Ease got the correct answer, '5.3 inches', in 6.379 sec. and is tied for the lead with 2 pts.


                  • #10
                    gonna be a good games today. ;]


                    • #11
                      like ur preds turbs. Hope we get tight matches today. I predict 50-48 won for respect, cuji as last man standing with 12-8 rec. :turned:
                      Season 12 champion TWLD / TWLJ
                      Season 18 champion TWLJ / TWLB
                      Season 19 champion TWLB (C)

                      Season 6 champion TWDT-J TWDT-B (C)
                      Season 10 champion TWDT-J (C)
                      Season 11 champion TWDT-B (C)
                      Season 13 champion TWDT-B (C)
                      Season 17 TRIPLE CROWN TWDT (C)

                      The winningest TWDT captain of all time


                      • #12
                        late night

                        Looks like I forgot to mention a couple of things. Ah well, it was a late night forum post (actually it was morning already) after all and couldn't think clearly, happens.

                        Nevertheless I don't see any reason why Rapid would give up without a fight. They still stand a chance (albeit a very slim one) to get No. 6 seed for Playoffs. Miracles can happen and I sure hope Rapid will bring their best against us to make it a match worth watching and playing.

                        I forgot to mention a couple of players in all predictions (most notable one would be Century in Dice) although I don't think I did any major mistakes in the lineup predictions.

                        Should be a good day ahead, looking forward to most of the matches and hope all of them will be great and hoping to see some upsets as well.


                        • #13
                          good predicts turban, just its funny to see jint as a sub for us when he is not on our roster and lorko as a starter seeing as he hasnt started since game 2


                          • #14
                            Can't keep up with all the people who leave the squad and join, especially in the smaller squads.

                            Lorko should definitely start as he's one of the better players you have; but maybe that is just my opinion. Nonetheless he's good enough to start in Boss and is definitely within Top 5 players you have.

