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TWL-D Week 2 Predictions

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  • TWL-D Week 2 Predictions

    Since everyone seemed to get so upset over my predictions on the actual TWL site (and my two wrong predictions), I will post them here on Rasaq's most humble request. If you don't like it, I don't care! If you do, then I might do them every week if I have time. I woke up early and can't go back to sleep, so there is nothing else to do at 5:30 am right now. So... here it goes!

    Ok, I'll give my POSSIBLE lines for each team, and then what I think the outcome will be. I don't know for sure what the lines will be, because I'm not the captain for any of your squads, so don't emo on me if your name isn't there. If I'm wrong on the lineups, just correct me, and I'll edit it. Deal?

    Paladen vs Asians: 50-48

    Paladen's Line?: Aerin, Claushouse, Informant, Jessup, Rainbow Seeker SUBS: Phyre, Esau, Ressurrected, Jebass

    Asian's Line?: MITB, Moto Trucker, Oranje, Wage, Zagis SUBS: Rookie, Speedkillz, Morin

    This might be the game of the week, because it has two up and coming squads, both with a lot of potential, and both are pretty much evenly matched in skill. Asians had a HUGE upset vs Fierce in week 1, while Paladen gave Pandora a run for their money, and probably could have won if they didn't sub out Aerin. While Asians did pull out the win vs a very good Fierce squad, I do think it was sort of a fluke, and I liked what I saw in Paladen's potential in week 1. I didn't watch the Asians game, but I did look at the final results, and I have a few question marks. First off, Fierce added their benchers in that game, and none of the real starters played. Also, Fierce is a VERY rusty squad. Those players have such a huge ego, that they thought they could log in for the first time in a month on Sunday and win vs an Asians squad that dds literally every day. Asians proved practice is more valuable than ego, but Paladen are not the rusty Fierce benchers. If Paladen didn't sub Aerin out vs Pandora, they probably would have won, simply because Aerin was the momentum setter for them. Aerin later told me that he was subbed out simply for his rec (which was like 4-7), which was a terrible move on whoever did it. I'd like to tell this to the Paladen captains: Rec doesn't mean everything. Aerin was the one who was pushing for you, and Pandora moving backwards is not as deadly as pushing the forward key. As soon as you subbed out Aerin, you lost the lead and the game. I'm going to assume Paladen doesn't make that mistake again, and they pull out a VERY close win vs an Asians team that pulled out a good upset vs Fierce. Simply put, I think Paladen has a better team, despite the upset. I still give Asian's props however, and this game could go either way very easily.

    Penetrate vs Fierce: 42-50

    Penetrate's lineup?: Bacon, Brokenfist/BrokenModem, Minotar, Veloce, Zhou SUBS: Acidbomber, Eria, Trasher

    Fierce's SHOULD BE lineup? Apok, Racka, Kyou, Deez Nuts, Skepsis SUBS: Vash, Weak, Unabled, Geio
    Fierce's bench linup that shows up?: Deez nuts, Skepsis, Vys?, Unabled, Weak SUBS: Vash, some random scrubs

    The big question mark in this game is what Fierce squad will show up Sunday? Will it be the benchers that are just as rusty as the starters, and yet aren't as skilled, or will it be the starters, very rusty, but might be able to overcome that rust with enough skill to pull out a victory vs squads like Penetrate? This is a big if. Either way, Fierce needs to start logging in and practicing, because they won't make playoffs if they continue to log in only on Sundays and not show up their starting lineup. I like guys like Weak and Vash, but neither are very good when they don't play everyday. Vys is on a low res laptop, and he clearly isn't the same player as he could be with a normal desktop, and I'm not sure he will even show up very much this season. Deez/Skepsis/Unabled are all good 10 kill players, but even they are easily beatable when rusty. I know guys like Apok aren't very good when they don't play every day as well. There isn't much to say in this one, because despite who shows up for Fierce, and despite how rusty they are, their overall skill level just completely overshadows an upstart Penetrate squad that is just happy to be playing in LD at all. I'm glad to see fresh blood in LD, even if they are basers, but I don't see them winning this one. Fierce simply CANNOT afford to lose this game, because the competition only gets harder after their first three weeks vs Asians/Penetrate/Paladen. If Fierce doesn't get at least 2 wins out of those 3, they are in jeopardy of not even making the playoffs. Penetrate will not be a playoff squad, so I'm going with the obvious favorite here.

    Freebie vs Sk8: 45- 50

    Freebie's Lineup?: Burg, Hermit, saetep, beam, Kid Kaos/Sphinktor/Ricko/Chuckle SUBS: Whoever shows out of those listed

    Sk8's Lineup?: Burnt, Ease, Scoop, High Templar, B4sERmaN36_X SUBS: Vitja, Obi, Fujiwara, Creature

    This could be a very close game, but sk8's experience will win out in this one. Sk8 2.0/Thunder 5.0 should be able to win this game with little worry, but Freebie isn't a squad to overlook. They can either be very very bad, or very very good. It all depends on how they click as a team, and how well each player is playing that day. A lot of players on Freebie are inconsistent, one game going 5-10 across the board, and another game all getting 12-5 type recs. It all really depends on how they play to decide how close this will be. I still will pick the favorite sk8 in this, but I won't say it will be a blowout by any means. Freebie has a chance to get the upset, but the players REALLY need to step up for this one. The usual excuses will be "If I was 100%, I am a top 5 wb in tw" type of crap, but the reality is, that player hasn't been 100% in 10 years then. There comes a time when you have to stop saying if you were 100% or not, and either work your way back to that, or just accept your skill level for what it is. The outcome of this game could very well be decided on how you decide to take that question, and how hard you work to prove you are as good as you think.

    Syne vs Pandora: 46-50

    Syne's Lineup: Auger(Rasaq), Paky Dude (MONST3R?), Esau, Golden Duck, Harder SUBS: B Roy, Quart, Empion

    Pandora: Mythril, CLARK KENTaro, Sir Spider, Lasenza, Exalt/Money SUBS: Jaa, Oops, Exalt or Money, Casket, Devilish

    Syne had a 'slight' upset win over Savanger, while Pandora beat Paladen in a very unconvincing fashion. Paladen was actually ahead most of the game, and Pandora did not look very good in their teaming. Most of the players did not step up until Aerin got subbed out, which leads me to believe Paladen could have possibly won if Aerin was never subbed. This is a questionable theory, but it is still an alarming one. Simply put, Pandora could have been on the losing end of a HUGE upset, while Syne proved they aren't as bad as I originally thought. Syne's core lineup of Rasaq, Paky Dude, Golden Duck and a couple other scrubs really is not very good, and I don't expect them to pull the upset vs Pandora. Pandora has MULTIPLE lineups, and Mythril wants to play everyone, so the lineup isn't exactly a static thing for them. Exalt hasn't played in about 2 months or so, and his first game back was the Preseason game, and so he was benched for "fresher/unrusty" players this week. I don't think it will continue to happen, but I added a / mark in the starter section next to mine and money's name. Despite that, if Mythril adds the best lineup possible, and Pandora plays up to their potential, this will be an easy win. Syne simply doesn't have the skill or the firepower to outmatch players like Mythril and company when the game is on the line. I don't predict Syne will dissolve after this game, because it usually takes around 4 or 5 games for them to do it, but I still will stick by that eventual prediction. Once Syne realizes they won't make playoffs, Deadly Divas will be welcomed to TWL as the new replacement squad.

    Sweet vs Savanger: 50-45

    Sweet's Lineup?: A2m, Regen, Riverside, Jones, Dak SUBS: sacra, Vicarious, duclover, whoever actually shows up

    Savanger's Lineup?: Peru, Sarrow, Welt, Misled, Yakuza SUBS: FST, Zapata, Keith, Darza

    Sweet had a convincing win against Freebie week 1, while Savanger lost to a below average Syne squad in a slight upset. Savanger lost, but they didn't have their best players by FAR playing in that game. Peru and Sarrow were both nowhere to be found, and they are the lifeblood of that squad. Without those two, and Savanger really has no chance. With those two, and Savanger has a chance to really pull out a few upsets this season. It all really matters on if their captains actually bother to show up. None of them did Week 1, and it cost them a game they were supposed to win. Hopefully, Savanger will not make the same mistakes again in Week 2, and Sarrow/Peru will show up and make things interesting. Otherwise, I expect sweet to have a blowout win. I'd like to actually see a good game however, so here's hoping they do. Either way, Peru isn't enough to carry an entire squad and win this game by himself. Sarrow is capable of getting 10 kills, but he also dies out first before any other player on either team, and he does it in 30 seconds. He severely cripples his team in most games, because they are then forced to play 4v5 for almost the ENTIRE game. Now that I think about it, Savanger probably has a better chance if Sarrow DOESN'T play. Usually, sarrow will get 8 or 9 kills, but he will die out in 30 seconds. That isn't good enough in TWL, and it's why Savanger has never done anything throughout the years. Savanger lives and dies by Sarrow learning how to wb, and he hasn't done it effectively in 5+ years. I don't expect a different outcome in this game than last week, sorry Peru!

    So far, I'm 3-2 in my LD predictions (I got the Syne-Savanger and Fierce-Asians games wrong).

    That means I'm at 60% for the week. I'm gonna keep track week to week of my pick record and percentage for the season. We'll see what I get by the end of it, assuming I continue to write these! If I get a shit ton of negative feedback, then obviously I won't.
    RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
    RaCka> mad impressive

  • #2

    Hilarious, maybe you should leave predictions to District.
    Ara / AraGee / Death
    SSCU Trench Wars Player since 1999
    SSCU Trench Wars Staff since 2001
    TWDL, TWL-B, TWL-D, TWL-J, TWDT-J Champion


    • #3
      Originally posted by Ara View Post
      Hilarious, maybe you should leave predictions to District.
      Explain to me what is so hillarious about it ARA? You don't even play subspace anymore, so you wouldn't know anything anyway.

      Explain to me how I was supposed to know that Fierce would show up with none of their main starters, and then choke vs a really terrible asians squad? I don't think it was that funny.

      Maybe you should stick to trying to run your terrible TW staff that is a bigger joke than my prediction in week 1, instead of laughing about an obvious upset with the #1 squad losing to the #10 squad.

      But wait... ARA talks shit about me actually taking time to write a forum predictions post... so I guess I won't do it anymore! Ara, perhaps you could start doing them instead? Very likely... mhmm
      RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
      RaCka> mad impressive


      • #4
        Originally posted by Exalt View Post
        Paladen's Line?: Aerin, Claushouse, Informant, Jessup, Rainbow Seeker SUBS: Phyre, Esau, Ressurrected, Jebass
        Should check rosters before doin' predictions. Esau was in Syne's TWL match yesterday.
        Raazi> this is the only place men chase jessup


        • #5
          I <3 you Exalt but you do have Jones in Sweet's lineup twice. Still a good read though. Your week 1 predictions get a pass, since the obvious teams were suppose to win but their starters decided not to show because they thought their 2/3/4th string lineups could take care of it.

          EDIT: I understand that district got the prediction right, but what the fuck is his comment suppose to mean?
          Last edited by Regen; 09-20-2010, 02:06 PM.
          A glass can only spill what it contains.

          "Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

          "I do not really understand myself these days. I am supposed to be an average, reasonable, & intelligent young man. However, lately (I cannot recall when it started) I have been a victim of many unusual & irrational thoughts."-Charles Whitman


          • #6
            Originally posted by Exalt View Post
            Explain to me what is so hillarious about it ARA? You don't even play subspace anymore, so you wouldn't know anything anyway.

            Explain to me how I was supposed to know that Fierce would show up with none of their main starters, and then choke vs a really terrible asians squad? I don't think it was that funny.
            wwwwaaaaahhhh stop laughing at me


            • #7
              I like your predictions Exalt, and enjoy you drilling home how dumb subbing Aerin was, hopefully that quiets the ideologues advocating robotic -3 auto-subs on our squadron.

              I laughed so fucking hard when I read you referring to yourself in the third person

              Keep doing them, I like reading them! <3

              EDIT: I don't see how predicting Fierce over Asians is such a point of criticism..
              top 100 basers list


              • #8
                lol those are some atrocious predictions. Just stop already, people are begging you -_-
                3x TWLD All-Star
                2x TWLD Finals MVP
                2x TWLD Champion

                TWLD Champion 'Season 11'

                TWLD Champion 'Season 14'


                • #9
                  what terrible predictions

                  im not eefin on freepie roster and i dont eefin play nemore
                  TWLD CHAMP - STRAY (SORT OF)


                  • #10
                    haters 'gon hate

                    how about everyone bitching and complaining steps down from their high horse for just a moment and makes some predictions of their own?

                    oh wait, that's too logical

                    nevermind, carry on
                    jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                    • #11
                      haha, I spoiled you fuckers for too long by doing em.
                      Rabble Rabble Rabble


                      • #12
                        Yeah I would write preview articles because I still have a bunch of free time during the week and I am now too laggy and using a laptop keyboard to play post-move, but unfortunately I didn't play for most of the peak qualifying time and I have no idea who is playing a lot or well. Maybe after a few weeks of seeing who each team starts I can.

                        Also, I probably won't write HoNs because (like kthx) I am just way too invested in the NFL right now haha. Someone asked me about doing some stat articles and that doesn't require actually watching the games, so maybe I will do that once there is a bit more data.
                        When I stab you, you stay stabbed.

                        T0MA> play like a man


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kthx View Post
                          haha, I spoiled you fuckers for too long by doing em.
                          So write some? I did them since nobody else bothered last week, and probably wouldn't have this week. If you don't like it, then do it yourself!

                          If my predictions are so atrocious Dele, then what are your picks? Show me your great judge of talent and skill, and write one yourself! Untuck that jersey of yours and do some work son.
                          RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                          RaCka> mad impressive


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by kthx View Post
                            haha, I spoiled you fuckers for too long by doing em.
                            So... why don't you do it again then? I don't see your predictions anywhere, and I don't even see you on a TWL lineup... so, where's your contribution? Once again, I did them since nobody else bothered. If you'd like to do better, then by all means, save me the time!

                            Originally posted by Chuckle View Post
                            what terrible predictions

                            im not eefin on freepie roster and i dont eefin play nemore
                            Ok? My bad? I told you I didn't know all the lineups. You don't matter anyway Chuckle. 10 other players are better than you on Freebie, but I added your name in the chance that they don't show up and you did. I guess we all know you wouldn't show up anyway, since you aren't even on a TWL squad. Sk8 didn't let you bench on theirs and let you win a LD title as the waterboy? awwww poor chuckle!

                            Originally posted by Rasaq View Post
                            Should check rosters before doin' predictions. Esau was in Syne's TWL match yesterday.
                            I told you I wasn't perfect. I didn't have time to check every single roster move for every single squad. Sorry!
                            RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                            RaCka> mad impressive


                            • #15
                              In case you couldn't tell I don't really play this game much anymore.
                              Rabble Rabble Rabble

