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TWLB Week 1 Spastic v Dice Official Appeal Thread

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  • Dice always been a bunch of crybabies they talk huge and soon as they lose they come up with any excuse possible. Was watching that game also, nice loophole you guys found hope you lose again so we can watch you morons freak out yet again.

    4:JAMAL> plz learn to spell
    Exalt> bout to go to a boys party
    1:Guero> some hot girls got lot hair in their nipples


    • Originally posted by Pure_Luck View Post
      I think we have a bigger problem with the flag jupes . There was another game that had a jupe in it (forget which last weekend) that wasnt caused by a mine ram or anything. Also we played in a bd this week that had a flag jupe of over a minute and wasn't caused by any mine. Does this mean every game will be appealed and replayed that has a jupe not caused by a mine? We should have the rule clarified on how an appeal will be granted or denied based on these jupes. I don't care that this one was granted but for future we should really clarify the rules. Also should we eliminate the rule stating no appeals based on flag jupes?

      you are talking about the penetrate game. It was a flag jupe,we discussed it on staffchat, if you remember back. I was the host, flared took over for me so i can go watch the sage game, and you by then asked on staffchat if this what you are seeing atm is a jupe aswell. So i came back to the arena and after figuring out the situation we have seen that it was a simple flagjupe by a kill or mine over flag, i dunno what it was, since i wasnt there, but the flag jumped back to normal after the common 20-30 seconds. Dunno about the bd, but in that LB it was totally a jupe and nothing else.

      I thinkwe should close this thread since everyone now knows that the game is replayed, what actually was the point of the thread.

      Good luck to both teams once more, may the best will win (Spastic show them that the jupes didnt mean anything and beat them once more!!!)
      Keith> you don't need to eat human to eat meat.
      Goddess> Keith
      Goddess> gonna eat you

      We got Burg <ER> and Steak <ER>, i already told them Goddess has a huge appetite! ?go PIE -H.M.S. Stargazer

      (disown)> he loved to give head


      • Originally posted by a2m+ View Post
        Obviously the hosts are going to have to be active spectators ready to tally "jupe time" during the upcoming matches to avoid cases of he says she says (go ahead spastic, jump all over this post because I know you will). Maybe anything over 1:00 of consecutive time be replayable? What is causing this issue anyway? We've obviously never had this happen in previous seasons.
        the bot glitched probably, could have happened anytime.
        Keith> you don't need to eat human to eat meat.
        Goddess> Keith
        Goddess> gonna eat you

        We got Burg <ER> and Steak <ER>, i already told them Goddess has a huge appetite! ?go PIE -H.M.S. Stargazer

        (disown)> he loved to give head


        • Ok last time I will speak(type)... Dice is wrong they know they are wrong and so do the Ops. Not only did Dice lie their way into getting this appeal even looked at BUT IT WAS ACCEPTED on grounds that say are non-replay(able). Do NOT even say I am being "biased"... Grow a brain haters... Nothing illegal worth of a replay happened here. If there actually was bs during the game it would have been noticed (by other than dice) and would have been stopped or been tended to in a very fast manner. You can not tell me that the allegations to the bots will be fixed BECAUSE SIRS AND MADAMS THERE IS NONE. It is the game Ok ONE fluke where maybe there was some extra time GIVEN TO BOTH TEAMS happened but it wasnt even a close game (which if it was would be the only AND ONLY arguement). Honestly ladies and gentlemen this is exactly what happens in real life the bs prevails while the innocent watch and try to fix (which never happens i mean look at the USA). So before you say Im being stupid and reckless remeber you didnt even see what happen and the lies dice are pouring into a wrongful appeal are absurd. I will play in the replay game if this actually goes to it because I am not a baby who cant take a loss in TW. I honestly do not understand how the people who whined during this function in real life... How do they have jobs; I AM AMAZED. And its funny i probaly would not even be responding to this but i have time to myself because i just graduated although if i had a job ... ARE you kidding me I would NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK.... I play and thats it. I hope people jerk off to how pissed they are at what im saying because truely Im right. Sadly I blame the Ops... I knew Dice would appeal but how can you convict a man of murder without any evidence? And that is what happen. Ok, bye.
          Last edited by Rucci; 05-26-2011, 02:39 AM.


          • New jersey huh... Who'd have thunk it?
            "People fear what they can't understand, hate what they can't conquer."

            "Cherry blossoms in the Spring, and starry skies in the Summer. The Autumn brings the full moon. The Winter brings the snow. These things make Sake taste good. If you don't like Sake, then there is something wrong with you." Seijuro Hiko


            • so hold the nugget further away


              • Originally posted by Reab View Post
                I thinkwe should close this thread since everyone now knows that the game is replayed, what actually was the point of the thread.
                why kill the thread? if people want to keep talking about things let them


                • Originally posted by Rucci View Post
                  Ok last time I will speak(type)... Dice is wrong they know they are wrong and so to the Ops. Not only did Dice lie their way into getting this appeal even looked at BUT IT WAS ACCEPTED on grounds that say are non-replay(able). Do NOT even say I am being "biased"... Grow a brain haters... Nothing illegal worth of a reay happened here. If there actually was bs during the game it would have been noticed (by other than dice) and would have been stopped or been tended to in a veryfast manner. You can not tell me that the allegations to bots will be fixed BECAUSE SIRS AND MADAMS THERE IS NONE. It is the game Ok ONE fluke where maybe there was some extra time GIVEN TO BOTH TEAMS happened but it wasnt even a close game (which if it was would be the only AND ONYL arguement). Honestly ladies and gentlemen this is exactly what happens it real life the bs prevails while the innocent watch and try to fix (which never happens i mean look at the USA). So before you say Im being stupid and reckless remeber you didnt even see what happen and the lies dice are pouring into a wrongful appeal are absurd. I will play in the replay game if this actually goes to it because I am not a baby who cant take a loss in TW. I honestly do not understand how the people who whined during this function in real life... Hoe they have jobs; I AM AMAZED. And its funny i probaly would not even be responding to this but i have time to myself because i just graduated although if i had a job ... ARE you kidding me I would NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK.... I play and thats it. I hope people jerk off to how pissed they are at what im saying because truely Im right. Sadly I blame the Ops... I knew Dice would appeal but how can you convict a man of murder without any evidence? And that is what happen. Ok, bye.
                  do not let this man word your next appeal


                  • kesser gonna shit on you fools.
                    help: (Violence) (twjd): dice hacking the serve every1 on thundir lag out and noone on dice lagout @ same junctire
                    help: (Violence) (twjd): main suspicts in this act of terrorism is mr weak cuz shis the only pikistini online 4 dice @ this instint


                    • lets fucking rage
                      Mythril> shayde why you gayer than aids now?


                      • Yea lets all cry about it instead of focusing on the replay.. The better team will win in the replay, the worse team will lose. Lets not create a shitstorm after THE FIRST week of twl. One game guys, c'mon...

                        SeRtIfi> What's the point of going out with friends everyday just to hang out when I meet them in school and sometimes on weekends anyways, if I can play in SubSpace with them?


                        • Originally posted by Rucci View Post
                          And that is what happen.
                          does you???

                          1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                          • Originally posted by shayde View Post
                            Dice always been a bunch of crybabies they talk huge and soon as they lose they come up with any excuse possible. Was watching that game also, nice loophole you guys found hope you lose again so we can watch you morons freak out yet again.

                            I remember you "died" years ago! Your back, let's celebrate!



                            • :furious3:
                              Originally posted by Rucci View Post
                              Ok last time I will speak(type)... Dice is wrong they know they are wrong and so do the Ops. Not only did Dice lie their way into getting this appeal even looked at BUT IT WAS ACCEPTED on grounds that say are non-replay(able). Do NOT even say I am being "biased"... Grow a brain haters... Nothing illegal worth of a replay happened here. If there actually was bs during the game it would have been noticed (by other than dice) and would have been stopped or been tended to in a very fast manner. You can not tell me that the allegations to the bots will be fixed BECAUSE SIRS AND MADAMS THERE IS NONE. It is the game Ok ONE fluke where maybe there was some extra time GIVEN TO BOTH TEAMS happened but it wasnt even a close game (which if it was would be the only AND ONLY arguement). Honestly ladies and gentlemen this is exactly what happens in real life the bs prevails while the innocent watch and try to fix (which never happens i mean look at the USA). So before you say Im being stupid and reckless remeber you didnt even see what happen and the lies dice are pouring into a wrongful appeal are absurd. I will play in the replay game if this actually goes to it because I am not a baby who cant take a loss in TW. I honestly do not understand how the people who whined during this function in real life... How do they have jobs; I AM AMAZED. And its funny i probaly would not even be responding to this but i have time to myself because i just graduated although if i had a job ... ARE you kidding me I would NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK.... I play and thats it. I hope people jerk off to how pissed they are at what im saying because truely Im right. Sadly I blame the Ops... I knew Dice would appeal but how can you convict a man of murder without any evidence? And that is what happen. Ok, bye.
                              SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2022
                              SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2021
                              SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2020

                              TWLB CHAMP x4 dicE
                              TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 10
                              TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 11
                              TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 15
                              TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 16 /2017 TWDT SPIDER CHAMPION / MVP (MOST KILLS)


                              • after reading this thread, i never knew how many people dont have lives (yo sup rucci)...going to great lengths and explanations for an appeal on a what, 15 year old?, 2d computer game

                                Originally posted by shayde View Post
                                Dice always been a bunch of crybabies they talk huge and soon as they lose they come up with any excuse possible. Was watching that game also, nice loophole you guys found hope you lose again so we can watch you morons freak out yet again.

                                when dice got owned by us last season, they didnt make any excuses. it was obvious they were missing a couple key players (stayon/sharks), and all they said after was "the better team won."
                                J-B-Inc> i ddi that duel while doing coke of pawner moms ass

                                8:Riverside> UPDATE FOR WEEK 1:
                                8:Riverside> I go 4-60 and we lose 0-6

                                2:saiyan> [Dec 22 21:22] Rough: yo just came on to tell you, can you go on a real date with a girl (need to be specific here lol) instead of talking to claus on forums about calcs and formulas for a league? Happy holidays btw

