Wrote this puppy sundaynight and sent it in. Been told that it was gonna be put on twl-site but for some reason it still hasn't managed to get up there. Yep, castro I know you were on it and I bet the second I post this thread it'll be up on site
, but I think the longer it get's delayed, the less people will be interested in reading it...
So here it is, my views expressed in possible crappy English with the complementary typos and unique sentence structures. Hope you like it!!
Matchreport TWLB week 4: Pallies vs. Mambo
terr: Mythrandir
sharks: RyanG, bloodzombie
spiders: HellzNo!, Sleepy Weasel, Mattey <ZH>, RogerMexico
wb: Divine Rides
terr: Wingzero <ER>
sharks: Credit Account <ZH>, Maize
spiders: PredatoR_FNM, superstar-PROkiller, Evul Fly, RabbitRapist, Big Nail
A few good games this weekend. Whiterabbits ended Lights winning streak and Cripples took a beating from Elusive.
The game I watched was Pallies vs. Mambo. A top contender for the tittle vs. a subtopper with a lot op potential. An old basingsquad
vs. a new basingsquad. Excitement guaranteed and this is how the story goes...
The game started with the usual warp in flagroom. Mambo immediatly took the initiative. With their spideradvantage they quickly pushed Pallies back and within a minute or two Mythrandir was forced into his first death. Pallies however returned strong. Back in flagroom before Mambo could get their defense in order they layed the heat on. After a quick rumble it was Wingzero's turn to respawn. Pallies ended the first 5 minutes with a firm grip on flagroom and a 4k lead. Score: 20k-16k
Up next Mambo took some punches. With a 4 spidercram serving as a wall and Divine Rides causing the usual chaos in lowerbase they quickly expand their lead to +10k. Still Credit Account and co. manage to squeez in. A huge flagroombattle exploded in which again Mambo seemed to be doing best. From the spectators point of view Mambo performed better in flagroom than Pallies. Pallies couldn't avoid getting pushed back into bubble more than once while Mambo controlled flag . The flagroombattle goes on beyond the 10minute mark. Score: 45k-31k
Even though Mambo cornered Mythrandir more than once, they couldn't get the job done. Props to Mythrandir for mad dodging/living skills. Pallies did get the job done and with 12 minutes on the clock Mambo again was forced to take on the attacking-role. This was one of those moments in the game that showed us who was gonna win this game and why. The Difference between Pallies and Mambo wasn't to be found in flagroom. Both squads managed to show force and overthrow capabilities in flagroom. No. This game was decided by defense. Where Mambo never managed to keep Pallies out for more than a minute or two, Pallies' defense was rock hard (top knotch sharking from RyanG and bloodzombie!). From minute 10 to 15 Pallies kept their flagroom clean and racked up points. Mambo could do nothing but try and break the cram that was so perfectly being put onto them. Score: 73k-40k
Hope in the Mambo camp grows again as they manage to fight their way into flagroom and kick Pallies out. They try a different defensive approach and set up a 5 spider line. Know the 'BAD IDEA' commercials? Well, that's more or less what this was. Pallies simply strolled back in time after time. Sure both teams got kicked out alot. But when Mambo got kicked out they payed for it with at least 10k sweating their way back in. Pallies sometimes even exitted flagroom on purpose to avoid being milked. And seeing the ease with which they kept getting back in that was probably the smartest thing to do. Score: 85k-61k
With 10 minutes left time was running out for Mambo. They did make up part of the points they were losing on attack in flagroom but if they wanted to win this game, they had to throw Pallies out and keep them out. The first part went well. They managed to get rid of Pallies pretty quick and lined up for what would have to be their final stand. Pallies however showed no mercy. This time they went in and immediatly pinned Wingzero down above flag. Props to Wingzero here for staying alive in a few very deadly situations. Mambo slowly managed to get outof Pallies' tight grip and as soon as they were allowed to safely detach they quickly made it an even flagroombattle once again. Score: 100k-83k
At the 5 minute marker Mambo was more or less in control of flagroom. I've mentioned it earlier. In flagroom Mambo posed the biggest challenge for Pallies. With 5 spiders vs. 4 and good sharks it was very hard to push them back. Pallies however weren' t planning on loosing this game. HellzNo! and the gang did what they had to do and made it look like 5 vs 5 spiders. The game could go either way. Both teams were going at it with only victory on their mind,.. but then WingZero died. Bad luck for sure. Undeniable that Mambo's exit from flagroom pretty much crushed all hopes they still had to win this game. Still the two squads kept going at eachother till the end, with fierce flagroombattles and head to head spiderwars they played the game right untill the very last second, and that's what we like to see!
Endscore: 120745k vs 103015k.
MVP: HellzNo!
Surely both squads played a great game. Mambo shouldn't be too hard on themselves. They played great against one of the best basingsquads arround! I'll repeat this once more. In flagroom Mambo at least did has good as Pallies in my opinion. It was on the attack and defense that things went wrong. If they can realise this and look at this loss in a constructive manner, I'm sure it will do them more good than bad. Top 4 potential for sure!
Pallies prooved that their still as consistent as last season. They're there, along with Diso and wr. One of those three will bring home the gold. The question is who?
After game comments:
After being asked what went wrong, Credit Account replied:" Some people underestimate Pallies' power in sharks and spider. They are more than a great terr and a mad aim warbird. Their sharks and spiders won this game. Divine Rides wasn't as pesky as I had feared. Mythrandir however played a fine game, if not amazing."
The question for bloodzombie was his impression of Mambo after this game. And what made Pallies the better team? He replied:" Mambo is, in my opinion, the best of the new entries to TWL, they played a great game. However, our team is chock full of triangle biters, and in the end, that put us up top."
the end.

So here it is, my views expressed in possible crappy English with the complementary typos and unique sentence structures. Hope you like it!!

Matchreport TWLB week 4: Pallies vs. Mambo
terr: Mythrandir
sharks: RyanG, bloodzombie
spiders: HellzNo!, Sleepy Weasel, Mattey <ZH>, RogerMexico
wb: Divine Rides
terr: Wingzero <ER>
sharks: Credit Account <ZH>, Maize
spiders: PredatoR_FNM, superstar-PROkiller, Evul Fly, RabbitRapist, Big Nail
A few good games this weekend. Whiterabbits ended Lights winning streak and Cripples took a beating from Elusive.
The game I watched was Pallies vs. Mambo. A top contender for the tittle vs. a subtopper with a lot op potential. An old basingsquad
vs. a new basingsquad. Excitement guaranteed and this is how the story goes...
The game started with the usual warp in flagroom. Mambo immediatly took the initiative. With their spideradvantage they quickly pushed Pallies back and within a minute or two Mythrandir was forced into his first death. Pallies however returned strong. Back in flagroom before Mambo could get their defense in order they layed the heat on. After a quick rumble it was Wingzero's turn to respawn. Pallies ended the first 5 minutes with a firm grip on flagroom and a 4k lead. Score: 20k-16k
Up next Mambo took some punches. With a 4 spidercram serving as a wall and Divine Rides causing the usual chaos in lowerbase they quickly expand their lead to +10k. Still Credit Account and co. manage to squeez in. A huge flagroombattle exploded in which again Mambo seemed to be doing best. From the spectators point of view Mambo performed better in flagroom than Pallies. Pallies couldn't avoid getting pushed back into bubble more than once while Mambo controlled flag . The flagroombattle goes on beyond the 10minute mark. Score: 45k-31k
Even though Mambo cornered Mythrandir more than once, they couldn't get the job done. Props to Mythrandir for mad dodging/living skills. Pallies did get the job done and with 12 minutes on the clock Mambo again was forced to take on the attacking-role. This was one of those moments in the game that showed us who was gonna win this game and why. The Difference between Pallies and Mambo wasn't to be found in flagroom. Both squads managed to show force and overthrow capabilities in flagroom. No. This game was decided by defense. Where Mambo never managed to keep Pallies out for more than a minute or two, Pallies' defense was rock hard (top knotch sharking from RyanG and bloodzombie!). From minute 10 to 15 Pallies kept their flagroom clean and racked up points. Mambo could do nothing but try and break the cram that was so perfectly being put onto them. Score: 73k-40k
Hope in the Mambo camp grows again as they manage to fight their way into flagroom and kick Pallies out. They try a different defensive approach and set up a 5 spider line. Know the 'BAD IDEA' commercials? Well, that's more or less what this was. Pallies simply strolled back in time after time. Sure both teams got kicked out alot. But when Mambo got kicked out they payed for it with at least 10k sweating their way back in. Pallies sometimes even exitted flagroom on purpose to avoid being milked. And seeing the ease with which they kept getting back in that was probably the smartest thing to do. Score: 85k-61k
With 10 minutes left time was running out for Mambo. They did make up part of the points they were losing on attack in flagroom but if they wanted to win this game, they had to throw Pallies out and keep them out. The first part went well. They managed to get rid of Pallies pretty quick and lined up for what would have to be their final stand. Pallies however showed no mercy. This time they went in and immediatly pinned Wingzero down above flag. Props to Wingzero here for staying alive in a few very deadly situations. Mambo slowly managed to get outof Pallies' tight grip and as soon as they were allowed to safely detach they quickly made it an even flagroombattle once again. Score: 100k-83k
At the 5 minute marker Mambo was more or less in control of flagroom. I've mentioned it earlier. In flagroom Mambo posed the biggest challenge for Pallies. With 5 spiders vs. 4 and good sharks it was very hard to push them back. Pallies however weren' t planning on loosing this game. HellzNo! and the gang did what they had to do and made it look like 5 vs 5 spiders. The game could go either way. Both teams were going at it with only victory on their mind,.. but then WingZero died. Bad luck for sure. Undeniable that Mambo's exit from flagroom pretty much crushed all hopes they still had to win this game. Still the two squads kept going at eachother till the end, with fierce flagroombattles and head to head spiderwars they played the game right untill the very last second, and that's what we like to see!
Endscore: 120745k vs 103015k.
MVP: HellzNo!
Surely both squads played a great game. Mambo shouldn't be too hard on themselves. They played great against one of the best basingsquads arround! I'll repeat this once more. In flagroom Mambo at least did has good as Pallies in my opinion. It was on the attack and defense that things went wrong. If they can realise this and look at this loss in a constructive manner, I'm sure it will do them more good than bad. Top 4 potential for sure!
Pallies prooved that their still as consistent as last season. They're there, along with Diso and wr. One of those three will bring home the gold. The question is who?
After game comments:
After being asked what went wrong, Credit Account replied:" Some people underestimate Pallies' power in sharks and spider. They are more than a great terr and a mad aim warbird. Their sharks and spiders won this game. Divine Rides wasn't as pesky as I had feared. Mythrandir however played a fine game, if not amazing."
The question for bloodzombie was his impression of Mambo after this game. And what made Pallies the better team? He replied:" Mambo is, in my opinion, the best of the new entries to TWL, they played a great game. However, our team is chock full of triangle biters, and in the end, that put us up top."
the end.