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TWLJ Preseason Recap and Season Outlook

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  • TWLJ Preseason Recap and Season Outlook

    Sweet vs Fierce (50 – 42)
    MVP – Scarce

    Sweet – Gamerecap and season outlook:

    Despitethe fact that neither squad presented their best line-up, this was an excitinggame between two strong contenders. Sweet displayed some strong teaming led bythe rushing of Jones (10-9) and Eelam (9-8). Scarce (11-7), Not in game (9-9),and Statis (9-9) have long been known as excellent teamers supporting any styleof play; a statement they definitely reinforced this week. It is difficult toisolate one player as being the defining factor in the win so the props will goto Sweet as a whole. Following a narrow loss to Fierce during last year’splayoffs, Sweet looks to bounce back this season with the addition of such promisingjavs as Eelam, Marge and Tiduz. Last season’s core (Jones, Scarce, and Not ingame) have returned, looking to make some noise with the revamped line-up andperhaps dethrone the “powerhouse two”. Unrelenting rushes backed up by strongteaming and support has always been the cornerstone of these players’ style.Hopefully, they can remain consistent and carry their undeniable talent to anunexpected title. In a post-game interview, Eelam displays great confidence inthis regard:

    Marge>After this first week of preseason, how do you feel about Sweet’s overallchances in LJ?
    Eelam>Good, we going to go to finals for sure.
    Marge>What was the key to your victory today, and what do you think will be the keyto Sweet winning it all?
    Eelam> Noone can team better then we do in TWLJ, thats a fact.
    Eelam>Today, we pretty much owned fierce through amazing teaming and luring, the onlyteam that would be able to team as well as us will be thunder.
    Marge>Thunder aside, which other squads do you perceive as legitimate threats?
    Eelam>None, Dice bunch of straying newbs with only one good jav in Cape. Fierce ishorrible, cmon guys they have zidane need i say more? Hit is even worse,because heisman will keep putting himself in and go out 2-10.

    Despitethe fact that he still lacks the ability to differentiate between then/than, heappears to have a solid grasp on his team’s abilities and is dedicated tohelping them achieve success. After all, no one enjoys saying “kiss my rings”more than Eelam.

    Startingline: -- Predictedpower ranking: 3

    Fierce – Gamerecap and season outlook:

    Fierce,on the other hand, seemed a little shaky in this game. The additions of Culex(7-10) and Rough (5-10), two players who have been quite absent from the javgame as of late, hurt Fierce to a noticeable degree. However, the biggestproblem I observed with their play style this week is their overreliance onstrays and lobs for the majority of their kills. This facet of their game needsto change if they are to have any hope in defeating any of the true contendersthis year. A strong Thunder line-up proved too much for Fierce during lastseason’s semi-finals outing. Unfortunately, they lost the majority of theplayers, including jav captain Exquisite, which got them that far. However,looking at their roster, it is undeniable that they still possess the abilityto have a strong impact in LJ. The addition of Waven and Hercules can help inthis regard. But, inactivity and apathy has always been a problem with thissquad and its recruits; this may continue to influence their chances at atitle.

    Starting line:Shock Therapy, Waven, Rule, Havok, Singer/Zidane - Predicted power ranking: 4

    Dice vs Thunder (50-41)
    MVP – Stayon

    Dice – Gamerecap and season outlook:

    Sinceneither squad took this game very seriously, I will not comment on it too much.Dice was essentially carried by Stayon (17-8) and Flared (12-8) while everyoneelse was busy watching the Lakers lose. These two squads are far from strangers andhave perhaps had the longest standing rivalry in TWLJ history. They are twopowerhouses that have been the favourites for several years. Unfortunately,Thunder has always gotten the better of Dice come playoff time. Dice has beenknown for having strong one-man performances that often come at the expense ofa playoff loss. It seems that the emphasis on individual over team performanceby a small number of players each season has recurrently been the downfall ofthis squad. To overcome this playoff hurdle, Dice will need to avoid havingplayers focussing on their records and ratios instead of making risks necessaryto win. The consistent play and leadership of Megaman89 and Stayon, and perhapsthe re-activity of Spawnisen will be essential to this outcome.

    Starting line:Megaman89, Stayon, Spawnisen, Flared, Infrared/Vys/A2m - Predicted power ranking: 2

    Thunder –Game recap and season outlook:

    Whatis there to say about Thunder? The most successful squad in TWL history, letalone in TWLJ. The same two players, Ease and Fludd, in combination withvarying javs have consistently led this squad to victory. Every year they havebeen underestimated or predicted to falter at the hands of Dice, and every yearthey have proven their sceptics wrong. Their starting line is just as strong asit always has been, and with the addition of numerous other javs, they have astrong group of supporters as well. Many have criticized Fludd as beinginactive and washed up. Indeed, one may question whether following his average65-63 performance last season he truly is the jav he once was. He seems tothink so:

    Marge> Youhave always stated that you are the best jav in TW, do u still believe this tobe true?
    Fludd> I'dhonestly like to be modest and say no, but its really hard to do so when thestatistics are so in my favour
    Marge>Statistics? How so?
    Fludd>Well, if you take a look through records of seasons 8 through 14, you'll findthat I am consistently in the top 5 players with most kills. In addition, I amthe player with the most TWLJ finals appearances/wins.
    Marge> Dou believe Thunder is the team to help u extend that streak?
    Fludd>There is no doubt that Thunder is and always will be the strongest squad. Ibelieve we may have a tough year seeing as our star player, me, has beeninactive as of late. It's also possible that I am out of the country during theplayoffs, so it will require that some of our weaker players step up theirgame, like Ease and Turban.
    Marge> Dou really think turban is capable of replacing you in performing anotherlegendary "Cape kill"?
    Fludd> Thereis no such thing as a "cape kill". I made a strategic move andoutsmarted my opponent, killing him with a quick shot, nuff said. Regarding Turban, he is a good player thatis capable of carrying his team, though replacing Fludd is like replacing WayneGretzky.... impossible.

    Fluddappears as confident as ever. But if there’s one thing the Lakers have shownthis year, it’s that even dynasties can be torched. Thunder has proven time andtime again that they can rise to the occasion and defend their crown. However,with the strong competition they face this year from the top five squads,things may turn out a little different. The real question is, who will be theplayer throwing the Andrew Bynum elbow if such a loss were to occur? My moneyis on Fludd.

    Startingline: Fludd, Ease, Turban, Evildeed, Exquisite/Maketso/Raples/Struck - Predicted power ranking: 1

    Paladen vs Hit(50-41)
    MVP – BenderRodriguez

    Paladen –Game recap and season outlook:

    Ifthere is one word to describe this game it is “2fers”. I honestly think morethan half of the kills this game were a part of one multiple kill or another.That being said, the outcome is a little surprising. Rendered (13-6) and Versa(9-10) were off to a quick start leading the way for Paladen (then Versa diedlike seven times in a row). With Rendered currently being the best jav onPaladen (good luck, right?) this was expected. The surprising aspect is thatthey actually won. Even with Hit’s awful line-up, no one would have predictedthis outcome. Perhaps this is a little foreshadowing of their ability toprovide a close match-up with one of the lower-tier squads this season. Paladenhas been the focal point of much criticism for their place in both LJ and LB.It is true that they are probably the weakest squad in the league this season;however, as many have pointed out, this will serve to be a valuable learningexercise. Perhaps some of these mediocre javs will develop into legitimate TWLplayers in the years to come. Let’s see what Rendered has to say on the topic:

    Marge>Having been axed from Sweet and rejected from Thunder, do you feel lucky tohave landed a spot on Paladen's roster?
    ReNdErED>? LOL
    Marge>My apologies...I guess it is still a touchy issue...moving along.
    Marge>There seems to be little doubt that you are one of the best javs on this squad,how do you feel about your role as leader on a squad filled with TWLJ newbies?
    ReNdErED>No i dont because i think Tomas Hakke is someone aliased. And he is the trueleader.
    Marge>That’s not really what I asked, but ok...
    Marge>Given that the majority of your squad is inexperienced, and some would saymediocre at best, do you believe inconsistency will be an issue this season?
    ReNdErED>Yeah i do mostly because i have no doubt in my abilities and believe that Ialone will conquer alone. And, a shoutout to my teammates... stay the fuk outtamy way.
    Marge>I asked you if inconsistency will be an issue, as in your teammates playing okone game, and then awful the next...
    ReNdErED>No it wouldnt because i would be carrying their asses. All i want is themgetting least 5 kills, ill get the rest.

    Renderedseems to exhibit some confidence regarding his ability to carry Paladen thisseason. What is the most concerning aspect of this interview however, is nothis ego, but his competence of the English language, or lack thereof. He is atrue product of Fludd’s tutoring no doubt.

    Startingline: Murder, Rendered, Versa, Tomas Hakke, The Kn|ght - Predicted power ranking: 9

    Hit – Gamerecap and season outlook:

    Poorstarts by Medic (1-5) and Golden Duck (0-4) and the overall terribleperformance of Heisman (2-10) cost Hit this game. The game was a huge blowoutin the making until Bender Rodriguez (13-6) was subbed in and went on a 2ferspree rendering the outcome a little more reasonable. Hit is definitely themost interesting squad in LJ this season. They have enormous potential, but atthe same time they lack depth. As this game shows, beyond their all-star core(Sika, B.Rabbit, Rednaz), they are filled with mediocre and, at best,inconsistent players. This can prove to be enormously damaging if some of thesecore players are unable to show up to important games. What Hit does have goingfor them however, is their ability to frustrate opponents with their unbearablelag. The average ping on this squad is in the range of 130-170ms. It will beinteresting to see how this unfolds and whether these players will even bepermitted to participate. Otherwise, expect an average season from Hit withsome potential upsets and other disappointing losses.

    Startingline: 1.337, Void Ray, Bender Rodriguez, Rednaz, Paradise - Predicted power ranking: 5

    Dynasty vs Sage(50-44)
    MVP – Inaphyt

    Dynasty –Game recap and season outlook:

    Thiswas a match between two of the “average” squads this season. Dynasty was led byInaphyt (15-7) and Dome (12-10), who helped their squad pull ahead of astruggling Sage line-up. The recent additions of such javs as Inaphyt, Roiwerk,and Cross have placed Dynasty in the category of average squads this TWL.Otherwise, I would have ranked them alongside Paladen, Penetrate, and the TorontoRaptors. Unfortunately, this squad lacks any real depth which will probably bea huge factor in their losses these coming weeks. To be honest, I can’t reallysee them doing real damage or having any chance at cracking the top 5. I’mafraid to say that not even the hidden chapter of Inaphyt’s legendary jav guidewill do them much good until they get a solid 5th, 6th,and 7th player. Despite these indisputable facts, Dynasty playersremain optimistic, perhaps too confident:

    Marge>Since most of us know you are an expert on this league, having been spectatingit for the last five years, how do you see Dynasty matching up against othersquads this season?
    Dome>unless i dont play, i think we can win it all
    Marge> Howcan you be so confident?
    Dome> imthe best
    Marge> Inthe matchup of brothers today, do you feel like you showed the TW world thatyou are better than Children and that his squad cannot mess with you?
    Dome> sagedoesnt have a jav line, im the greatest and i proved it today with my smashes,as for children, guy plays as if hes doin the chubby bunny challenge whilefiring bombs
    Marge>Thank you for this informative interview.

    ...Idon’t even know what to say...I have to stop interviewing Asians.

    Startingline: Roiwerk, Inaphyt, Dome, Cross, Wrath/Demonic – Predicted power ranking: 7

    Sage – Gamerecap and season outlook:

    Sagelost this game primarily due to a poorly fitted line and Dutch_ going 3-10.Sage has been around for many years and seems to repeatedly return every TWLseason with predominantly the same players. They have yet to make any real statementin LJ and get themselves out of the funk they experience every year they compete.Looking at Sage’s line-up this year, and having watched them play on various occasions,there is one thing that strikes me as problematic that will most likely be thecause of their inconsistency. Their players have widely diverse styles of play,ranging from rushers, to hiders, to strayers, to conservative players, minimizingany sense of unity. In order to have any chance at beating one of the top five contenders,Sage needs to really focus on getting everyone on the same page. Unfortunately,given the inactivity of their primary javs, this could be easier said thandone.

    Startingline: Spikey, Children, M_M God, Hypocrit, Cuji/Masterful/Dutch_ – Predicted powerranking: 6

    Disoblige vs Asians(50-46) – MVP: Revered
    Asians vsDisoblige (50-44) – MVP: Get Shit On
    Disoblige vsAsians (50-35) – MVP: Shivah

    Disoblige –Game recap and season outlook:

    Theonly game that mattered this week was actually quite exciting to watch. Theoutcome was indeed expected despite Oranje/Disappearance constantly emphasizingthat his team would win without a doubt. Ironically, he was a big reason whyhis team lost, putting on awful performances in all three rounds played (5-9,1-3, 5-8). Every other player on Asians was highly inconsistent, playing well oneround and then getting embarrassed the next. Revered was probably the oneplayer that gave Asians a fighting chance and I applaud him for his efforts,but one can only carry a team lacking any real javs so much. Disoblige on theother hand was led by Healt, by far the MVP of the week. Despite the fact thatWax was having an off-day, Healt put on an outstanding display every round(16-9, 14-10, 14-5). Shivah (8-8, 12-10, 17-5) was the only other Disobligeplayer to contribute to this victory. Ultimately, there is one important thingto be concluded from this game: God help Disoblige. Honestly, there is noreason why this series should have gone to three games all of which wererelatively close. This just goes to show that perhaps Disoblige is a washed upsquad of the past with a very dull future. Indeed, aside from Wax, they seem tolack any legitimate active javs that can put on a hurting in this league. Icommend Healt and Shivah for their excellent performances this week, but thisis Asians were talking about, all of Disoblige should have put up such numbers.Therefore, all I can say is I hope you guys start recruiting and start playing.Until then, this will be a very long season for you.

    Startingline: Healt, Shivah, Wax, Da1andonly, Set It Off/Bram/NowYouDie – Predicted powerranking: 8


    Thereis not much I can really say about Penetrate as I’m not too familiar with any oftheir players and I haven’t really seen them play too much. So I went straightto the source and decided to interview one of their players, one who I thoughtwas a sure starter:

    Marge> CanI ask u some quick questions for my LJ thread?
    Rasaq>loooool, u asking the wrong guy
    Marge> Ok...wellsince everyone else is BDing right now...what is going to be your LJ line?
    Rasaq>honestly no clue since we didnt play a preseason game Sunday
    Rasaq> velzhou trasher bacon and i dunno who 5th is, riksa
    Marge>What do you have to say to the doubters who say Penetrate is among the ranks ofPaladen and has no place in LJ?
    Rasaq>Never heard such chatter...besides, alot of the squads we played againstunderestimated us and loss or had a tough 3rd round against us
    Rasaq> Soif they continue to underestimate us we could pull off some upsets

    Ifeared another “Asian interview” after the first reply to my question, thankgod I was wrong. Despite the fact that even Penetrate themselves are unsure ofhow to approach this league, they seem to be committed to making some sort ofstatement. That being said, I don’t think anyone really expects too much fromthis squad, and I would say there is some justification to this belief. Lookingat their roster, despite the powerhouse they may be in LB, they lack players withconsistent potential to carry them to LJ victories. Regardless, as they showedin LD, this squad has the ability to learn from experience and develop intosomething truly competitive and they definitely have the right mindset. However,whether this will be the case in LJ too, one can only speculate.

    Startingline: Trasher, Veloce, Bacon, Zhou, Rasaq/Minotar/Riksa – Predicted powerranking: 10

    In summary:

    MVP of theWeek:Healt – Honourable Mention: Shivah

    PredictedPower Rankings:
    1. Thunder
    2. Dice
    3. Sweet
    4. Fierce
    5. Hit
    6. Sage
    7. Dynasty
    8. Disoblige
    9. Paladen
    10. Penetrate
    Last edited by Marge; 05-09-2011, 08:26 PM.

  • #2
    washed up? diso recruited a bunch of these newer javs who all promptly left when they couldn't get their shit straight. i can't claim to represent the javelin branch of disoblige industries, but it was looking kinda grim until some of diso's vets came out of the woodwork to save the day, i don't think it's "washed up" i think it's "awesome" that these guys came together so quickly. of course this also means we will promote one of our javs back to captain to handle TWLJ so this is probably one of the last times I will be posting as a cap

    internet de la jerome

    because the internet | hazardous


    • #3
      I think we have a pretty good LJ line and maybe we might catch some luck and start teaming and actually do pretty well, We have the right players and talent. It's just about teaming now.


      • #4
        (Paradise)>dj sage
        (HELLZNO!)>is he good, ive never heard his music
        1: Dynasty> LOL
        1:vue> LOL
        1:Cap> LOOL


        • #5
          good god marge, its preseason.


          • #6
            U know we showed 2 starters rite?
            Keith> you don't need to eat human to eat meat.
            Goddess> Keith
            Goddess> gonna eat you

            We got Burg <ER> and Steak <ER>, i already told them Goddess has a huge appetite! ?go PIE -H.M.S. Stargazer

            (disown)> he loved to give head


            • #7
              rend? rooooooooooooofl

              lookin good marge, i'll hopefully 1-up this article with my dazzling charisma for the coming week.
              4:BigKing> xD
              4:Best> i'm leaving chat
              4:BigKing> what did i do???
              4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
              4:BigKing> ???? why though
              4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
              4:BigKing> xD


              • #8
                Marge, this was a great article you have written. I see that you have a real passion for the zone this year and are trying to engage yourself in any way possible. This is awesome to see because so rarely do we see such true compassion. You showed great initiative by interviewing players and seeing their thoughts about who would conquer the title this year.

                I want to personally tell you that you should keep doing this, they're a great read and really give me a break when I'm not making videos.

                SSCU Trench Wars TRIPLE CROWN WINNER
                SSCU Trench Wars
                Triple Threat
                SSCU Trench Wars TWEL Top 3 Finalist
                SSCU Trench Wars Starting Spider Melee 2003
                SSCU Trench Wars TWLJ Champion (2x)
                SSCU Trench Wars TWLD Champion
                SSCU Trench Wars Michael Schumacher of Racing2
                SSCU Trench Wars Unprecedented Balancing KING
                SSCU Trench Wars TWLJ Top Stats 3 years running

                MAD shoutouts to MUH BOYS atm


                • #9

                  big foigggg


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
                    washed up? diso recruited a bunch of these newer javs who all promptly left when they couldn't get their shit straight. i can't claim to represent the javelin branch of disoblige industries, but it was looking kinda grim until some of diso's vets came out of the woodwork to save the day, i don't think it's "washed up" i think it's "awesome" that these guys came together so quickly. of course this also means we will promote one of our javs back to captain to handle TWLJ so this is probably one of the last times I will be posting as a cap
                    jerome letting everyone know he was cap of a squad for a few days even though he can;t see the screen, can't wait to hear that he is closing in on post 20,000 so we can all think to ourselves god damn this guy has got it going on


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Vatican Assassin View Post
                      jerome letting everyone know he was cap of a squad for a few days even though he can;t see the screen, can't wait to hear that he is closing in on post 20,000 so we can all think to ourselves god damn this guy has got it going on
                      jerome letting everyone know he just picked up revered, can't wait for twlj preseason 2

                      healt/rev/sio/mantra? yes? bram? sex

                      NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                      internet de la jerome

                      because the internet | hazardous


                      • #12
                        don't you have to win 1 round in any league to become cap of a squad


                        • #13
                          edit edit edit, lowblow
                          Last edited by Jerome Scuggs; 05-10-2011, 04:56 PM.
                          NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                          internet de la jerome

                          because the internet | hazardous


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post

                            1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                            • #15
                              Great post dude!

                              You forgot me in Sweet's starting line, but it's all good :P.

