The playoff talks continue, as this week featured two unbelievable matches to determine our TWLD Finals. Did Fierce steamroll over Dice on their way to another LD finals, or did megaman89, Unabled and company find a way to exact revenge for Savanger?
And how about Sweet? Is it really their time to win it all, or did Thunder delay their date with destiny for another year?
All will be revealed below. Just to let you know ahead of time... no single round was decided by more than 9 kills.
Is reading boring? That's fine. Sometimes I'm not in the mood for a wall of text, either. Thankfully for you, I've recorded this week's Hot or Not, and you can listen to it... here:
Fierce vs. Dice (Round 1)
50 - 44
MVP: megaman89!
Our whirlwind, six round (!) writeup begins with Round 1 of Fierce vs. Dice, with Fierce netting a 6 point victory.
It was a pretty tight game up until about the 7 minute mark, actually, with a couple lead changes here and there. At this point, Fierce was clinging to a 1 kill lead, trying to shake Dice and, specifically, megaman (7-2 at this point) off of them. Fortunately for Dice, megaman really took off at this point. Unfortunately for them, however, it wasn't enough to propel them to a victory in this round, as Skepsis (10-5 at this point) finished his round with a 7-5 run which, combined with DEEZ NUTS and Geio, was enough to effectively counter megaman89's 19-10 round enough to secure them a victory. Congratulations to RaCka, by the way. This round, he joined a very exclusive club that myself, Ricko, Ease and Lasenza are in... The 0-6 club! Don't worry, bro, we'll throw a party in your honor. Fierce takes round 1 of this one. All according to plan for those who claimed they'd win it in 2. But I did say this was a 6 round writeup, didn't I? Which means... well, you'll see shortly.
Thunder vs. Sweet (Round 1)
41 - 50
MVP: Engineers!
There's another TWLD Semi-Finals game going on virtually at the same time as this one, so I figured I'd mix up my writeup a bit in an effort to... shake things up. Which I had been hoping these teams would do this season. While this round wasn't all that crazy in terms of individual scores, the fact is, despite the off-season additions made by Ease to boost Thunder's chances... well, Ease was the only one to put up double digit kills this round. Huh, how about that. This game started with Thunder taking a really quick lead of 6-4, followed by Sweet taking the lead back and never giving it up. A rough start for Geisha (3-8, finished 6-10) and some very effective teaming by Sweet gave them this victory. Engineers and Riverside were an effective combo, scoring 24 kills combined, while the rest of their team put up at least 8 a piece to seal the deal. Things are looking good for Sweet at this point, as Riverside is playing at another level, looking to make good on his statement that this is Sweet's year. But even the best laid plans of mice and men have roadbumps, and Thunder is not an easy one to get over.
Fierce vs. Dice (Round 2)
43 - 50
MVP: megaman89!
Forgive me if this Round 2 and the other Round 2 aren't quite as... well, detailed. Both of these games were offset roughly by a round or so, so as I was watching Round 1 of Thunder/Sweet, Round 2 of this was going on. Can't help that. Anyhow, Dice bounces back from a Round 1 loss and picks up a victory with help from Guero's ridiculous 10-3 sub. And without it, well, this game finishes remarkably differently than what actually happened. Fierce had control of this round for quite some time, as after 1:30, it was 11-4 in their favor. 3:30 in, 17-12. with DEEZ and Geio combining for 10-3 to lead the charge. 5:30 in, Fierce had a 9 point lead, and it looked grim... but something happened to spark a comeback... not something, someone. Guero. I popped back in at the 8 minute mark to see Fierce only ahead by 2, and Guero subbed in at 7-1. DEEZ and Geio had faltered hard from their great starts, finishing at 8-10 and 9-10 respectively, while Skepsis (10-7 at this point) had stepped into that role for Fierce. Some solid efforts from vys, Weak and megaman89, re-inspired by Guero's play, no doubt, led Dice to an excellent comeback, and a Round 2 victory. It's a whole new game for both sides now. Winner takes all.
Thunder vs. Sweet (Round 2)
50 - 47
MVP: B4sERmaN07_X!
The closest round of the LD semi-finals, and I missed it. I think I'm excused, though, with what was going on in the other game. I don't know precisely what happened in this one, but I imagine Ease lit one hell of a fire under his team's collective asses, as Geisha (B4sERman), Mythril and chuckle put up a combined 39 kills to lead Thunder to a slim Round 2 victory over Sweet. Not to say that Sweet just gave up without a fight, though, no sir. Dak, Engineers and Riverside combined for 37 kills themselves. The factor in this one lies with the performances of... the other guys. (dun dun DUNNNNN!) While Thunder played well enough to make up for Raspi's ineptitude in Round 2 (4-10), Jones, who was pretty much the hottest thing in the regular season, must be sitting in a bucket of ice or something, as his performance in the playoffs so far, and specifically, this round (3-10), is just... unpleasant. Riverside mentioned in the interview last week that they're out to prove they don't need Jones to break out every time for them to win, so maybe this is a part of that. Or maybe he's just lost something along the way and needs to find it again. Whatever the case, like in Fierce/Dice, it's a whole new ballgame, and one more win is all that matters now.
Fierce vs. Dice (Round 3)
42 - 50
MVP: megaman89!
The status quo? Consider it shattered. Dice did what nobody thought was possible, and that is topple the defending champs, winning Round 3 by 8 and punching their tickets to not only the TWLD Finals, but a chance to Triple Crown this and win every league! Simply amazing. And... (big shock) megaman89 picked up the MVP. His 3rd MVP of the LD semi-finals. Not to mention this guy had a stellar game in spider against Thunder in LB, and put up some good numbers in his LJ against Sweet, too. But more on that guy later... he does have a team, you know, and that team served him very well in this round. Dice took off out of the gate hot, with a lead that lasted them until vys lagged out at the 4 minute mark. It was a lead Fierce kept for a little while, and a few people were pretty much declaring this one to be over. 5 minutes in, and Fierce is up by 1, being led by Geio's 7-2 score at the moment. Not to be outdone, however, dice came back in, all guns blazing, and overtook the lead at around the 9 minute mark, and simply never looked back. That great score by Geio? He couldn't keep it up and got overwhelmed, finishing at 11-10. At around this point was when megaman secured his MVP by going on a 5-1 run, finishing the round with a 14-7 record and finishing the game with a combined 46 kills. It's simply unbelievable what that guy can pull off at times. I also want to note the great sub by a2m. He went neg, sure, but that wasn't the point... he went in with a mission: Get DEEZ out. Mission accomplished, man. As I said above, the victory means Dice punches their tickets to the LD Finals, and I'm quite happy to be wrong about them losing. Both interviews were done after Round 3 of Sweet/Thunder, so I'll put them both there as to avoid spoilers. Not like anyone reading this doesn't know the outcome already, but... I'll leave this much here.
megaman89> get shit on by me more
And I also leave a question to ask Fierce... Where was Apok?
Thunder vs. Sweet (Round 3)
46 - 50
MVP: Engineers!
The shattered status quo? How about... shattered and further broken into thousands of tiny pieces. Yeah. I won't try to hide my excitement for these guys. SWEET DID IT! What a time for the stars to come out and shine, as Riverside and Engineers combined for 30 kills on their own, with Engi picking up his 2nd MVP of the semis. They probably couldn't have done it without the ridiculous start they got off to, though. 3 minutes in, they were a combined 6-1. 4 minutes in, 9-1. 5 minutes in, 14-2. 6 minutes in, 19-7. That sort of performance netted them the victory today. Sure, saying so kinda craps on the rest of their team, but they didn't do a whole lot worth noting other than just fill in those last 20 kills. Jones went 9-8 and got back into the positive side of things, at least. Whatever fire Ease lit under his team didn't burn all that brightly in this one, as he and chuckle were the only people for Thunder who put up double digit kills. And, try as he might in both Round 1 and 3, Burnt wasn't able to put any sort of end-game strategy to use, as the teamwork of Jones, Riverside and Engineers couldn't be topped. The finals are set, ladies and gentlemen. Who would have thought it would be Dice taking on a team that almost didn't make the playoffs in Sweet? There were quite a few of those 'who would have thought' moments throughout the entire season, actually, and next week will be the final one...: Who would have thought that Dice/Sweet would win the TWLD Finals?
Interview with Weak / Dice
Sir Spider> wheres mah boy megaman89
Sir Spider> weak where our boy go
C Weak> yo
Weak> i think he afk
Sir Spider> prolly
P Weak> ill do interview if u awnt
Sir Spider> kk weak
Sir Spider> you're up bro
Weak> welcum
Weak> da fk is this bigtanks bullshit
Weak> twl over for weekend, fk this game ^.^
Sir Spider> Dice going for a Triple Crown this year now it looks like. You guys gonna pull it off?
Jones> dice for triple crown?
Weak> I hope so! megaman saved us today, so that was a good sign for finals
Riverside> where's mah boi scoop
Cres> i missed that game
Cres> and the first 2 rounds of this 1
Weak> rd1 he dropped 19 and we still lost, cuz of me and una chokin a big black D
Cres> allow me recap
Sir Spider> I missed a lot of R2 because of R1 of this one
Weak> well rd2
Sir Spider> but from what i did get
Weak> we were down like 12
Rasaq> im still waiting appeal for pene vs sweet playoff game, i didnt know it was rnd 2 when i showed up
Weak> and guero supersubbed in
Rasaq> bot only showed 1 rnd
Sir Spider> you guys were gettin beat on hard
Rasaq> T.T
Weak> cape subbed una at 1-2 by accident
Sir Spider> until Guero went off
Weak> turned out good for us tho lol
Cres> guero still alive?
Weak> ya we were down 28-18
Cres> fork u recorded this?
Jones> did anyone see me go 0-10 today in twjd vs thunder
Eric Clapt> what happened to thunder
Weak> guero came up, mega mvpd again and rd2 me and vys helped out
Fork> nah i didnt
Eric Clapt> i predicted myself to lose
Sir Spider> you were down 11-4
Eric Clapt> badly
Sir Spider> 17-12
Sir Spider> 30-21
Cres> y fieryfire steal 3000k from tw and record 1 twl game and leave
Fork> if i knew thunder were gonna lose 3 times in a day- would have recorded all 3
Sir Spider> then Guero happened
Weak> yea lol guero was huge
Weak> xD
Weak> yo
Weak> but after rd1
Weak> mega threatened to axe all of us
Weak> if we lost
Weak> and i want a goddamn twlb ring
Sir Spider> what a guy
Sir Spider> an inspiration for us all
Fork> would be hilarous if dice lose all 3 next week
Sir Spider> wish zhou had done that to us for ld
dour> lol fork
a2m> i knew i was safe because they need me for twlb so i still sucked round 2
Sir Spider> think he was still mad we didnt lose to dynasty on purpose
Weak> now he has time to learn how to operate a forklift to transport his whale of a gf around their house
Sir Spider> you guys are playin Sweet in the finals, should be a great match especially considering we're seeing it... well, in the finals
Weak> yea lol
Weak> riverside been sayin this is his year
a2m> looking to avenge our 2nd loss
Weak> and we been playi ngood and hopin its ours
Weak> so i guess we'll see next week
a2m> avenged our first today
Weak> exactly what a2m said
Weak> lol
Sir Spider> bet Unabled feels good
Sir Spider> guy got revenge for last year
Weak> well hes upset
Weak> a bit at how he played but he was good enough helping
Weak> didnt need hi mto drop 19
Sir Spider> yeah
Weak> megaman was in the zone
Sir Spider> mega was ridiculous
Weak> he better b, fkn faggot avg like 3-7 in regular season
vys> had them doing marathons from me
Sir Spider> anything else you or anyone from Dice wants to add?
Weak> vys havin first solid season in a while, good to see, hes hittin stride
Weak> hopefully w ecan pull off triple crown
Weak> would b pretty coo
Jones> dice for triple crown?
vys> lol im just playting steady
vys> no ones looking at me
Sir Spider> thanks!
vys> gonna go off in finals
Weak> but ur still droppin 8-12 kills per round
Weak> under radar
Weak> np
vys> peace
Sir Spider> one down, one to go
Interview with Sweet
Sir Spider> SWEET
Eric Clapt> Sir spider, who are u interviewing on our side
Sir Spider> anyone who wants it
Eric Clapt> Shan wants in
Engineers> riv
dour> loool engi
Sir Spider> Sweet... you guys barely made playoffs and now you're in the finals. It might really actually be your year after all. Just one more match to go, guys, Congrats on coming this far.
Oops> stfu u pansy fuck
chuckle> sweet pw/chat?
Riverside> ty 4 this sir spider
Eric Clapt> I didnt expect it to happen
Sir Spider> After a couple years of coming up short, how does it feel to finally make it?
Engineers> 7:Riverside> need 2 jack off asap wut website i use? K10 Center
Cres> engi bring tear 2 my eye
Cres> da struggle was gr8
Eric Clapt> I came back from vacation today and all set up for checking twl site saying we got tarnished by pene so i could just get some sleep, but it seems i had to stray some instead
Oops> 7;7:Teemo> even sadder fact is that by watching all these japanese movies and anime i understand like 95% of the language now
Fork> ( . )( o )
Mythril> 2:Guero> she probly at the time u gonna fuck her.. she explode.. saying ALI BABA>> OSAMA BOOOMB
Eric Clapt> Riverside was mad i refused to prac warbird until twld r1 started
Engineers> it was a great game and unlike riv i don't hate everybody on every other squad. thunder's teaming is great and it was close all 3 rounds gg
Eric Clapt> but practice doesn't really help me
Mythril> Goddess> o yeah lasenza is gripe lol i forgot
Oops> 5:Hurricane> ive seen like 10 girls easily on this game naked
Dak> agree engi
Riverside> please we were screwing around, mythril lucky he got more than 6 on us
Cres> engi u done, allow trash talk
Eric Clapt> Riverside still thinks im some sort of god despite going 3-10 or something
Eric Clapt> ask him
Sir Spider> Engi
Sir Spider> This guy
Engineers> the game's over, no point for trash talk
Fork> Im suprised the laggout didnt cost them the game
Cres> .......
hulk> scoop> we didnt text each other just sayin. we planned to get on at 10 pm est for prac
Sir Spider> sucked dick for like half a season
Sir Spider> then finally put his big boy diaper on
Oops> engi cant trash talk cuz hes a fucking slant eye
Eric Clapt> Riverside> wish they haded twl-calibur players
Sir Spider> and manned up huge when it counted
Fork> riversides dodge vs 3 people at bottom left side of map was a turning point
Sir Spider> yeah, definitely
Engineers> also marge is playing for me in the finals
Sir Spider> i didnt see it
Riverside> lol'd at ease missing that
Sir Spider> but spec chat went nuts
Sir Spider> anyhow
Fork> i'll be wearing my sweet cheerleading outfit next week
Fork> havin it designed tomorrow
Sir Spider> like I said in the last one
Sir Spider> Sweet vs Dice is gonna be a great finals and one im looking forward to seeing
Ayn> ^
Riverside> u done? finals already happened
Engineers> thanks sir spider
Cres> wat time me and engi going 2 myrtle beach 2 celebrate
Sir Spider> gonna be hard to root for anyone in that
Engineers> gonna go to alaska
Cres> r u done
Sir Spider> was rootin hard for both sides of it today =/
Ease> hopefully sage wins lj so i dont have to see loki again
chuckle> i got so jipped this year
Oops> gunna be hard to root for anyone cuz their all d bags
chuckle> fucked by RASPI
chuckle> guy logs on twice all year
Ayn> hard 2 belief top 1 shark/wb mythril go down so hard today
Weak> where was raspi
chuckle> goes 4-10 and 2-6 in like 2 min
Eric Clapt> dice wont triple crown
Fork> wierd how noone from thunder has left squad?
Mythril> shayde why you gay now?
chuckle> as one
Weak> thunder wins alot
Weak> they dont care
Weak> bout losing
Weak> lets b real
Mythril> wtf did i do to you lol
Eric Clapt> playing 3 league games of utmost importance once day is a hell of a thing to do
Sir Spider> So Riverside...
Fork> in twl- they will care
Riverside> weak are you dumb? ease furious right now
Weak> fork, they won like every league every year
Weak> one summer league isnt gonna make em emo
Eric Clapt> once=one
Ayn> ease a beast
Ayn> always will be
Fork> trust me- they care if they show up with a decent line- only common sense
Sir Spider> I take it you're gonna just go ahead and declare victory next week?
Ayn> he feel bad for tw n let them win one this year
Weak> they might care, but they arent crying about it or anything
Mythril> shayde why you gayer than aids now?
Sir Spider> didn't he let someone else win last year too ayn?
Cres> ooooooo
Riverside> naaaah
Riverside> i have no beef with dice - vys
Riverside> should be a fun game
Sir Spider> yeah
Cres> where was apok
Eric Clapt> i think megaman is a huge dickhead
Sir Spider> anything else anyone from sweet wants to say?
Sir Spider> ?find apok
Not online, last seen 41 hours ago
Riverside> funny as hell watching scoop and mythril still championshipless
Sir Spider> think apok died or something
Riverside> o well myth still twdtd champ x2
Sir Spider> only reason he would've missed that
Jones> thunder is always the squad to beat
Cres> vt gonna donate his ld medal 2 me
Jones> took us 3 seasons
Eric Clapt> naturally
Sir Spider> yo dont knock on twdtd rings too hard bro
Sir Spider> or i make u kiss mine
hulk> you haven't won LD title yet
hulk> duno y u bragging
Eric Clapt> you can have it (if i win, im not as hyped up as my squadron)
Sir Spider> got No Love for that
Mythril> sweet is pretty humble
Fork> more water will fall from eases eyes than niagara falls
Rasaq> i got my 2 dt rings pierces into my nutsack
Cres> ?
Cres> nutsaq
Jones> ??
Jones> winning thunder is better than winning twld
Riverside> beating thunder is basically winning twld *
Jones> we da best now
hulk> lol
Hot of the Week: Megaman89!
How good is this guy? 3 MVPs in LD, plus some stellar play in 2 other leagues, and now Dice has a chance to Triple Crown TWL, something that, since TWL expanded to 3 leagues, hasn't been done. Incidentally, though, Dice won both LJ and LB back in Season 8, so maybe it's their year. Lots of people claiming that already, though...
Not of the Week: Thunder
It's not about individual or team performances whatsoever here. Heck, it's not even about losing LD... or LJ... or LB. It's about you losing all 3 of them. In the semi-finals. We're talking 1994 Seattle Supersonics bad in terms of choking here. This probably means my long awaited addition to the 'Banned from Thunder' list, but... damn, folks. Damn.
The TWLD Finals XV
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Seattle Sweethawks vs. Pittsburgh Dicerollers
Sir Spider will return in...
TWLD Season 15 Week 12 Hot or Not: The Finals Countdown
And how about Sweet? Is it really their time to win it all, or did Thunder delay their date with destiny for another year?
All will be revealed below. Just to let you know ahead of time... no single round was decided by more than 9 kills.
Is reading boring? That's fine. Sometimes I'm not in the mood for a wall of text, either. Thankfully for you, I've recorded this week's Hot or Not, and you can listen to it... here:
Fierce vs. Dice (Round 1)
50 - 44
MVP: megaman89!
Our whirlwind, six round (!) writeup begins with Round 1 of Fierce vs. Dice, with Fierce netting a 6 point victory.
It was a pretty tight game up until about the 7 minute mark, actually, with a couple lead changes here and there. At this point, Fierce was clinging to a 1 kill lead, trying to shake Dice and, specifically, megaman (7-2 at this point) off of them. Fortunately for Dice, megaman really took off at this point. Unfortunately for them, however, it wasn't enough to propel them to a victory in this round, as Skepsis (10-5 at this point) finished his round with a 7-5 run which, combined with DEEZ NUTS and Geio, was enough to effectively counter megaman89's 19-10 round enough to secure them a victory. Congratulations to RaCka, by the way. This round, he joined a very exclusive club that myself, Ricko, Ease and Lasenza are in... The 0-6 club! Don't worry, bro, we'll throw a party in your honor. Fierce takes round 1 of this one. All according to plan for those who claimed they'd win it in 2. But I did say this was a 6 round writeup, didn't I? Which means... well, you'll see shortly.
Thunder vs. Sweet (Round 1)
41 - 50
MVP: Engineers!
There's another TWLD Semi-Finals game going on virtually at the same time as this one, so I figured I'd mix up my writeup a bit in an effort to... shake things up. Which I had been hoping these teams would do this season. While this round wasn't all that crazy in terms of individual scores, the fact is, despite the off-season additions made by Ease to boost Thunder's chances... well, Ease was the only one to put up double digit kills this round. Huh, how about that. This game started with Thunder taking a really quick lead of 6-4, followed by Sweet taking the lead back and never giving it up. A rough start for Geisha (3-8, finished 6-10) and some very effective teaming by Sweet gave them this victory. Engineers and Riverside were an effective combo, scoring 24 kills combined, while the rest of their team put up at least 8 a piece to seal the deal. Things are looking good for Sweet at this point, as Riverside is playing at another level, looking to make good on his statement that this is Sweet's year. But even the best laid plans of mice and men have roadbumps, and Thunder is not an easy one to get over.
Fierce vs. Dice (Round 2)
43 - 50
MVP: megaman89!
Forgive me if this Round 2 and the other Round 2 aren't quite as... well, detailed. Both of these games were offset roughly by a round or so, so as I was watching Round 1 of Thunder/Sweet, Round 2 of this was going on. Can't help that. Anyhow, Dice bounces back from a Round 1 loss and picks up a victory with help from Guero's ridiculous 10-3 sub. And without it, well, this game finishes remarkably differently than what actually happened. Fierce had control of this round for quite some time, as after 1:30, it was 11-4 in their favor. 3:30 in, 17-12. with DEEZ and Geio combining for 10-3 to lead the charge. 5:30 in, Fierce had a 9 point lead, and it looked grim... but something happened to spark a comeback... not something, someone. Guero. I popped back in at the 8 minute mark to see Fierce only ahead by 2, and Guero subbed in at 7-1. DEEZ and Geio had faltered hard from their great starts, finishing at 8-10 and 9-10 respectively, while Skepsis (10-7 at this point) had stepped into that role for Fierce. Some solid efforts from vys, Weak and megaman89, re-inspired by Guero's play, no doubt, led Dice to an excellent comeback, and a Round 2 victory. It's a whole new game for both sides now. Winner takes all.
Thunder vs. Sweet (Round 2)
50 - 47
MVP: B4sERmaN07_X!
The closest round of the LD semi-finals, and I missed it. I think I'm excused, though, with what was going on in the other game. I don't know precisely what happened in this one, but I imagine Ease lit one hell of a fire under his team's collective asses, as Geisha (B4sERman), Mythril and chuckle put up a combined 39 kills to lead Thunder to a slim Round 2 victory over Sweet. Not to say that Sweet just gave up without a fight, though, no sir. Dak, Engineers and Riverside combined for 37 kills themselves. The factor in this one lies with the performances of... the other guys. (dun dun DUNNNNN!) While Thunder played well enough to make up for Raspi's ineptitude in Round 2 (4-10), Jones, who was pretty much the hottest thing in the regular season, must be sitting in a bucket of ice or something, as his performance in the playoffs so far, and specifically, this round (3-10), is just... unpleasant. Riverside mentioned in the interview last week that they're out to prove they don't need Jones to break out every time for them to win, so maybe this is a part of that. Or maybe he's just lost something along the way and needs to find it again. Whatever the case, like in Fierce/Dice, it's a whole new ballgame, and one more win is all that matters now.
Fierce vs. Dice (Round 3)
42 - 50
MVP: megaman89!
The status quo? Consider it shattered. Dice did what nobody thought was possible, and that is topple the defending champs, winning Round 3 by 8 and punching their tickets to not only the TWLD Finals, but a chance to Triple Crown this and win every league! Simply amazing. And... (big shock) megaman89 picked up the MVP. His 3rd MVP of the LD semi-finals. Not to mention this guy had a stellar game in spider against Thunder in LB, and put up some good numbers in his LJ against Sweet, too. But more on that guy later... he does have a team, you know, and that team served him very well in this round. Dice took off out of the gate hot, with a lead that lasted them until vys lagged out at the 4 minute mark. It was a lead Fierce kept for a little while, and a few people were pretty much declaring this one to be over. 5 minutes in, and Fierce is up by 1, being led by Geio's 7-2 score at the moment. Not to be outdone, however, dice came back in, all guns blazing, and overtook the lead at around the 9 minute mark, and simply never looked back. That great score by Geio? He couldn't keep it up and got overwhelmed, finishing at 11-10. At around this point was when megaman secured his MVP by going on a 5-1 run, finishing the round with a 14-7 record and finishing the game with a combined 46 kills. It's simply unbelievable what that guy can pull off at times. I also want to note the great sub by a2m. He went neg, sure, but that wasn't the point... he went in with a mission: Get DEEZ out. Mission accomplished, man. As I said above, the victory means Dice punches their tickets to the LD Finals, and I'm quite happy to be wrong about them losing. Both interviews were done after Round 3 of Sweet/Thunder, so I'll put them both there as to avoid spoilers. Not like anyone reading this doesn't know the outcome already, but... I'll leave this much here.
megaman89> get shit on by me more
And I also leave a question to ask Fierce... Where was Apok?
Thunder vs. Sweet (Round 3)
46 - 50
MVP: Engineers!
The shattered status quo? How about... shattered and further broken into thousands of tiny pieces. Yeah. I won't try to hide my excitement for these guys. SWEET DID IT! What a time for the stars to come out and shine, as Riverside and Engineers combined for 30 kills on their own, with Engi picking up his 2nd MVP of the semis. They probably couldn't have done it without the ridiculous start they got off to, though. 3 minutes in, they were a combined 6-1. 4 minutes in, 9-1. 5 minutes in, 14-2. 6 minutes in, 19-7. That sort of performance netted them the victory today. Sure, saying so kinda craps on the rest of their team, but they didn't do a whole lot worth noting other than just fill in those last 20 kills. Jones went 9-8 and got back into the positive side of things, at least. Whatever fire Ease lit under his team didn't burn all that brightly in this one, as he and chuckle were the only people for Thunder who put up double digit kills. And, try as he might in both Round 1 and 3, Burnt wasn't able to put any sort of end-game strategy to use, as the teamwork of Jones, Riverside and Engineers couldn't be topped. The finals are set, ladies and gentlemen. Who would have thought it would be Dice taking on a team that almost didn't make the playoffs in Sweet? There were quite a few of those 'who would have thought' moments throughout the entire season, actually, and next week will be the final one...: Who would have thought that Dice/Sweet would win the TWLD Finals?
Interview with Weak / Dice
Sir Spider> wheres mah boy megaman89
Sir Spider> weak where our boy go
C Weak> yo
Weak> i think he afk
Sir Spider> prolly
P Weak> ill do interview if u awnt
Sir Spider> kk weak
Sir Spider> you're up bro
Weak> welcum
Weak> da fk is this bigtanks bullshit
Weak> twl over for weekend, fk this game ^.^
Sir Spider> Dice going for a Triple Crown this year now it looks like. You guys gonna pull it off?
Jones> dice for triple crown?
Weak> I hope so! megaman saved us today, so that was a good sign for finals
Riverside> where's mah boi scoop
Cres> i missed that game
Cres> and the first 2 rounds of this 1
Weak> rd1 he dropped 19 and we still lost, cuz of me and una chokin a big black D
Cres> allow me recap
Sir Spider> I missed a lot of R2 because of R1 of this one
Weak> well rd2
Sir Spider> but from what i did get
Weak> we were down like 12
Rasaq> im still waiting appeal for pene vs sweet playoff game, i didnt know it was rnd 2 when i showed up
Weak> and guero supersubbed in
Rasaq> bot only showed 1 rnd
Sir Spider> you guys were gettin beat on hard
Rasaq> T.T
Weak> cape subbed una at 1-2 by accident
Sir Spider> until Guero went off
Weak> turned out good for us tho lol
Cres> guero still alive?
Weak> ya we were down 28-18
Cres> fork u recorded this?
Jones> did anyone see me go 0-10 today in twjd vs thunder
Eric Clapt> what happened to thunder
Weak> guero came up, mega mvpd again and rd2 me and vys helped out
Fork> nah i didnt

Eric Clapt> i predicted myself to lose
Sir Spider> you were down 11-4
Eric Clapt> badly
Sir Spider> 17-12
Sir Spider> 30-21
Cres> y fieryfire steal 3000k from tw and record 1 twl game and leave
Fork> if i knew thunder were gonna lose 3 times in a day- would have recorded all 3
Sir Spider> then Guero happened
Weak> yea lol guero was huge
Weak> xD
Weak> yo
Weak> but after rd1
Weak> mega threatened to axe all of us
Weak> if we lost
Weak> and i want a goddamn twlb ring
Sir Spider> what a guy
Sir Spider> an inspiration for us all
Fork> would be hilarous if dice lose all 3 next week
Sir Spider> wish zhou had done that to us for ld
dour> lol fork
a2m> i knew i was safe because they need me for twlb so i still sucked round 2
Sir Spider> think he was still mad we didnt lose to dynasty on purpose
Weak> now he has time to learn how to operate a forklift to transport his whale of a gf around their house
Sir Spider> you guys are playin Sweet in the finals, should be a great match especially considering we're seeing it... well, in the finals
Weak> yea lol
Weak> riverside been sayin this is his year
a2m> looking to avenge our 2nd loss
Weak> and we been playi ngood and hopin its ours
Weak> so i guess we'll see next week
a2m> avenged our first today
Weak> exactly what a2m said
Weak> lol
Sir Spider> bet Unabled feels good
Sir Spider> guy got revenge for last year
Weak> well hes upset
Weak> a bit at how he played but he was good enough helping
Weak> didnt need hi mto drop 19
Sir Spider> yeah
Weak> megaman was in the zone
Sir Spider> mega was ridiculous
Weak> he better b, fkn faggot avg like 3-7 in regular season
vys> had them doing marathons from me
Sir Spider> anything else you or anyone from Dice wants to add?
Weak> vys havin first solid season in a while, good to see, hes hittin stride
Weak> hopefully w ecan pull off triple crown
Weak> would b pretty coo
Jones> dice for triple crown?
vys> lol im just playting steady
vys> no ones looking at me
Sir Spider> thanks!
vys> gonna go off in finals
Weak> but ur still droppin 8-12 kills per round
Weak> under radar
Weak> np
vys> peace
Sir Spider> one down, one to go
Interview with Sweet
Sir Spider> SWEET
Eric Clapt> Sir spider, who are u interviewing on our side
Sir Spider> anyone who wants it
Eric Clapt> Shan wants in
Engineers> riv
dour> loool engi
Sir Spider> Sweet... you guys barely made playoffs and now you're in the finals. It might really actually be your year after all. Just one more match to go, guys, Congrats on coming this far.
Oops> stfu u pansy fuck
chuckle> sweet pw/chat?
Riverside> ty 4 this sir spider
Eric Clapt> I didnt expect it to happen
Sir Spider> After a couple years of coming up short, how does it feel to finally make it?
Engineers> 7:Riverside> need 2 jack off asap wut website i use? K10 Center
Cres> engi bring tear 2 my eye
Cres> da struggle was gr8
Eric Clapt> I came back from vacation today and all set up for checking twl site saying we got tarnished by pene so i could just get some sleep, but it seems i had to stray some instead
Oops> 7;7:Teemo> even sadder fact is that by watching all these japanese movies and anime i understand like 95% of the language now
Fork> ( . )( o )
Mythril> 2:Guero> she probly at the time u gonna fuck her.. she explode.. saying ALI BABA>> OSAMA BOOOMB
Eric Clapt> Riverside was mad i refused to prac warbird until twld r1 started
Engineers> it was a great game and unlike riv i don't hate everybody on every other squad. thunder's teaming is great and it was close all 3 rounds gg
Eric Clapt> but practice doesn't really help me
Mythril> Goddess> o yeah lasenza is gripe lol i forgot
Oops> 5:Hurricane> ive seen like 10 girls easily on this game naked
Dak> agree engi
Riverside> please we were screwing around, mythril lucky he got more than 6 on us
Cres> engi u done, allow trash talk
Eric Clapt> Riverside still thinks im some sort of god despite going 3-10 or something
Eric Clapt> ask him
Sir Spider> Engi
Sir Spider> This guy
Engineers> the game's over, no point for trash talk
Fork> Im suprised the laggout didnt cost them the game
Cres> .......
hulk> scoop> we didnt text each other just sayin. we planned to get on at 10 pm est for prac
Sir Spider> sucked dick for like half a season
Sir Spider> then finally put his big boy diaper on
Oops> engi cant trash talk cuz hes a fucking slant eye
Eric Clapt> Riverside> wish they haded twl-calibur players
Sir Spider> and manned up huge when it counted
Fork> riversides dodge vs 3 people at bottom left side of map was a turning point
Sir Spider> yeah, definitely
Engineers> also marge is playing for me in the finals
Sir Spider> i didnt see it
Riverside> lol'd at ease missing that
Sir Spider> but spec chat went nuts
Sir Spider> anyhow
Fork> i'll be wearing my sweet cheerleading outfit next week
Fork> havin it designed tomorrow
Sir Spider> like I said in the last one
Sir Spider> Sweet vs Dice is gonna be a great finals and one im looking forward to seeing
Ayn> ^
Riverside> u done? finals already happened
Engineers> thanks sir spider
Cres> wat time me and engi going 2 myrtle beach 2 celebrate
Sir Spider> gonna be hard to root for anyone in that
Engineers> gonna go to alaska
Cres> r u done
Sir Spider> was rootin hard for both sides of it today =/
Ease> hopefully sage wins lj so i dont have to see loki again
chuckle> i got so jipped this year
Oops> gunna be hard to root for anyone cuz their all d bags
chuckle> fucked by RASPI
chuckle> guy logs on twice all year
Ayn> hard 2 belief top 1 shark/wb mythril go down so hard today

Weak> where was raspi
chuckle> goes 4-10 and 2-6 in like 2 min
Eric Clapt> dice wont triple crown
Fork> wierd how noone from thunder has left squad?
Mythril> shayde why you gay now?
chuckle> as one
Weak> thunder wins alot
Weak> they dont care
Weak> bout losing
Weak> lets b real
Mythril> wtf did i do to you lol
Eric Clapt> playing 3 league games of utmost importance once day is a hell of a thing to do
Sir Spider> So Riverside...
Fork> in twl- they will care
Riverside> weak are you dumb? ease furious right now
Weak> fork, they won like every league every year
Weak> one summer league isnt gonna make em emo
Eric Clapt> once=one
Ayn> ease a beast
Ayn> always will be
Fork> trust me- they care if they show up with a decent line- only common sense
Sir Spider> I take it you're gonna just go ahead and declare victory next week?
Ayn> he feel bad for tw n let them win one this year
Weak> they might care, but they arent crying about it or anything
Mythril> shayde why you gayer than aids now?
Sir Spider> didn't he let someone else win last year too ayn?
Cres> ooooooo
Riverside> naaaah
Riverside> i have no beef with dice - vys
Riverside> should be a fun game
Sir Spider> yeah
Cres> where was apok
Eric Clapt> i think megaman is a huge dickhead
Sir Spider> anything else anyone from sweet wants to say?
Sir Spider> ?find apok
Not online, last seen 41 hours ago
Riverside> funny as hell watching scoop and mythril still championshipless
Sir Spider> think apok died or something
Riverside> o well myth still twdtd champ x2
Sir Spider> only reason he would've missed that
Jones> thunder is always the squad to beat
Cres> vt gonna donate his ld medal 2 me
Jones> took us 3 seasons
Eric Clapt> naturally
Sir Spider> yo dont knock on twdtd rings too hard bro
Sir Spider> or i make u kiss mine
hulk> you haven't won LD title yet
hulk> duno y u bragging
Eric Clapt> you can have it (if i win, im not as hyped up as my squadron)
Sir Spider> got No Love for that
Mythril> sweet is pretty humble
Fork> more water will fall from eases eyes than niagara falls
Rasaq> i got my 2 dt rings pierces into my nutsack
Cres> ?
Cres> nutsaq
Jones> ??
Jones> winning thunder is better than winning twld
Riverside> beating thunder is basically winning twld *
Jones> we da best now
hulk> lol
Hot of the Week: Megaman89!
How good is this guy? 3 MVPs in LD, plus some stellar play in 2 other leagues, and now Dice has a chance to Triple Crown TWL, something that, since TWL expanded to 3 leagues, hasn't been done. Incidentally, though, Dice won both LJ and LB back in Season 8, so maybe it's their year. Lots of people claiming that already, though...
Not of the Week: Thunder
It's not about individual or team performances whatsoever here. Heck, it's not even about losing LD... or LJ... or LB. It's about you losing all 3 of them. In the semi-finals. We're talking 1994 Seattle Supersonics bad in terms of choking here. This probably means my long awaited addition to the 'Banned from Thunder' list, but... damn, folks. Damn.
The TWLD Finals XV
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Seattle Sweethawks vs. Pittsburgh Dicerollers
Sir Spider will return in...
TWLD Season 15 Week 12 Hot or Not: The Finals Countdown