Although it was initially delayed, it seems that TWL is running on schedule this week, so the Hot or Not should also do the same.
Wait... no, crap. Sorry, guys. It seems that I have to delay the Hot or Not because my spell check is broken and the word from Open Office is that there's no guarantee it will be u... what? You mean it's working? Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, we've got a Hot or Not to write! And what a HoN it is, full of upsets.
Fierce vs. Epidemic
50 - 0
MVP: Skepsis!
So this means that Epidemic is out, right? Good. Give that spot to someone who actually wants to make an effort and show up. Like DX. Oh, wait, they're already in TWL and they're even turning some heads.
Sweet vs. Penetrate (Game of the Week #1)
46 - 50
MVP: Rasaq!
Do not attempt to adjust your computer screen. The text you just read is accurate. In a game where lagouts screwed yours truly out of getting a score higher than 8, Penetrate came out on top 50 to 46. And they even did it without TWL Season 13 Rookie of the Year Cres, too! I should mention as well that this game was never led once by Sweet, but they were almost always within 8 kills of the lead. Rasaq, ever since I called him out a few weeks ago for not starting in a game, has stepped up big time everywhere, as he led the way for Pene with 15 kills this game, with Trasher putting up 12 right behind him. Speaking of Rasaq (or, as he wishes to be called, Deez Saq), he also MVPed Penetrate's LJ against Disoblige this week and had a solid performance in LB. So huge props to him for stepping up in every area. For Sweet, Jones continues to be on fire, picking up another 13 kills while Dak pulled himself to a not negative score of 11 with some good shots at the end of the game. Eric "vt" Clapton fell apart after having an awesome game last week, going from a 10-4 performance to a 1-5 sub that is very reminiscent of a performance by deskTOP a couple weeks ago. It's all in the numbers, folks. With the win, Pene is now 3-3 and, given what their upcoming games schedule looks like, have a really great shot at making the LD playoffs. Sweet also has a good shot still, although their schedule is a bit bumpier simply because they're 2-4 right now. Great game.
Interview with Rasaq
C 1:Sir Spider> Rasaq
C 1:Coroner> is
C 1:Rasaq> homo
C 1:Sir Spider> now that thats out in the open, allow interview
C 1:Coroner> yo we havin gay parade 2day
C 1:Rasaq> k
C 1:Sir Spider> Pene got probably their biggest win in LD so far today, how it feel to MVP that?
C 1:Rasaq> sec
C 1:Rasaq> gonna have to type essays prolly
C 1:Rasaq> and fingers greasy
C 1:Sir Spider> lool k
C 1:Sir Spider> u still excited n spurtin everywhere?
C 1:Rasaq> rofl
C 1:Raazi> we ever gonna dd
C 1:Rasaq> was really a team mvp, my ridrange was working, my dodging was the typical fail like always, but i didnt die out early and i stuck in with my team until the end
C 1:Raazi> rasaq
C 1:Raazi> we shud stick 2getha
C 1:Raazi> i dodge da shots
C 1:Raazi> n u finish dem
C 1:Rasaq> sweet has had out number all twd season, even with that line, they constantly pushed, but i think with reaver and trasher in with dx they couldn't be as agressive as they should've been
C 1:Rasaq> our*
C 1:Raazi> dd asians
C 1:Raazi> or crazy
C 1:Raazi> they jus finished
C 1:Sir Spider> yeah, seemed like our whole team got a boost with those guys in
C 1:Raazi> is this an interview?
C 1:Sir Spider> old
C 1:Raazi> i jus signed in fuk u
C 1:Raazi> did u ask him how it feel 2 play w/o cres
C 1:Rasaq> bot leave me
C 1:Sir Spider> How DX able to pick up this crucial victory without rookie of the year Cres in for Pene
C 1:Rasaq> cres texted me and said he wouldn't be attending, somewhere within the spectators i knew he was there aliasing and cheering us on, i don't think i would've started him anyways with reaver showing
C 1:Sir Spider> gud pt rasaq
C 1:Rasaq> also, sweet didn't have anyone to solo out, cres usually is the target for that
C 1:Sir Spider> ye that true
C 1:Raazi> gud pt rasaq
C 1:Cres> yo i escape fire drill
C 1:Cres> am safe
C 1:Raazi> t
C 1:Raazi> f
C 1:Raazi> wut if real fire
C 1:Cres> dunno we had like 6 last week
C 1:Sir Spider> We get to play Dice next week. Is this serious? How they holdin TWL on 4th of July weekend?
C 1:Cres> tired of evildeeds not being able 2 cook
C 1:Sir Spider> Please explain 2 me this ty
C 1:Cres> i haf made arrangements for ease mythril n hulk 2 replace dx line for next week
C 1:Sir Spider> :O
C 1:Sir Spider> dis huge news
C 1:Cres> day way we get 2 vs bbqs and they get revenge on dice
C 1:Rasaq> well twl ops can look for an appeal from pene before that week even starts, me and raazi aren't showing for that, july 4th weekend, being a 3 league squad as is dice im sure they will have same issue with trying to show some birds
C 1:Rasaq> come on flared...postpone july 3rd ^_^
C 1:Raazi> raazi the only canadian celebrating july 4th
C 1:Rasaq> sh
C 1:Sir Spider> looool
C 1:Sir Spider> Any last words?
C 1:Cres> y cres start spid in lb 2day
C 1:Sir Spider> because u dis gud
C 1:Cres> ye dis da lw
C 1:Sir Spider> gonna try to win this money
C 1:Sir Spider> n buy steam games
C 1:Cres> LOL
C 1:Raazi> spider
C 1:Raazi> want me 2 be ur shield
C 1:Sir Spider> n
C 1:Cres> da shield
C 1:Raazi> da bald evildeeda from shield
C 1:Sir Spider> if you want w/e idc really
C 1:Sir Spider> yo that show is great
C 1:Rasaq> DX 4/life, Rasaq #1 3 leaguer and will vys get carried again next sunday or will sir spider unleash a huge 20+ game to carry a week pene line that will probably consist of 3 basers
C 1:Sir Spider> cant believe rasaq got to star in show
Thunder vs. Dice (Game of the Week #2)
44 - 50
MVP: a2m!
Like I said at the top, this is a week full of upsets, and here's the second one, as the battle between two "for sure" playoff teams culminated with Dice handing Thunder their first loss, 50-44. a2m continues to be incredibly awesome for Dice this season as he had the highest score for Dice and thus got the MVP with 14 kills, but it was a really solid effort by everyone on Dice to keep Thunder broken apart and unable to team as effectively as they could that got them this win. For Thunder, burnt, chuckle and Ease all had rounds close to even with Mythril and Zyphen falling short for them. Still, it's hard to point the blame on anybody on Thunder for this one, as they were simply outplayed here in an exciting match.
Interview with "a2m"
C 1:Sir Spider> hi a2m! gotta interview you dude you ready for this?
C 1:a2n> yeah
C 1:Sir Spider> alright, cool!
C 1:a2n> >.<
C 1:Sir Spider> tell me how it feel 2 not only mvp vs thunder but 2 also give them their first loss of season
C 1:Cres> ass 2 nipple?
C 1:Sir Spider> loooool
C 1:a2n> feels good, did what seemed impossible
C 1:a2n> gave me confidence and i think we have a good chance at finals
C 1:a2n> huehhuehhueh
C 1:Sir Spider> how u feel about twl havin games on 4th of july weekend
C 1:a2n> it sucks i have cock fights to attent and money to win
C 1:a2n> if twl is held during that weekend i wont be attending
C 1:Sir Spider> wow did not know u vsin dat sort of thing
C 1:Sir Spider> learn somethin new about a2m every day i guess
C 1:a2n> huehueheuauhh
C 1:Coroner> y u laff like dat
C 1:Cres> a2m not brazillian
C 1:Cres> da fk
C 1:Sir Spider> u guys playin pene next week, how u gonna beat dx team that beat sweet
C 1:a2n> LOL
C 1:Rasaq> Amar2Nate
C 1:a2n> i'm really scared of penes lines tbh
C 1:a2n> didnt expect them to win against sweet today
C 1:Sir Spider> dont blame ya
C 1:Sir Spider> dx scary as fk
C 1:Sir Spider> any last words?
C 1:a2n> yeah when rasaq rushes i piss my pants irl
DyNasty vs. Asians
40 - 50
MVP: Zagis!
Asians, AKA the little squad that could, started the season 0-4 and seemed to be doomed to failure. After winning against Epidemic by default, they came in looking for their first "real" win today. DyNasty, on the other hand, got an upset win over hit last week, and is looking to simply keep it going. However, Asians simply had other plans as they hand DyNasty their 4th loss, 50-40. Zagis took the ball and ran with it in this game, making DyNasty look like a bunch of New Orleans defenders trying to tackle Marshawn Lynch with his 14-4 game. Quarterback qpr and offensive tackle eXCaLiBURx2o picked up 10 and 11 tackles on the way as well. Keith (14-10) proved to be the biggest threat to the solid run game of the Seattle Asians, but even he was overmatched soon enough, as the defense provided nil in terms of support for him. With the win, Asians is now 2-4 and will square off next week against the Chicago Paladens in what should be a great game.
Interview with Zagis?
T Zagis> u fk how u not interview me eefin though i go 14-4
Sir Spider> ?find zagis
Zagis - BIGbomber2
Sir Spider> yo zagis
Sir Spider> ?
Sir Spider> tryin 2 interfiew dis guy n he ignore me?
Sir Spider> zagis u done ignorin me yet
So much for that.
Paladen vs. Hit
50 - 31
Paladen bitch-slaps hit this week with a 50-31 victory. rednaZ was a feisty little ho, however, as his 13 kill performance might have been troublesome for the pimps on Paladen, but seeing how everyone else was either a jav or pretty much just straight up sucked, well, things just work out that way. Murder has a breakout game for Paladen this year, dropping a 16-7 record and making hit look just worthless. Pretty much everyone else put up good numbers as well for Paladen, with Jessup (6-8) standing out as the only negative score for the team, although his performance wasn't really bad whatsoever..
Interview with Jessup
Sir Spider> jessup
Raazi> jessup
Sir Spider> allow interview ^_^
Jessup> lol ok
Raazi> rm?
Sir Spider> how it feel to lay the smackdown on hit today
Jessup> we went into the pen dd worried.. but we finished them well
Raazi> jessup allow rm
Jessup> ok srs tho feel good about hit win
Sir Spider> sweet
Raazi> jessup
Raazi> allow rm
Sir Spider> whats ur opinion on twl being held over 4th of july weekend? should they postpone it?
Jessup> murder i knew could have a big game.. was a matter of time
Jessup> uh july 4th? lets not twl on 4th if its up to me
Cres> lets dd again
Sir Spider> the 4th is a monday
Sir Spider> talkin about the weekend before that, lots of people gonna be doin stuff that weekend probably
Jessup> will make it either way u know me.. i live here
Jessup> i think for americans it isnt good at all
Sir Spider> so next week you guys are playin asians... ive kinda been lookin forward to watchin that game actually, should be good, whats your thoughts on it
claushouse> hopefully asians add esau
claushouse> he's awful
Jessup> gonna get serious this week.. asians cant be taken for granted
Jessup> but if we have our peeps show should be a win im hoping
Sir Spider> k
Sir Spider> any final thoughts?
claushouse> asians a bunch of straying faggots, their game is perfectly suited to twl, they shud be tough
Cres> can we rematch here
Cres> fk u guys doing
Sir Spider> claus y rageritual throwin a fit again
Zath> u guys done interviewing?
claushouse> bc staff told him TWL was off
claushouse> so he didnt show
claushouse> and we lost LB by less than a minute
Cres> shouldn't he know by now not to trust staff?
veloce> why would staff call off twl 24 hours before
Jessup> well twl has been rough for me personally this year.. but im happy about paladen.. we really been pulling together with what we got.. squad is better then we have been for years.. its great to be here in it
claushouse> and conveniently its the_pual telling us no twl
veloce> nobody knows what bots will do over 24 hrs
claushouse> and we playing the_pauls squad
claushouse> guys had it in for Pala in TWLB since the start
Sir Spider> k ty ^^
Jessup> ty sir
NOTICE: Game over
claushouse> this is the worst TWL staff in memory
claushouse> by far
claushouse> nice win over Sweet btw
claushouse> riverside probably committed suicide
Hot of the Week: Rasaq!
Honorable mentions: Dice, Keith (14-10), Zagis (14-4), Murder (16-7)
In games that are close like this one, stars tend to shine brightly. This was no exception, as without Rasaq's 15-9 performance, this game could have ended very differently, and very badly for DX and Penetrate. Thus, Deez Saq is the Greg Jennings of the week.
Not of the Week: Eric "vt" Clapton
Dishonorable Mentions: Epidemic, Heisman (2-7)
On the flipside, performances such as the 1-5 put up by vt in this game can also have that same effect. In something that came as a bit of a deja-vu moment for me, it was a -4 performance by one player that ended up being the difference in Sweet's loss today. And rough for vt, as he crashed hard from a great performance last week. That's how the cookie crumbles, though.
Week 6 Standings
1. Fierce (6-0)
2. Thunder (5-1)
3. dicE (4-2)
4. hit (3-3)
5. Penetrate (3-3)
6. Paladen (2-4)
6. Sweet (2-4)
8. Asians (2-4)
9. DyNasty (2-4)
10. Epidemic (1-5) (Out of TWLD due to inactivity)
Week 7 features
dice vs. Penetrate
Thunder vs. hit
Sweet vs. Epidemic's replacement
Paladen vs ASIANS
Fierce vs DyNasty
Good luck to all teams!
Wait... no, crap. Sorry, guys. It seems that I have to delay the Hot or Not because my spell check is broken and the word from Open Office is that there's no guarantee it will be u... what? You mean it's working? Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, we've got a Hot or Not to write! And what a HoN it is, full of upsets.
Fierce vs. Epidemic
50 - 0
MVP: Skepsis!
So this means that Epidemic is out, right? Good. Give that spot to someone who actually wants to make an effort and show up. Like DX. Oh, wait, they're already in TWL and they're even turning some heads.
Sweet vs. Penetrate (Game of the Week #1)
46 - 50
MVP: Rasaq!
Do not attempt to adjust your computer screen. The text you just read is accurate. In a game where lagouts screwed yours truly out of getting a score higher than 8, Penetrate came out on top 50 to 46. And they even did it without TWL Season 13 Rookie of the Year Cres, too! I should mention as well that this game was never led once by Sweet, but they were almost always within 8 kills of the lead. Rasaq, ever since I called him out a few weeks ago for not starting in a game, has stepped up big time everywhere, as he led the way for Pene with 15 kills this game, with Trasher putting up 12 right behind him. Speaking of Rasaq (or, as he wishes to be called, Deez Saq), he also MVPed Penetrate's LJ against Disoblige this week and had a solid performance in LB. So huge props to him for stepping up in every area. For Sweet, Jones continues to be on fire, picking up another 13 kills while Dak pulled himself to a not negative score of 11 with some good shots at the end of the game. Eric "vt" Clapton fell apart after having an awesome game last week, going from a 10-4 performance to a 1-5 sub that is very reminiscent of a performance by deskTOP a couple weeks ago. It's all in the numbers, folks. With the win, Pene is now 3-3 and, given what their upcoming games schedule looks like, have a really great shot at making the LD playoffs. Sweet also has a good shot still, although their schedule is a bit bumpier simply because they're 2-4 right now. Great game.
Interview with Rasaq
C 1:Sir Spider> Rasaq
C 1:Coroner> is
C 1:Rasaq> homo
C 1:Sir Spider> now that thats out in the open, allow interview
C 1:Coroner> yo we havin gay parade 2day
C 1:Rasaq> k
C 1:Sir Spider> Pene got probably their biggest win in LD so far today, how it feel to MVP that?
C 1:Rasaq> sec
C 1:Rasaq> gonna have to type essays prolly
C 1:Rasaq> and fingers greasy
C 1:Sir Spider> lool k
C 1:Sir Spider> u still excited n spurtin everywhere?
C 1:Rasaq> rofl
C 1:Raazi> we ever gonna dd
C 1:Rasaq> was really a team mvp, my ridrange was working, my dodging was the typical fail like always, but i didnt die out early and i stuck in with my team until the end
C 1:Raazi> rasaq
C 1:Raazi> we shud stick 2getha
C 1:Raazi> i dodge da shots
C 1:Raazi> n u finish dem
C 1:Rasaq> sweet has had out number all twd season, even with that line, they constantly pushed, but i think with reaver and trasher in with dx they couldn't be as agressive as they should've been
C 1:Rasaq> our*
C 1:Raazi> dd asians
C 1:Raazi> or crazy
C 1:Raazi> they jus finished
C 1:Sir Spider> yeah, seemed like our whole team got a boost with those guys in
C 1:Raazi> is this an interview?
C 1:Sir Spider> old
C 1:Raazi> i jus signed in fuk u
C 1:Raazi> did u ask him how it feel 2 play w/o cres
C 1:Rasaq> bot leave me
C 1:Sir Spider> How DX able to pick up this crucial victory without rookie of the year Cres in for Pene
C 1:Rasaq> cres texted me and said he wouldn't be attending, somewhere within the spectators i knew he was there aliasing and cheering us on, i don't think i would've started him anyways with reaver showing
C 1:Sir Spider> gud pt rasaq
C 1:Rasaq> also, sweet didn't have anyone to solo out, cres usually is the target for that
C 1:Sir Spider> ye that true
C 1:Raazi> gud pt rasaq
C 1:Cres> yo i escape fire drill
C 1:Cres> am safe
C 1:Raazi> t
C 1:Raazi> f
C 1:Raazi> wut if real fire
C 1:Cres> dunno we had like 6 last week
C 1:Sir Spider> We get to play Dice next week. Is this serious? How they holdin TWL on 4th of July weekend?
C 1:Cres> tired of evildeeds not being able 2 cook
C 1:Sir Spider> Please explain 2 me this ty
C 1:Cres> i haf made arrangements for ease mythril n hulk 2 replace dx line for next week
C 1:Sir Spider> :O
C 1:Sir Spider> dis huge news
C 1:Cres> day way we get 2 vs bbqs and they get revenge on dice
C 1:Rasaq> well twl ops can look for an appeal from pene before that week even starts, me and raazi aren't showing for that, july 4th weekend, being a 3 league squad as is dice im sure they will have same issue with trying to show some birds
C 1:Rasaq> come on flared...postpone july 3rd ^_^
C 1:Raazi> raazi the only canadian celebrating july 4th
C 1:Rasaq> sh
C 1:Sir Spider> looool
C 1:Sir Spider> Any last words?
C 1:Cres> y cres start spid in lb 2day
C 1:Sir Spider> because u dis gud
C 1:Cres> ye dis da lw
C 1:Sir Spider> gonna try to win this money
C 1:Sir Spider> n buy steam games
C 1:Cres> LOL
C 1:Raazi> spider
C 1:Raazi> want me 2 be ur shield
C 1:Sir Spider> n
C 1:Cres> da shield
C 1:Raazi> da bald evildeeda from shield
C 1:Sir Spider> if you want w/e idc really
C 1:Sir Spider> yo that show is great
C 1:Rasaq> DX 4/life, Rasaq #1 3 leaguer and will vys get carried again next sunday or will sir spider unleash a huge 20+ game to carry a week pene line that will probably consist of 3 basers
C 1:Sir Spider> cant believe rasaq got to star in show
Thunder vs. Dice (Game of the Week #2)
44 - 50
MVP: a2m!
Like I said at the top, this is a week full of upsets, and here's the second one, as the battle between two "for sure" playoff teams culminated with Dice handing Thunder their first loss, 50-44. a2m continues to be incredibly awesome for Dice this season as he had the highest score for Dice and thus got the MVP with 14 kills, but it was a really solid effort by everyone on Dice to keep Thunder broken apart and unable to team as effectively as they could that got them this win. For Thunder, burnt, chuckle and Ease all had rounds close to even with Mythril and Zyphen falling short for them. Still, it's hard to point the blame on anybody on Thunder for this one, as they were simply outplayed here in an exciting match.
Interview with "a2m"
C 1:Sir Spider> hi a2m! gotta interview you dude you ready for this?
C 1:a2n> yeah
C 1:Sir Spider> alright, cool!
C 1:a2n> >.<
C 1:Sir Spider> tell me how it feel 2 not only mvp vs thunder but 2 also give them their first loss of season
C 1:Cres> ass 2 nipple?
C 1:Sir Spider> loooool
C 1:a2n> feels good, did what seemed impossible
C 1:a2n> gave me confidence and i think we have a good chance at finals
C 1:a2n> huehhuehhueh
C 1:Sir Spider> how u feel about twl havin games on 4th of july weekend
C 1:a2n> it sucks i have cock fights to attent and money to win
C 1:a2n> if twl is held during that weekend i wont be attending
C 1:Sir Spider> wow did not know u vsin dat sort of thing
C 1:Sir Spider> learn somethin new about a2m every day i guess
C 1:a2n> huehueheuauhh
C 1:Coroner> y u laff like dat
C 1:Cres> a2m not brazillian
C 1:Cres> da fk
C 1:Sir Spider> u guys playin pene next week, how u gonna beat dx team that beat sweet
C 1:a2n> LOL
C 1:Rasaq> Amar2Nate
C 1:a2n> i'm really scared of penes lines tbh
C 1:a2n> didnt expect them to win against sweet today
C 1:Sir Spider> dont blame ya
C 1:Sir Spider> dx scary as fk
C 1:Sir Spider> any last words?
C 1:a2n> yeah when rasaq rushes i piss my pants irl
DyNasty vs. Asians
40 - 50
MVP: Zagis!
Asians, AKA the little squad that could, started the season 0-4 and seemed to be doomed to failure. After winning against Epidemic by default, they came in looking for their first "real" win today. DyNasty, on the other hand, got an upset win over hit last week, and is looking to simply keep it going. However, Asians simply had other plans as they hand DyNasty their 4th loss, 50-40. Zagis took the ball and ran with it in this game, making DyNasty look like a bunch of New Orleans defenders trying to tackle Marshawn Lynch with his 14-4 game. Quarterback qpr and offensive tackle eXCaLiBURx2o picked up 10 and 11 tackles on the way as well. Keith (14-10) proved to be the biggest threat to the solid run game of the Seattle Asians, but even he was overmatched soon enough, as the defense provided nil in terms of support for him. With the win, Asians is now 2-4 and will square off next week against the Chicago Paladens in what should be a great game.
Interview with Zagis?
T Zagis> u fk how u not interview me eefin though i go 14-4
Sir Spider> ?find zagis
Zagis - BIGbomber2
Sir Spider> yo zagis
Sir Spider> ?
Sir Spider> tryin 2 interfiew dis guy n he ignore me?
Sir Spider> zagis u done ignorin me yet
So much for that.
Paladen vs. Hit
50 - 31
Paladen bitch-slaps hit this week with a 50-31 victory. rednaZ was a feisty little ho, however, as his 13 kill performance might have been troublesome for the pimps on Paladen, but seeing how everyone else was either a jav or pretty much just straight up sucked, well, things just work out that way. Murder has a breakout game for Paladen this year, dropping a 16-7 record and making hit look just worthless. Pretty much everyone else put up good numbers as well for Paladen, with Jessup (6-8) standing out as the only negative score for the team, although his performance wasn't really bad whatsoever..
Interview with Jessup
Sir Spider> jessup
Raazi> jessup
Sir Spider> allow interview ^_^
Jessup> lol ok
Raazi> rm?
Sir Spider> how it feel to lay the smackdown on hit today
Jessup> we went into the pen dd worried.. but we finished them well
Raazi> jessup allow rm
Jessup> ok srs tho feel good about hit win
Sir Spider> sweet
Raazi> jessup
Raazi> allow rm
Sir Spider> whats ur opinion on twl being held over 4th of july weekend? should they postpone it?
Jessup> murder i knew could have a big game.. was a matter of time
Jessup> uh july 4th? lets not twl on 4th if its up to me
Cres> lets dd again
Sir Spider> the 4th is a monday
Sir Spider> talkin about the weekend before that, lots of people gonna be doin stuff that weekend probably
Jessup> will make it either way u know me.. i live here
Jessup> i think for americans it isnt good at all
Sir Spider> so next week you guys are playin asians... ive kinda been lookin forward to watchin that game actually, should be good, whats your thoughts on it
claushouse> hopefully asians add esau
claushouse> he's awful
Jessup> gonna get serious this week.. asians cant be taken for granted
Jessup> but if we have our peeps show should be a win im hoping
Sir Spider> k
Sir Spider> any final thoughts?
claushouse> asians a bunch of straying faggots, their game is perfectly suited to twl, they shud be tough
Cres> can we rematch here
Cres> fk u guys doing
Sir Spider> claus y rageritual throwin a fit again
Zath> u guys done interviewing?
claushouse> bc staff told him TWL was off
claushouse> so he didnt show
claushouse> and we lost LB by less than a minute
Cres> shouldn't he know by now not to trust staff?
veloce> why would staff call off twl 24 hours before
Jessup> well twl has been rough for me personally this year.. but im happy about paladen.. we really been pulling together with what we got.. squad is better then we have been for years.. its great to be here in it
claushouse> and conveniently its the_pual telling us no twl
veloce> nobody knows what bots will do over 24 hrs
claushouse> and we playing the_pauls squad
claushouse> guys had it in for Pala in TWLB since the start
Sir Spider> k ty ^^
Jessup> ty sir

NOTICE: Game over
claushouse> this is the worst TWL staff in memory
claushouse> by far
claushouse> nice win over Sweet btw
claushouse> riverside probably committed suicide
Hot of the Week: Rasaq!
Honorable mentions: Dice, Keith (14-10), Zagis (14-4), Murder (16-7)
In games that are close like this one, stars tend to shine brightly. This was no exception, as without Rasaq's 15-9 performance, this game could have ended very differently, and very badly for DX and Penetrate. Thus, Deez Saq is the Greg Jennings of the week.
Not of the Week: Eric "vt" Clapton
Dishonorable Mentions: Epidemic, Heisman (2-7)
On the flipside, performances such as the 1-5 put up by vt in this game can also have that same effect. In something that came as a bit of a deja-vu moment for me, it was a -4 performance by one player that ended up being the difference in Sweet's loss today. And rough for vt, as he crashed hard from a great performance last week. That's how the cookie crumbles, though.
Week 6 Standings
1. Fierce (6-0)
2. Thunder (5-1)
3. dicE (4-2)
4. hit (3-3)
5. Penetrate (3-3)
6. Paladen (2-4)
6. Sweet (2-4)
8. Asians (2-4)
9. DyNasty (2-4)
10. Epidemic (1-5) (Out of TWLD due to inactivity)
Week 7 features
dice vs. Penetrate
Thunder vs. hit
Sweet vs. Epidemic's replacement
Paladen vs ASIANS
Fierce vs DyNasty
Good luck to all teams!