Hot Player of the Week:
Honourable Mention: Revered, Hypocrit
Not Player of the Week:
All of Dynasty for their embarrassing choke
Dishonourable Mention: Rest of Thunder
Game of the Week:
Thunder vs
Hit: 50-49
What a great way to kick off TWLJ Season 15. There is nothing people enjoy more than seeing the defending champs struggle against a mediocre lineup. There is absolutely no reason this game should have been this close. So what happened? Right from the get go, Thunder’s javs were flying every which way but one: towards Hit’s players. What started as a stray fest, ended in a most appropriate fashion. Fludd launched a bomb that travelled halfway across the map, bounced off a little platform, went through a little hole, hit a little block, and killed Aegean for the win. He definitely took notes from Adam Sandler’s final golf shot in Happy Gilmore to execute another one of his infamous “strategic moves”. However, Fludd (19-9) was indeed the one true pilot in this game, the Top Gun. I wish I could say the same about the rest. Struck (8-10) and Exquisite (5-10) displayed horrific performances. Struck followed in my footsteps, becoming Thunder’s official team killer and 2fer catcher this season. Catching two extremely costly 2fers and carrying out the first 2fer TK of the season, a more appropriate title could not be granted. Similarly, Exquisite seemed anything but himself out there. Evildeed did little to help Thunder’s cause. Although his record (12-10) may deceive the untrained observer, I’d beg to differ. At numerous times, he was completely out of place, backing off when he shouldn’t have, and providing minimal support when he should have. His relationship to the squad in this game really made me question whether he is truly the right addition to Thunder’s starters... In a post-game interview, Struck reflects on his performance and how this may affect Thunder’s future:
Marge> In my article this week, I mention the following: Struck followed in my footsteps, becoming Thunder's official team killer and 2fer catcher this season. Do you feel this is an accurate statement, or was this simply an isolated incident?
Struck> im proud to be in your footsteps mr titus especially someone that said he would get me in bluesfest for free and didn't.. but yea it was an incident i'll make sure it wont happen again
Marge> But do you think you will be given another chance? What happens if Thunder's management takes this to mean you are no longer fit for duty?
struck> i hope i am given another chance even if im not it doesn't really matter we have so many javs lol, and i prooved my self last season, i should've listened to you titus squadding with evildeed=death
struck> everyone does as bad as children once in a while happened to me today
Marge> I also mention a few negative things about Evildeed in my article, questioning his fit with this All-Star Thunder lineup and such. Do you believe this game showed that his value to the team may be quite insignificant?
Marge> BTW...why are your answers taking longer to produce than the length of time that box of expired condoms has been in Fludd's drawer?
struck> went to get mac n cheese sorry mr titus
struck> you see the bomb he caught?? like wow, you have to be dumber than phiz asking if radiation is an element to not be able to dodge to answer ur question...yea.
struck> guy needs to be more aggressive, maybe you should do what fludd did for dawk but instead help ed go from a F in javing to an A- in javing
Clearly, certain changes may be in line for Thunder’s lineup. That being said, Thunder (Fludd would be a more appropriate term here) did manage to compose themselves and bring home the victory. We can ultimately blame Jae (6-8) and Raidar (6-10) for that. Although Raidar had a strong start, I believe the game changer ultimately occurred when his team had a 5 on 1 in base, and he died, only to be destroyed several times by all 5 Thunder players out of base. Of course, Hit made a miraculous comeback, but I genuinely believe that without this death, and the two that followed, the outcome could have been different given Thunder’s poor performance up until that point. Then there is Jae. Of course, it is difficult to blame Jae, an SVS player who, in my opinion, had no place being added in this LJ, but he definitely frustrated me at the end of the game. He stood by, kept his distance, and watched as 2-3 of his teammates high on deaths died and got eliminated while he had a comfortable 4 deaths. His aggression at this point in the game would have been vital, but given his inexperience in this league, I cannot really blame him for not knowing what to do...but I can blame his captains. As I predicted, Hit’s flaw became evident in just the first game of the season. Only two strong players showed up, forcing Hit to add three “fillers”. At least there was no Heisman this time (or was there?). In my opinion, this will be the same story for the rest of the season.
Disoblige vs Dynasty: 50-44
MVP: Revered
I was unable to watch much of this match as I was busy analyzing the other game playing in the same time slot. However, my experienced on-site reporter, Para -SUH SUH G - dise, managed to fill me in with the necessary details. The story of the game seemed to be an enormous choke on the part of Dynasty. They had an approximate lead of 41-34 over Disoblige when everything began to collapse. Get Shit On went from 10-3 to 13-10, Demonic from 6-3 to 8-10, and Vamp from 5-3 to 8-10. As I entered arena and began shifting between the different players, I decided to spec on Get Shit On for a while and see whether his record was truly a result of fantastic play, or more so the result of fantastic vulches. Of course, it was the latter. Similar to Jae, he stood by and watched his high death teammates get eliminated while waiting for the appropriate time to vulch a kill. I can’t state with accuracy that he played like this the entire game since I wasn’t there, but I can say he played like this at a time when he really shouldn’t have. In his defence however, he isn’t really given much to work with. It’s hard to blame a guy for playing for himself when he’s got players like “Demonic” alongside him. Oh well, this squad is still in development, still figuring out their line-up and their style. As stated in my predictions, one can expect such chokes from this squad throughout the season...that is exactly what happened today.
Disoblige on the other hand, had a very expected performance. Their primary javs: Wax (10-8), Revered (15-9), and Shivah (8-7), led the way to victory. Revered, having experienced the elimination of his previous LJ squad (Asians), should be a strong addition to this team’s line-up. I was highly sceptical of this squad’s ability to perform in TWLJ given their lack of depth and a promising 5th player; they may have found that in Revered. I think this may just be enough for Disoblige to crack the top 6 and make the playoffs this year. Let’s see how they view their chances from the perspective of this season’s new addition, Set It Off:
Marge> You guys had a very impressive comeback today against Dynasty. What do you think was the spark of this feat?
Set It Off> when i seen the score 41-34 vs dynasty, we had a regroup on the left hand side of map. we had 2 of us strictly bombing and the other 3 use bullets for cover.
Set It Off> the big spark was the good aim that was used by everyone, once 1 dynasty member died, we rushed the rest
Marge> Do you believe that such an ability to team and adapt to situations, will be an asset to this squad for the rest of the season?
Set It Off> yea big time, when we start facing the more experienced squads that have been playing together for a long time, teaming will be a must. if we split up, they will jump on this oppourtunity and not take the foot off the gas
Marge> Looking at your roster, it seems depth may be an issue if certain players will be unable to show up to important games. Do you believe this will be a problem, and how do you think the addition of Revered will help Disoblige this season?
Set It Off> not only revered, but nowyoudie as well. two great additions we made in the past two weeks. obviously every sqaud looks at a roster and pics their top 5 ofanything, and we know who they are. with lots of twd practice we could find some diamonds in the rough that could keep up with our strong javs
Marge> Final question, you seem quite confident about your sqaud's abilities...just out of curiosity, where do you expect Disoblige to rank at the end of the season, and which squads do you perceive as the principal threats?
Set It Off> after watching these pre-season games, and being apart of them as well, we still have some work to do in lb and lj. seeing what ease/fludd can do together in lj, along side teemo and evildeed, i would put thunder ahead in the lj deparment. but they have to show up to play. we will see what happens come game day. and for where diso will rank, we'll give it our all, and i expect us to be a middle of the pack team pushing for those big upsets to get us in the playoffs
Set It Off provided us with quite the professional interview demonstrating his confidence yet modesty regarding Disoblige’s chances. They have indeed proven their ability to perform in the clutch and perhaps become a playoff contender. And to think that if it wasn’t for my LB appeal, Disoblige wouldn’t even be in LJ this season...
Sage vs Penetrate: 50-40
MVP: Mean Gene
Much like Thunder – Hit, this game was a lot closer than it should have been. With Penetrate being one of the worst squads in LJ this season, one would have expected a blowout here. Nevertheless, it doesn’t matter if you win a game by2 0 kills or by a Fludd stray kill, winning is winning. Sage highly resembles the Dark crew that we all became so familiar with. Children (11-10), Zidane (8-9), Hypocrit (10-6), and Inaphyt (7-8) decided to come together once again this season (after much emo in between mind you) hoping to erase their past disappointments. I really don’t know how successful this scheme will be seeing as one of their, if not the, central jav (Waven) decided to move on to bigger and better things. Perhaps we will witness the re-emergence of the rivalry between these players and Dice. Zidane’s infamous “can’t wait for semis” may come to fruition once again. Spikey (10-7) seems to be the one original Sage member completing the line, definitely having a big contribution to the win. With a new “mean” attitude, I believe Hypocrit will have a breakout season this year having a big impact on Sage’s development. Throughout the season I expect to see Sage competing with Hit, Disoblige, and Fierce for the final three playoff spots and I think Hypocrit will be essential to achieving this outcome. Let’s see what Children has to say about his squad’s chances (or not, doubt he’ll say anything on topic) this season:
Marge> In my opinion, this game was a lot closer than it should have been. Can you provide some insight as to what went wrong and why there seemed to be some struggling against one of the lower-tier squads this season?
Children> ?
Children> r u done yet
Marge> Is that your answer?
Children> We are still getting use to teaming with each other right now, me zid hypo only ones that know eachother.. we had ina out for 5 mins of the game which gave Pene abunch of kills
Marge> On that note, this line-up seems to be nearly identical to Dark's line-up last year. Is there any reason we should expect a different outcome this year? Or the same fail we have become accustomed to?
Children> ?
Children> rude as fuk..first of all
Children> we have one new addition to the line to replace the biggest library gf over shoulder choker alive (waven) so we will for sure get further than semis this year. GET BASICALLY bullied a bit HARDER into a corner wav LOL big FOIIIIIIIG
Marge> So you're feeling confident about your squad's chances? Where abouts would you rank Sage in terms of power rankings this season?
Children> ?
Children> do you want me to give you a number out of 10...?
Children> dis big foig question..
Marge> Yes and say the squads above you.
Children> ?
Children> bout done?
Children> id rank us a 9, thunder only ones close to us. Dice chokes every year.. got STEAMROLLED last year.
Marge> So you mean 2nd?
Children> ?
Children> I said close to us big foig
Marge> Yes I know but your saying Thunder is the only better team that means Thunder is first and you guys second.
Children> ...?
Children> did u haf difficulties reading as a kid
Children>"thunder only ones close to us"
Children> meaning they trailing ..
Marge> Don’t think you know what power rankings are... anyways, moving on...
Children> ?
Children> mad shoutouts to them atm
Marge> Nevermind, to save the TW community, I will stop here.
Children> ?
There is only one thing I can say to Children’s predicted rankings: ... ? Anyways, onto Penetrate, this was the first time I got to see them play this season; primarily why I chose to watch this game over the other. I didn’t really see much potential for this squad to grow, not this season at least, and not with their current line-up. The most disappointing players were Veloce (4-10) and Reaver (6-10), arguably two of the best javs on this squad. Sure a key piece (Trasher) of the line-up was missing, but when your other primary players perform so poorly, there is only so much one man can do. I am looking forward to the Paladen – Penetrate match this season as Paladen may be the one squad Penetrate can defeat, well maybe the Dynasty choke-artists too. It will be interesting to see these squads fighting to avoid the title of “worst jav squad in TWL Season 15”. Until then, we can only sit back and watch constant poor performances along with games that don’t really matter.
Dice vs Fierce: 50-24
MVP: Flared
Watching this game, I couldn’t help but think back to Geio’s reply to my last thread: “I think we have a pretty good LJ line and maybe we might catch some luck and start teaming and actually do pretty well, We have the right players and talent. It's just about teaming now.” So I guess the question becomes, what caused this extraordinarily lopsided outcome? Was it the poor teaming, or the lack of talent? I’d have to say a little bit of both. When a squad is forced to add three players (Scoop, MHz, Singer), that have played a total of 2 JDs this month, along with Geio, nothing good can result. It seems that all the once talented players on this squad have either left or have given up on this game. To add to their problems, the two javs that actually have been active (Kira andChance) combined for a total of 2-10. Fierce’s future seems to be quite bleak in my opinion and I see them going nowhere but down. Recent transactions have caused this squad to drop substantially in the anticipated standings, so much so that I no longer consider their playoff spot secure. It’s interesting because what was once a secure top five has become a secure top four. As mentioned in the previous description, it seems that the re-emergences of Disoblige and Sage have created a sense of competition for the final two playoff spots. Fierce, Disoblige, and Hit will surely be keeping an eye on each other throughout the season. Games between these squads will definitely be must-sees.
I’m not going to waste much time on Dice because this rape came from every direction. Flared (13-4) was truly the best player in the game having an impressive 6-0 start and riding it to the finish. Spawnisen (8-2) also had a strong sub putting a struggling Necromotic (1-5), who seemed to be an outfielder playing baseball all game, out of his misery. If there is one thing to take from this first week of TWLJ Season 15, it’s that Dice comes hard right from the start. Dice has always been a dominating squad during the season, and following Thunder’s horrific performance, it makes me wonder whether the history book will finally be re-written this year. Thunder definitely has a lot to prove, and in terms of seasonal power rankings, Dice may have just surpassed them. We’ll see how long this lasts. In a post-game interview, MVP and TWL Coordinator, Flared, reflects on the topic:
Marge> To what extent should we expect to see the mighty Flared using his staff powers and doing anything he can to help Dice finally win an LJ title this year?
fLaReD> ?
fLaReD> new question pls
Marge> Understandable, avoiding liability is vital. Anyways, you had a very strong performance yesterday. Should we expect to see more of the same? And how do you think you can help Dice overcome that finals hurdle this year?
fLaReD> it depends
fLaReD> meg said im axed if lb appeal not approved so we cant b sure yet
Marge> Yo. This will be made publically available. Don't say things like that!
fLaReD> here my new answer: i will do my best all season long but i will choke in playoffs
Marge> Aside from you then, which Dice javs do you believe must step up this season?
fLaReD> dice has their usual core of good javs with mega stayon mess etc but with the new addition of flared and cody wimbith things could b different this season
Marge> It is no secret in the jav world that Thunder had a horrific start to the season yesterday. As Dice's main rival, did it make you guys happy to see this? Perhaps a foreshadow of the future?
fLaReD> its week1 i doubt they took it too seriously im sure they will end up the finals as usual
Marge> Final question, how the hell do I post this from word into the forums without getting those space errors?
fLaReD> i think you have to
Marge> ...thanks.
fLaReD> would like to give shoutout to the gang: little foot, peetree, sarah, spike, andducky
Marge> ? Wtf?
fLaReD> ty 4 interview
* Marge may not be held accountable for the complete accuracy of this interview nor may he be asked to testify in a panel seeking the impeachment of Flared as TWL Head Coordinator.
Sweet vs Paladen: 50-31
MVP: Scarce
This was another predicted outcome so once again, I will not say much about Sweet. Under the leadership of Scarce (13-5) and Tiduz (13-10), Sweet started the season with a bang, giving Paladen their third straight loss (and big ones atthat) of the day. Scarce is once again proving himself to be a strong jav capable of inflicting some serious damage. I believe he will be a huge asset to Sweet and will probably have his best season yet. As mentioned in my pervious thread, teaming will be the cornerstone of Sweet’s success. The starting players are well aware of their roles, and they all place winning over individual performance; something that the less experienced squads and players tend to overlook. Furthermore, their commitment is unremitting with players passing up on nephew’s birthdays just to be present for tip off. Scarce had some interesting words on Sweet’s chances this year and where he fits in the equation:
Marge> You were a member of Sweet's LJ line last year. How is this year different from the last and how does this affect your chances of improvement?
Scarce> we have 2 new additions, marge and eelam , who i think will make the difference
Marge> Those are some pretty great far are you expecting this team will go?
Scarce> all the way ,if i thought any different i wouldnt even see a reason to try
Marge> Speaking of trying, you had a great start to the season yesterday, should we expect to see more of the same and where do you believe you fit in with this revamped Sweet line-up?
Scarce> ill be trying to team and keep up with the aggression of marge/eelam/tiduz
Marge> In my two previous interviews, Set It Off mentioned Dice and Thunder are the two threats, and Children mentioned only Thunder. Do you believe Sweet has something to prove this season? Can Sweet compete with these two powerhouse jav squads?
Scarce> i think they are both threats and yes i think we can compete with them, it'll be tough but it can be done. i dont really think sweet has anything to prove except to show we are here to win just like every other squad that is playing
Marge> Do you think it’s a good thing Versa didn't show up yesterday? 4-10 surely would have been a pretty embarrassing outcome for him!
Scarce> versa was the difference in them losing, with him there to carry they would have most definitely won !
Spoken like a true teammate. Moving on. It seems Paladen’s line was, for lack of a better term, a little awkward this week. Rendered didn’t even bother showing up; nor did Versa which could be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it. The promising development from this game however, was the fact that Claushouse didn’t add himself. Keep this up and Paladen may actually win some games this season. Anyways, Damaging (4-10), Jessup (4-9), and Supreme Authority (4-10) were predominantly the main reasons for this loss. I look at Paladen’s roster and I have to say that I am still unsure as to what their starting line-up should be. They have at least 7 players that, in my opinion, are within the same skill range fighting for the 4th and 5th spot. Perhaps the addition of Via, who was unable to play due to the one week rule, can help them overcome their struggles to some extent. It will be interesting to see what the Rendered and Via combo can do this season.
Power Rankings – Week 1
1. Dice (2) – For the biggest rape of the week without even using their top line. Definitely the team to beat so far.
2. Thunder (1) – AlthoughI do expect them to regroup and reclaim their top spot over the next several weeks, I can’t help but drop them a spot after this week’s performance.
3. Sweet (3) – Started off with an easy opponent and disposed of them easily as they should have.
4. Sage (6) – New additions have brought this squad into contention. They should have a strong season.
5. Hit (5) – Once again showing that their best players not showing up will be a problem. I am reluctant to raise their ranking until they can show me that consistency.
6. Disoblige (8) – New additions have also helped this squad join the playoff race.
7. Fierce (4) – Loss of key players and inactivity of their current javs will cost this squad dearly.
8. Dynasty (7) – Horrific choke, they deserve to be in last after that, but I will place them here until Paladen and Penetrate prove their value.
9. Penetrate (10) –They did put up somewhat of a fight against a good Sage line.
10. Paladen (9) – I do expect them to jump over the next several weeks, but they were definitely thew eakest squad this first week.
The brackets indicate my previous rankings of the squads.
Biggest Jump of the Week: Disoblige, Sage +2
Biggest Fall of the Week: Fierce -3

Honourable Mention: Revered, Hypocrit
Not Player of the Week:

Dishonourable Mention: Rest of Thunder
Game of the Week:


What a great way to kick off TWLJ Season 15. There is nothing people enjoy more than seeing the defending champs struggle against a mediocre lineup. There is absolutely no reason this game should have been this close. So what happened? Right from the get go, Thunder’s javs were flying every which way but one: towards Hit’s players. What started as a stray fest, ended in a most appropriate fashion. Fludd launched a bomb that travelled halfway across the map, bounced off a little platform, went through a little hole, hit a little block, and killed Aegean for the win. He definitely took notes from Adam Sandler’s final golf shot in Happy Gilmore to execute another one of his infamous “strategic moves”. However, Fludd (19-9) was indeed the one true pilot in this game, the Top Gun. I wish I could say the same about the rest. Struck (8-10) and Exquisite (5-10) displayed horrific performances. Struck followed in my footsteps, becoming Thunder’s official team killer and 2fer catcher this season. Catching two extremely costly 2fers and carrying out the first 2fer TK of the season, a more appropriate title could not be granted. Similarly, Exquisite seemed anything but himself out there. Evildeed did little to help Thunder’s cause. Although his record (12-10) may deceive the untrained observer, I’d beg to differ. At numerous times, he was completely out of place, backing off when he shouldn’t have, and providing minimal support when he should have. His relationship to the squad in this game really made me question whether he is truly the right addition to Thunder’s starters... In a post-game interview, Struck reflects on his performance and how this may affect Thunder’s future:
Marge> In my article this week, I mention the following: Struck followed in my footsteps, becoming Thunder's official team killer and 2fer catcher this season. Do you feel this is an accurate statement, or was this simply an isolated incident?
Struck> im proud to be in your footsteps mr titus especially someone that said he would get me in bluesfest for free and didn't.. but yea it was an incident i'll make sure it wont happen again
Marge> But do you think you will be given another chance? What happens if Thunder's management takes this to mean you are no longer fit for duty?
struck> i hope i am given another chance even if im not it doesn't really matter we have so many javs lol, and i prooved my self last season, i should've listened to you titus squadding with evildeed=death
struck> everyone does as bad as children once in a while happened to me today
Marge> I also mention a few negative things about Evildeed in my article, questioning his fit with this All-Star Thunder lineup and such. Do you believe this game showed that his value to the team may be quite insignificant?
Marge> BTW...why are your answers taking longer to produce than the length of time that box of expired condoms has been in Fludd's drawer?
struck> went to get mac n cheese sorry mr titus
struck> you see the bomb he caught?? like wow, you have to be dumber than phiz asking if radiation is an element to not be able to dodge to answer ur question...yea.
struck> guy needs to be more aggressive, maybe you should do what fludd did for dawk but instead help ed go from a F in javing to an A- in javing
Clearly, certain changes may be in line for Thunder’s lineup. That being said, Thunder (Fludd would be a more appropriate term here) did manage to compose themselves and bring home the victory. We can ultimately blame Jae (6-8) and Raidar (6-10) for that. Although Raidar had a strong start, I believe the game changer ultimately occurred when his team had a 5 on 1 in base, and he died, only to be destroyed several times by all 5 Thunder players out of base. Of course, Hit made a miraculous comeback, but I genuinely believe that without this death, and the two that followed, the outcome could have been different given Thunder’s poor performance up until that point. Then there is Jae. Of course, it is difficult to blame Jae, an SVS player who, in my opinion, had no place being added in this LJ, but he definitely frustrated me at the end of the game. He stood by, kept his distance, and watched as 2-3 of his teammates high on deaths died and got eliminated while he had a comfortable 4 deaths. His aggression at this point in the game would have been vital, but given his inexperience in this league, I cannot really blame him for not knowing what to do...but I can blame his captains. As I predicted, Hit’s flaw became evident in just the first game of the season. Only two strong players showed up, forcing Hit to add three “fillers”. At least there was no Heisman this time (or was there?). In my opinion, this will be the same story for the rest of the season.
Disoblige vs Dynasty: 50-44
MVP: Revered
I was unable to watch much of this match as I was busy analyzing the other game playing in the same time slot. However, my experienced on-site reporter, Para -SUH SUH G - dise, managed to fill me in with the necessary details. The story of the game seemed to be an enormous choke on the part of Dynasty. They had an approximate lead of 41-34 over Disoblige when everything began to collapse. Get Shit On went from 10-3 to 13-10, Demonic from 6-3 to 8-10, and Vamp from 5-3 to 8-10. As I entered arena and began shifting between the different players, I decided to spec on Get Shit On for a while and see whether his record was truly a result of fantastic play, or more so the result of fantastic vulches. Of course, it was the latter. Similar to Jae, he stood by and watched his high death teammates get eliminated while waiting for the appropriate time to vulch a kill. I can’t state with accuracy that he played like this the entire game since I wasn’t there, but I can say he played like this at a time when he really shouldn’t have. In his defence however, he isn’t really given much to work with. It’s hard to blame a guy for playing for himself when he’s got players like “Demonic” alongside him. Oh well, this squad is still in development, still figuring out their line-up and their style. As stated in my predictions, one can expect such chokes from this squad throughout the season...that is exactly what happened today.
Disoblige on the other hand, had a very expected performance. Their primary javs: Wax (10-8), Revered (15-9), and Shivah (8-7), led the way to victory. Revered, having experienced the elimination of his previous LJ squad (Asians), should be a strong addition to this team’s line-up. I was highly sceptical of this squad’s ability to perform in TWLJ given their lack of depth and a promising 5th player; they may have found that in Revered. I think this may just be enough for Disoblige to crack the top 6 and make the playoffs this year. Let’s see how they view their chances from the perspective of this season’s new addition, Set It Off:
Marge> You guys had a very impressive comeback today against Dynasty. What do you think was the spark of this feat?
Set It Off> when i seen the score 41-34 vs dynasty, we had a regroup on the left hand side of map. we had 2 of us strictly bombing and the other 3 use bullets for cover.
Set It Off> the big spark was the good aim that was used by everyone, once 1 dynasty member died, we rushed the rest
Marge> Do you believe that such an ability to team and adapt to situations, will be an asset to this squad for the rest of the season?
Set It Off> yea big time, when we start facing the more experienced squads that have been playing together for a long time, teaming will be a must. if we split up, they will jump on this oppourtunity and not take the foot off the gas
Marge> Looking at your roster, it seems depth may be an issue if certain players will be unable to show up to important games. Do you believe this will be a problem, and how do you think the addition of Revered will help Disoblige this season?
Set It Off> not only revered, but nowyoudie as well. two great additions we made in the past two weeks. obviously every sqaud looks at a roster and pics their top 5 ofanything, and we know who they are. with lots of twd practice we could find some diamonds in the rough that could keep up with our strong javs
Marge> Final question, you seem quite confident about your sqaud's abilities...just out of curiosity, where do you expect Disoblige to rank at the end of the season, and which squads do you perceive as the principal threats?
Set It Off> after watching these pre-season games, and being apart of them as well, we still have some work to do in lb and lj. seeing what ease/fludd can do together in lj, along side teemo and evildeed, i would put thunder ahead in the lj deparment. but they have to show up to play. we will see what happens come game day. and for where diso will rank, we'll give it our all, and i expect us to be a middle of the pack team pushing for those big upsets to get us in the playoffs
Set It Off provided us with quite the professional interview demonstrating his confidence yet modesty regarding Disoblige’s chances. They have indeed proven their ability to perform in the clutch and perhaps become a playoff contender. And to think that if it wasn’t for my LB appeal, Disoblige wouldn’t even be in LJ this season...
Sage vs Penetrate: 50-40
MVP: Mean Gene
Much like Thunder – Hit, this game was a lot closer than it should have been. With Penetrate being one of the worst squads in LJ this season, one would have expected a blowout here. Nevertheless, it doesn’t matter if you win a game by2 0 kills or by a Fludd stray kill, winning is winning. Sage highly resembles the Dark crew that we all became so familiar with. Children (11-10), Zidane (8-9), Hypocrit (10-6), and Inaphyt (7-8) decided to come together once again this season (after much emo in between mind you) hoping to erase their past disappointments. I really don’t know how successful this scheme will be seeing as one of their, if not the, central jav (Waven) decided to move on to bigger and better things. Perhaps we will witness the re-emergence of the rivalry between these players and Dice. Zidane’s infamous “can’t wait for semis” may come to fruition once again. Spikey (10-7) seems to be the one original Sage member completing the line, definitely having a big contribution to the win. With a new “mean” attitude, I believe Hypocrit will have a breakout season this year having a big impact on Sage’s development. Throughout the season I expect to see Sage competing with Hit, Disoblige, and Fierce for the final three playoff spots and I think Hypocrit will be essential to achieving this outcome. Let’s see what Children has to say about his squad’s chances (or not, doubt he’ll say anything on topic) this season:
Marge> In my opinion, this game was a lot closer than it should have been. Can you provide some insight as to what went wrong and why there seemed to be some struggling against one of the lower-tier squads this season?
Children> ?
Children> r u done yet
Marge> Is that your answer?
Children> We are still getting use to teaming with each other right now, me zid hypo only ones that know eachother.. we had ina out for 5 mins of the game which gave Pene abunch of kills
Marge> On that note, this line-up seems to be nearly identical to Dark's line-up last year. Is there any reason we should expect a different outcome this year? Or the same fail we have become accustomed to?
Children> ?
Children> rude as fuk..first of all
Children> we have one new addition to the line to replace the biggest library gf over shoulder choker alive (waven) so we will for sure get further than semis this year. GET BASICALLY bullied a bit HARDER into a corner wav LOL big FOIIIIIIIG
Marge> So you're feeling confident about your squad's chances? Where abouts would you rank Sage in terms of power rankings this season?
Children> ?
Children> do you want me to give you a number out of 10...?
Children> dis big foig question..
Marge> Yes and say the squads above you.
Children> ?
Children> bout done?
Children> id rank us a 9, thunder only ones close to us. Dice chokes every year.. got STEAMROLLED last year.
Marge> So you mean 2nd?
Children> ?
Children> I said close to us big foig
Marge> Yes I know but your saying Thunder is the only better team that means Thunder is first and you guys second.
Children> ...?
Children> did u haf difficulties reading as a kid
Children>"thunder only ones close to us"
Children> meaning they trailing ..
Marge> Don’t think you know what power rankings are... anyways, moving on...
Children> ?
Children> mad shoutouts to them atm
Marge> Nevermind, to save the TW community, I will stop here.
Children> ?
There is only one thing I can say to Children’s predicted rankings: ... ? Anyways, onto Penetrate, this was the first time I got to see them play this season; primarily why I chose to watch this game over the other. I didn’t really see much potential for this squad to grow, not this season at least, and not with their current line-up. The most disappointing players were Veloce (4-10) and Reaver (6-10), arguably two of the best javs on this squad. Sure a key piece (Trasher) of the line-up was missing, but when your other primary players perform so poorly, there is only so much one man can do. I am looking forward to the Paladen – Penetrate match this season as Paladen may be the one squad Penetrate can defeat, well maybe the Dynasty choke-artists too. It will be interesting to see these squads fighting to avoid the title of “worst jav squad in TWL Season 15”. Until then, we can only sit back and watch constant poor performances along with games that don’t really matter.
Dice vs Fierce: 50-24
MVP: Flared
Watching this game, I couldn’t help but think back to Geio’s reply to my last thread: “I think we have a pretty good LJ line and maybe we might catch some luck and start teaming and actually do pretty well, We have the right players and talent. It's just about teaming now.” So I guess the question becomes, what caused this extraordinarily lopsided outcome? Was it the poor teaming, or the lack of talent? I’d have to say a little bit of both. When a squad is forced to add three players (Scoop, MHz, Singer), that have played a total of 2 JDs this month, along with Geio, nothing good can result. It seems that all the once talented players on this squad have either left or have given up on this game. To add to their problems, the two javs that actually have been active (Kira andChance) combined for a total of 2-10. Fierce’s future seems to be quite bleak in my opinion and I see them going nowhere but down. Recent transactions have caused this squad to drop substantially in the anticipated standings, so much so that I no longer consider their playoff spot secure. It’s interesting because what was once a secure top five has become a secure top four. As mentioned in the previous description, it seems that the re-emergences of Disoblige and Sage have created a sense of competition for the final two playoff spots. Fierce, Disoblige, and Hit will surely be keeping an eye on each other throughout the season. Games between these squads will definitely be must-sees.
I’m not going to waste much time on Dice because this rape came from every direction. Flared (13-4) was truly the best player in the game having an impressive 6-0 start and riding it to the finish. Spawnisen (8-2) also had a strong sub putting a struggling Necromotic (1-5), who seemed to be an outfielder playing baseball all game, out of his misery. If there is one thing to take from this first week of TWLJ Season 15, it’s that Dice comes hard right from the start. Dice has always been a dominating squad during the season, and following Thunder’s horrific performance, it makes me wonder whether the history book will finally be re-written this year. Thunder definitely has a lot to prove, and in terms of seasonal power rankings, Dice may have just surpassed them. We’ll see how long this lasts. In a post-game interview, MVP and TWL Coordinator, Flared, reflects on the topic:
Marge> To what extent should we expect to see the mighty Flared using his staff powers and doing anything he can to help Dice finally win an LJ title this year?
fLaReD> ?
fLaReD> new question pls
Marge> Understandable, avoiding liability is vital. Anyways, you had a very strong performance yesterday. Should we expect to see more of the same? And how do you think you can help Dice overcome that finals hurdle this year?
fLaReD> it depends
fLaReD> meg said im axed if lb appeal not approved so we cant b sure yet
Marge> Yo. This will be made publically available. Don't say things like that!
fLaReD> here my new answer: i will do my best all season long but i will choke in playoffs
Marge> Aside from you then, which Dice javs do you believe must step up this season?
fLaReD> dice has their usual core of good javs with mega stayon mess etc but with the new addition of flared and cody wimbith things could b different this season
Marge> It is no secret in the jav world that Thunder had a horrific start to the season yesterday. As Dice's main rival, did it make you guys happy to see this? Perhaps a foreshadow of the future?
fLaReD> its week1 i doubt they took it too seriously im sure they will end up the finals as usual
Marge> Final question, how the hell do I post this from word into the forums without getting those space errors?
fLaReD> i think you have to
Marge> ...thanks.
fLaReD> would like to give shoutout to the gang: little foot, peetree, sarah, spike, andducky
Marge> ? Wtf?
fLaReD> ty 4 interview
* Marge may not be held accountable for the complete accuracy of this interview nor may he be asked to testify in a panel seeking the impeachment of Flared as TWL Head Coordinator.
Sweet vs Paladen: 50-31
MVP: Scarce
This was another predicted outcome so once again, I will not say much about Sweet. Under the leadership of Scarce (13-5) and Tiduz (13-10), Sweet started the season with a bang, giving Paladen their third straight loss (and big ones atthat) of the day. Scarce is once again proving himself to be a strong jav capable of inflicting some serious damage. I believe he will be a huge asset to Sweet and will probably have his best season yet. As mentioned in my pervious thread, teaming will be the cornerstone of Sweet’s success. The starting players are well aware of their roles, and they all place winning over individual performance; something that the less experienced squads and players tend to overlook. Furthermore, their commitment is unremitting with players passing up on nephew’s birthdays just to be present for tip off. Scarce had some interesting words on Sweet’s chances this year and where he fits in the equation:
Marge> You were a member of Sweet's LJ line last year. How is this year different from the last and how does this affect your chances of improvement?
Scarce> we have 2 new additions, marge and eelam , who i think will make the difference
Marge> Those are some pretty great far are you expecting this team will go?
Scarce> all the way ,if i thought any different i wouldnt even see a reason to try
Marge> Speaking of trying, you had a great start to the season yesterday, should we expect to see more of the same and where do you believe you fit in with this revamped Sweet line-up?
Scarce> ill be trying to team and keep up with the aggression of marge/eelam/tiduz
Marge> In my two previous interviews, Set It Off mentioned Dice and Thunder are the two threats, and Children mentioned only Thunder. Do you believe Sweet has something to prove this season? Can Sweet compete with these two powerhouse jav squads?
Scarce> i think they are both threats and yes i think we can compete with them, it'll be tough but it can be done. i dont really think sweet has anything to prove except to show we are here to win just like every other squad that is playing
Marge> Do you think it’s a good thing Versa didn't show up yesterday? 4-10 surely would have been a pretty embarrassing outcome for him!
Scarce> versa was the difference in them losing, with him there to carry they would have most definitely won !
Spoken like a true teammate. Moving on. It seems Paladen’s line was, for lack of a better term, a little awkward this week. Rendered didn’t even bother showing up; nor did Versa which could be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it. The promising development from this game however, was the fact that Claushouse didn’t add himself. Keep this up and Paladen may actually win some games this season. Anyways, Damaging (4-10), Jessup (4-9), and Supreme Authority (4-10) were predominantly the main reasons for this loss. I look at Paladen’s roster and I have to say that I am still unsure as to what their starting line-up should be. They have at least 7 players that, in my opinion, are within the same skill range fighting for the 4th and 5th spot. Perhaps the addition of Via, who was unable to play due to the one week rule, can help them overcome their struggles to some extent. It will be interesting to see what the Rendered and Via combo can do this season.
Power Rankings – Week 1
1. Dice (2) – For the biggest rape of the week without even using their top line. Definitely the team to beat so far.
2. Thunder (1) – AlthoughI do expect them to regroup and reclaim their top spot over the next several weeks, I can’t help but drop them a spot after this week’s performance.
3. Sweet (3) – Started off with an easy opponent and disposed of them easily as they should have.
4. Sage (6) – New additions have brought this squad into contention. They should have a strong season.
5. Hit (5) – Once again showing that their best players not showing up will be a problem. I am reluctant to raise their ranking until they can show me that consistency.
6. Disoblige (8) – New additions have also helped this squad join the playoff race.
7. Fierce (4) – Loss of key players and inactivity of their current javs will cost this squad dearly.
8. Dynasty (7) – Horrific choke, they deserve to be in last after that, but I will place them here until Paladen and Penetrate prove their value.
9. Penetrate (10) –They did put up somewhat of a fight against a good Sage line.
10. Paladen (9) – I do expect them to jump over the next several weeks, but they were definitely thew eakest squad this first week.
The brackets indicate my previous rankings of the squads.
Biggest Jump of the Week: Disoblige, Sage +2
Biggest Fall of the Week: Fierce -3