ohhh... thats a pretty long explanation, why don't you just say: "hide behind a wall until enemy shoots a bomb"?
keep em comin' tho :)
You could hide behind any wall you want. My suggestion is to either hide or place yourself in a position that enables you to immediately counter-attack.
If you have good wb aim try being offensive, if you are good at running try to lure people into chasing you.
The very best javs tend to have really low bullet per second. Dont use bullets unless you have a good chance of hitting, otherwise its just energy wasted you could have used in another way(be it regrouping, bombing, thrusting, etc). Of course there are times when you can do the exact opposite of what I just said, like in a 2vs1 for example, to push the person you and your squadie are teaming into a certain direction..
That really isnt a stray.. There is sound reason to hit the angle like that, if the person you are trying to kill is a good flyer, they'll fly right on the edge just 1 or 2 pixels from hitting that wall, if they think you are goign to try that shot they will prolly try to bounce off wall and go backwards, if they dont think you will(think u bluffing energy) they'll probably miss the wall and do what magi pic shows.
If you have good wb aim try being offensive, if you are good at running try to lure people into chasing you.
The very best javs tend to have really low bullet per second. Dont use bullets unless you have a good chance of hitting, otherwise its just energy wasted you could have used in another way(be it regrouping, bombing, thrusting, etc).
Still sounds belim style to me, do you not use bullets to keep charge of main spots in an arena with ur team or bullets to help a teammate escape and disallowing opponents from bombing easily?
The very best rec whores tend to have really low bullet per second.
"People fear what they can't understand, hate what they can't conquer."
"Cherry blossoms in the Spring, and starry skies in the Summer. The Autumn brings the full moon. The Winter brings the snow. These things make Sake taste good. If you don't like Sake, then there is something wrong with you."Seijuro Hiko
Still sounds belim style to me, do you not use bullets to keep charge of main spots in an arena with ur team or bullets to help a teammate escape and disallowing opponents from bombing easily?
Did you stop reading mid post to ask that..?
Of course there are times when you can do the exact opposite of what I just said
I guess I should put "should" instead of "can".
Another thing: Turning. Ive never heard anyone talk about it before, but really, being able to turn well(not talking about just going around walls) is a very big part about being able to dodge/kill people, no matter what ship you're in.
It's most obvious when someone is chasing you, and are very close to you, its less obvious when youre farther apart(because you have more options)
Trust me. I'm not great at this game, but, I have perfect strategies. I just suck at executing them.
How to play javs is so random, it totally depends on who ur enemy is. Look at Shock Therapy. He is pretty good in baseelim, but come on you ever saw him jding? Guy goes out 10-10 or 11-10 each game after 5 minutes, leaving the rest of his team alone for the other 15 mins. Just dont be shy to bomb at known names as much as you bomb other newbs, and you're good to go
Keith> you don't need to eat human to eat meat.
Goddess> Keith
Goddess> gonna eat you
We got Burg <ER> and Steak <ER>, i already told them Goddess has a huge appetite! ?go PIE -H.M.S. Stargazer
I watched squallff8 (who was quite possibly the worst javelin in the game at the time, no offense squall) really improve to a fairly respectable jav in twjd. You just have to be open to learning new moves. You'll eventually start learning when NOT to bomb. Which is the problem i see with warbirds. You guys will mistime your bombs and fire at an obvious spot where even the mediocre javs will know to avoid.
4:BigKing> xD
4:Best> i'm leaving chat
4:BigKing> what did i do???
4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
4:BigKing> ???? why though
4:Best> you're 6'4 and black...you can't use emojis like that
4:BigKing> xD
step 1: tape down your tab, up and left arrow key in a public arena
step 2: close your monitor
step 3: leave your computer for 2 hours
step 4: ???
step 5: profit
Base elim will teach you basic 1v1 and vulching skills. Also when not to bomb..
Javduel is the most effective tool in teaching teaming. (Which is how you win jd's)
And even better is to play many many jd's..
By missing a bomb 1) You leave yourself vulnerable (& get rocked)
2) You immediately attract attention from 1 or more enemies
3) You put your team at risk, b/c they might try to save you
So one of many strategies is to ONLY BOMB IF YOU'RE CONFIDENT IT WILL HIT!
Use boost bombs properly. You can boost until 1170 energy, before bombing. This will increase bomb speed, and make it hard to dodge.
These are just basics, there are hundreds of strategies.. Learn by watching other players, and develop your own moves and dekes.
Be patient and pick your shots wisely. Kills will come naturally if your team is playing properly.