qpr> ok staff confirmed
qpr> cash.monay subbed me out for a jav
Welcome, one and all, to the TWLD Season 15 Week 10 Hot or Not topic in which we talk playoffs. Now, I made some fairly bold predictions last Sunday, saying that Dice and Penetrate would advance to take on Fierce and Thunder next week. I was the only person, in fact, to predict Penetrate winning. But... did they? Read on and find out what has transpired in the playoffs thus far! And yes, despite initial bot issues, these games went on as planned.
Not a fan of reading? That's cool. I've also recorded this week's Hot or Not, and you can listen to it here: http://soundcloud.com/dirtclaw/twld-playoffs-hot-or-not
Dice vs. Asians (Round 1)
50 - 34
MVP: Unabled!
The closest round played between these two squads was the first, as Dice took it to them, going on a 25-9 run to end this game, 50-34. If you couldn't tell, that means that at about the halfway point of this match, it was tied at 25, and Asians kept crawling their way back... until Dice just went off, initially going on a 16-4 charge that turned into their 25-9 run to end it. That charge was led by Unabled, who, after a 7-7 start, went on a 12-1 run in the second half to end with a 19-8 score and the MVP. vys and Guero each added 10 kills to this round for Dice as well. The scoring for Asians was led by Refer this round, who put up 9 kills while everyone else hovered around the 6-7 kill mark. The question, at least for me, became... how would Asians respond, if at all?
Dice vs. Asians (Round 2)
50 - 31
MVP: Unabled!
And the answer to that question is... well, they didn't. Round 2 was simply a lost cause for Asians, as after 3 minutes, they were down by 4. After 4 minutes, they were down by 12. After 5 minutes? 14. Unabled, after delivering a 19 kill performance in Round 1, very nearly matched it in this one, as he came up with 18 kills, walking out of this game with a 37-16 record to pad his stats with. megaman89 put up a solid 10 kills right behind him. As was the case with Round 1, Bietje was the first person out for Asians with a 6-10 record. MITB led Asians in kills with 10. If you're wondering when the sub mentioned at the very beginning of this topic happened, it was in this round, as cash.monay subbed in SpyRe for qpr and promptly logged off. Somebody's upset. Beyond that, though, congrats to Asians for making the playoffs, and hopefully they can do it again next season!
Great game for Dice, however, as they will advance in the playoffs and take on Fierce next week. I had an opportunity to talk with Unabled about his performance shortly after the game.
Interview with Unabled
Sir Spider> hey unabled
Sir Spider> you even here still
Sir Spider> gonna interview you
Sir Spider> for hon
Unabled> mmk
Sir Spider> this bigger honor than your dual MVPs
SpyRe> o.O
Unabled> LOL
Sir Spider> how it feel to grow a reputation of outing scrub [and basing] squads in playoffs
Sir Spider> asians this year, pandora last
qpr> THE FK
qpr> sir spider
qpr> smd
Sir Spider> qpr
Unabled> Asians.. got sabotagedd.. wouldve been a better fight
Sir Spider> i was on that scrub squad pandora last year
Unabled> but
Sir Spider> chill
Unabled> just like last year
Unabled> i told my squad
Unabled> i cant drop more then 10 against fierce
Unabled> so
Unabled> we will see who will stepup next week
Sir Spider> yup, your team gotta step up next week
Unabled> gotta weak on my team
Unabled> all hope is lost
Sir Spider> hope someone can end the fierce/thunder finals schtick
Sir Spider> gettin old seein the same 10-15 people there year in and year out
Unabled> well imo sweet will be in finals
Sir Spider> they gonna beat thunder?
Unabled> yep. heard it here first
Sir Spider> they gotta get past dx first rememba dis
Unabled> true true
Unabled> dis all? :P
Sir Spider> ye, ty for allowin this
Penetrate vs. Sweet (Round 1)
35 - 50
MVP: Dak!
A funny story about this game in general. Rasaq, who had spent a good amount of time practicing and warming up for it, going so far as to harp on us for our lack of activity in the week leading up to this match, was a total no-show until the middle of Round 2. But enough about that. Sweet handled this game from about the halfway point on as well, getting a 50-35 victory over Penetrate in Round 1. Jones, AKA the guy who pretty much ruled TWLD in the regular season, was... well, not a factor. He went 6-10 in Round 1. That didn't really matter, though, as every single other player for Sweet scored 11 kills. Dak, with his 11-2, picked up the overall MVP for this round. As it was with the last game, the question now was whether or not Penetrate's WBs would respond.
Penetrate vs. Sweet (Round 2)
38 - 50
MVP: Dak!
And, once again, the answer is that they didn't. Sweet advances to the semi-finals to play Thunder with a 50-38 victory in Round 2. Like Unabled, Dak pulled double duty in MVPs this week, going 15-4 in this round and combining for a 26-6 record throughout both rounds. Engineers and Riverside put up 12 and 13 behind him, while Jones had another negative round, going 7-10. (Since everyone else got a nod, I'll also mention here that Vitja went 3-10). For Penetrate, Sir Spider picked up 10 kills in his suicide-filled rage round (I confess!), and honestly I was surprised that worked as well as it did. Nobody else broke double digit kills for Pene that round. I will add here that I'm proud of what we've done here on Penetrate, turning what was effectively the joke of LD last year into a team that made the playoffs. Pats on the back for all!
As for Sweet, however, they've got another game to prepare for: A showdown with the #1 seed Thunder next week in the Semis. I got to talk with Riverside after the game about this, and below you'll read his thoughts on his squad, Penetrate, and Ease.
Interview with Riverside
Sir Spider> Sweet back in the semis, this is pretty familiar territory for you guys, how you feel about takin on Thunder next week
Riverside> honestly we feel fking great this year
Riverside> despite our terribad season, we're all confident that this is the year
Sir Spider> glad to hear it. hope someone can finally shake things up
Riverside> any other questions before i trahstalk ease
Sir Spider> by all means trash away
Sir Spider> only other thing i was gonna mention is that we made Jones go - for first time this season, this great feeling for us and a moral victory even if we not win overall
Riverside> lol Jones has been the best wb in tw, I think this game was his way of showing us that we can do it without him
Riverside> or rather, is the best wb in tw*
Sir Spider> thats a good way of putting it really
Sir Spider> he got to kinda slack off and the rest of you just took over and made it look easy
Riverside> as for you ease, you're done you fking pos, gonna finish you off once and for all, and show you how to not lagout vs fierce
Sir Spider> LOL
Riverside> a couple of things btw, you can make it off or on record
Riverside> I do hope that your pene core does stick together, and add 1-2 pieces, you guys remind me of sweet a couple years ago
Riverside> you've got a lot of potential in the next coming twl to win it all
Riverside> and thanks for all your hard work in hot or not
Sir Spider> no prob man. and thanks for those words, and for the interview
Riverside> ye, pce out
In a fun little twist, after our LD game, I also was interviewed. Check it out below.
qpr's interview with Sir Spider:
qpr> interview:
qpr> how do u feel after this match?
qpr> question #2: werent u 7-4 at a point?
qpr> what went good/what went wrong
Sir Spider> i feel great about this game.. and heck, about penetrate, period. nobody predicted we'd make the playoffs or even have a chance at doing so, if nothing else we proved a lot of people wrong today just by being here and showing up at all
qpr> oh
qpr> i didnt expect that
Sir Spider> as far as my 7-4 goes... well, i dont know, really. they must have finally caught on to my suicide rush plan, which, honestly, i didnt expect to work as well as it did
qpr> ok anything else u wanna say? + who do i post this to?
Sir Spider> overall though im really proud of this team and im glad that all the pieces finally fit together in terms of getting us all on the same squad and playing together
Sir Spider> also wanna say that we'll be back in the playoffs next season, too. we're not going away anytime soon. And if you're not down with that, I've got three words for ya: Deal with it.
qpr> ur saying deal with it
Sir Spider> deal with it to all the people who didnt think we could do it
qpr> are there any ppl u specifically direct that comment @/2
qpr> u got names for us?
Sir Spider> hah, no names for you at all. but they know who they are, and i've brought them up in HoN already
(qpr)>ty coach
Hot of the Week: Unabled!
Two rounds where you got at least 18 kills? Shit, son. Shit. What else do I even need to say about this?
Not of the Week: cash.monay!
Hey cash.monay? You mad? Grow up, kid, and deal with it.
The TWLD Playoffs continue next week with these two matchups
Dice vs. Fierce
Sweet vs. Thunder
Good luck to all teams involved!
Sir Spider will return next week in
TWLD Season 15 Week 11 Hot or Not: Semi-Charmed Kind Of Playoffs
qpr> cash.monay subbed me out for a jav
Welcome, one and all, to the TWLD Season 15 Week 10 Hot or Not topic in which we talk playoffs. Now, I made some fairly bold predictions last Sunday, saying that Dice and Penetrate would advance to take on Fierce and Thunder next week. I was the only person, in fact, to predict Penetrate winning. But... did they? Read on and find out what has transpired in the playoffs thus far! And yes, despite initial bot issues, these games went on as planned.
Not a fan of reading? That's cool. I've also recorded this week's Hot or Not, and you can listen to it here: http://soundcloud.com/dirtclaw/twld-playoffs-hot-or-not
Dice vs. Asians (Round 1)
50 - 34
MVP: Unabled!
The closest round played between these two squads was the first, as Dice took it to them, going on a 25-9 run to end this game, 50-34. If you couldn't tell, that means that at about the halfway point of this match, it was tied at 25, and Asians kept crawling their way back... until Dice just went off, initially going on a 16-4 charge that turned into their 25-9 run to end it. That charge was led by Unabled, who, after a 7-7 start, went on a 12-1 run in the second half to end with a 19-8 score and the MVP. vys and Guero each added 10 kills to this round for Dice as well. The scoring for Asians was led by Refer this round, who put up 9 kills while everyone else hovered around the 6-7 kill mark. The question, at least for me, became... how would Asians respond, if at all?
Dice vs. Asians (Round 2)
50 - 31
MVP: Unabled!
And the answer to that question is... well, they didn't. Round 2 was simply a lost cause for Asians, as after 3 minutes, they were down by 4. After 4 minutes, they were down by 12. After 5 minutes? 14. Unabled, after delivering a 19 kill performance in Round 1, very nearly matched it in this one, as he came up with 18 kills, walking out of this game with a 37-16 record to pad his stats with. megaman89 put up a solid 10 kills right behind him. As was the case with Round 1, Bietje was the first person out for Asians with a 6-10 record. MITB led Asians in kills with 10. If you're wondering when the sub mentioned at the very beginning of this topic happened, it was in this round, as cash.monay subbed in SpyRe for qpr and promptly logged off. Somebody's upset. Beyond that, though, congrats to Asians for making the playoffs, and hopefully they can do it again next season!
Great game for Dice, however, as they will advance in the playoffs and take on Fierce next week. I had an opportunity to talk with Unabled about his performance shortly after the game.
Interview with Unabled
Sir Spider> hey unabled
Sir Spider> you even here still
Sir Spider> gonna interview you
Sir Spider> for hon
Unabled> mmk
Sir Spider> this bigger honor than your dual MVPs
SpyRe> o.O
Unabled> LOL
Sir Spider> how it feel to grow a reputation of outing scrub [and basing] squads in playoffs
Sir Spider> asians this year, pandora last
qpr> THE FK
qpr> sir spider
qpr> smd
Sir Spider> qpr
Unabled> Asians.. got sabotagedd.. wouldve been a better fight
Sir Spider> i was on that scrub squad pandora last year
Unabled> but
Sir Spider> chill
Unabled> just like last year
Unabled> i told my squad
Unabled> i cant drop more then 10 against fierce
Unabled> so
Unabled> we will see who will stepup next week
Sir Spider> yup, your team gotta step up next week
Unabled> gotta weak on my team
Unabled> all hope is lost
Sir Spider> hope someone can end the fierce/thunder finals schtick
Sir Spider> gettin old seein the same 10-15 people there year in and year out
Unabled> well imo sweet will be in finals
Sir Spider> they gonna beat thunder?
Unabled> yep. heard it here first
Sir Spider> they gotta get past dx first rememba dis
Unabled> true true
Unabled> dis all? :P
Sir Spider> ye, ty for allowin this
Penetrate vs. Sweet (Round 1)
35 - 50
MVP: Dak!
A funny story about this game in general. Rasaq, who had spent a good amount of time practicing and warming up for it, going so far as to harp on us for our lack of activity in the week leading up to this match, was a total no-show until the middle of Round 2. But enough about that. Sweet handled this game from about the halfway point on as well, getting a 50-35 victory over Penetrate in Round 1. Jones, AKA the guy who pretty much ruled TWLD in the regular season, was... well, not a factor. He went 6-10 in Round 1. That didn't really matter, though, as every single other player for Sweet scored 11 kills. Dak, with his 11-2, picked up the overall MVP for this round. As it was with the last game, the question now was whether or not Penetrate's WBs would respond.
Penetrate vs. Sweet (Round 2)
38 - 50
MVP: Dak!
And, once again, the answer is that they didn't. Sweet advances to the semi-finals to play Thunder with a 50-38 victory in Round 2. Like Unabled, Dak pulled double duty in MVPs this week, going 15-4 in this round and combining for a 26-6 record throughout both rounds. Engineers and Riverside put up 12 and 13 behind him, while Jones had another negative round, going 7-10. (Since everyone else got a nod, I'll also mention here that Vitja went 3-10). For Penetrate, Sir Spider picked up 10 kills in his suicide-filled rage round (I confess!), and honestly I was surprised that worked as well as it did. Nobody else broke double digit kills for Pene that round. I will add here that I'm proud of what we've done here on Penetrate, turning what was effectively the joke of LD last year into a team that made the playoffs. Pats on the back for all!
As for Sweet, however, they've got another game to prepare for: A showdown with the #1 seed Thunder next week in the Semis. I got to talk with Riverside after the game about this, and below you'll read his thoughts on his squad, Penetrate, and Ease.
Interview with Riverside
Sir Spider> Sweet back in the semis, this is pretty familiar territory for you guys, how you feel about takin on Thunder next week
Riverside> honestly we feel fking great this year
Riverside> despite our terribad season, we're all confident that this is the year
Sir Spider> glad to hear it. hope someone can finally shake things up
Riverside> any other questions before i trahstalk ease
Sir Spider> by all means trash away
Sir Spider> only other thing i was gonna mention is that we made Jones go - for first time this season, this great feeling for us and a moral victory even if we not win overall
Riverside> lol Jones has been the best wb in tw, I think this game was his way of showing us that we can do it without him
Riverside> or rather, is the best wb in tw*
Sir Spider> thats a good way of putting it really
Sir Spider> he got to kinda slack off and the rest of you just took over and made it look easy
Riverside> as for you ease, you're done you fking pos, gonna finish you off once and for all, and show you how to not lagout vs fierce
Sir Spider> LOL
Riverside> a couple of things btw, you can make it off or on record
Riverside> I do hope that your pene core does stick together, and add 1-2 pieces, you guys remind me of sweet a couple years ago
Riverside> you've got a lot of potential in the next coming twl to win it all
Riverside> and thanks for all your hard work in hot or not
Sir Spider> no prob man. and thanks for those words, and for the interview
Riverside> ye, pce out
In a fun little twist, after our LD game, I also was interviewed. Check it out below.
qpr's interview with Sir Spider:
qpr> interview:
qpr> how do u feel after this match?
qpr> question #2: werent u 7-4 at a point?
qpr> what went good/what went wrong
Sir Spider> i feel great about this game.. and heck, about penetrate, period. nobody predicted we'd make the playoffs or even have a chance at doing so, if nothing else we proved a lot of people wrong today just by being here and showing up at all
qpr> oh
qpr> i didnt expect that
Sir Spider> as far as my 7-4 goes... well, i dont know, really. they must have finally caught on to my suicide rush plan, which, honestly, i didnt expect to work as well as it did

qpr> ok anything else u wanna say? + who do i post this to?
Sir Spider> overall though im really proud of this team and im glad that all the pieces finally fit together in terms of getting us all on the same squad and playing together
Sir Spider> also wanna say that we'll be back in the playoffs next season, too. we're not going away anytime soon. And if you're not down with that, I've got three words for ya: Deal with it.
qpr> ur saying deal with it
Sir Spider> deal with it to all the people who didnt think we could do it
qpr> are there any ppl u specifically direct that comment @/2
qpr> u got names for us?
Sir Spider> hah, no names for you at all. but they know who they are, and i've brought them up in HoN already
(qpr)>ty coach
Hot of the Week: Unabled!
Two rounds where you got at least 18 kills? Shit, son. Shit. What else do I even need to say about this?
Not of the Week: cash.monay!
Hey cash.monay? You mad? Grow up, kid, and deal with it.
The TWLD Playoffs continue next week with these two matchups
Dice vs. Fierce
Sweet vs. Thunder
Good luck to all teams involved!
Sir Spider will return next week in
TWLD Season 15 Week 11 Hot or Not: Semi-Charmed Kind Of Playoffs