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TWLJ Hot or Not Week 5

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  • TWLJ Hot or Not Week 5

    How we livin'? Another week of LJ produced the typical results that everyone expected, save a few surprises. I must admit the majority of the LJ games that went on were during the Thunder vs. Heist LJ which I was playing in, so most of my material is coming from various players who played in their respective matches.

    Let the trolling commence:

    Game of the Week: Thunder vs. Heist

    Thunder 50, Heist 47

    Just a preface, I didn't choose this game simply because it is my squad, or because I was playing in it, the game actually came down to the wire (though it admittedly shouldn't have).

    Thunder: Phrenitis, struck, byakko, Infrared, Tsunami
    Heist: Crazy Canockout, lz, Kess, Mhz, Torcher

    So the first thing you might have noticed is that Ease didn't add himself; probably because just like Dice, Thunder is looking to see who will be the 5th jav come playoff time. At any rate, early on in the game Heist was picking off Thunder and proceeded to have a very early lead. However, Heist's downfall should be attributed to their reliance on backpedalling. Crazy Canockout and Torcher led this facet of Heist's jav game as all game long they taped down the control button and scurried away like Stewie in Family Guy if and when they ever shot a bomb. This really allowed Phrenitis' Finnish lag, and myself to rush in and establish position. Despite this, byakko was playing extra soft, like the hello kitty lover that he is, allowing Heist to stay somewhat in the game (and ended the game with a measly 6-10). Towards the middle of the game, Thunder had a 6 kill lead and it looked as if the game was over. But of course, in traditional Thunder fashion, the team choked. This short meltdown was mainly attributed to struck's mindless bomb that tk'd Infrared while we were chasing Crazy Canockout 4v1. To add insult to injury, struck later tk'd byakko in a 2fer that caught Mhz as well, but took the game from 4v2 to 3v2. I didn't help the cause either by catching one of torcher's backwards slow bombs that was poorly aimed, thus leaving the game in a 2v2 scenario between struck's moronic jav, Phrenitis' lag and Mhz's retard bombs along with torcher's Charmin soft javelin. Luckily Phrenitis, fueled by repeatedly being benched in all leagues lag rushed Mhz out of the game. Struck subsequently suicided out mhz out, the only useful thing he did in the last 7 minutes of the match; leaving Phrenitis to do away with torcher's pussy play. All in all, Heist's non-aggressive javelins did them in, despite a VERY soft performance by Thunder as well.

    HOT: Phrenitis. Despite repeatedly trolling him in squad chat, he teamed well and ended with an 11-7 even though this was a poor showing by Thunder.
    NOT: Crazy Canockout with a very soft 5-10, no pushing from this guy at all. And struck for developing trisomy 13 towards the end of the match.

    Penetrate vs. Real

    Penetrate 32, Real 50

    Penetrate: zhou, Lionheart, Peru, Ricko, Trasher
    Real: Rule, 24, Reaver, via, Bill C

    This game was no surprise. Despite Penetrate's players obviously not understanding the concept of daylight savings time and not showing their LJ players, Real went ahead with their headband lineup (minus Rule). Not too much to be said here besides the fact that Rule mvp'd for the first time in his LJ career. If you see this guy flying around the zone be sure to congratulate him and remind him this is one less reason to "tap on a friends window" after a loss. It was good seeing Lionheart in jav again; for a second it was a pleasant reminder of the Sk8 days.

    HOT: Rule 16-9 and an MVP. Congrats bro your first MVP! Have a shot on me.
    NOT: Penetrate, for not understanding daylight savings.
    Also S/O to via for an excellent tk on Rule towards the end. I couldn't have orchestrated it better myself.

    Lego vs. Dice

    Lego 39, Dice 50

    Lego: Mikkiz, Rendered, Sakke, Zizzo, dreamwin
    Dice: Megaman89, waven, Tiny, Cape, Evildeed

    I did not catch a single minute of this game but surmising from the score(s), it probably played out the way I expected it to. Megaman probably stood behind his team and lobbed warbird shots and somehow got 13 of them to connect. Cape was most likely fearlessly rushing around getting extremely lucky with Evildeed standing behind a wall pressing tab occasionally. Also, Tiny 5-10? You ok bro?

    HOT: Hard to say but I'll give it to megaman since I didn't catch this match at all.
    NOT: Sakke with a 3-10. Lego's depth in LJ is non-existent. They cannot afford any of their javs to have meltdowns if they are to turn heads this season.

    hit v. Juans

    hit 50, Juans 37

    hit: crazyfuk, Heisman, LaSenza, Paradise, Tomas Haake
    Juans: Alef Juan, Roiwerk, John Juan, Shadowmere, Slum

    I didn't catch this one either as I was playing against Heist. However, wow. Juans really earned their title of being a mediocre reject jav squad. Early on in the game the score was close with Hit being out matched in the teaming department. However Paradise came through with a miracle performance and really put the team on his back Greg Jennings style (see: youtube video). Roiwerk finally showed for a LJ game and I can only imagine how badly he was running away from his team and not helping, in an effort to replicate baseelim in an LJ setting. Welcome to TWLJ you capri-wearing fairy.

    HOT: Paradise 18-8. I'm sure he was motivated by Heisman's repeated bashing during a skype call earlier in the week.
    NOT: Roiwerk 9-10. Even though I didn't catch this game, I have a great grasp of how this Owl City lookalike javs. I'm sure he didn't help his team one bit.

    Potenza vs. Fierce

    Potenza 50, Fierce 40

    Potenza: Versa, Supreme Authority, Iron Survivor, forces, qpr
    Fierce: Skepsis, Apok, Eelam, Children, Marge

    Unbelievable. After a week 3 (?) win over Thunder, Fierce has not been able to pull it together. Rough was probably absent again this week trying to figure out how SAS (side-angle-side) establishes congruency in geometry. Early on Fierce was playing EXTREMELY sloppy giving Potenza the lead. I believe Fierce had a total of 7 tks in this game which really allowed Potenza to compensate for their lack of raw jav talent. The turning point in the game was when Fierce was making a comeback (bringing the score down from a -8 to -3 margin), and Marge decided to go for a selfish 3-fer on Versa which tk'd Children and Apok. Fierce never came close from there as forces held his ground allowing qpr to stray 14 kills for an MVP. Fierce are you guys ok? Big ups to Potenza for pulling upsets in multiple leagues this season thus far.

    HOT: forces. Though he didn't MVP, he started the game out with a 6-0 run and really held it together for Potenza by luring kills for his teammates.
    NOT: All of Fierce. Along with your sloppy play, I think you guys really underestimated your competition this week. If this kind of play continues, it will really only be a 3 way battle for LJ this season (Real, Dice, Thunder)


    EDIT: S/O to Dwight for trying to follow in my footsteps and writing a HoN for TWLD.
    Last edited by Tsunami; 03-11-2012, 08:44 PM.

  • #2
    good writeup ^_^


    • #3
      have 2 say as a bona fide hipster this is the hippest thing any hipster cud haf written.... i bow 2 u!!!!

      internet de la jerome

      because the internet | hazardous


      • #4
        Diso javving ftw.
        6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

        Originally posted by Dreamwin
        3 league vet


        • #5
          i disagree about qpr, seriously..
          He also got MVP vs lego, he has some skills and his game inst based on strays like you said.
          TWLD 2016 Champion
          TWDTD champion x 3
          Potenza 4 LIFE

