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HOT or NOT - TWLJ (Featured Matches on Week 5)

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  • HOT or NOT - TWLJ (Featured Matches on Week 5)


    Alright, here is the deal before someone starts to bitch. I was planning on writing Hot or Not section for TWLJ featuring every match that get broadcast by FieryFire. Basically I would be commenting on what happened in the game (in-depth, details and stuff like that) and even feature one or two players that played in the game, rating them, listing their kills and deaths and commenting on those. For this I decided to pick the MVP of Sweet vs Dice (Scarce) as the featured player, although I could have picked my favorite player(s) this match instead of him.

    So, once again. This is just kind of a "beta experiment" from me to see whether you would like this kind of Hot or Not posts once in a while, after all I am bored, tired and have the time (for now, at least) to write things like this. Basically, I could write one posts similar to this one about a TWLJ game that has been broadcast by FieryFire on his YouTube channel and do it like the way I have done in this post.

    I want is your opinion on this idea. What should be added? What is useless and should be scrapped? Any other extra useless data that you would want to be added? e.g. stuff like "TWL statistics for every player that played this game, before and after the match", chat logs in spectator frequency (in [CODE]) and other useless things.

    Personally I think I wrote too much useless shit and definitely could've made this shorter. So here you go, my wasted 1 hour this night.

    Dice versus Sweet: (50-34)

    (pre-match expectations) Sweet are the huge underdogs this match and has close to no chance of winning. When looking at the names, Dice is way stronger on the paper and should win the game easily.

    (0 to 5 minutes) This game started slowly with both teams testing the water with maketso getting the first blood. Only moments after that first kill, Shan lags out for too high packet loss and gets +1 death. Seems like he still has got some lag issues, unfortunately for Sweet as he is their best javelin by far in my opinion. Anyhow, Jae gets subbed in for Shan with 9 deaths remaining. After the substitute, Dice slowly gained more control over the base and started pressuring Sweet more and more. Then, only moments after Dice started their pressuring, maketso misses a point blank shot against Scarce and gets blasted to death. Get good, maketso.

    And then we had to wait quite a while until things started to get interesting against. Continuing from the 1 minute 40 second mark, euforia almost cashed in a 2FER by shooting diagonally upwards. Only about 15 seconds after that shot we reached one of the most entertaining periods of this match. Basically, a lot of deaths happened in a short period of time. This period last for roughly 30 seconds resulting with several deaths, including a classy wall bomb by stayon killing Scarce and another one by megaman89 killing aprix, both were pretty much identical too. You don't have to do fancy shots to kill people. Simpler is almost always better.

    Then, ladies and gentlemen, one of the strangest things happened in this round. Megaman89 blasted Jae in the face and it took literally 3 seconds for him to die. Two seconds after the shot, Scarce picks off megaman89 with a simple (yet effective) wall bomb. Not too sure what happened there, may have been packet loss related thing. None the less, Stayon showed a moment after that a prime example of how one should play javelin when you're outnumbered, staying alive and positioning oneself well is much better than trying to be a hero and hoping for a 2fer.

    A bit after the 3 minute mark, not in game cashes in a 2FER killing both megaman89 and Stayon, but gets finished off by maketso only moments later. Nice catch, mm89. +1

    After this, Dice started playing more aggressively again and they seemed like they wanted to finish this game quickly. Stayon picked off Dreamfly that was soloing like me in bottom-right corner of the base, unfortunately that lead to him being subbed out for Sacra who got Dreamfly's 6 remaining deaths. Then we had a boring period with not much happening, one of the several dry periods. Ugh.

    .. that was until Stayon nearly gets a 2FER - barely missing twice the target with one bomb (bounces). Then our lucky man of the day, Scarce, manages to get two strays within 20 seconds. Better luck than what Creature has after getting a lucky fortune from daily his fortune cookie.

    ((btw, creature can't handle beer. make sure to ?message him gg for that))

    (5 to 12 minutes)

    We get a nice start for the next 7 minute period starting with one of my personal favorite highlights this match. Jae catches an easy 2FER, huge choke. Good job, Megaman89 and Jae! Unfortunately immediately after that we had a dry period of over 1 minute with almost nothing happening. Dice slowed their pace and started playing smarter (read: safer) which lead to the game being a stalemate for a while.

    At 7 minute mark things started to spice up a bit again with euforia almost getting not in game with a slightly lucky shot and megaman89 owning Jae with a simple straight shot. Learning to do those kind of shots at the right time is a nice way to getting kills, fyi! Then a while after that, Scarce positions himself poorly and has to pay the price for it while missing the suicide on Stayon.

    Then, our lucky man of the day, once again, strikes! Scarce comes up from the right side of the base and aims at Stayon but ends up getting euforia and maketso instead. That makes it his 3rd and 4th stray kill of this match. Getting closer to the numbers of strays I get when playing. $ just need to eat more bombs and you'd be a perfect copy of me. About 10 seconds after that stray, Megaman89 doing a nice dodge which could have lead to a 2fer if someone else (basically, someone that is worse than him aka 99.95% of Trench Wars population because he's the greatest :fear had been attempting to dodge that bomb.

    Thirty seconds later, maketso flew in from the middle and owned Sacra with a simple, yet precise, bounce bomb and euforia picked off Scarce with a nice straight shot. After this, it was all about Dice finishing off every Sweet player. yawnfest for a while.

    Overall Rating/Quality of the Game: 7

    But leaning towards a 6 to be honest. It was not a close game when you think about it and there was not much going on, only a couple of highlights and no stellar performances by anyone. Although, there did happen a couple of interesting things that made me change the rating to a 7 instead of a 6.

    Featured Player on Sweet: Scarce (14-10)

    Scarce was playing semi-aggressively the entire game, getting a couple (4) of strays and lucky kills in the progress. He was not playing particularly well and had his moments when his teaming was either poor or non-existent. To me, he was not particularly impressive at all, in fact I am amazed how he managed to do that well. Either way, he did have his (few) moments which are worth commenting on.. and oddly enough, most of the highlights are because of luck. :fear:

    Relatively boring player to watch at least in my opinion. To me it seems like he's the typical average javelin that you can find on a daily basis in baseelim and TWJD. Simply but, he's not that talented but doesn't suck in the ship. None the less, you shouldn't expect anything big from him in the future games that Sweet may have.


    • (1) His first kill was lucky in a way, Stayon died due to dodging him into the bullets one moment before the bomb killed him with the explosion proximity. Either way, Stayon is the one to blame for that death. If it weren't for those bullets he would have survived.
    • (2) Scarce and Mess suicided each other, trading kills.
    • (3) Maketso barely missing Scarce (close range, unlucky) leading to Scarce getting an easy kill..
    • (4) Euforia suicides Scarce, trading kills.
    • (5) Euforia fired a bomb and retreated but got picked off by Scarce that was poorly positioned moments earlier.
    • (6) Picked off Megaman89 who was weakened with a leviathan bomb. One of his highlights this game.
    • (7) Kills Mess after he misses his shot. Straight shot from close range.
    • (8) Maketso goes down the left side and kills not in game with a leviathan bomb, but fails to bounce back up which was what he was planning on doing. Scarce gets a free kill with bullets.
    • (9) Scarce has a huge miss on Stayon, but ends up getting lucky and hitting Megaman89 with a stray.
    • (10) Scarce comes up fromt he right side and fires a bomb upwards, it bounces back down and finishes maketso. Two strays in a row.
    • (11) Maketso suicides Scarce, trading kills. Payback? $
    • (12 & 13 - 2FER) Scarce enters the base from the right side and aims at Stayon but misses his shot. Either way, he ends up getting a 2FER killing euforia and maketso with some luck.
    • (14) Mess misses a shot leading to Scarce rushing towards him. Scarce picks off Mess with a huge leviathan bomb. Not sure whether he actually aimed that, you never know about these guys..

    • (1) Scarce and Mess suiciding each other.
    • (2) Euforia suiciding Scarce.
    • (3) Died due to poor positioning, although he did end up getting a kill (#5) before getting killed by Stayon with a leviathan bomb.
    • (4) Gets picked off by Mess as he was chasing Euforia (who fired earlier) in middle. Did not pay attention to Mess until it was too late.
    • (5) Huge miss on Stayon, dies to a pair of bullets. Got lucky with the bomb and killed Megaman89 (#9) with it.
    • (6) Stayon chasing Scarce down in the left side, finishing him off with a leviathan bomb. Moments earlier Scarce strayed Maketso (#10) to death.
    • (7) Maketso suicides Scarce.
    • (8) Misses Stayon (close range) and dies to a pair of bullets. Scarce was temporarily poorly positioned and had to pay the price.
    • (9) Gets owned by Euforia on the left side, straight shot in the face as Scarce fails to dodge on time.
    • (10 - OUT) Stayon covers up Mess after Scarce kills him (#14), following him up the right side and finishing him off with a leviathan bomb.

    Scarce's Rating in this TWLJ Match against Dice from me:
    Accuracy Rating	            7.0
    Dodging Rating	            8.0
    Teaming Rating	            6.0
    Luck Rating                 8.0
    Skill Rating	            6.0
    Entertainment Rating        5.0
    Overall Rating              6.7
    Accuracy Rating: how accurate was the players bombs and bullets, how often did he hit the targets he intended to hit (non-strays)
    Dodging Rating: how good was the players dodging ability, how well did he escape sticky situations (excluding incredibly lucky situations, will be highlighted)
    Teaming Rating: how well did the was player team and position in the game (basically everything about teaming - awareness, positioning, sacrificing oneself for the greater good and so on)
    Luck Rating: based on how lucky the player got in the game, strays and lucky dodges (the reason i do well!)
    Skill Rating: based on how well he could handle and play the ship (movement, awareness and other various factors - pretty simple really, it's easy to see if a player is talented or not - being aggressive at the right times boosts this rating a bit too, obviously)
    Entertainment Rating: how entertaining it was to watch the player play (overall how i felt it was to watch the player play the game)
    Overall Rating: average of all the ratings posted above

    Part One

    Part Two


    Please subscribe and post your in-game name to FieryFire3D's YouTube channel. You will be helping the game. We need more subscribers and unique viewers, make sure you tell your squad mates to subscribe as well. To subscribe, go to the link below and hit the yellow SUBSCRIBE button above the featured video.

    If you do not have a YouTube account, please register one. It takes only one minute.

    So, opinions? More of this shit or should one stick to just regular Hot or Not threads/posts? Should I make it shorter? Or maybe you could just start writing shit like this if you have the time.

  • #2

    fuck my life.


    • #3
      in before jason bans me for triple posting. love u tho. :wub:

      in before jones posts a retarded comment. :fear:

      in before someone else in sweet figures out how to use their keyboard to post on this forum. :turned:

      and fu all except these 5 ppl:

      gran guerrero
      myself again, leveled up


      • #4
        fun to read

        and this post also prevents a spanking for quadruple posting


        • #5
          Good god. can anyone post a good twlj shit holy fuk. Turban plz do this shit. Actually fuk it everyone too lazy. god why write a whole fucking book just about one shitty game. The best match was dark vs sage.
          TWL14 semi finalist - Dark
          2010 TWDTB+Overall Champion
          TWLJ 13 Finalist - Boss
          TWLB 12 Champion- Penetrate
          cres> I am gr8 influence on curse life
          Curse> "Anyone who vs me I will vs bak and destroy. it's like murdering someone but it's self defense". Qoute by crackheads.... "I swear I wasn't lieing! I was telling the truth in my own way!"


          • #6
            I like this but yea.... Do it for every squad and not make it so long.

            Such bs that twlj not being noticed and only twld is. so fkn sad....
            TWL14 semi finalist - Dark
            2010 TWDTB+Overall Champion
            TWLJ 13 Finalist - Boss
            TWLB 12 Champion- Penetrate
            cres> I am gr8 influence on curse life
            Curse> "Anyone who vs me I will vs bak and destroy. it's like murdering someone but it's self defense". Qoute by crackheads.... "I swear I wasn't lieing! I was telling the truth in my own way!"



            • #7
              javelen is for faeggits
              Originally posted by Tone
              It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
              Originally posted by the_paul
              Gargle battery acid fuckface
              Originally posted by Material Girl
              I tried downloading a soundcard


              • #8
                Good Read.

                Originally posted by Turban View Post

                Then, ladies and gentlemen, one of the strangest things happened in this round. Megaman89 blasted Jae in the face and it took literally 3 seconds for him to die. Two seconds after the shot, Scarce picks off megaman89 with a simple (yet effective) wall bomb. Not too sure what happened there, may have been packet loss related thing.
                I think the bomb missed on jae's screen, meaning that the bomb bounced from below coming back and ending up hitting 'the house'. Since jae had bombed just before the bomb hit the house, he died.
                revolt> my girl
                Golden_Aim> nice lips, i bet she gives u awesome blowjobs
                Metal Headz> she looks good for bjs
                Golden_Aim> LOL MHZ
                Metal Headz> ROFL

                1:kesser> MENTION ME
                1:kesser> MOST KILLS

                kess is homo


                • #9
                  wow this is really in-depth.. good job
                  1:Cape> is infrared the thing that microwave does?
                  Cape> i thought it was like u inferred
                  1:Cape> yo when u look up at the night sky and see billions of night stars
                  1:Cape> im like fuk it let this shit end

                  Tsunami> LOl
                  beam> stfu tsunami
                  Tsunami> yo this girl is dead up snoring
                  beam> ur blacker than tarcoal
                  Tsunami> should end her life while she sleeps


                  • #10
                    I liked it turb, but maybe remove the featured player part that takes you up alot of time, and write some comments on who owned/sucked more on each team and how each team played overall. maybe!


                    • #11
                      gj turdbad!

                      it's too bad we (sweet) are too focused on ld to really care much about anything else. i think we had some potential in javs.
                      jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                      • #12
                        and if youre going to do anymore maybe a scorebox paste as well?

                        anyways cool

                        1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                        • #13
                          Good stuff Turban $
                          Every subscriber, video view, and time spent winning cash events directly helps our growth!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Golden_Aim View Post
                            Good Read.

                            I think the bomb missed on jae's screen, meaning that the bomb bounced from below coming back and ending up hitting 'the house'. Since jae had bombed just before the bomb hit the house, he died.
                            Actually I considered that at first and definitely thought that was the case, but for some reason it just didn't seem like the bomb had enough time to bounce back up and kill him during that period of time - or then my timing things like that is horrible at 7AM. :P

                            @ featured player section: that one was probably the simplest thing to do in this post and also the most fun part... unless I had to watch some boooooooooooooooring player. could even spice it up a bit more and add the player(s) highlights that had nothing to do with kills, like when a player did something well (survived, positioned well, helped team mates) as an example of how one should play.

                            anyhow, yeah. think i'll have to make these things shorter. too much of a wall of text. spice it up a bit and make it a shorter read. :fear:

                            EDIT: omfg 1200th post on this shit. FUCK! was going to spend it on something nicer.


                            • #15
                              scorebox could easily be added in a [CODE], I guess. :wub:

                              was going to do that at first, but got too tired to actually *DO* it.

